
cditor Rate of Subscription Payable in advance ANGEL GORONAS THE TIMES month months 12 Single copies. 0) 00 00 10. 00 Scents OFFICES: 3RD AVENUE Box 316 CABLES TIEMPO For Advertisements, apply to tta fanager. DAILY NEWSPAPER Vor. ONLY cents silver COPY Limon. Wednesday 20th September 1911 ONLY cents silver COPY NP 245 a coming well.
THE TIMES An Enjoyable piece. This was followed by a Graff, Miss Ellen Prestwidge an! Value of NewsPort Limon, Gosta Rica (6. song The First Kiss of Love by 30 deckers. She took ae carg Function. With an Irish song to the accom18, 00 bunche bananas, 251 log!
Cnpie; Mr. Worsfold followed Io biga coffee, case turtle shell paper Advertising.
paniment of Mr. Robertson, the In celebration of their first an Organist of St. Mark This was The Mcklenburb ar.
London. W. Gumage, niversary the meinbers of the excored: a very amusing dialogue rivel from Hamburg via owner of one of the big rust du CARS THE CHILD.
Limon Friendly and Literary As by. Messrs Ruddoek and Bloom Tho nas and Colon noith Over partinent stores in Londoo who sociation passed a most enjoyable Beld followed, and then the Arch 8, 00) packages cargo and pis bas just returued frm the adver. Everyone knows everything evening on Mond y at King Ed chacon amused the audience with sengers for this po Some of tisers convention in Boston is full about tuberculosis Dowadays, ward Hall. The walls at the a story of a Jamaicau gentleman the names on the list are as fol of enthusiasm for the advertising says the writer of au interesting north end of the building was on a visit to the Mother country, lows: Mr. Robles and fami methods of the dry goods firms in article in Chamber Journal tastefully decorated for the occa and who was entertained at a ly, Miss Louisa Jacobs, Eugenia the United States.
this month sion in the centre was a large country house where the family Delville, Miguela Alegria, many Ho says all adxertisers regard People speak of a threatening picture of King Edward VII. in ghost stole a pair of his panta deckers and somo in transit for newspaper advertising as the first of tuberculosis, and says that if the uniform of a British Field Toons every night, The event of Guatemala, that is Barrios aud essential of success. The speeches, this or that symptom continues it Marshal below which was a large the evening then followed in the Livingston. She will then sail he added, were the finest and will mean a sanatorium, as if a Union Jack draped with a palm drinking of the health of His Ma on Taursday for Colon and most practical he had ever heard.
sanatorium were a last resort when leaf. In the centre of this was a jesty the King, coupled with the other ports.
all else failed, instead of the first nagnificent photograph of Her prosperity of the Association, a Conference step toward a cure.
lale Majesty Victoria The Good bountiful supply of rich cakes, ice cannot repeat too often that on a back ground of the White cream, etc. was done full justice Obituary.
the very best thing at the very Postponed Ensign of old England: slightly to by the members and their beginning is a stay in some opon below and on either side were two guests, then the pius poug tables.
air sanatorium or a winter spent beautifully framed pictures of Mr. Hesse formerly employed Brussels. The Gazette says that on quoils. skittles were brought out, in the high Alps, where open air, by the Railway Compauy passed account of the bal sanitary conditions His Majesty King George and and Mr. Robinson joined heartily his last hours in Costa Rica lying in Italy, the inter Parliamentary Conference, invalid diet, and cheerful si the Prince of Wales over which in the evening amusement.
roundings have been reanced to a the folds of the Union Jack fell The eutertainment was brought Fruit Company where he died been postponed probably until the Spring.
sick in the Hospital of the United in the interest of world peace which was to have been held in Rome in October, has science. in a graceful inauner: on either to a close at midnight after an suffering from black water fever especially address myself to side of the two lust named pie enjoyable three and a half hours.
and other complaints mothers, and beg them to keep Dutch Retures was a small Red Ensign.
their eyes open for the first inti. The pictures were anked by He is an old liver in these parts mation of this disease in their palms, crotons, of every conceiv.
and had been associated with the servists Active.
