
Rate of Subsc Payable in adva Editor ANGEL GORONAS THE TIMES month. months 12 Single copies.
10 OFFICES: 3RD AVENUE Box 316 CABLES. TIEP For Advertisements, apply to tha Manager DAILY NEWSPAPER ONLY cents silver COPY NO 235 VoL ONLY cents silver COPY Limon. Thursday 7th September 1191 Night of Terror writing type and so was THE TIMES Local News Fable. Aeroplane Flyer Port Limon, Costa Rica (6. HARROWING EXPERIENCE Mr. Charles Grant of the RailOnce upon a time a fond mothFall into the Sea.
road service is still contined to his THE ATLANTIC OF PARTY IN THE er disapproved of her daughter residence.
marrying says Young Magazine. Folkestone, England. MorriISLE OF PALMS.
This was the more awkward be. Bon, the English aviator, while We are pleased to see and know cause the young lady had picked making a flight from here to GOAST STORM. Augusta, Ga. Aug. 29. that the Veu. Archdeacon Robin the young man out. Also he bad Shoreham dropped into the wea.
story of terrible torture suffered son is up on his legs and can walk wealth. And the mother who His engine missed fire while ha on the Isle of Palms by 75 people around town.
was widowed, had not the where was several hundred faet in the was told by one of the refugees withal to furnish her daughter air and to prevent his aeroplane The Atlantic coast was visited vho reached Charleston yesterday Another bauana inspection was with the variety of frocks and from crashing down on the buildevening on a tug, according to a made out the wharf and it ap things which her youthful heart inga beneath him he glided out to by a storm on Sunday and Monday which reached hurricane proneispaper man who arrived here pears that agriculture is not yet eraved.
sea. After getting some way out portions and which did a cousid to day. No lives were lost, al. know, studied. Anyhow the might not object to the man his machine tumbled into the fruit will sell itself.
erable amount of damage, as such though muelt property was de so much, said thy mother a water, carrying the aviator with storis always do. Fortui a ely, stroyed on the island.
evening, if you would only let it. He was rescued unhurt.
the loss of life does not appear to Huddled together in the lobby After the arrival of the me see him.
But here is a man have been very great, although of a liotel, the only part of the Heredia the family of Mr. whom have never set eyes on, building into which the gale Hitchcock, General Manager of and yet one whom you insist on the outlying islands and low coast country have not yet been driven rain did not penetrate, the the United Fruit Co. and himself taking for a husband. dou Character in all heard from. The centre of seventy five guests spent a night took apacial train for the capital.
understand such secrecy!
the storm seems to have passed of terror. The onrurbing waters They are all looking quite well Replied the daughter: If Handwriting over the City of Charleston waere came up over the floor of a pavil. and shows not only to the Boss ever introduced him you insist lion only a few feet away.
but to all who saw, health.
the wind reached a velocity of on marrying him yourself.
ONE WAY OF CHOOSING THRIFniaety miles an hour and where negro sent to watch the waters and warn the people should the tide became so high that may TY WIFE TIIROUGH HER The good ship of the Unite parts of the city were inaudated the flood come nearer the hotel Fruit Company Live and well PENMANSHIP.
by the sea Savannali. Ga. Port never came back. It is not kuown known as the Heredia arrived Indian Prince Dead Royal and Beaufort, aud whether or not he was drowned. at this port. She brought the If you write a small, almost feminine Jacksonville, Fla. appear to have house in which a dozen negro following prsgengurs. From band it may be a sigo that you are destined Hyderabad, British India, Aug.
New servants relt was blown down, be an all within the radius of the to be a great statesman, according to David Orleans. Mrs.
