
Rate of Subscription Payable in advance Editor ANGEL GORONAS THE TIMES month months e 00 00 00 10. 00 cents 12 Single coples OFFICES: 3RD AVENUE P0. Box 316 CABLES TIEMPO For Advertisements, apply La Manager DAILY NEWSPAPER Vor his age.
ONLY cents silver COPY Limon. Sunday 17th September 1911 ONLY cents silver COPY Nº 244 THE TIMES cigarettes a day which are allotted The Fiesta Local News Finland Fights Port Limon, Costa Rica (G. eighteenth birthday.
The Fiesta passed off very Partition, Look ont this week for what The health of Prince Henry quietly. We did not see the continues to cause anxiety. The THOUGHTS ON usual amount of dirty and hap the City Scout will be saying experiment of sen ling him to He knows what he is doing.
Helsingfors, Finland. The citipiness as on sueba day in past school at Broadstairs has resulted z40s of Nikolaistad, the chief SNOBBISHNESS.
years. We wondered that the The Sarin e rat rap caught in an improvement, but the gain town of the government of Vasa. Parismioa would haye got in strength is hardly rapid enough have addressed a letter to Goo.
on her voyage over 24 rats and There is a more subtle form despatch on account of the day.
her seainen a shark over five feet to satisfy the royal physicians. It Langhos. Secretary of State of of snobbishness says a writer, The children who assembled at is hoped, however, that a quick long Fiolaad, asking what step3 Finwhose words are worth hearken a. ro. were disappointed through change for the better will come land representative of the threon inz to, in a popular English wo rain not to bave gone through the Many Digglers were disapduring his holiday sojourn in the has taken to avert the terrible man magazine, that its crudest first part of the programume. Any Highlands.
danger of partition which is agiform of money worship and that how Julius Pluvios permitted pointed by not being able to re.
Prince Henry lack of vigor is tating the country. In various is the class of snobbishness which them their pleasure at one o clock, csive their usualsupply of ground because he is growing too fast for parts of Finland movements have people feel, and which makes when they narched to the Park provisions.
He is the tallest of the been started in protest agaiust them differentiate, quite illogi and sung the National Anthem The Senestad Norwegian ing of a fina, handson lai. Hu King sons and be bas the mak the bill, approved by the Empecally, between various callings. aud iively aire. After that part ror, which has been submitted to Why is it, for instance, that a wrs finished they inarched to the coal tramp arrived with a consigncontinued weakness does not seen ment of coal and materials for the the Duma, cutting off Kivenebe certain class of snobbish people Sports Ground and enjoyed reto affect the Prince lively dispo and Nykirka parishes from WiNorthern Rai way!
accept a fixed rule that all trades. freements and amusements. The sition, which has earned for bim borg province and adding them to people are impossible to know boys played at Football, those in The. Sarnia arrived as we the family nickname of Bluebot the province of St. Petersburg.
until they are able to turn their pink winning. Some of fhe girls tle. He is quite the humorist of The meaeure is regarded by the expected and will sail on Monday business into public companies played at Croquet, those in green the royal children, and his comi Fions as the first step in the parafternoon for Kingston, Inagua, and become managing directors Winning. The band was in at calities of manner and speech are and New York taking mails, pastition ot Finland.
of the same? Then those very tendance and played some very the delight of all who kuow him.
same tradespenple are received sengers and cargo dice turs. The Governor and quite graciously Don Ricardo Mora Fernandez was The San Jose arrived Fuunily again, the suob does in evidence and were quite taken not condemn the manufacturers For Sale.
of the articles we need; they sell cipline which was shown in gen: day after taking in her cargo of and passengers and will sail to them in a wholesale way instead eral. The teachers are to be coming for War. One male and two horses, good bananas.
of directly to the consumer, and plimented in their good work for any class of work. Apply to Bonehow the snob feels that is which shows energy and speaks JAPANESE GENERAL REThe Pariemiun which RICARDO MORA more honorable.
for the schools.
came from New Orleans in ballast Mr. Orozoo of the Brittania MARKS ON ENERGY BEING Spons imagine they exalt themLimon, Sept. 15, 1911.
sailed on Friday night after tak selves by dispising others; while Bicycle Ciub gave a gold negal DISPLAYED PREPARAall the time they are laughably to little Alvarado ho vou the ing in a cargo of bananas.
TE TORY TO OPENING illogical, and often are engaged slow coach eyele race in the after.
The San Jose brought a in throwing stones from the very non. Lots of entries were made considerably quantity of frames OF CANAL Cabrera Peſia Hnos fimiest of glasshouses.
Take, for example, in which many from start to finished be for platform ears consiguied to the Northern Railway Tokio. Japanese general L1 CONVENIENCIA one eliss of snobs. view men who caine disqualified quoted by the Mainichi, says it is have not been educated at certain The Military Display came off On acconet of retrenchment easy to forester what America will GRAND FANCY STORK accepted schools, and bave not with great success and the Com.
do after the opening of the PanaWe keep a special assortment of American and Country made Saves, Italian Straw gone ou to the Varsity. Mang mandante who instructed the mauy firemen who were until the ma Canal The tremendous en15th inst. employed have been hats, Stetson and Von Gall felt Hat of those public school and Varzi young lads is to be highly credit laid off.
