
Rate of Subscription Payable in advance Editor ANGEL GORONAS THE TIMES month months 00 00 00 10. 00 12 Single copies Scents OFFICES: 3RD AVENUE Box 316 CABLES TIEMPO For Adrertisements, apply La Manager. DAILY NEWSPAPER VOLI ONLY cents silver COPY Limon. Friday 15th September 1191 ONLY cents silver COPY 43 COLD AIR Reciprocity.
THE TIMES with sick soldiers in the summer of 1864 and 1863 that if they Local News The Pope Sisters. China may Port Limon, Costa Rica (G. were stopped off at Washington or Baltimore it was exceedingly The Pope sisters, who are nor.
Up to a late hour we were iu sing him in his illness, live in an Chop Heads.
difficult to keep themi alive, and an effort was made to rush the formed to expect the San Jose unpretentious flat in Rome. They Pekin The dissatisfaction in hospital trains ou to the cool in the aftertioon once told a visitor who asked Mongolia, where the princes and IN HOSPITALS. spots of New England. If we them how they addressed their religious hordes Tlie sis. Parismina is in port are uniting have another war the hospitals brother, that when other people against the Chinese develop:nent we will give the IF ARTIFICIAFLY PROVIDED must be established in the cold and later on were present they used the fort al and Chinese colonization schemes, North, and those in the South names of those who came by hier, term your Holiness, but wh now seems to embrace also of those who sailed.
Tibetan MANY CURES MIGHT must be mere collecting points unthey were alone with him they and Russian Buddhists in the supRESULT, IT IS less they are artificially cooled called him Giusseppe and some port of the deposed Dalai Lama Horse races passed oft yesterand protected from light.
times Beppo or Beppino.
of Tibet.
DECLARED day at Guapiles and continues The Pope name, Giuseppe to day. Many old turlites are inRussia appealed to by the MonSarto, is the Italian for Joseph golians for protection against the It is amazing that the medical terested and we wish the favour. Taylor, and the endearing names Chinese, has refused to comply profession has made so little thera. General Inforite cracks success.
used by his sisters are the hum. with the request, but her attitude peutic use of cold producing mable Joe and Joey. Sisters of a creates uneasiness here.
chinery, as it is many years since Limon has very nice stores and mation.
it was discovered that there is we always like to see the display Pope are usually created countRegarding the situation in Sze 0898. Pius thought it unsuit Dhuan province where the people some mysterious therapeutic virof fiueries, especially ladies hats tue in the breathing of cold air.
Today is the 15th of September and embroideries.
able to confer this rank on his have risen against the railroad We want our sisters, and they themselves pre projects, especially the Szechuau.
Consumptives, for instance, and from what we can gather readers and friends to continue adfer to remain simple peasant wowere found to improve in winter threra will be the following: vertising 2013 Haukow project, Sheng Hsunmea rather than assume a rank to Huai, wlio is the strong man in but not in summer, and they inade At 30 a. Gathering School which birth has not entitled the Pekin Cabinet, however, is extraordinary progress toward res children. march to Vargas Park, Wo su one of the last three them.
orderinh only the the arrest of covery where the temperature was singing National Anthem, Lee sufferers of the late Moin wreck the ringleaders of the rioters and far below zero while in bot ture on ladependence, nl play and he told us that his arm is this is expected to terminate the climates the rapid mortality is ins Saluting the Plug and sing still in a dangerous fcondition and Famous Detecdreadful opposition to the railroad.
ing in honor.
Then came the startling uiscov. Rofreshments for children at fortunate two remaining.
tive Dead.
ery that in many respiratory dis. Sports Grounds.
eases, particular the purumonias Cricket Match. For those The Sarnia is expected For Sale.
of children, cold air was almost a above the fifth Standard. Colors this uvening or early to morrow Pari. The death is announcspecific even when both lungs to be worn are. morning. The brings passengers, ed of Armand Cochefert, a former 75 heads fat Steers. Apply to were greatly involved and death Green. Suta. Eleda Veysett mails and cargo from the States, not chief of the detective ser DONALDSON, was certain if the patient was Raquel Jalet.
Haiti, Jamaica and smiler ports. vice of Paris. was born in kept indoors in a warm reu Yellow. Snta. Celina Fernan. She is expected to bring plenty of 183. Cochefert played a pro.
La Cabaña, Linea Vieja In the winter we ri; up rooms dez, Edalee Prieur.
min ont role in the Dr yfus trial.
Limon, Sept. 15, 1911. v.
on the roof or veranda for the In the afternoon Oyele Races He was Chevalier of the Legion benefit of the cold, but in sum from the Post Office to the Olnb The market reports show fa. of Honor.
mer we hold up ogr hands help. Adantida west of the market. vourable results only one thing For Sale.
lessly aud let the sick die instead Tue following athletes will be that there is allowed very obscene of creating the cold air tiny need. taking part in the cycle events. language which is frequently Britain Approves One mile and two horses, good We give them cold storage in the James Pailips, Fails Alvarado. used, not only by purchasers, but for any class of work. Apply to morgue after they are dead in Carlos Manuel Fernandez, Maunel froin vendors therein, especially RICARDO MORA stead of keeping tbe:n alive by Rodó, Fazit Jalet Alva Robart the beef sellers.
