
Rate of Subscription Payable in advance Editor THE TIMES ANGEL GORONAS month.
e 00 months 00 00 12 10. 00 Single copies 5cents For Advertisements, apply tha Manager.
OFFICES: 3RD AVENUE Bex 316 CABLES TIETY DAILY NEWSPAPER Limon. Thursadly 14th Sep ember 1191 ONLY cents silver COPY 243 VOL ONLY cents silver COPY Mr.
in Wurtemburg. fist bacoming octogen rians.
THE TIMES o clock or 11 o clock, but at 10. 20 early and a korosene lamp which or at 11. 25 o clock, and here we was on the table, being played Defeated Rebel Shimose Dead.
Port Limon, Gosta Rica (6. strike, if the boys only knew it a with by a child ignited. Each critical stage in the selection. If and everyone around gave good Leader Executed. JAPANESE INVENTOR OF a boy is due at 10. 20 and cotnes assistance and succeeded to HIGH EXPLOSIVE NAMED GETTING NEW at 10. 35 o clock we mark him off mother the flames.
There was Therean. The defeated rebel AFTER HIM.
without question. If a boy when no need for the local brigade and leader. Arshad Er Bowleh, was OFFICE BOY. he is looking for a job doesn a very good thing the police blew Tokyo. Masuchike executed in camp this morning.
Shimose, no whistles. Over 400 persons keep his first appointment to the who invented the high explosive dot we don want him.
wer on the scene.
He protested his loyalty to the to which the name Shimose pow. So in one way and another we deposed shah, Mohammed. Ali der was given by the Japanese SYSTEM BY WHICH ONE reduces the number of considered Mirza, to the last.
The Jamaica newspapers some Navy died on September FIRM MAKES CHOICE Candidates to half a dozen, and time ago stated that tliere was a Irom this uumber finally we se wreck of a ship named Alicia Masuchike Shinose was profesAMONG MANY lect a buy and set him at work. bound for Bluefields with 40. 000 sor of applied chemistry. He Aud after all this labor do we of was born in 1859. For several CANDIDATES.
finally get just the boy we want siguient of labourers. Those who Pope Greets years he was superintendent of Well, when we first bagan on this lave relatives and friends will the Aminunition Department of be pleased to know that no one His Brother the Naval Arsenal, and in the About once in so often, said system when we had at last selectmean while completed researches ed our boy we regarded it as set died, also that our good Goveraa business inan, We neeil a now ted aud threw a way all the re mant at home as written informwith explosives.
and Nephew. His compound was adopted in office boy; and then we advertise maining applications, but now we ing same. Our advertisement calls for a 1893 by the Japanese Navy, and boy who cau fill certain require keep that last half dozen letters berats the boy wy have chosen We understand that Mr.
for his services he was granted a monts and conditions. he must of y not stay more than three Robertsou let here last night for decoration and a sum of money.
course be honest and intelligent days, and the hall dozen remains Bocas del Toro, having left his Ronie. The meeting between and of a specific ago and he mit live with his parents, and so on.
ing chosen applications are handy positioa as Mandador of Bearsem Pope Pius and his brother Angelo Dust Farm It will be remember Surto who broug! his nephew Russian News.
We want a good and capable bor. from which to make another selection.
and we state our requirements es.
ed that Mr. Robertson lost his from their home in Grazie to be wish there was some way of plicitly.
wile some time ago, and this to confirmd by his boliness, was St. Petersburg. Another Im We don ask the boy to come getting boys in several to under gether with other affairs has toaching.
perial wedding took place here that there never was a time in the made him decide on taking a vaAngelo, although two years here but to answer by mail: and when the Princess Titiania Con world when there were such cation for a while at least ol ler, on being ushered into the we may get a bundred answers.
cliances as there are right now From these we reject at stantinava, daughter of Grand Robertson is brother of Mr. apartments of the pontiff, was Once Duke Constantine Constantinofor honest, intelligent boys ready Robertson, who is acting superabout to kneel and kiss his haud, those to which there is some ob.
jection We rejeet letters that to go in and work and keep work intendent of Banana River du when th: pape prevented him and vitch, was married to Prince Coustantine Bagration Mukhrusky.
are addressed with the envelope ing faithfully. For all such boys ring Vr. Veitch absence on va embraced hitn tenderly.
The Emperor blessed the bridal The brothers remained together there is sure, certain advance the upside down, those with eations lately. We wish him good pair.
for about an hour, and on leaving stamp on the wrong end, and we the pope room Signor Sarto said There is a bill pending in the may throw out those with a stamp he hal found the pontiff in a Doama to provide 500, 000 for pnt on carelessly at the right end.
the benefit of Prince BagrationWe don want a careless boy.
Earth Shock most satisfactory con lition of Local News bose Mukhrausky, health, alling that they were ancestors We throw out also letters ad.
left anliquidatel claims against dressed with a lead pencil. As the Russian Treasury for surrento the hand writing it is not pec: The Joseph Vaccaro left dering the throne of a minor Cauhaps so essential as it once was for New Orleans taking bananas. Stuggart, Wurtemburg. casian principality that it should be excellent, this moderate, though prolonged earth Bluefields Editor An imperial ukase was issued due to the very general use nowa.
Mr. Charles Pringle, contractor shock was felt in this vicinity.
recently granting al but grand days of the typewriter, but the of labourers from Nicaragua, ar ducal members of the imperial writing must be clear and ligible rived here and intends going to in Irons family the privilege of contractand the spelling correct.
the States and afterwards to Jaing marriages outside the reign When we bave conie to open maica.
ing house the letters we reject all that do not take notice of all of the ad.
