
Rate of Subscription Payable in advance Editor ANGEL GORONAS THE TIMES month.
e 00 months 00 0. 00 12 10. 00 Single copies. centa OFFICES: 3D AVENUE Box 316 CABLES TIEMPO For Advertisements, apply tha Manager. DAILY NEWSPAPER ONLY cents silver COPY VOL NO 235 Limon. Friday 8th September 1191 ONLY cents silver COPY THE TIMES Local News Australia is Ready. Alleged Spies Admiral Togo Port Limon, Gosta Rica (G. Mr. Mullins. Gener Arrested.
Melbourne Premier Fisher, al Managor of the Northern Rail interviewed as to the part Ans.
WHITE SPOTS AND road Company, left for New York tralia will play in the event of ENGLISHMEN AND DANE NOISY DEMONSTRATION on the aerelia.
Great Britain going to war with DIMINISHED VISION TAKEN IN CUSTODY WHEN HE LEFT SEany nation, said: The Heredia left for do not wish to mention naines AT KIEL ATTLE, WASH.
White spots on the cornea of Colon taking passengers for Now but we can conceive of a nation York, Colon and in transit for where with Great Britain might the eye are one of the most freKiel, Germany. Two Englishother ports.
qnent causes of dininished vision, be at war. There need be no men and a Daue, who have been Seattle, Wash. Starting on th last leg of bis world encircling muistake abont the attitude of this ruising in the neighborhood of especially in children, but despite Our news man was not in town Government in the case of sneh the numerous cases observed no Kiel, were arrested ou the suspitour, Admiral Togo, homewardau eventuality definite method of treating them yesterday and you will hear what bound, sailed from Seattle on the cion of spying he has to say some day.
has yet been arrived at.
Tamba Maru.
The Englishmed said they were The cruisers West Virginia and The great number of remedies, respectively a professor and a both chemical and physical, which The Prinz August Wil.
teacher of high school, one of Colorado accompanied the Tamba helm is in port. She came early have been recommended sufficient Ecuador.
Maru until she reached interna them also being the cominander was exly indicates that a really effica. yesterday evening as of a company of boy scouts. The tional waters.
Dane claimed to be the owner of When Admiral Togo mountel cious treatment has not so far ppcted.
Guayaquil Heuador. General been found. This is true of the the gang plank he turned and the motor boat.
Trivino, at the head of 800 troops The Schaumburg of the smilingly bowed to the cheering remedy proposed in 1903 by Dr.
loyal to Emilio Estrada, Presi.
Mozet in the form of an applica Direct Line of the Hamburg dent elect of Ecuador, occupied Plymouth, Eagland. After crowd. When he went aboard the tion of lithium benzoate to the American Line is also in port.
been presented admiral saw for the first time the Jipijapa province of Manabi. evidence had Percheron stallion Togo, present.
spots on the cornea.
without resistance. The rebels bearing out the statement of the In 1904 Dr. Lemeignan obtain cricket match was played by ed to him by Fred. Keisel, of public prosecutor in the case of evacuated the town on the aped some results by means of sub sum of those imployed on the proach of the government troops. Lientenant Philip Schultz, the Ogden, Utah. He was greatly conjunctival injections of salt dock and a mixed team of many It is reported that the rebel force interested in the beautiful aniGerman army officer arrested here mal.
water Dr. Sulzez in 1906 treated from the country.
is now disbanding Aug. 19, last, charged with espi.
The demonstration at the wharf cornea opacities by means of elueA new band of outlaws appear.
onage, the prisoner was committed trolysis, phototherapy and radio The pay car of the first Quin ed near San Boroudon, Province for trial.
was insignificant compared with therapy. Electrolysis has given cena al wys bring. Lols of nirth the racket in honor of the Japanof Los Riis, cheering for Alfaro.
ese nobleman along the water but meagre resnlts as regards the and the police were having some After two skirmishes with the front when tbe Tamba Maru, improvement of the weight time in taking some of the disor police the force was dispersed Two Counts Radiotherapy and photo berapyderly.
with Admiral Togo standing on leaving four killed employed subseyuently to electhe bridge beside her commander, wounded on the tield. Ten of the trolysis in a number of cases of in a Duel. moved slowly along through the This week Limon has seen band were inade prisoners. The fected noteworthy improvements many old and familiar faces from harbor. Every vessel in the bay government losses were teu meu of vision.
tooted its whistle and factories on the country parts.
We wish that killed and seven wounded. At Vienna. Count Adalbert von Thiosin amin has been proposed those who can afford will adver the session of Congress a resolu Sternberg and Connt von Karolşi the flats joined in the noiso making.
by Dr. Galozowski for the treat tise in our little paper. Wo tior was passed providing for Ex had a duel with swords near The ship moved south along the ment of white spots on the cornea. offer all attention and will please trada assumptiou of the presi here. Vou Sternburg was wound He utilize a mixture of antipyrine the most fastidious.
water front three miles until she deney.
ed in the forearm in the first aud thiosimamin, which yields a rcund and in the second Von Kar.
cama opposite the heart of the painless and non irritant aqueous olyi suffered a gash on the lefi city, then turnod westward, join solution. It is nsed by beginning ed the waiting cruisers West Virear The duel was the result of with per cent and proceeding Zent.
