
Editor Rate of Subscription Payable in advance ANGEL GORONAS THE TIMES month months 12 Single copies. 00 00 00 10. 00 OFFICES: 3D AVENUE cents O, Box 316 CABIES. TIEDEP DAILY NEWSPAPER For Advertisements, apply to tla Manager VOL ONLY cents silver COPY Limon. Friday 22nd September 1911 ONLY cents silver COPY Nº 247 Siquirres Notes.
the pas tire contents of his glass show Local News The Hon. see no reasou why this should not THE TIMES case and trouk. The show case be done. shall be having a was discovered at the rear of his Port Limon, Costa Rica (6. Cox has Arrived.
public meeting on Sunday night Wednesday morning.
тооm оu at the Sports ground, when Entrance was appareutly effected shall address West Indians on the The pay car of this Quincena conies STRANGE SIBERIAN by a false key, the thief opening Our reporter met Mr. political conditions, obtaining aid the front door of the shop and this afternoon Cox on board the Prinz and on the reasons why it is nec.
HOUSES. leaving by the same means. The Joachim which arrived early essary for them to have their own neighbours on either side of yesterday morning, and enquired newspaper, Martin room state that they We see very many foreigners in town how he had enjoyed his voyage ONE ENTERS BY HOLE IN nover heard any unusual sounds ing fruits, vegetabies and other curios in and we are pleased when we see them buy.
THE ROOF AND CLIMBS during the night, and only dis the market.
Mr. Cox replied that it had covered the robbery by seeing the been very rough between Jamaica DOWN POLL.
door open and the empty show aud Colon but the weather was Burned to Death case of the back of the building. Passengers who left for Bristol England excellent between Colon and There are many kinds of queer by the Tortoguero ure as follows: Limon. The Captain was most in Midair.
houses in the world, but for diffiMrs. Genovefi Stolba, Messi William Es. genial aud did his best to make culty of ingrass and egress the quivel, Cirudius Esquivel and Solen Nunez, his passengers comfortable and huts of some Siberian fur honttoo much praise cannot be given TERRIBL EFATE OF FRENCH ers, Koryaks by name, take the Mr. Manuel Blanco, who is popularly to him for his courtesy to every palin.
AVIATOR ANOTHER KILLknown, and is always very courteous to one.
From a distance these houses To the Editor of the Times.
those who have to receive their pay from have the appearance of huge fun. have been so frequently inboth the United Fruit Company and the vited to come to Limon by JamaiED BY FALL.
nels rising out of a snowbank. Sir. Iu the way of news, send Northern Railway Company, is in town. cans who live here that felt it The craterlike top of the house, you the following: Tuesday the iny duty to do so on the first avail. Paris, Lieut. Grailly of the besides forming a roof, is used a a 19th the local train arrived in Siable occasion. am extremely Eighth Cuirassiers, an army aviageneral storage place for food and quiries from Limon quite on time, Tomorrow we will say some pleased with the cordial welcome tor, inet death in midair. He was all sorts of articles.
This slops a. ter doing her necessary switeli thivg in reference to the Limon that Jamaicans have given me on his way to attend the coming downward to au aperture in the lugs, loading and unloading ber City Dispensary.
since my arrival.
army manoeuvres when in some centre which serves as a smoke cargo. She left the station for Those who have been follow. unexplained manner the machine hole, ventilator and passageway her other places of destination, Podr old Ritter, Italian masoning the press reports from home took fire while high in the air.
alter yorug about 10 yirds from here for years met with a serious will realize that it is impossible The machine fell rapidly and number of logs arranged in the station, the conductor found aecident yesterday at the Masonic to carry out efficiently my politi landed near Troyes. There it was a circle support the rickety frames that a second Class coach and one Lodge resultiug that he fell into cal programns without the aid of found that the officer had been work of the roof, the lower end of or two more otaer cars to the left, the sea.
our own newspaper. Siuce the burned to death.
