
Rate of Subscrip Payable in advance Editor ANGEL CORONAS THE TIMES month. months. 12 Single copies.
e 00 00 00 10. 00 cents OFFICES: 3RD AVENUE BOX 316 CABLES TIEMPO For Advertisements, apply to ki a Manager. DAILY NEWSPAPER NO 245 VOL ONLY cents silver COPY Limon. Tuesday 19th September 1911 ONLY cents silver COPY Mr. Loots the Gei.
Fal Baud is a the Guadeloupe. HE e in nd THE TIMES gaily dressed, many waving La economic convenience to the pubsme police quitted the loafers, of the law came in evidence all This is not quite a catastrophe left wilu.
Bandera Tricolor. our constant lic.
ant references Fort Limon, Costa Rica (6. friend, Dr. Shaw, was there al Camps have been erected for bit when a min loses his head hu ready and a few minutes later tre the safer and sounder sleep of the is always good for nothing How oft the sight of means to do ill deeds Master of Costa Rica ar. ived on STILL ON MOROCCO. presence of his two lovely maid bwana mea who have to be tied ens gleofully graced the school out on the lines. The United Make deeds ill done, room Jnsi before they appeared Fruit Company is surely thinkA NEW DANGER. our noble friend the Jere Politico ing adroitly and what is compleShakespeare is dead we all Bolgian and holds his plac music well. The Limon ba honoured the assembly lookiug ter the thought is materialised. krow it; his King John anl Arthur, likewise, but poor Sain was in attendance to receive him The difficulties arising ont of brilliant in his neat black gold Neither are the banaua receivers from the small boat which brought Garmany attitude towards the braided uniform of lieutenant overlooked, as for there a decent of the redoubtable cracks of Limon Moroccan question have not been colonel. He was soon ushered to flat is under erection running switchien has succumbad.
him from the sbip. The banil in settled yet. Recent despatches the chair after a neat little speech fast for completion bear the range Take warning all you contra regard waited for more than one of houses at the Eastern ap bandistas. He dil it; not me.
lour in the Vargas Park until suggest that war is still possible, in Spanish by the Director of the about 10 o clock when they playand in France a good deal of ten school. Accepting it, our Jefe proach of the station sion exists. What complicates gave a splendid speech and pre But the anturned cake of ed some lively airs and again wishing him no wreck to San the situation too is the attitude of sented a telegram to the teacher Ephraim is yet noliceable for José.
those persons who are engaged in which bore tidings of the Eleva while Don Cecil has put on a Local News the food riots. It is naturally liou of Siquirres. This was read coat of paint on the Superinten.
harassing to the Goveromeut to by the teacher to the assembly in dent house at Indiana I, the fiod itself faced with internal dis. Spuisi ad afterwards interpret labourers camps remain sory Mr. Cox of Jamaica order at the very moment when ited to them in English. The Pro shabby, dirty looking hovels. Puil fame will arrive here shortly. Special Boats threin down Don Cecil and build has to deal with a strong aud gramine for the occasion was then better ones.
dangerous foe. England was in handled by the singing in chorus Mr. Pringle, labour agent of Ni Coming a similar position recently; and of the Hino Nacional de Costa WRECKED HOUSES.
caragna sailed on the Sarnia.
it is believed that tbe leaders of Hica while Teacher Hyltou touchthe proletariat take advantage of edit off on his organ singing as he London. Messrs Elders and Those recently weeked houses Little Prendergast of Jamaica Fyffes announce that owing to the troubles of their country to aged. The discourse leading of Mrs. Kissoek have been sacked had to pay his father all that was the unusual demand for passenforce their deinands up on the to the act of Independence was and rebuilt on the plot of ground due.
Government. This is not ouiy appreciably and laudably ren back of the saw mill. The Sigera to Jamaica, ihe steamers terribly but it is inanitely sad. Carilly, Tivives and Sixola dered by Mr. Hyltos, but as the quirres River is being cleared of e barbers of this centre won of 000 tons and a first class pusfor a house divided agaiust itself majority of the hearers ouly un stones which are heaped up advertise and we do want to help seuger accomodation of 100 ara will not be able to stand. It also understood English cur element against the eastern abutment of the shows, however, how little the old Chairman asked that the telling the bridge to safeguard the bank advertised to leave Holyhead October 7th, 21st and 28th, rosentiment of patriotism oems to sperch be given in English too, from further erosion which The Sarnia sailed with be infuencing the working classes which was promptly done and the threateued the spectively, for Kingston.
