
Rate of Subscription Payable in arance Editor ANGEL GORONAS THE TIMES month. months 00 00 10. 00 Scents 12 Single copies.
OFFICES: 3RD AVENUE Rex 316. CABLES TIEMPO For Advertisements, apply to to Manager. DAILY NEWSPAPER ONLY cents silver COPY VOLI ONLY cents silver COPY Limon. dresady 13th Sep ember 1191 NO 241 was a she THE TIMES Local News Limon Friendly Limon. Aris for PorPort Limon, Costa Rica (6. and Literary tuguese Revolt Some people around Limon suy To the Editor of the Timos.
that they are well behaved but Association Dear Sir. Limon is not such a from what we saw at the Baptist LATEST THEORY AS TO THE Cnurch Monday night we are pre dull place after all for one to live in. There are plenty of healthy DESTINATION OF SMALL BOY BEATEN BY ONE pared to say it is just the con. Owing to unforeseen circumamusements, take for example, trary.
OF THE UNITED FRUIT STEAMERS SEIZED tances the celebration of the 1st the Young Meu Literary AssoA universary of the above AssoIN ENGLAND.
CO MANDATE OF ciation had to be postponed to tion, the anniversary of which postponed; take stroll The Prinz August Wil Monday the 13th inst.
THE 12 BY 12 around the sea wall and you can London. The latest theory in helm left this port on Monday Members are asked to bear this TYPE.
sev many loving couples enjoying regard to the seizure by the Gor. afternoon for New York via Colon in mind, and in for their friends aud Jamaica. She had a very a sip of Cupid cooling liquid. ernment of the little steamship of the postponement.
On Sunday nights go in the park Foam Queen at Gravesend is that Dies sond off. Among her pas. From what we can gather both and one can enjoy some lovely she was intended to take part in a At noon to day Matina vas in a sengers ware: Mr Insetter and the Literary and Social Prosights. It is our local Coney rogalist plot in Portugal.
state of excitement for a few min family. Divid Cavichoni, Gill gramme promise to excel anything Island.
It is surprising also to The vessel, on which there was utes, witnessing a skirmish be Aragon, Andres DeSilva, Vi of its kind yet held in Limon.
know the amount of West ludians a supply of arms and ammunition, tween a well known banana re quez, Miguel Cespedes, Georga who can play an instrument, viz. and the Arizona, another small ceiver, and a trolley boy from Es. Lines, Dr Marichal, Robert the Harmonium. If you start on vessel which was stopped at Barperauza. This gentleman claimed Fores. Antonio Cervilla, Alberto a stroll from the corner of the row, were supposed at first to be rights of way, although he had it: Morels, Mr. and Mrs. Leonides Per Will Return College to the Baptist Church on intended for filibustering purshowing his authority in gnite an alto. Miss Anestiter, Mr and Mrs.
both sides of the street you can imperative manner. The boy was Lustraoge, Pedro Durier.
poses, as they were cleared for Naval Prize. bear our peaceful citizens indulg Buenos Ayres.
told to get out the way; this canse Felix Moller. Benedict, Mr.
ing in fiue musie, one can help It is known that large remit.
the boy to retaliate, stating that Livingston and family aud Tokia. An official statement but admire th pluck and energy tances have reached London latehe hal as much right to the way servant, Violet Shirley and child.
will be issued announcing the Rudolf Caro, and 31 decker of our friends, from a. until ly from Portuguese royalists in as this Mandate had, besides return to Russia of the one time 11 you can lie awake and en Brazil. Another vessel laden which he was on the switch, and She took as cargos packages Russian bospital ship Angara joy sweet music, In short it is a with ammunition was seized som not on the main. Iinmeliately rubber, 252 logs wood, 21, 000 which was suuk, by her crew at musical epidemic. Lord deliver time ago at Villagarcia. It is this gentleman left his motor, bananas, 230 bags coffee, 513 bags Port Arthur, in November, 1904, us, what next? What with our pointed out that the Minho River, went to the buy and began cuf sugar, 131 bundles hides.
to prevent the vessel falling in the old maids marrying, and our which separates Spain and Portufing him: the small boy was not hands of the Japanese. The ship young married women quarreling gal, is only navigable by vessels this man equal, therefore had to was relloated the following spring and harmoniums a banging, many of the size of the Foam Queen.
help biunself with a fer stones; by the Japanese, converted into of us Aim of China.
will soou go a sorrowing.
though the recipient of a decent an axillary cruiser snd added to Young ladies beware of music New German Liner.
cuffing. Strange that some able the navy of Japan. She was then lessons. am, etc.
bodied negroes stood witnessing renamed the Anegawa and used London. The uet Hamburgthe unequal battle, and through Crry Scott Pekin. The transfer of Prince as a training ship cowardice would not even try to American liner, which is being Suschief of the Naval Department make a separation, but gathered to the Board of dependencies is built in Stettin for the translik crows around the beaten Atlantic service, is to be named taken to mean that China will atboy, telling what they would have the Imperator. She will be done when this gentleman was tempt to develope Mongolia an!
