
Rate of Subscription Payable in advance Editor THE TIMES ANGEL CORONAS month months 12 Single copies e 00 00 00 10. 00 cents OFFICES: 3RD AYENUE Bex 316 CABLE TEMPO For Advertisements, applyt the Manager DAILY NEWSPAPER ONLY cents silver COPY 239 Vor. ONLY cents silver COPY Limon. Sunay 10th September 1191 was Ces VICTOR THE TIMES Local News.
Obituary Preachers for Maduro and Sons.
Port Limon, Costa Rica (G. The Heredia took a large To day. LIMON.
Mr. Carlton, former merchant number of deckers, especially and late Roadmaster of the GERMAN BLUFF. women.
Opposite Market Northern Railway died in the General Merchandize. WARNOT LIKELY TO FOLhospital of the United Fruit Oo. Morning and Evening. Rev.
The Limon arrived with Complete assortment of Trunks, hand affer suffering days from Black Lord.
mails and passengers, also a very LOW MOROCCAN Water Fever bags, suit cases, iron bedsteaeds. All kinds heavy cargo of cement.
ROMAN CATHOLIC. of furniture.
His remains were interred sometime before ten o clock at Camp Morning. Fr. Steppers; EvenMONEY EXCHANGE Mr. Dalzwell, the genial Super. One by the Rev. Lord in presence in. Fr. Liddle.
New York. Acable to the ihtendent of the Zent division, American gold and green backs.
of Messrs. Burke, Mullins. Times from Berlin says there Drafts and cheques on Jamaica, Pana.
was in town, algo Capt. Allan.
Crowle, Marks and a má, London New York, best ates.
goodly will be no war over Morocco.
Germany is putting up one of number of the employees of the Morning and Evening. Rer. BUYERS OF PRODUCE The passengers by the Forci.
United Fruit Company. He is the most gigantic bluffs on re: Limon were. Dr. Beggs Best prices paid for rubber and Cacao.
well known and to his family an. cord. German financiers insist and fainily, Capt. Owen, Mr. aud friends we offer our condolence Agents for New Home.
that war cannot possibly emanate Mrs. Breedy and Mr. Lin.
from the Morocean crisis unless, tou.
SEWING MACHINE. All prices of course, some sudden and wholly Review of inexpected evolationic eruption The Norwegian steamer Via The Panama Canal.
should lead to it.
German Fleet.
tor consigned to the United German diplomacy is maintain Fruit Company arrived yesterday.
ing an ostensible stiff neck and For the last two days the Cule.
Many who watched her arrival uncompromising attitude in deal thonght, from her Berlin. Seldom before in the bra Cut has been in bad shape.
manoeuvres ing with Frauce, but the German history of the German Empire Owing to the heavy rains there that she was disabled in coming Government knows very well that has such a powerful fleet been has been a large movement of in.
the Fatherland was never less earth on the east bank, which brought close together for a review ready thau at the present moment by the Kaiser as was assembled at Swinemunde. Dressed from very popular business gentle caused the bottom of the canal to to court the incalculable risk of man will be starting business in heave up thus, to certain extent a great international conflagrastem to stern in fags aud bunting He very disorganizing the tracks and af1101. Her financial and industrial Limon shortly.
fecting the work of excavation.
the great armada of warships, situation simply will not permit much patronized at one time and There are indications of heavy nel at the mouth of the Oder, stretching across the broad chan it.
the public is awaiting the new slides in the near future. cable from London to the venture, Concrete has been placed at the his review of the great naval fleet, made a magnificent spectacle. In Tribune says the optimism prebase of the piles whict: support the Kaiser was accompanied by a vailing in the press respecting a Dr. Beggs of renown of San the big iron girders in the PR settlement of the Moroccan dithi José has expressed the manner bridge that crosses the canal number of Foreign Royal houses.
culty is not sharea by politeians and great pleasure of his stay in at Paraiso. This concrete will and officiale bere. They are aware the Uuited States and says that not only keep the earth from that the Admiralty is quite prehe feels quite invigorated and washing away from the piles, but The Premier Call and see our assortment of Vjctor Talking Machines, different sizes an dipri pared for an emergency, and that will resume his practice will greatly strengthen the span.
The Home Fleet can be brought It is contemplated in the near of South Africa.