Dew houses passengers, cargo and mails for Dr. Shaw folof to day; this is a phenomenou vivas were losty.
in that direction. The river is New York, Kingston and Inagua.
which needs to be carefully lowed up with a steady speech being tutored and trained to run studied. There is, it has been and carefully outlined the work iu a channel scooped out in the Tae very reverend Mr. Cook of Theft of Picture.
remarked, a growth of cosmopoli of Doa Autonio to make Siquir. middle of its bed. But what says the Diocese of the Auglican tanism, joined to a feeling of res a vantou, thus enhancing the the river god. All your efforts Church of San José has returned.
class interest, among the workers value of property in and abou: it. are vain, all will be labour lost Paris. The Journal printed of all civilized countries. Tause He emphasized the benefits de without a stout and tall breast Some of those who know the prominently this morning an adrecoguise that their several inter rived by foreigoera in Costa Rica, work of cement wall.
value of musical talent will be vertisement which is tho ight, to ests are really one, and that they a land with a people highly civil.
please to learn that some of the have gome connection with the have nothing to gain by being ised and liberal in their practice, STATUS QUO OF SIQUIRRES.
artistes are comng.
theft ot Leonardo da Vinci picopposed to one another Thus to wit, even foreigner and a On Thursday the 14th inst. ture La Joconde, better known the working man of Germany, coloured man of qualities has Siquirres has been made a canton The Guadeloupo arrived as the Mona Lisi, from the imbued with socialist tacching, is bengalist in their arny of or parish with its limits from here and amongst her passengers Louvre. The advertisement read: sympathetic aud net antagonistic teachers. Truly he said, when Madre de Dios to Destierro with was Mr. Loots the General Band Joconde. S. understood. We towards the French and the Eng foreigners return to their homes. Siqnirres Proper as the pueblo or Master of Costa Rica.
lish workiagaan; anl all these they should rennbar to say chief town. The honour of this It is runoured that the thief is workers have no great love for Viva Costa Rica! Tieswearing clevation resis on the head of our The Maudador of Anita Grande negotiating to return the famous the capitalist class of their own allegiance of honour and patrio energetic aud element Jefe befo baring his bath killed a painting on payant of 100, 000 country. Now tais growth of ism to the Flag was led by Teacher Politico, Don Antonio Arguedas. suak which is known as moree francs or 30, 000 dollars.
sympathy between the working Hyltou each one saluting the Tres vivas for this gentleman. whip.
classes of all civilized countries colours. This was then elosed up will certainly have the good ef with th singing of Li Bandera Miny people are qnite satisfied fect of making war more difficult Tricolor by the children, tloor Limon Again with the manuur in which Mr.
as time gous ou.
Doswell the Acting Vice ConeuVETERINARY INFIRMARY, LIMON.
opment of an intense ferling of thanks to our Jefe and others Amazed. lar Clerk performs his duties.
class interest, as opposed to the present feastings completed the A Price trea disease in horses, old feeling of self sacrificing pa roll of the programme euch nice Tho mules, etc. on most approvel scientific Jamaican Mr.
triotism, is now seen to have its cakes, biscuits and ice cream with At 30 yesterday morning me hods. Skilful shoeing done by experiBarns was fined 10. He hails eneed grnith; charges moderate. Advice very dangerous aspect also. At kola aud lemonade in good sup Santel Osborne, locally known from the Thomsonian College free to customers as Sam Moon, thought that he any moment a country at war ply!
Your patronage sol icited Office where men passes one another and at Rocke Photographic inay fiod itself faced with a giani Much gratitude is due to Mrs.
should make money quickly. Any.