which rests on a secondary pile he started again to switching Daily News has been shut down Captain Camine an army aviaof timbers forming the walls on leavingte passenger coa on on the Under Obituary we reported this need has been very much felt tor fell from his monoplane while the living quarters. For nearly main te with all ning months the whole house is that Mr. Hesse died in the Hospi. It is now for Jam icans in particu flying at Nangis, in Seine et sengers in it, to which tal from Black Water Fever but lar and West Indiaus generally Marne, and was instantly killed.
covered up to the projecting roof was among them, after being we are now informed by the to say whether or not they will The accident was caused by with tons of snow, chinked in there for about five minutes. Medico that it is not so but that permit the political work which the right wing of Capt. Camine with frozea earth and debris. tire More or less we received a shock. he suffered from Derrame Sero. we have been doing for them to machine becoming detached. He inmates being about ten feet buwhich Liure us all in praying 30.
stop or whether they will furnish was on his way to the army man.
low the surface.
thought thinking it was the end the necessary ineans to restart een vres, in which aviators are to Tue most peculiar feature of of the world, som with blood, The following passengers arthe Daily Parogaily participate.
the house, according to Fur News, go. ne with all kind of paius. When rived by the Prinz Joachim is the means of entrarce. This we got to Ourselves and inqured early yesterday morning as was is accomplished by scaling a bar. what was the cause we were told expected: Cox, Enrique LA GEISHArow split log, having Lolos cut in it was the fireman fault; the de vosta, Louise Estrange, Jas.
for the feet and hands, which ex.
fireman said it was the brakes Wilkins. Raul Alvarez, Gruvie tends dorn from the roof at an men and all the rest of it: that Cardoze, Moses Cardoze. Rudolf In the best assorted Bar Room in San José. Specialty in Englis hand an angle of almost 90 degrees. all the satisfaction we got for our Cardoze, Vera Verrold, Karl Getting inside is a feat which mouey, the train was ordered Ooerle, Imogene Myrie, Henrique American drinks none but the experienced native back to the station, and those Christopher, Edgar Henry, Jocan accomplish with comfort.
wat got harted was onded to the hanua Wiuter, Dora Dant. Mary The interior is reached by de Ductor by the conduetur. will Reynolds, Margaret Taller, Mary scending another perpendicular be glaa through the medium of Odinau and more than 40 deck tree log stairway, the holes being your valuable paper to know from era.
covered with a slippery coating the Company il auy satisfaction of grease and sont. misplaced will be given. These are the di.
on Wednesday morning bestep of any visiting white fur rret sorterers, Loag (whit) tween the hours of u and 10 there LIMON CITY DISPENSARY.
trader cr hunter would result in was in the Limon market a very his landing in a pot of blubber forehead, Samuel Watson (black) unusual uproar. It appeared that always kept boiling at the base.
cut over one of his myes, Miss NAME two little Jamaican girls aged to Limon City Dispensary.
The whole enclosure has Davis, a severe blow it fer bark OBJECTS.
11 years picked up a (50 bill and ground floor, and is barren of and sides, and myself a severe they were so excited on their gain To provide medical attendance for the public of Port Limon at a cost of twenty five cents per week anything in the shape of furni blow ou iny right leg which cau e that notice became evident, The To supply medicine free to menuers tended ture. large vessel for cooking me to be lame now. am ete.
names of these children are Hilda To be run on the same lines as that of the New City Dispensary of Beal and blubber and a kettle CUPBELL Francis and Ruth Lorane, Quite used for melting snow are the Kiner ton, Jamaica.
chief bousehold utensils. The unexpectedly two Government BENEFITS. For the sum of twenty five cents paid weekly, you have a competent men a soldier aud policeman comdiet is limited almost exclusively Doctor to attend you wheu sick, and save a Doctor bill of perhaps, manded delivery of same to them to raw and half cooked seal and hundreds of dollars without showing any signs of re.
