
Rate of Su Payable in Editor ANGEL GORONAS THE TIMES month. months. 12 Single copies.
OFFICES: 3RD AVENUE Bex 316 CABLES TIEMTO For Advertisements, the Manager DAILY NEWSPAPER VOLI ONLY cents silver COPY Limon. Saturday 9th September 1191 ONLY cents silver COPY NO 238 THE TIMES tives Kent and Kahn of Califor Local News. New Mexican nia that the reservations of the Organic Law Port Limon, Gosta Rica (6. Presidio of San Francisco and Railway for Portugal Fort Mason be lonned to the CaliPanama Exposrtion Company Yesterday was very warm and RUSSIAN TREASUTY The Representatives, acting on the barometer though in the shade WORK ON IT TO CONNECT PEOPLE REJOICE OVER THE behalf of the exposition company shows severe intensity 92 deg SANTA LUCRECIA AND PROMULGATION OF THE OVERFLOW and the citizens of the State, said that the grounds available for the One of the passengers who came CAMPECHE BEGUN.
exposition were not sufficiently from Jamaica brought a very fine REVENUE VASTLY EXCEEDS large and that the two inilitary assortment of pigeons. It is quite Lisbon. The Constituent AsSanta Lucrecia, Mexico. The sembly completed its work and EXPENSES HOPE FOR reservations, practically adjoining a while since we suw such pretty construction of the Vera Cruz, were greatly desired. It was said birds of the class.
Tabasco and Campeche Railroad finally passed the bill providing FRANCO GERMAN that the grounds were desired for a constitution for the Portuguese the wrection of buildings for ex The Spanish steamer has been started here. This road republic. The announcement of Legane DEAL.
bibits chiefly of a military chat pi arriver from Ilavana bringing and Campeche, 465 miles, and is will run between Santa Lucrecia the adoption of the constitution acter.
passengers, nails, and cargo for the most important railroad pro asm and cheers for the republic was received with great enthusiSome Paris newspapers which Secretary Stimson said he would this port.
appear to think that Russia has ject in Mexico with the exception and the army and navy.
not oppose such use of the not been anficiently bellicose in of the Southern Pacific line grounds if Cougress authorized it. The Heredia arrived from The Constituent Assembly, bebalf of her ally during the and it is likely that a resolution Colon and sailed with her usual down the Pacific slope.
The concession for the Vera the constitution, has been at this which was organized to draw up Moroccan negotiations with Ger for this purpose will be intro supply of bananas.
many, have started the ridiculous Cruz, Tabasco aud Campeche was daced in Congress Monday.
work about three months. The report that Russia is preparing Mr. Olstein, foretan of the granted by the Diaz Government most serious trouble it met was in grond for another French war construction work on the metallic on May 10, 1910, upon the appli regard to labor matters. The asand that a loar is about to be is.
cation of Prim Wood. The con sembly cut out a proviso giving pier sustained a serious accident sned. Finance Minister Kotovt.
Aero Gun Tested.
struction of the line was financed workers the right to strike.
having one of his legs fractured. Zeff has made a sweeping deaial He was attended to by Dr. Steg.
in Europe, but the beginning of serious riot followed this action of the story of a new loan. Не actual grading work was delayed and the assembly put the proviso says that neither in 1911 noriu FIRES SPELL IN THE AIR gall and subsequently removed 10 on account of the revolutionary back into the bill.
the United Fruit Company Hos.
19:2 13 will Rnesia possibly need 18, 000 FEET HIGHER THAN troubles. The present provisional pital where he still lies.
a loan of any kind.
government has sanctioned the At the beginning of 1911 the HAS BEEN ATTAINED concession and plans are now maOn very good authority we Mivister says he had 310, 000, 000 BY ANY AIRSHIP.
gather that the long felt want of tured for pushiug the construc Flier Shoots Flier.
rubles. or about 170, 000, 000 of the Railway to construet a road tion work very rapidly. When free and nueneatbered cash. The Washington. Final reports from Cartago to San José is nearthe present rainy season is over THE SPEEDY AIRMAN PRIER revenues for the first six months of were received at the Navy De ly completed. It is miles long grading forces will also be put to this year exceeded the estimates partment from the tests at ledian audis put together with very work on the Campeche end of the WOUNDED BY PUPIL, by 190. 000. 000 rubles, or 885, 000. Head with the new aero gun.
000. Thus with over half a mil. They were eminently satisfactory neat steel rails. This will afford WHO THEN TRIES a way to trafic and shows good Campeche with the United Rail The new line will connect at liard rubles of spare money he is The gun was fired at an angle of SUICIDE.
preparing not to isle a loan bat eighty five degrees and the shell ways of Yucatan aud at Santa to pay off some of the Govern.
went 18. 000 feet in the air, ac Lucrecia with the National The school policeman is catch. Tehuantepee and the National terl French aviator who recently London. Pierre Prier, the no.
mont debt. In 1912 he will pay off cording to the estimates of the ording all the little boys. There is 100, 000, 000 of treasury notes nance officers who followed its to be seen a goodly number of there is no rail connection Railways of Mexico, At present 11 from London to Paris, a disaud hopes to be able also to na flight through a telescope. these still about the town smok. tance of 250 miles, io 235 minutes, duce some of the other debt.