Local News. old Northern Railway and was able bue, and beautiful SLOW One of the earliest symptoms white tlowers: the Costa Rican successor to Mr. McDonald who Amsterdam. The Dutch Reservists are is an occasional mysterious rising colors filled the right and left was then despatcher. He after being kept under arms for an extra period The rains are still falling and of the temperature; another is a wards kept a business concern of of 23 days and naval manoeuvres are being panels of the walls around which among the ship workere great in bis own around Peralta and recent carried out in the North Sea. This, it is languor in movernent and a dis.
inclination to games; another, a was lavislily placed leaves of convenience is cansed.
brilliunt colors.
ly at Liverpool. He leaves a widow sad is due to Holland anxiety over the Moroccan negotiations. winter cough or loss of appetite: and children to mouru his Boss.
At 30 the President, the Ven. Mr. Robles and family, another, constant attacks of iu.
We offer our sincere sympathy Archdeacon Robinson, calle! well known in San José, arrived fluenza, a slight pain in the Notice.
to the bereaved family.
shoulders or side often described upon the first Vice President, Mr. on the 8: Mecklenburg His remains were interred after de Mercado to address the as growing pains. In fact, anyThe undersigned begs to inform p. in. yesterday in the presence ineeting The remains of Samuel Osborne his numerous customers thing outside and the of many of his sad frieads.
ordinary Mr. de Mercado, after the ap were interred yesterday morning healthy, noisy life of childhood.
friends that fifteen days from at Camp One to lay if they do not turn up at anything unusual or mysterious plause which had greeted his ap his tailoring establishment, oppoin health or spirits, should be pearance hrad subsided, com Look out to morrow or the day menced by paying a glowing treated at once, and talked over Water, site Don Aasch Store, Limon, tribute to the founder of the with a medical man.
after for the City Scout, he is their geods will be sold ont. JACKSON. To enter in more particulars, Association, the Rev. Raynes WHAT WAS LONG WANTED will try to imagine what, with Waite Smith, who, by his untirLimon, Sept. 10. 911. 15 ing energy and personal magnetThe Tortuguero sailed iny present experieuce, sbo. id IS NOW ABOUT TO FLOW.
do if saw any of the prenouitory ism in spite of all the difficulties for Bristol, Mauchester, taking For Sale.
symptoms in a child ouder my and prophesies against his sue55, 000 banches of bananas.
By kind permission of Mr.
One mule aud two horses, good care. should knock off lessons Fernandez Cnief Engineer of the cess, slieceedel in zounding the entirely for three months, or six, Association with 22 members.
The Prinz Joachim is ex for any class of work. Apply to Municipality of Limon we had the or even a year. Any strain on one year azn, Sept. 9th last. He pected to arrive here on Thursday pleasure of seeing a plan which RICARDO MORA the mind is very bad for an anaereviewed the many abortive efwith cargo, mails and passengers is on the border of completion for forts previously made on the from New York, Jamaica and nie child, and he woull soon fick getting water from Rio Blanco Liman. Sept. 15. 1911.
up lost time if he regained health same lines and announced the taking all the regions arouu!
and strength membership tow mumberol 50, Liverpool and intend briagio: The Cartago is expecte!
water to the towu. It is tue first If there were a temperature among whom were many gentle should keep him in bed till it men of standing in the cornmuni from Southampton via Kingston attempt of studying the ways aul TERINARY INFIRMARY, LIMON.
weat below ninety nine degrees ty, who readily added their names and Colon and will sail for Nex means of getting water to this should give him threu pints of town.
as honorary members; the library. Orleaus via Barrios on Friday, Price treats disease in horses, Us ideas are of lofiy mules, etc. on most approved scientiae milk a day (six tumblers. and though in its infancy contained geometrical stadies and will aftor me bods. Skilful shoeing done by experimilk only; by which mean no many valuable standard works The new directory for con a while give what size pipes and need smith; charges moderate. Advice tea and no coffee. should al among which were several voltunes structing buildings in Limon is connections that will be neces free to customers. Your patronage sol.