You can always have e medical examination made, and so keep yourWe tea and Americau tobacco as an self in perfect health.
call the evidence of a Sanitary extra luxury.
Before entering one of these The Wesleyan Church and Pastor were When you are sick and the Doctor in charge prescribes for you, the preprodeged en jong together Mistral Inspector who was along with the scription is made up free of charge by a competent Dispenser, anu from Arctie households it is customary writer to prove wliat will be the becked ul Jamia and Mr. Henry fresh drugs provided by the Dispensary.
for the white visitor or trader to Dempster of the same istand and a very result. member not being able to present himself or herself at the dispensary send word abead prior to his ar long aver in Costa Rica, in the ans There rival. On reaching the house he stimony for attention, and require the Doctor to attenil, shall have to pay an extra were hundreds of On Tuesday night the lower Oukers a will usually find assebled on charge thus: During the day twenty five cents, from p. until mid.
and pote large number part of the town was in a state of might, fifty cents, and then until am one Colon, invited guests. Inc bride under the alle fear and excitement. It appeare the roof a waiting him the host control or Mr. Jocelyn llenty entered tlie That Obstetrical cases will only cost an extra nominal charge of Ten and all his family, including dogs.
that a man living in Watson Church with, ut any aften, Sue was Colones Cor the occasion.
Dogs play an important part in met wy Mies Vivis Lux, ler wie brides house died on Monday night some inaid and ler nineteen associates their primitive religion and are time after poin.
This man That infants of members will be attended free when sick up to one year old.
The bride was dressed in light cream name is Cargill and to the sur That meinbers children cay become members at a cost of Fifteen Cents thought to be a potent agency for Voile trimmed with silk yoking, and pearl per wees up to the age of three.
keeping away evil spirits aud basted urnaments with pealants. Her prise of all in the neighbourhood That when a consultation is necessary another Ductor wil be procured bringing of good luck in the hunt. dress also had decorations of cities of the the dead was not buried up to the at a nominal charge.
Well inThat Trained Nurses will be provided when necessary at a nominal cost.
ing of fur animals. For this rea Valley. The customary style of a long afternoon of Tuesday, son the stuffed form of a dog is trami was uimitted formation of the fact reached the HOW TO BECOME MEMBER. he chef bridesmad, Miss Cox, wore authorities and at about pm.
always kept dangling from the a dress ul light cruce Bangle timind rooftop of the houses.
Each applicant must present himself or hereell at the office of the Dis.
the police started to press Jamai.
with light crea sutil cotton ani sik can pedestrians to carry or as pensary during the hours of 9th am and to pon. Week Days, yoking with bons of ligut lifeti. am to 12 noon Sundays for examination and here and there about it lies of the they said, Necesito los servicios Each person applying for membership, must be ex imine by the Ductor, Valley.
para llevar esta muerto ahora and will not be admitted unless in seemingly good health.
It is a long time that such a wedding inismo. Boys around were being An entrance fee of One Colon will be charge cach member which must as been winesses and we wish the new be paid along with two weeks subscription chased down to carry lanterns While Eustace Martiu a jewel. air every happiness and future success, No one having become a member can apply for medical attention, unti)
and after the body was removed two weeks after ler, residing on Fifth Avenue befroin the honso, pence prevailed tween aud street was absent in the usual quiet manter, We DT. VILLA HAEUSLER, JAMES GORE, Medicu iu charge on the line selling the fruits of Smoke «La Nacionals cigarette must say who is to be blamed and Administrator.
bis labour, thieves entered his The best, le chept in the coun would not like to see a re occurs Office Above Ricardo Morales Ice Cream Palace. Near Londres Hotel shop and robbed him of the en try.
rence of the sort again, For further information, call or write, Bus 151Port Limon, Constitution of the Whale Rush, with Russian briek Pretty Wedding: cognition of their honesty Daring Robbery.
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