Stalio. Box 299.
give degree in a bedroom.
strike or a series of desperate Hylton, and Mrs. Thoma, the how that was his business.
food riots. imon, Sept. 18, 1911. 30 One can only hope wife of our popular drugzist who He was lately employed as The employes around Louisthat, at the supreme moment, not only graced the assembly with brakesman of the Northern Railthe filmer feelings of the proleta: her presence but rendered terling way Company ania were much disappoiuted on Satur lay night not baving been riat would triumph over their service in serving. We must He went on board the Sarnia LEY DR. GALLEGOS, Ho vever self regarding sentiments, and thank Misses Ida and Nuriel and succeeded in bringing about paid off that night.
they were paid ou Sunday mori.
that they would reply to their Shaw for the rich music they 1, 000 cartridges. The Guard of American Dentist: country aid. We belive that played while the children feasted. Customs Dapartment was on the iug but could uot buy their usual booze and rice and peas for Has returned from San Joséi.
this would be the case, for, after Most of all, we thank God for khedivo and after seeing the Sunday all, mon can be transformed into liberty and for this day, the auni booty followed him near When OFFICE supermen when they realise that versary of liberty.
poor Sain saw that he was doomThe Portuguese arrived formerly located at South Wes of the Markth, ed for the Quartel tried to speak here Harly yesterday morning their country is in a position of has been removed to Dr. Noguel Velasquez Viva Costa Rica. peril. At the same time a Gor Spanish in very mild terms, but house, in front of th: Park. opposite the Unibringing from Eaglish ports the teo Fruit Commissary.
ernment cannot but be approben when he saw clearly that his ropa following pressengers from Avon. Crown a bring work sive when it has to think of the was at an end started to run and mouth: vd Cook and Ftting pates Filings.
possibilities of disorder within its jumped aboard the lanoch Santa fuvil, likwish sars. Hop inless extractions. Long experienc. Rasonable pric Julio own frontiers. It is as though it Siquirres Notes.
may have to face and fight two Being pursue he nwittingly she passed Jamaica but did not kins, Goldenbury, Velasquez.
Cabrera Peña Hnos enemies at once instead of ora.
IMPROVEMENTS. held to a ops, but seeing that disgrace stared him in the face fool bring any ore from there. LA COTENIENCIA Siquirrus has put on a new as. ishly let go, and down lie sank.
What might have ended in a Fiesta Escolar peet by her many improvements, He suffered death without any serious trouble yesterday morning GEANT FANCY STORX The whole railroad yard is now contemplation of suicide an. has aroun! one of the Gin Mills We kep a special a cortment of Amerle a mother to mourn his loss.
can and Country mule Sipes, Italian Stru was under notice. One big logic of hats, Stetson and Von Gall felt Hats, Mas decently clad an colour question there were to 1, TIes, Umbrellas, and inesislers. Beauobscured the front view of the around his waist were the cart.
Tiul Babies silk can list class that is four mulattoes and on tifek of superior cu ty gols.
Although many of the children station has ben completely re ridges stour prices are the lowest in Town black man. Anyhow the talk was assembled obedient to the order moved, iti pliee being occupied The diver of the wharf. Mr.
Oil on us at the Pre inises formerly occu Mr. Gjaro and after the limbs died by The White Store Limón, of Teacher Hylton yet through by an extended switch. Much Fletcher, took some time to clothe the heavy rains the day celebra credit is due to the taste and dui. himself and after going down in tion could not be carried out ac gence of the big Superinten the shake of a duck tail brought LA GEISHA cording to scheduled time. Noon derrt and to the experience and hint up!
day passed and the rain cleared efficiency of Foreman Barrett. In a half an hour there were off: by oue 0, elock all the hills The bodega is opened up for seen hundreds of curious persons In the best assorted Bar Room in San José. Specialty in Englis hand an valleys around were wrapped use and bow has the appearance gathered, some asking if he was iu a halo of suusbiue; the chile of something doing, a deeidel under the wharf or not. The or American drinks dren assembled in goodly number improvement to the centre and an Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca NacioRa Wiven for clearance and Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Rosa, Siquirres. gainly shed that for so long a time

    EnglandFranceGermanySocialismWorking Class

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