
Rate of Subscription Fayabile in advance Editor ANGEL CORONAS THE TIMES month months 12 Single copies. 00 00 00 10. 00 cents OFFICES: 3RD AVENUE. Box 316. CARLES TIEMP For Advertisements, apply to tha Manager DAILY NEWSPAPER VOL ONLY cents silver COPY Limon. Sunday 24th September 1911 ONLY cents silver COPY NO 248 Recruiting on the Their Symbols Uses opened by day, and on the other there may be come little differ To day! To day!
Colon Theatre Rosita Reali to have seen the Ruanwella Mr. Sharp willingly attended to To Re inforce THE TIMES dagoba so magnificently adorned. the unknown in doing his best to Everybody knows that cer an please hiin. Why don all of us Spanish Garrison Port Limon, Costa Rica (G. flowers sleep, and of these most speak English.
peculiar elass, Sir John Lubbock Isthmus.
Madrid. Five thousand Spanish troops FLOWERS: says: Flowers which are fertil. By rumour the lupicipalidad is have received orders from the Ministry of Panama War to reinforce ised by night flying insects would seeing it fit to change the conThe Spanish Consul here has Spanish garrisons at Melilla on the Riff coast of Morocco Tne have no advantage from being tractors and from what we know rece ved a despatch from th Spanish Consul at Manaos, Brazil, urging the discourage Government action is due to the constant ment of recruiting Spanish labourers in reports received from the commander of hand, those which are fertilised ences, but since the majority of the Canal Zone for Brazil the garrison, saying that the natives con BY MISS IMOGENE ABRAHAMS, by bees would gain nothing by the community are not pleased It is believed that the despatch will have tinue to annoy the soldiers by their attacks on the Spanish outposts.
being opened by night; nay, it with the present services, sowe a god erfect in misimizing the trouble with OF KINGSTON.
would be a disadvantage because thing has to be done.
relation to the recruiting of labourers on it would render them liable to be the isthmus, Fast Cruiser.
We all gaze with unfeigned derobbed of their honey and pollen light on flowers and enjoy not only their fragrarce, but their then. It is possible, then, that by inseets incapable of fertilising Preachers for Cuxhaven. The cruiser Mokete rich colours also. To me, they the closing of flowers may have To day.
the biggest German warship Riots in France.
speak a message of life experiafloat, in a trial trip developed a reference to the habit of insects, ences of joy, an emblem of the speed of 298 knots.
and it may be observed also, in WESLEY: Rev. Pitt will flowers, and sadness, an emblem Brest, France. fierce battle occurred of the thorns which abundantly support of this, that wind fertil preach morning and evening.
here when a large mob of cheaper food Masonic.
ised flowers Dever sleep.
projects from the tender stalks BAPTIST: Rev.
The modest violet has inspired ma vifestants engaged the troops. At least Ford will forty persons were injured. Twenty policethat hold the gorgeous array of fragrant beauties pointing heaveu hus expressed the most beautifal most of our poets. Shakespeare conduct all services for the day.
inen and soldiers were badly hurt by stones ST. MARK S: Rev. Wolsford and bottles thrown at them by mob.
the There will be a General Meet.
houglits as a result of his inspire will conduct the morning service cops and an equally large number of ing of the Ebenezer Lodge No. The trops repeatedly charged the We must have them on or tables at all times if possible. We ation by the flower. golden and also the children gathering rioters were injured by bring struck by Symbolic violet. ioo was the prize in the at pm. The Ven. Archdeacon sabres or being trarapled upon by the cav.
must have them in great profu poetical contest at Toulouse.
at the Masonic Hall at p. sion at our weddings: they deck Robinson will preach at night.
alry horses. The soldiers were not per.
Monday evening.
mitted to use their firearms. The Sixth the altar, making the sanctuary Regiment of the colonial forces has been Visiting Brethren will receive BIRI II more beautiful; and we must have ordered here to reinforce the authorities.
a cordial welcome.