29. Asaf Jab, Nizam Ul Mulk, but all escaped and climbed trees, Hitebcock, Miss Francis HitchN. Carvalho, who finds that small handstorm, but the greatest damage is often characteristic of great men.
the nizam of Hyderabad, and the cock, Mr. Hodder and wife where thy spent the night.
appears to have been at CharlesGrover Cleveland handwriting was of this premier priuce of the Indian emWhen the wind was blowing ton and its immediate beigabor.
and Mrs. Peonry. From William McKinley pire, died to day. Asaf Jah was 90 miles an hour, forcing open Puerto Barrios: Messrs José Alea, hood. In addition to considerable born Aug. 18, 1866, and succeeded You find this type of writing in the property damage in that city, the toe door of the hotel, it required Giacobazzi, Hoar and his father, the nizam Afzulud the men who are brod shouldered and large deckers.
loss of a few lises, the Navy Yard the energies of ten men to close it Daula, on the latter death, Feb. well built, nt perhaps tall.
at that point was cousiderably again.
26, 1839.
If you are a woman and make little pot.
damaged and a number of torpedo me It is quite pleasing to learn wept and prayed and ole mau took a pistol from his that some good has come ont of family of the highest antiquity the latest velties in dress, nor are you apt The late nizamn belonged to a hooks at the end of your final s and e boats were driven asbore, once you are not ikely to spend much money on more demonstrating the unwisdom pocket and held it is his hand. the Liton Friendly and Literary ready to kill hinself rather than and importance among MohamAssociation which is being coa of locating a Naval Station in an to bother to do your hair up in poffs. Inmedan rulers, being literally de deed these little twists on the end of letters be drowned. Dawn gave so ne exposed larbor.
dicted on the profouudest princi scended from the first Khalift indicate that you would make a sensible and While this storm resembled the relief to the terror stricken. Nople of advancing the moral and Abu Baker, the successor of the economical wife. Your delict would be typical West India hurricane in owe can to the succor of the intellectual status of or young prophet The area of the State that you migat embarrass your husband by eccentricity in dress through carelessness.
every respect, it appears to have helpless people on the island er.
of Hyderabad is 82, 968 square slurring Denmanship indicates literary unberalded, just as did the recent cept two young men, who partly has sie wedsd in keeping its mamability. iles, and the population exceeds walked and partly Wam from severe blow in the vicinity of bers together and will celebrate Mount Pleasant 11, 000, 000. The Nizam heir, their first anniversary on Septem. Sultan Ulmak Bahadeur, visited Peusacola. The failure of the It is believed the other people ber 11th. This is a matter quite Government Stations in the West the United States three years Indies to send timely warning stranded on the island will be unprecalented in th historic rescued today.
of these two serious disturbancus ago.
chapters of the young men of this either Warrants the belief that Nviolence was reporte in community, and as good proof of the hurricanes have soinewhat Charlestown last night up until the happiness of their social gathDamaged.
changed their customary routes midnight, although the city was erings the other night there were or that the observers neglected to in almost total darkness. ConPing pong Championship in THE GOVERNMENT SUFFERED send the proper warnings.
This servative estimates put the dam which 9913. Rochery and The e. Aracataca of the contestants als)
ace at a figure close to a million Plich werd HEAVY LOSSES IN THE is a serious matter, as it is of the Elders and Fiffe Line arrived utinost importance to have ade dollars, the principal damage Waist Tomanent unita result CHARLESTON STORM.
showal that M3304. Rock on Monday morning from Jamai.
quate notice of tae approach of ing to the street railway system ca carrying oranges for England.
the docks and the streets. Thous a Ridk we the Masters Washington The storm wnich One of these sturma, so that stipands of windows were broken by of 18978. Narez and Georgmade here and is quite a fine This is the first call that she has the south Atlantic seaboard left its in ping cau take the proper precan.
on the navy. Six torpedo Levy, fying slate roofs and shingles.
tions and people living ou boat comparing favourably with churches con frary feel and to the high up pused stretches of the coast or on dation appears well fitted out and then you shing the heyety nite ale, while take slap the be wrecked. Nestimate of the ciam igre to protect their property.