AND GOVERNOR MAY BE The small boys of United vertisement conditions. We Fruit Company lad quite a little BOUNCED Preacher Fought require, for instance, that the amusement yest day afternoon. Cardiff Five hundred negro boys answering shall also send a One had it in for the other and seamen al e destitute here and are Blue fields, Nicaragua. Be Polygamy.
letter from one or both of their after Jack Johngo. blow was subsisting on free meals.
cause of alleged political activity, parents, preferably from both.
delivered resultel in a black The increase in help will en Carlos Bravo, editor of El Dia SO WILD NATIVE ADMINUsually as matter of fact we get able eye Boys dont fight.
the owners to man their rio de Bluefields. together with with the boy letter one from the ISTERED DOSE OF POISON.
his brother and Santos Abella, a ships with whites, mother only. All lead pancil let The American negro who was former official of the Customsters wo throw out and also all letarrested on Sunday afternoon for house were thrown into prison.
Georgetown, British Guineaters written on the latter lieds of Thy were placed in irous aud The Rev. Davis, superin.
concerns with which the writers. will sen io tbe interior aboard the tendent of the British Guinea may now be employed. The boys say later whether he is compli.
govtrument gun boat San Jacin. mission of the Seventh Day Admay not kuow or they may be ventists, wbóse death at the hands cated or is in collision with the realize that they have no right to affair.
It is charged that Carlos of natives in the interior was an.
use the firm letter paper for Newcastle on Tyne, England. Bravo, editor of El Diaro denounced, was poisoned.
their personal uses. but they Letters left by the missionary Blue ields, was responsible for At St. Mark room another fine By a half a million votes to 95, 000 ought to know it.
having sent out a little more than give in detail the circumstances We may eliminate the boys and Ping pong wire indulged in.
evening was enjoyed and Whist the Trades Union Cougress, How of the crime. It is understood in session here rejected the pro a fortuight ago the story to the who live at too great a distance.
On the Whist Mosgrs Orane posal for the organization of a effect that President Diaz had that his campaigu against the They inight get here all right, but practice of polygamy exasperated turned the government over to and Ruddock, the indefatigable citizen army.
they would want to get away on two gave a good licking to General Enis Mena, bis minister the natives.
the minute to have time to get Messrs Rivers and Rothery.
of war, and that by so doing he ho ne, or to put it in another way The result showed to committed an act calculated to we might not want to keep them ALICANTE WINE late. The boy ought to be not Quite a pleasant evening pass.
thea existing in Niearagua.
Genuine spanish wine: the best tonic only willing to devote himself to for the stomac and nerves: Imported Auother evidence of the inteied off aroual town and try of TOTAL NUMBER OF DROWN.
his work but he ought to be so only for Julián Packx, front the marour subscrib yrs took part. ΑΙΙ mal disturbance which has been situated as to be able to do this ket. Proof it and you will always drink who enjoye1 themselves feel parED 32 VESSEL STRUCK exp cted to break at almost any Pre.
comfortably. It is important that ticularly amal at the vendition mom nt has come in a clash beROCK a boy should live within coave of Miss Weeks two solos. Bravo.
tece en President Diaz and GovernCabrera Peña Hnos nient distance of his work.
Lima, Peru. telegram reor Leopold Rosales, of Bluefields. Then we drop out the letters that are long aud flowery. LA CONTENIENCIA It is Nicaraguan tug bout samed ceived from the purser of the President Diaz, it is said, asked lice arrived and sailed out Chilean steamer Tucapel, which for Governor Rosales resignation, unfortuuate that som boys think again. She is under scoot orders, and the latter emphatically dewas wrecked near Quilca, says GRANT FANCY STORX that such a letter should be of Not Revolutionary. She was clined to vacate the office.
that the total number of persons We keep a special ertinent of Ameri elaborate phraseology. What is chartered by Mr. Pringle and drownel was thirty two, including can and Country mal Shoes Italian Straw really required is a hats, Statson aid. Von 11 felt late, simple, louka five. We only want to send Ies, Umbrellas, ant ne suspenders. Beauthe emptain. Niny others were straightforward, direct letter that Tiul Babies Suk Cusant Hirst class some enterprise which would deshows at the same time care by savel. The Tupel, during a Snoke La Nacionals cigarette tick of superior quality is stour prices are the lowest in Town!
veluje business to obta u one like heavy fog, struck an uncharted The best, the cheapest in the coun giving attention to every requir. her.
Oll on us at the premises formerly occument and condition.
ledge of roek ty pied by The White Store. Limón, The Tuca pel grounded on an Now we have maybe 49 per Limon seems to be destined to unchartel stretch of rocks. At cent of two letters left, and out Fire and last night what ocingthese we pick the most promis curred would have left in ny sorthe time a heavy fog prevailed.
LA GEISHA of do:an anl to the writers of Latest advices confirm that the rowing and begging. careless vessel is a total loss. Along the.
these we write, making appoint woman who resides on the uppet drowned was the captaia of the ments which we spread over to fat of a building facian José ste imer. The saved are now on In the best assortel Bar Room in San José. Speciulty in Englis hand days, with an odd time appoint. Leon and popularly known a mint for each, not at say 10 fasty corner went to sleep very Maipo.
the way to Calluo on the steamer Negroes Starving in breaking the bank of San José Reject Citizen Army Proposal. o.
Sinking of Tucapel. disturb the peaceful conditions American drinks Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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