of the Encyclopedia Britanica to hand and many contractors ways make him rest for half an icited, Office Bary. Bravo. at Rocke Photograonic Studio. Box 299.
hour before each meal, and if he from the Times Book Club of have been compelled to make new did not dislike it should give London, the People Encyclope plans under the new requireLimon, Supt. 18, 1911. 30 mente.
dia of the United States, presenthim from six to eight ounces of Imperial Exhibition 12 DR. GALLEGOS, raw beef a day, minced fine, in ed by Mr. Nues, several sand wiches.
valuable books, the gift of our Steadman, one of the labourers Melbourne. The Victorian Govern American Dentist on the coal ship Senestad sufment is preparing a scheme for a great Im. should leave his windows popular American Consul, Mr.
wide open at night, and draw the Chester Donaldson (who was also fered a terrible accident yester perial Exhibition to be held in ustralia in Has returned from San José.
two years time. The co operation of the bed beneath them, being careful day morning receiving a fractured an honorary member of the 40other states of the Commonwealth nas OFFICE ttat he wore flannel and had one ciation. Over 100 had been col. skull and other bodily wounds.
been tentatively cry cat oth st of he or even two hot bottles.
lected during the year, chairs had been imported, and there was a The sanitary condition of many en removed to Dr. Miguel y Canadian Troops.
th Parkeppnite the Wanted to deposit lying in London for the yards is awfully bad and yester supply of bocks and magazines, day moraluz luspector Pardo had wa bridg work, London. Field Marchal Earl Fils be Reformed. montlily. Ping pous, skittles, lots of work around the buildlugs ve this quoits, etc. had been added to known as Moffatt Roberts inspected the Canal Rawren. Tulio So muchas been said about the Postal the Society amusement and a artillery which recently won the healthy balance remained in the The feucing of that piece of shooting match at Freshwater at Packet Department, that it is now tim: to Cabrera Peña Hnos the Chelsa barracks. After the turn uur attention the Letter Dean hands of the Treasurer. Before land by the Railway Station is ment.
closing bis address the Vice Presinenring completion and many review Lord Roberts tulogized LA CONVENIENCIA Why should these things be allowed to dent urged the members to con would like to know what will the smart appearance of the men.
exist. tinue their interest in the Asso next happen under the improve Afterward he was photographed On Friday the 15. the Parismina GRAND TANCE STORX brought mails for Limon, among them ciation and to be punctual in ment law with the contingent.
We keep a paint assortiment of American and Country male Shes, Italian Straw English mails This had to go to San the payment of their subscriptions 11ats, Stetson and Ton Gall feit Hals, Jose and return to Limun. On Sunday in order to continue the good The Sarnia sailed at Ti. Umbrellas, amet suspenders. BeauSmoke «La Nacional» cigarette whics Silk Caps and a first class evening, the invils were brought back to Limen, and some were sorted and others work so ably commenced by its pl. on Monday evening for New The best, the cheapest in the coun. Our prices are the lowest in town!
were allowed to remain on the ground to worthy founder, the Rev. Waite. York via Kingston with the folCail on us at the premises formerly passengers: For New try.
pied by The White Store Limón, be walked over until Tuesday morning Smith, whose absence he sincerely lowing before they were thought about, which regretted.
York: Messrs Ramon Avendaño, eventually were sorted to their respective The Vice President was vociferK. Sessions, Greenslate.
LA GEISHA owners, whu were no doubt caused much ously cheered at the close of his Fred. Sloggart. Carlos Collado.
incongnieace, through not getting same address.
Mrs. Ramoncita de Castro, Mrs.
for their perusal.
The Ven. Archdeacon then Alicia de Porras. Mr. Charles Perhaps the postalaathorities y be In the best assorted Bar Room in San José. Specialty in Englis hand able to tell us why such things are allowed made a short addres, followed by Coons. For Kingston: Messrs his has not happened once, but from the Rev. Worsfold he 2nd Vice. Efrench Muller. Charles quently President, who read a humorous Pringle, II. Walsınith, August Fitti pertene.
American drinks Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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