p. 4


Thursday 14th September 1911 THE TIMES. non, Costa Rica WESS SSSSoses Maduro and Sons.
La Mascota IMPERIAL EMBROCATION The best Remedy for the worst Pain. Canas Cia.
SAN JOSE E Smyth y Cia LIMON The best assortment in the country LIMON CR Opponite Market. General Merchandise. The best Liniment for all Diseases that require an external Complete sortment of Trunks and application of a strong and antiseptie counter irritant.
haps, suite, iron bedsteeds All Linds of furniture MONEY EXCHANGE Equally as Eficatious for Animal as for Man American gold and green bach Manufactured by Drafts and cheques on Jamaica, Pana HERMANN ZELEDON.
má, London New York, brate BOTICA FRANCESA, BUYERS OF PRODUCE San José, Costa Rica Best prices paid for rubber and Cacao, Agents for New Home You cannot lose your money SEWING MACHINE. All prices THE GEM Matina The Best Store in the Town Complete Assortment of Goods Lowest PricesProvisions, Liquors, Dry Goods, Boots, Crockery, Hardware, Medicines Etc. Etc. 20 CENTS 20 CENTS La Florida Milk For the modest Sum of 30 cents will Register your lotter. 25 cents for Registering and cents for returning Receipt.
Send me your money for Checks, exchange on Jamaica 11. 00 The most up to date and reliable firm in Costa Rica.
All correspondence handled free of charge. Mendez.
POROX 155 LINU Money Exchange at twenty cents per bottle. To be had at The Costa Rica Soda Water Company.
and drafts on Jamaica THE CHEAPEST AND MOST RELIABLE HOUSE IN TOWN The buyers of drafts are well protected by the reliability of the finn. There is absolutely no risk in losing your money. AGENT for Call and see our assortment of Vjeto Waltham Key Stone Elgin watches, and Singer Sewing Machines. Talking Machines, different sizes and pri. sell the Iver Johnston and Harrington Richardson Revolvers, Lottery ce Tickets Wholesale and Retail. Picture Postcards and Postage Stampe.
Spectacles of every description in gold and plate.
EXAMEL SUVER SPOONS WITH COSTA RICA VIEWS Méndez Guaranteed always fresh Open she Eyes VICTOR The New Cash Store offers to its numerous customers, a new and complete assortment in the special good as follows: Umbrellas, Parasols. Neckties, Panamá, Felt and straw hats for Ladies, Gentlemen and Children, Lindings, Silk cards, Ribbons, Flags. Ties, Baskets, Jewelry Flowers, China porcelain, Crockery Ware. Enamel Ware, Aluminium, Bohemia glass Ware, Lamps and accessories, Furniture, and a great variety of Novelties in articles four ornaments etc. etc. at economical prices. RAMIREZ Port Limon, 1911. Breedy Co.
Just received a complete assortment, of dry Fancy Goods.
Ladies Rain Proof Cloaks in Silk, and Cotton.
Umbrellas, Hats, Socks, Stockings, etc. 1, sprcially selected by our Mr. Breedy, who is now in the United States, 166 hectáreas of land sell or change for farm or house in San José a first order land in the Atlantic Line, up Estrada, good for banana and cacao cultiva.
tion, with a plantation of banana ot 35 hectáreas what are producing.
There are not Swampe and it is a esplendtd bussiness for the buyer.
For information apply to EDMUNDO GU.
TIERREZ. San José. July 19. 30 Because they are the best and cheapest.
We have the best assortment in Electric Supplies, Carpenters Tools, Articles for Construction, GET SPECIAL TERMS No Stearn Wine VICTOR and 1ALKING liver MAGHINE of cow liver vil your LANDS FOR SALE AND LEASE home ON THE ATLANTIC.
Parues requiring land on either of the above conditions can bave same from the Experience will demonstrate that it is the most powerful va convalescence undersigned. have been appointed agen!
general feebleness and all sickness of breast and longe consumption lorone in several sections of the lines which is too kitis, etc. ures anaemin, lassitude etimolnto. pretir od gives AT many mention bert. Perso desirous oi janr te vetem. Ask all why for time with good paari acquiring lands will do well it they wilt MADURO SONS first consult ine by sending to the follow ng address Bl ck and White Great Cejarance Sale.