War Cloud in an insulting remark in the Parlia. ginia and Columbia and proceedto fifteen per cent applied by ed under hair spred out of the ment by Von Karolyi.
means of an eye bath Farm labourers are experienSouth America.
Although generally cansing no inconvenience, this preparation ing very dull times. Many are after a few days treatinent may going to and fro in search of Panama. Advices from Colom The something to do, others are ob produce a slight redness.
Venezuelan bia report the army in that re.
Expedition to use of the medicament is then in liged to keep at home.
to publie has been increased It would be good for all to take terrupted for several days. These Concession.
30. 000 men on account of the difDead Sea.
solutions have never given rise to timely lesson to be careful with ficulties arising with Pern. It is rumoured that a secret defensive Caracas. The Venezuelan Goyme.
violent irritation of the conjunc our little earnings in future, as Perlin. In October of this tiva nor bave they caused any we cannot trust the future. Many and offensive alliance has been has signed a contract with a represen of the Canadian Venezuelan Ore Com ny, are expecting better things for signed with Chile.
yar the German Boc ety for be changes in the cornea.
Montreal, ceding to the company ex loration of Palest ne will send If needs be a few drops of coOctober, but it is doubtful.
Imaraca iron mine which was part of th AK expedition to the Dead Santo The Mon famous Fitzgerald concession caine may be previously instilled, st dy and investigate what is to though in most cases patients do once ex lo The Richest Nation the more on Argo scale. The con ra rded as inarine students as the not complain. These ye baths Found Stone Age with the Government compels the company inost remarkable of inland waters.
should last five minutes and Paris. Since 1818 France has to decpen the bar of the Orinoco River and The expedition which will bun.
shonld givan once or twice a Coffin.
build a lighthouse.
der the leadership of Dr. Ludwig day, according to the anat oL been enjoying an increasing pros Brubi, of the Berlin Royal Instiperity which at the present time the opacity. In the case of chil.
tute for Marine Studies who will dren the same solutions may be St. Petersborg Actonte coffin goes far to establish the republie s, be accompanied by three other employed as instillations, containing a skeleton, food and claim to being the world richest Heat Wave Europeans will start out from The results obtained huve been implements of the Stone has nation in proportion to populaJaffa, and expects to spead sis almost excellent. Out of twenty been discovered in a cave in the tion.
in Arctic. weeks in collecting data as to the Aland Isles. The character of six cases of spots on the cornea in exhaustive According to an conditions and nature of the Dead which this mode of treatment was the weapons and implements in study of French national realth Washington, The revenue cut Sea.
applied Dr. Galezowski obtained dieates they are of a period of just issued in book for the sun ter fleet in Bering Sea reports tha: the u.
a very notable improvement in least 8, 000 13. when the Aland of the combind private fortunes usual heat of the last few weeks has been of France in 1813 was 2, 560. felt in the rctic.
nine cases, a sensible improvement les were submerged, the coffin in eleven eases, while in six cases and its contents having been low 000, 000. Now it is 415, 491, 240. The flagship Bear, sailing hom wird 000. In the last sixteen years the after a three months cru of approximately the condition remained stationary. ered in a depression in the seabed, Genuine spanish wine: the best tonic 10, 000 miles, reported by wirelesy that national wealth has increased at In the majority of the cases, how which accounts for it: wonderful there is no ice in Bering Sea nor along tho for the stomac and nerves: Imported the rate of tllo 500, 000.
ever, the white spots were of loug preservation.
shores of Alask or Siberia only for lui Pavin, froat the mar Such a condi tion has not been observed, kat. Troof and you will always drink standing origin ku.
From the objective poiat of view the results are very definite.
In a The Louvre Smoke Za Nacional cigarettes PaUd. cerveza Pilsenar Extra da weeks the white spot appears The best, the cheapest in the coun Didn Read Ilis RiT ro Castro Hnos. quela hrá seless white and less visible. The ry.
ve id favorita.
opacity does not disappear com pletely, but the luminous rays Daugliter Novel Paris. The Louvre was pass through much more easily.
Sir Russell Reynolds, the late time since the disappearance Ang.
opened on August 29 for the first AMERICAN DENTIST eminent physician, once related 22 of the painting Mona Lisa.
Women Jurors. how he met Thackeray at dinner Every one entering the museum DR. ROBERTO JIMÉNEZ ORTIZ PAINLESS EXTRATIMA Orbce: Hotel Siglo XX downstairs Everything done right. No Hux shortly after the publication of went to stare at the vacant place Todo trabajo se garanza. specialidad en extr. cciones sin dolor Tacoma. The Story of Elizabeth, by his where Leonardo Da Vinci masWash. Thirty four daughter, now Lady Ritchie. terpiece had hung and to discuss worned are included in the venire told Thackeray how much ad the theft.
of 129 jurors drawn for the Sep mired this charmiog no el. LA GEISHA tember term of the Superior Court The police continue to follow very glad. he tell but in this city the municipality of alleged elews.
an form so opin merits, which have crouped up. man. have not reust read carrying an object of a size or a the best assorted Bar Room in San José. Specialty in Englis hand it! exclaimed in great surprise. shape suggesting the picture has til gentleman smoka cigare! No, was the answer. dared been heard of from nearly every of Nacional)
not. love her too much! frontier station in France.
ALICANTE WINE short time one to a few Why Thackeray Re opened.
re8 American drinks Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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