It has been settled to the satis ing ana begging for work as shoe portions of Mexica and the States by one of his pupils named Hunot ween the southern and interior was shot and seriously wounded Kokovtzeff says that both faction of the Navy Department blacks. Their earnings are now imports and exports are extraor that the guu can reac a distance put to good use and the moral of Campeche and Yucatan. at the adon aero Ironie Hanot dinarily high. There has been a in the air higher than has been view of it shows that somebody is theu shot himself twice, inflicting large increase in the excise revattained by any aeroplane.
serious wounds.
tobacco, petroleum, sleeping: Prior was talking to Hanot matches and sugar. He expects when the latter suddenly drew a There will be no publie celebra Two Negro Solless vodka to by drank, however, tions this year on the 15th of revolver and fired ut his instrucin view of the unsatisfactory har. Oil Trade tor fle then turned the weapon September as it has been for vest. Among the increases in ex.
some years past.
There will dier Honored upon himself. The reason for penditure in the department budhowever be cycle races in the his act is not known.
gets for 1919 are 50. 000. 000 ru front street and a gold niedal CERTIFICATE OF MERIT bles for the navy department; STANDARD CO PRICE BEwhich one man saw will be given 20, 000, 000 rubles for education AWARDED THEM FOR to the one who wins the 800 yards.
LOW COST SCOTTISH and 15, 000, 000 rubles to peasants There will also be a clown race for land settlement.
COURAGEOUS CONCERNS HARD which will of course give plenty Patrol.
In response to soundings PRESSED of fun to the on lookere. We Isvolsky, the Russian Ambassador CONDUCT avait the programme and likewise at Paris, Russia bas iudicated TROOPS ALONG THE MEXIhat she would be greatly pleased Ediuburgh. The competition the other advertisements, hence The War Department has prowe have not called names.
CAN BORDER ORDERED in the illuminating oil trade in to see France arrange a conven: claimed two negro soldiers tion with Germany for dispnsing Great Britain is keaner than ever.
herors by awarding them certifi. TO OTHER STATIONS.
finally with the Moroccan diffi The Scottish companies find such The passengers by the cates of merit for courageous con Prinz August Wilhelm were: duct. They are privates Tevi culties. She suggests that France difficuity in disposing of their From Colon: Sur. America Abreu, Anderson and John Lyons.
Washington. Orders have gone cede territory adjoining the Grontput of refined oil that they forth for the withdrawal of the man Cameroons if Germany ad. have been forced to sell large Lilian Rothrey, Mr. Clifford, Mr.
Tron Tenth Cavalry, who, military patrol along the Mexican Nid, Ishmael Viato. From Santi according to a statement issued border vauces a Moroccan agreement quantities te the most active comThe Fourth Infantry which will give France practical. petitors.
ago de Cuba: Luis Alvares, Messrs by the Department risked their has been ordered to Cloud Croft, The Standard Oil price is said Joslia Bolivar, Celia ly a free hand in that country.
Pardo From Kingston: Adolf Martin drowning companion after the ves in going to the resone of a New Mexico, to recuperate, and This, Russia, as a signatory to to be farthings, or 94 vunts, a the Sixth Infantry to Arizma.
the Algeciras convention, is ready gallon net, which is considerably Eugenia Hayles Ivy Hayles. latter had sunk in lifteen feet of The troops that were under orFront Bocas del Toro: Carnelia less than the cost of production.
to accade to forth with. It is water.
ders to go to Hawaii and tho Lopez, Maud Fitzgerald, Arcelia thought that Great Britain also This certificate which is au. Philippines at an early date. The favors such a solution of the pres.
Fitzgerald, Otadia Fitzgerald, Luiz thorized by Congress ranks, next From New York: to a medal of honor and carries tended six months on account of order for the movement was exFitzgerald.
ent difficulties.
Curtis Guild, Jr. the new Girl Guide Troop. Mr. Lange, Ms. Lange, Mr. with it a bronze badge designed the manauvres. Weinstem, Siuson, BeneAmerican Ambassador is in Ms.
by Saint Gaudens. It also bringe dict, Mrs. Spiers, Miss The first troop movement for cow on a sightseeing tour.
MOSTRDAL ORGANIZES to the holder per month extra the Hawaiian Islands will be in Spiers, Mr. Hauks, Charles CORPS TO MATOIL THE Bonille. Mrs. Bonille, Frathis month, when the third bat.
talioa of the Second Infantry will ser, Miss Boles and more than BOY SCOUTS.
sail for Honolulu to relieve the For Panama fifty deckers.
second battaa of the Twentieth Montreal. The first troop of ALICYTE WINE Infantry which a returning will Genuine spanish wines the boat tonic take station at Fort Douglas, Canada lay been organised by Cabrera Peña Hnos only for JULIÁN Packs, front the mar for the stomie and Tierves: Imported Utali.
WAR DEPARTMENT CAN Robert Martin, the Maisounenve This haitation will leave Honoket. Proof it and you will always drink scout master who has been in NOTL OAN THE USE OF Pto.
lulu ou September 15.
charge of the Boy Scouts of thie LA CONVENIENCI. MILITARY POSTS.
town for the last thirteen months.
The Girl Guide movement is gimGRAND FANCY STORE LA GEISHAWashington. The War De. ilar to the ecouting for boys.
The two patrols of the Maison We keep a special assortment of Ameripartment is without authority to can and Country made Shoes, Italian Straw.
loan the use of military posts for neuve Girl Guides will be called hals, Stetson and Von Gall felt Hats, In the best assorted Bar Room in San José. Specialty in Englis hand exposition purposes. This de the Kangaroos and the Peacocks, iles, Umbrellas, and fine sospenders. BeatTiul Babies Silk Caps and tirst class cision was rendered by the law using the same calls as the Boy tiek of superior quality goods.
officers of the Department follow Scouts. Miss Marjory Clitton is Stour prices are the lowest in Town!
Oil on us at the premises formerly orecuAmerican drinks ing a request from Representa the secretary of the troop.
pied by The White Store Limon, enne oa Withdraw Military as pay Exposition. Girl Guides in Montreal and in Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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