As we have already announced into line at a moinent notice. It future to move the bridge Monday the 11th inst. will see the at Paraiso and build another one is an open secret that there are active begotintione in progress at 1st Anniversary of the Limon further south, towards Pedro Cape Town. The Premier, the foreign Office and that the Literary and Friendly Society the Miguel. The idea is to allow of Gen. Botha, arrived and was ac Russian Ambassador has been public are asked to bear same in excavation where the bridge now corded a hearty greeting from all frequently consulted.
mind as there appears to be some stands. Surveyors have been at sections. There is some specula. Member of Parliament, who thing good in store for thein.
work on this project for the last tion here as to whether he will is watching the situation closely, few days. Panama Journal. carry all his followers with hini remarked last night: Everything Capt. Owen, Wharf Saperin.
in his pronounced Imperialist depends upon Russia, it France tendent and Marine Agent of the view point.
can have military as well as naval metallic pier of the Northern support, the German Emperor Railway arrived on the will not be allowed a victory in Weet Africa which will increase what we can see from his physique Lord Chancellor his prestigt at home and be a that he can take up his duties at Berlin.
source of danger and embarrass.
once more.
for Ireland.
CET ment to the British Empire.
Berlin. Members of the pan.
Limon is getting fatal and of The speaker added that he was VICTOR and London. The Attorney Gener.
German Union held a inass meet hoping for a change of diplomatic late many tragadius of suicide ion de al for Ireland has been appointed have been reported. Yesterday ing an methods by which the German Lord Chancellor for Ireland in a popular Nicaraguan Foreign Office would be forced to ALKING lives manding either Frances complete Mouan your succession to Sir Samuel Walker, recoznition of the Algeciras Act deal collectively with England, took poison and died. Such ochome who died at Dublin on August France and Russi. instead of its or Germany acquieition of simicurrenees are getting very comMAGHINE 13th.
lar rights in West Morocco as mon. When will it stop dividually with each one of them. inauciers ordinarily well inFrauee felaims in the other disformed do not share the apprehe.
Grent amusement was enjoyed triets.
The resolution strangely conNotice.
sion of a war involving the four on Friday evening when the police powers, but insist that ultimately gave chase to a young man and demned intervention in the disThe undersigned begs to inform there will be a settlement, al lady who were riding a tandem pute by a third power. Au inhis numerous customers and MADURO SONS though neither France or Ger bicycle. Although built for two spired article in the Lokal An friends that fifteen days froin many is prepared to accept the the police believes it has an im zieger also protests vigorously tay if they do not turn up at moral look and that such rides against what it terms the uns terms offered by the other.
threatening his tailoring establishment. oppoattitude should not be indulged in after tifiable We als se Watermanes Ideal taken by Great Britain. It desite Don Aasch Store, Limon, Fountain Pens the only Ideal. clares moreover that Germany was their geods will be sold out.
The present construction of the never desirous of obtaining a JACKSON.
new Custom House shows great footing in Morocco and hints that Limon, Sept. 10, 1911. 15 Melbourne. The Common progress under the able manage ths details of an agreement would wealth is unable to supply more wont of Mars Penny and Brow. occupy a long period even sliould than 000 men for its fleet and it We are anxious to see its comple: the French proposals about to be Cabr ra Peña Hnos has become necessary to borrow tion as it promise to add greatly presented by Cambón be genan additional 800 from the Impe to the appearance of the city. erally acceptable to Germany. LA CONVENIENCIA All foreigners are partienlarly rial Nayy interested as this is one of the means of seeing how capitation GRAND FANCY STORE tax is expended.
SOL AGENTS FOR Troops for We keep a special assortment of American and Country made Shoes, Italian Straw The Anheuser Busch Brewing Association Successor to the Isthmus. llle Umbrellas, ar a tine suspendere Ban Budweiser Mr. Balfour. Celebration Tiul Bthies! Silk Cars and a first class tifek of superior quality goods.
stour prices are the lowest in Town!
Anheuser BuschThe Star and Herald says: Oil on at the premises formerly onceuThe best beer that comes to the country London. The World dispied by The White Store Limón, It is stated that instructions have in Korea.
cusses the possib lity of a selecbeen received in Colou to prepare tion of a successor to the Rt. Hon.
quarters for a regiment of soldiers.
LA GEISHA Balfour, and says that the Seoul, Korea. The first anni. They have been ordered to the choice lies between the Rt. Hon. versary of the annexation of Ko Isthmus from the States, but for.
Austen Chainberlain and Mr. rea to Japan was generally cele what purpose is not known.
OffiIn the best assorteil Bar Room in San José. Specialty in Englis hanil Bonar Law, adding that the latter brated throughout the Peninsula. cials here admit troops are coming, by sheer ability, stands pre emi. Koreans and Japanese took but deny any knowledge of the American drinks nent.
part reason. Colon Starlet. Limon. He look wall and from Mass Meeting GAL p. Australian Navy.
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