Berlin. Sensation Taiber as well as Manchuria and larger than any craft yet afloat gone. The cream of the joke is, and in her present condition ou convert them into provinces with that whether from being too fat, the object of saving them from in Belgium. toslip at Stettin she presents a or rery proud of the beating he ultimate foreign domination. The CLEVELAND CHIEF OF POL gave the boy, this Mondate poffed Prince visited Mongolia in 1906 The huge vessel appears somsand blowal, that we thought a and made an investigation of its ICE GETTING POINTS Brussels, Belgium. An intense thing like the huge skaleton of Medico woull have to be euman eleven storey skyscraper in commercial and industrial condi sensation has been created among AMERICANS IN INmoned, as he appeared to have courge, of construction, as tions.
the Belgian people, especially been suffering from Dyspoon of FANT CONGRESS.
stands fully a hundred feet high, China is planning to allow thi near the boundary of France and an extraordinary type, or he pos. office of Daini Lama, of Thibett Germany, by the military precauis nearly ninety feet in diameter sessed very powerful respiratory lapse by not authorizing the re Barlin. Chief of Police Fred. tions which the Government has and has a length of 710 feet. Tae organs. We wonder if that gan incarnation of a successor nud so Kohler of Cleveland, Ohio, has Imperators displacemneut will taken.
tleman thought he had achieved to control Thibet without a spent the last weels in Berlin, be 40, 000 tons and she will proA military council was held at a vietory.
He was ligions intermediary, but the rapid Frankfort and Dresden.
vide accommodation for 5, 000 pas.
the villa of Lieutenant General and effective fullilment of this armed with introductions from Hologaup, the Minister of War, engers of all classes.
programme is not to be expected. former President Roosevelt and at which th commandants of all For met various louropean notabilities. the frontier defence and other the ports predict an outbreak at Canton which will be the begin.
American delegates will parti ilitary au brities were prese it. Bolivian Mob ning of extensive revolutionary cipate in the Internatioual Con The Conlonce was called to Maine Dead. incidents in the south, Al Im grus on Infantile Mortality consider mesures to preserve the Attacks Peruvian perial ediet commands th: Viverby which meets in Berlin this month. neutrality o the contry in the event of war between France aud PRESIDENT ORDERED THAT of Canton to ferret out the last Legation plotter with the greatest sareey.
Germany as to prevent the BATTLESHIP BE SENT violation of the Belgina territory by either combatsats, Washington. Bolivian mob by In Event of War.
TO BRING THEIR Great Brita s, should that connattacked the Peruvian legation at try become involved in the conLa Paz Sept. 4, pulled down the REMAINS HOVE.
Mr. Tafi Political London. Belgium is preparing flet. Nothing so far has been shield and sbattered the windows for contingencies in the event of Washington. President Taft disclosed regarding the decision of the building, according to a War Tour.
direcied the Navy Department to between Germany and of the Council telegram received to day from France.
American Minister Kuobles. The proride battleships to convey for The Belgiaus kaow by experiassault seems to have been caused burial to this country the remains Washington. Two interestingence that the neutrality of their by an unconfirmed rumor that of enlisted men found during the announcements were made in country would be very difficult uncovering of the wreck of the there had been a conflict on the For Sale. shington. One was that Presi. to safeguard in such cirentthe frontier between the forces battleship Maine in Havana barden Taft would begin on Saptem sances, and have their fears that Bolivia and Peru as a result of bor. That beautiful cottage with the boundary dispute.
a German invasion would take Mr. Taft had learned througi ber 17 the most important political tour he has yet undertaken.
press reports that the bones of an place in a few hours after an out adjoining lot 200 yards more or The other was that he would atottiver found amid the wreckage break of liostilities. The Belgian less west of Siquirres Railway Stution.
Cabrera Peña Hnos had been sent to this country on tmpt to climb Mount Rainer. Minister of War has given in II. That splendid businses structions for all forts of the board the battleshi) North Caro. Nothing wis said about the em LA CONVENIENCIA lina and that the remains of en ployment of a derrick. The Presi Meuse and around Liege to be site with house of three rooms, listed men were to be returned dort will make 20. speeches in a furnished with men and ammunis 50 yards e ist of Siquirres RailGRAND FACT STORE tion.
way Station. For particulars aboard the collier Leonidas, which six weeks trip through thentire We keep spe al sortiment of American and Country mat. Sane. Itxlian Straw has been detailed to Havana har. west. He will visit every State Plans are being studied for enquire of hits. Stetson an Gul feit Hats, where it is considered that oppo rapid movements and the forts of bor during the work of uncoverE GAYLE Hes, Umbrellus. a tu suspender Beausitios to his re e ection may de Tiul Bas Silk Cais ant first class Namur are being fitted with new ing the vessel to bring back souti fck of superior quality sos.
venirs of the wreck. This was velope.
cannou of the Hotchkiss type.
Siquirres, Box 16, stur pries are west in Town!
Republican political leaders not to the President liking, and Oll on us at the pr troises formerly or scuThe annual manoeuvres of the Lima, Sapt. 13, 1911. 3)
pled by The White Store. món, he at once ordered the Navy Do view the trip as greatly significant, Belgian army will not take place partment to do equal honor to the aud assert that it remains of the enlisted men found important politie il move that Mr.
Taft has made since he became as was done to those of an officer LA GEISHA President.
ALICANTE WINE While in California the President has agreed to break ground Genuine spanish wine: the best tonic Smoke «La Nacionals cigarette for the beginning of the work on for the stone and nerves: Imported In the best assorted Bar Room in San José. Specialty in Englis hand only for JuLIS Packs, front the mar The best, the cheapest in the coun the Panama Pacific Exposition to ket. Proof it and you will always drink ry: be held in San Francisco in 1905.
American drinks Pte.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
OL this year.


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