p. 4


THE TIMES Wednesday 18th September :91)
Dinnon, Costa Rica BSS5089800303033 Breedy Co.
La Mascota Dr Fránc Vegetable antibilious Pills Cotion The best assortment in the country THE GEM La Florida Milk Money Exchange Guaranteed always fresh Open she Eyes Davidson Co.
Just received a complete set of SURE BLOOD LIVER REMEDY Canas Cia. Smyth y Cia dry Fancy Goods Ladies Rain roof Clonis in silid These pills eure all disorders of the stomach, Liver and Bowels SAN JOSE LIVON Umbrellas, Hats Socks, Stockings, we Thusing acting as an alterative on the Blood All specially selected by our Mir, Breedy.
SYMTOMS OF DISORDERED LIVER Loss of appetite, Nausea, who is now in the United States Costimees Pain and dull sensation of the Head, Fullness after Eating, Lack of Energy, with an inclination to shirk physical and mental labor. SPECIAL TERMS Los n! Memory, with a feeling of having neglected some duty.
Wearines, Palpitation of the Heart, Headache, Restlessness at night, Yellow Skin and highly colored urine HERMANS ZELEDON BOTICA FRANCESA Matina SAN JOSÉ DE COSTA RICA STESS9609SGODS 59. 99 OGOS The Best Store in the Town You cannot lose your money Complete Assortment Of Goods Lowest PricesProvisions, Liquors, Dry Goods, Boots, Crockery, Hardware, Medicines Etc. Etc. For the modest Sum of 30 cents will Register your letters 25 cents for Re 20 CENTS 20 CENTS gistering and cents for returning Receipt.
Gonfort and eligance Send me your money for Checks, exchange on Jamaica 11. 00 The most up to date and reliable firm in Costa Rica.
All correspondence handled free of charge.
Foreign Boots and shoes a Spe ciality. July 30v. Mendez PO BOX 155. LAUN The British Pharmacy. at twenty cents per bottle. gives notice to its customers and To be had at The Costa Rica Soda Water Company, th general public that they will Boon be transferred in frontnear the Casa Azul where they and drafts on Jamaica will enlarge their business and THE CHEAPEST AND MOST RELIABLE HOUSE IN Town expect their usnal orders.
The buyers of drafts are well protected by the reliability of the finn. There is absolutely no risk in losing your money. Agent for Limon. Daily Waltham Kes Stone Elgin watches, and Singer Sewing Machines. sell the Iver Johnston and Harrington Richardson Revolvers, Lottery The New Cash Store offers to its numerous customers, a new and complete assortment in Tickets Wholesale and Retail. Picture Postcards and Postage Stamps. the special good as follows: Umbrellas, Parasols. Necktics, Panamá, Felt and straw hats for For Sale.
Ladies, Gentlemen and Children, Lindings, Silk cards, Ribbons, Flags. Ties, Baskets, Jewelry Spectacles of every dewription in gold and plate.
Flowers, China porcelain, Crockery Ware, Enamel Ware, Aluminium, Bohemia glass Ware, ENAMEL SUVER Spoons WITH COSTA RICA VIEWS Lamps and accessories, Furniture, and a great variety of Novelties in articles four ornaments fine dwelling in Cairo situated in the etc. etc. at economical prices.
best business centre, direct in front of Wm Méndez RAMIREZ Port Limon, 191 Ice Grocery, containing rooms, Kitchen and verandah, Cheap for cash. Apply to Representing The Jamaira Mutual Life THOMAS MCLEAN.
166 hectáreas of land BUY YOUR HARDWARE FROM Assurance Society of Kingston.
Cairo Agents for Messrs. Fredk. Leyland and 统一 Cº Ltd sell or change for larm or house in San 90 PortLimon August13. LINE José a first order land in the Atlantic Line, up Estrada, good for banani and cacao cultiva.
Your Grand Chance Regular Saillings from Liverpool.
tion, with a plantation of banana of 35 hectá.
reas what are prorlucing.
Not aving time tn nttend sume. LE REMOVAL 41 There are not Swamps and it is a esplendtd bussiness for the buyer.
Because they are the best and cheapest.
will sell on easy instaliments to any ener The Office OF DR. GALLI GOS For information apply to EDMUNDO GU.