B01, Roberto Suneho, Ernest Portsmouth, England. The Limon, Sapt. 15, 1911.
There is no earthly reason for Grant, Julio Playa, Gabriel Piuer Limon is a waiting tlie finish of feature of the meeting of the Brithis helplessness, when it is such ez, Enrique Mora, Miguel the new Theatre near the Hotel tish Association was a paper on Cabrera Peña Hnos a simple matter to cool the air of Xironacho, Joan Al. Willie Londres and although pleasure the subject of reciprocity between hospitals. All that is needed is Allen Hukuls bave got their money the United States aud Canada LA CONVENIENCIA a steam coil or radiator in which Football Match 1st Team: back from the shows held at Ar.
read by Charles Mallet, excold brine circulates instead of Captain, Cecilio Mekar. Parasty Hall would care to see Financial Secretary to the War GRAND FANCY STORE hot water. Instead of radiating dilia Morales, Caballero. very inany improvements in the Office and former member of Par.
We keep a special assortment of Ameriheat it is an absorber, and the Johnson, Campen, line of Music, Literature anl Art.
can and Country male Shoes, Italian Straw liament for Plymonth. Mr. Mallet hits. Stetson and Von Gall felt Hats, air forced around the pipes may Leon, Evans, Narcott, Has, Umbrellas, and fine suspenders. Leaube cooled to any required degree. Caballero, Muo.
We promised to give the name strongly approved the Canada :Tiul Babies Silk Caps and a first class American agreement and decided tifek of superior quality goods.
Calculatious show that what is 2nd Team. Captain Octavio of the gentleman who has been the suggestion that it would lead etour prices are the lowest in Town!
described in the trade as one Oll on us at the premises formerly occu.
Acevedo and Russell: Spen appointed in lieu of Mr. Von to annexation died by The White Store Limón, kilowatt ammosia compression cor, Wilson, Retoria, Seribar late of the Northern Rail.
set is sutricient to redace the. Wiater, Maroto, Bazou, way. Well we are pleased to say teroperature of all the air needed gemaa, Jalat, Daley. that Mr. Carvondylus been HOTEL OF SAN JOSE.
to reptilute a twelve bect ward Judges: Clifford Beus und mado General Bridga Foramin.
from 95 degrees to 55 degrees. Aquiles Gabon He was sometime ago associated This equipment can be installed with Messrs. Penny Brown.
ou a base ten feut share. The pumps an fans being run by elee.
SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA and the ammosia which may leak out will not annoy if the apThe Sunday School of the VAST AREA INCLUDED IN The best and most comfortable habitation in the city. First Class paratus is in the basement Banana above named Mission, SUBMERGED DISTRICT The air is damp when it leaves Meals. All services guaranteed.
River Division, is no preparing OF CHINA the coils, but it warms up en route JOIN GILLIES, to the room or can be warnter so for its Anniversary to cothe off on Washington. The enormity Manager.
as to be delivered day. The coils Sunday, 24 Sept. The organist and acting teacher, Mr. Thomas, and horror of the famine situa.
of conise drip moisture deposited from the air as it is cooled and is hard at work in the prep tion confronting China caused by a ration.
cannot be put in the living room.
We are anticipating the Yangsteklang river floor, was The air should be delivered near a grand and enjoyable time so far officially reported to the State Do the foor and the escape valves as one cau judge from the pieces partient by American Consul under practice General Wilder, at Shanghai, and put at the ceiliug for the warmed The beautiful Dancer The one is a large one and the question of tendertug Red impure air.
The details can be worked out we shali be glad to see many faces Croas assistance is under considat our universary on the day eration.
by any engineer or architect who fi sed. We therefore take the op The entire territory between knows how an very short expeHankow and Shanghai a dis.
rience will show how to keep the portunity of giving our invitation al die antara axpasting to see tance of about 600 miles has room at any required degree. We been overflowed. Cities and towns ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON THE GREAT FILM can defy the death dealing hot many are under water, many dwellings season, particularly in the case of the sick Labies now slaughtere OF GEORGE being entirely. bmerged. Con CORONATION ditions among the people are disby every hoteli Por every Poor Emma Again. trosaing, and a fanno threatous ON SUSDAY: Burial of Mr. Bertheaux, Minister of War in France.
slight reduction of air tempera ture by siornis in the tropics, Unless the tide of the langtseThe poor woman, Emma wilo The best Moving Pictures in the World, have no doubt that if all tropi is not wanted by the police was kiang subsides, it is believed that conditions will become far worse.
cal hospitals were so equipped again drunk and the filthy lat.
LA GEISHA the record of cures would be sav. guage that escaped her lip was eral times what they now are and abominable. This creature of.
the homegoing stream of invalids misfortune is very often provoked Genuine spanish wine: the best tonic enormously reduced.
and when compared with Greenfor the stomac and Lerves: Imported in the best assorted Bar Room in San José. Specialty in Englis hand only for Jou Page, front the mar Pe have been informed by a phy Oid Hag from Siguirres, diskel. Proof it and you will always drink sician who had much experience play nothing short of uastinesi. Pro.
Fifty yards from the Central tricht terus me to bother Philadelphia News. Cities Under Water.
ARRASTY THEATRE Pepita Sevilla ALICANTE WINE American drinks Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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