Roosevelt. Menn. She is under the com can be made of the interruptel telegraphic These West India storins the Well Done. mand of Captain Jones who is service were lost at the navy yard.
usual season of which is Low at well known here having had reThe commandant of the navy yard aphaud, do a great deal of damage New York. Two great meu cent control of the Čairupo pealed for 20. 00) as an emergency fund aloog our Southern coast and the met and echanged views and She sailed with a cargo of banaGovernment has long realized that felicitations when Admiral Togo, nas of about 45. 000 stems.
The Though this amount will not by any means sustained by the navy, timely warning of their approach the Japanese war hero was the Limon has long felt the want wife of our popular Dr. Steggal Acting Secretary of the Navy Winthrop is of the greatest importance not guest of Theodore Roosevelt, rm of one of the Scotland Yard authorized an expenditure of 15, 00 for was a passenger and we wish her the er President of the United States, Sleuths or a Pinkerton of Ameri.
only to shipping and to seacoast work.
urgent bon voyage.
at his home in Oyster Bay.
people but to the agricultural in Tae wireless station of the yard is in.
ca. Anyhow a very smart cap.
terests of the States that border Togo, who sauk the Russian ture and discovery has been made From the details obtainable it is gleaned on the Gulf of Mexico and South fleet at Port Arthur, and RoseB.
that many of the wharves and sea walls Atlantic. It is therefore highly velt, who arranged the puce vices has been fortunately obtain Hundreds Killed by have been almost demolished.
important to know just why tue meeting at Portsmouth, NH. ed by the Unite Fruit Company ing and power wire: are on the ground and walen resulted in the treaty end.
two recent storms reached our the track age of the yard has been blown Typhoon.
Sometime ago we announced a away. The violence of the storm is coast unheralded. If it can be ing the war, had much of interest robbery that took place in the cated by its play with the torpedo boats.
shown that they did not originale to suy to each other.
Commissary of the United Fruit These were strongly factened to the stall.
Victoria, Dispatches re.
in the West Indies, but followed Tue Admiral wa the guest of Company. We are in a position While ceived here say that five hundred like wharves in the inner harb sur.
Boing new and unusual course, it is Mr. Roosevelt al dinner, as their to say that around Westfalia a they are obsolete in design, it was a startpersons were killed in the recent highly important that this one conversation was long and ani. Chimaman, who kemps a shop tpphoon that swept Japanese learn that the bulb piked up ling revelation the navy officers here to vation should be investigated and mated. The Japanese sea lighter was found having lots of the cittas. Great property damage by the wind answept ashore.
arrangements made to place ob. went out to Oyster Bay early in goods which were missing after Major General Leonard Wood chief of was done and ships were piled up servers on more remote locations the day, and was met with every the robbery.
staff of the army, notisel tsat sixteen on the beach by a tidl wave that in the West Indies not nuw cov; evidence of pleasure. The former Our man understands the Cebuildings at Fort Mwalirie, were ered. It is of the utmost couse Presideat was delighted as he lestial claimed to have bought all houses were razed to the ground coast. No casualties were reported and no accompanied the storm Many damaged by the storm on the south Atlantic quence that these storms should characteristically expressed him the identical goods from local relief was asked.
not reach us without proper warnself Assurances of the utmost merchants, but after producing ing. The Picayune. cordiality between the two natio is his Bills of Parcels the sleuth were exchanged, and is is predict. clearly saw that either he com LA GEISHA ed that an arbitration treaty mitted the act or has been an acbetween the United States and complice in the affair.
Japan is certain He was arrested and is now in Genuine spanish wine: the best to Is the best assorted Bar Room in San José. Specialty in Englis hand for the stomac and serves: Imprud safe keaping pending further enSmoke La Nacional cigarettss quiries.
only for JULIÁN PAGAN, front the mer ker. Proof it and you will always drink The best, the cheapest in the coun.
Our next issue will give further Pte.
American drinks Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Navy yard Shipping News.
bots re outlying islands can seek acts Togo Meets The light.
indiin Tokio.


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