Gonfort and eligance WILLIAM DALLAS.
At the Gentlemen Furnishing Goods Box712, San Jose. The best Store in the Store, We a sell Watermanes Ideal Limon, July 45 Foreign Boots and shoes a Speopposite to Mr. Mendez Store.
Fountain Pens the only Ideal. Market, Country ciality. July 30v.
You will find a good lot of fine LES REMOVAL goods, Shoes, Gro English and French Goods.
For Gentlemen. The British Pharmacy The Office OF DF GALLEGS ceries, Lottery Ready made Alpacca and Drill Suits, Alpacca Coats, Casimir gi. es notice to its customers and American Dentist Tickets Paots, Shirts, Neck ties, Under th beneral publie that they will Fort erly lo atid stutt Westfirkt wear, Handkerchiefs, Pyjamas, soon be transferred in fronthas bien removed to Di. Mague quer Belts, Socks, Collars, Riding near the Casa Azul where they house, in front the Park. opposite the Uniteo Fruit Commissary Tailor Pants. Suspenders, etc. etc will enlarge their business and Crown and bridge work For Ladies. expect their usnal orders. Fitting plates. Fillings. guarantee perfect workmanship. Inless) extractions. Long experience.
Ready made Suits, Waists, KIRKPATRICK HNOS. Painab e prices. Juio suits are well made and fit to perfectio Skirts, Stockings, Belts, and a SOLE AGENTS FOR fine lot of cloth.
Limon. Daily The Anheuser Busch Brewing Association HUTCHINSON.
For Children. BOX 264.
Ready made Suite, Stockings «Budweiser and Socks Anheuser Busch For Sale.
FASHION HOUSE. And a good assortment of Per The best beer that comes to the curry. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON The leading Fancy and Dry Goods spreses, etc. etc. All from the fumery, Brushes, Laces, Bed fine dwelling in Cairo situated in the Dest business centre, direct in front of Wm.
Has transferred his office and priStore in Siquirres.
famous store of Lee Grocery, containing rooms, kitchen vnte residence to upper floor of Mr. RiA large assortment of Ladies Dress and verandah, Cheap for cash. Apply to cardo Morales. Ice cream house near Wear always on haud.
ROBERT HERMANOS Londres. Hotel. at San José and at Cost Prices For Sale.
Boots and Shoes a specialty.
Cairo Limon, Sept 1911. 15 That beautiful cottage with 90 Port Linon August 13, Tweeds and Coatings of differen NOTICE adjoining lot 200 yards more or Texture.
less west of Siquirres Railway Notice FOR SALE Station Hats. Hats. of latest patterns. mouse colour, Stable Jack, in fine II. That splendid businses Your Grand Chance SOLOMON RODGERS, ditconion very young. Fur particulars apply site with house of three rooms, The undersigned begs to inform his numerous customers and Proprietor 50 yards cast of Siquirres Rail.
Burrel Wiliamay Not aving time to attend same. way Station. For particulars, will sell on easy instalments to any enerfriends that fifteen days from enquire of getic young man my place of business, to day if they do not turn up at merchandise furnitu. e, Best locali his tailoring establishinent, oppoAMERICAN DENTIST C. GAYLE ty in city, ner door to Co Com site Don Aasch Store, Limon, misory.
Siquirres, Box 16, DR. ROBERTO JIMÉNEZ ORTIZ Bassiness inkes money Call today their geods will be sold out. JACKSON.
Orbice: Hotel Siglo XX downstairs TAILASS EXTRACTIONS Everythingdone right. No Huy Todo trabajo 39 garantiza.
Limou, Sept. 13, 1911. 30 specialidad en extracciones sin der Este documento es propiedad MFBibilhidea Nacional digier Spiegezho al8s191donalbe Blois Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Dr Villa Haeusler


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