We have the best assortment in Electric Supīlies, Carpenters Tools, getie young man my place of bu ives. Articles for Construction, merchandise, furnitu. e, Best localiTIERREZ. San José. July 10. 30 ty in city, nex door to Co ComAmerican Dentist misory.
Forines y located at uth West of Market Notice.
Bussiness makes money Chll today has been removed to Dr. Miguel Velazquez house, in front the Park, opposite the Un tea MERLI.
Fruit Cummisaly.
Crown and bridge work LANDS FOR SALE AND LEASE. Fitting plates Filins nless extractions. Longexp rienc, ON THE ATLANTIC.
Painable prices. Julio Parties requiring land on either of the above conditions can have same from the The undersigned begs to inform undersigned. have been appointed ageni his numerous customers and too Experience will demonstrate that it is the most powerful for convalescence, friends that afteen days from Dr Villa Haeusler many to mention here. Persoas desirous sol general feebleness and all sickness of breast and lungs, as consumption, bronc to day if they do not turn up at acquiring lands will do well in they wilt kitis, ctc. Jures anaemia, lassitude, stimulate appetite and gives strength his tailoring establishment. oppoPHYSICIAN AND SURGEON first consult me by sending to the follow. irur in erstem. Ask all way for the Stearns For sale at good pharmacies site Don Aaschi Store, Limon, ng address their geods will be sold out.
llas transferred his office and priWILLIAM DALLAS.
BI ck and White Great Cearance Sale. JACKSON.
vate residence to upper floor of Mr. Ricardo Morales. Ice cream bouso near Box712, San Jose At the Gentlemen Furnishing Goods Limon, Sept. 10, 1911. 15 Londres. Hotel Limon, July 12 45 The best Store in the Store, Market, Country opposite to Mr. Mendez Store.
You will find a good lot of fine Only ask for Nestle Condensed milk goods, Shoes, Gro English and French Goods.
For Gentlemen. ceries, Lottery Ready made Alpacca and Drill Suits, Alpacca Coats, Casimir Tickets Pants, Shirts, Neck ties, Under wear, Handkerchiefs, Pyjamas, Can be found ever where Belts Socks, Collars, Riding Water.
85 65 ITS PRICE IS EX. Tailor Pants. Suspenders, etc. etc Cream. 10. 25 For Ladies. Lactus.
12. 08 TREMELY CHEAP. guarantee perfect workmanship Ready made Suits, Waists, Salts. 160 Caseine or albumine. 11. 03 Skirts, Stoekinge, Belts, and a suits are well made and fit to perfectio fine lot of cloth.
For Children. Doc.
Condensed Nestle P. BOX 265.
Ready made Suits, Stockings and Socks.
The Restle milk is FASHION HOUSE. And a good assortment of Perthe richesi. purest and The leading Fancy and Dry Goods spresds, etc. etc. Au from the fumery, Brushes, Laces, Bedthe best to be found Store in Siquirres.
famous store of on the market. large assortment of Ladies Dress ROBERT HERMANOS Wear always on hand.
weighs more than suck of SVEVEY SWITZERLAND No other is so saat San José and at Cost Prices.
any other brand.
Boots and Shoes a specialty.
voury or posesses its Limon, Supt 1911. 15 00000000000000000 Tweeds and Coatings of differen NOTICE colour and its smell.
FOR SALE Hats Hats of latest patterns. mouse colour, Stable Jack, in fine SOLOMON RODGERS. ditconion very young. Fur particulars apply Proprietor Burrell William The daily use of Nestle Condensed Swiss Milk, instead of fresh one, keep you healthy, fortifies you health and preserves you from contagious sickeneszes and diseuses such as tuberculosis, typhus fever dirrhoea Nestle Milk is good for infants and anults.
AMERICAN DENTIST The analysis made by the Board of Healt of the most important latin Republics biss given the following RESULTS: DR. ROBERTO JIMÉNEZ ORTIZ PAINLESS EXTRACTIONS Ortice: Hoteliglo XX Everything done right. No HUN Twin trabajo y varanti pasal en extraciones sin delor Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas de misterio Stearn Wine of cod liver oil 米米 NESTLÉS SWIS. SMES he milk WITZERUD pecially on EN HENRI NESTLE SALE DEPOTS. EASTCHUP, LONDON te downstairs umura y Juventua, USE


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