Hes, Umbrellas, and fine suspenders. Beau.
Some engineers are also ergy which Washington is at pres.
Tiul Babies Silk Cais aud a first class ty men who have pursued their ed.
ent displaying in the expansion tiek of superior quallce goods.
studies with the indifference that His physical exercise: passed on the look out and no one knows of th navy is clearly part of the stour prices are the lowest in To. vn!
Oil on us at the pre nises formerly occuis considered the height of good off smartly and their iniforms who will be next.
nation for trouble with another giea by The White Store Limón, form come out at the conclusion were quite chic The pay car of the Northern Power about as ill educated and badly Musie in the Park at night was Railway came on time this time Toing to baria, the offi informed, as they can be The enjoyed by ail.
the 15th We hope those who cer remirks that the conversion pronounced public school accent, The decorations of the Park of th: trunk rond in into a double or Oxford accent, is frequently are in power will see their way and Quartel were quite tasty.
to keep it up. Some of the em track lins and the laying of the For Sale.
as gross a distortion of the purity ployees kept it up whether Amuz railway may lead to a revo of English diction as is the most from joy of the fact or the Fiesta lutio. in the political affairs of Sad Death offensive cockney varigtion. The the Fur East, ant that if Japan we do not know That beautiful cottage with Blang, abbreviations, and school does not speedily wake up to the aljoining lot 200 yards inore or and college expressions, constiAt ten minutes past two yester west of Siquirres Railway The Alphabetical Engine realities of the situation it will be tote a positive dialect, muintelligi day Rafael Montoya cansad the jumped the track of the Banana too late.
ble to anyone outside the small connreial part of this city to be River Division yesterday morn II. That splendid businses local area in which such mnily excitot, alarmd and site with house of three rooms, ing The occurrence caused the have been reared.
For Sale. 50 yards east of Siquirres RailYet these meu will be most senpassengers who were dhe hero at He for resons kun only to 15 not to arrive until afternooa.
way Station. For particulars, sitive to the least suspicion of ac himself walk up to the third 75 bal Cat Steara Apply to enquire of cent or phrase which betrays a flut of the hoteller Siglo The following passengers ar GAYLE, less expeusive education. II. DONALDSOV, XX and after looking around rive by the Saraia from Women are equally illogical in took a lendkerchief from his New York: Mrs. Facay. Li Cabaña, Linea Vieja Siquirres, Box 16, this respect. Smart society bas to 1919 pokalbini his from Kingston. Coing Chong, its fashionable distortions of Limou, Sept. 13, 1911. 30 Lino Supl. 15, 1911. v.
eyes and threw him for Walker, Vis. Elwards and speech brought out new each seacausing instantaneous death. Ilis child, Mrs. Herou, Mr. Muson as regularly as its distortion neck was broken, bis fa com chett and over 50 deckors.
in dress, and the insane diminu pletely smashed up and from his LA GEISHA tives, the ultra emphatic adjec open mouth blood on: His tives, and the coarseness of many forebead was smashet bloed of the accepted expressions (rolIn the best assorted Bar Room in San José. Specialty in Englis hand Howed Treely.
Three Cigaritos ten, ripping, foul, for instanca. This unfortunale maa looks to combine to form a sort of fashion American drinks be about 35 y als au bus from Daily for Prince able Birlinzagate in which the Nicaragua honours in lack of reticence on He was dressed in a clean while deceney by no means fall to Bil shirt, a clean tweed pant and it has only just becoina publicly Since his seventeanth birthday, lingsgate wore a pair of clean bts.
known, the Prince of Wales has Up to the time of going to been promoted to enjoy an oceaRefined Sugar press we did not git to know of sional cigarette. Like the King his relatives tor friends.
of Spain, he shows a preference Last Exhibition of Dr. Cespedes was in attendance to the genuine Sprinish cigaritos, and in less than half an hour over which are very small and made of New York. All grades of re500 persons were on the scene choice Havana tobacco. They fined sugar were advanced 15 Another fatality from suicide. are not gummed, but are hold tocents a hundred pounds.
gether by a desterous inward fold Austrian War of the paper.
Aleutian VolIt would seem that the King and Queen did not wish their eldeet son to smoke until his seren cano Active teenth birthday, and on that date CORONATION OF KING GEORGE: Vienna. General Von Selioen le received many gifts representSeattle, Wash. Mount Pavof, aich, the Austro Hungarian mining the snoker small luxuries.
the volcanie peak in the Aleutian ister of war, has resigned. If rumor Breaks troly Islands, has been active this sum succeeded Lienfenant General Vou young Prince does not show very mei, according to advices brought Itrich as war minister in Octobr. great enthusiasm as a smoker and by the Bark Guy Ross.
is quite satisfied with the three Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
ARRASTI THEATRE Advanced Again Pepita Sevilla Great Moving Pictures: Minister Resigus.
o Burial of War Minister in France Last Night! Last Night!


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