Advance in Sugar them, alas. even noto death as a Dels On the 21st September, loving tribute for our loved ones. 1911, the wife of Samuel Flowers have played a most im Pass of a daughter.
Following an advance of 20 portant part in religions cetepoints in the raw sugur market it monies in different parts of the was annouacad that unless the Second Performance world. from centuries past up to price should drop at once and rethe present time as an offering of Local News main lower. refined sugar sold at especial grandeur. As every oue Tetail will cost consumers this is aware they stand most con. Mr. Charles Beckles is in town. winter from one half to one cent spicuons in folk lore; for maidens a pound more than the present have carried rosebuds in their To night if a be well and no price. The estinate was made by The International Star breasts to assure the fidelity of rain the Hon. Cox will a number of heads of departments their lovers, and youth have car address the poblic at the Sports at the refineries of the American ried a certain flower well known Ground. We will report herefter Sugar Refining Company in in Jamaica, in their pockets to the results.
Brooklyn divide their success in love.
The rise in price of the raw When the Spaniards conquered Many farmers in Costa Rica as product was said to be due to Couplets, Songs and Romances Mexico, they found floating gar they would like to be called are news in this country indicating dens in the lake that surrounded suffering from higa winds that short crops both in this country MARIA DEL CIGNO the city; and we are told that press their plantations.
aud abroad. The high prices these flowers were used in their were made by the so called Trust Great te or of opera. Moving Pictures Pathe. Two Performances.
Me. Cos will see all and the independent producers.
The first to begin at 30 Secoud at p. General entrance There is a very interesting ac. his friends and has named Mr.
to Gallery per performance, 25 cents.
count given by Bassett in Gerald Anthony Nation to be. is the Democrat Globe (I do not private Secretary, Kills Child know if this paper exists to day)
of the use of Howers in different The fish sellers are now cover lands. It says: In Greece and ing their fish aecording to the Rome flowers were used for tri lawa. Well we never liked flies umphal processions and so highly on top before our dish was made. SEVEN YEAR OLD CHILD esteemed that a special feast the STRANGLED NEAR Florlia was established in their Mr. Cecil Lindo has not comMADISON, WIS. ME honor. Io India, the Singahales plained (reasons why) but some Limon City Dispensary.
used them to a considerable ex of the great bluffs although OBJECTS To provide medical attendance for the public of Port Linon at a cost o tent, and it was learnt from oua feeling loss still offer a whisky.
Madison. Wis. The nude body twentyfive cents per week.
of their old Chronicles that the of year old Annie Lemberger, To supply medicine free to merous oftended, Bnanwella dagoba two hundred The Sih Avenue lealing to who was kidnapped from her bed To be run on the same lines as that of the New City Dispensary of aud suvuuty feet high wus fes. the pound is under construction in her parents home last TuesKingston, Jamaica tooned from pedestal to piwaacle, and makes a very good lead for day nig was found in Lake till it had the appearance of oue the poor animals.
Monona, Dear bore, BENEFITS. For the sum of twenty five cents paid weekly, you have a competent uniform bouquet.
Superficial examination of the Doctor to attend you when sick, and save a Doctor bill of perhaps, hundreds of dollars. certain King who lived in Under notice there are verybody disclosed no evidence of viothe fifteenth century, gave no many streets to be completed and lence beyond a slight laceration You can always have medical examination made, and so keep yourless than 6, 470, 320, sweet soll.
self in perfect health.
for what reason we do not know of one ear and a discoloration on ing flowers as au offering to a wliy.
the neck, the latter tark indicaWhen you are sick and the Doctor in charge prescribes for you, the precertaiu Shrine.
ting that the child may have been scription is made up free of charge by a competent Dispenser, anu from fresh drugs provided by the Dispensary.
There is a tradition wbich the The pay car came on time and strangled. No weights were on same writer relates. He says: We are satisfied that our informa the body, nor were the hands or member not being able to present himself or herself at the dispensary On a certain Mount Calassy in tion on the coming was correct. feet bound in any way.
for attention, and require the Doctor to attend, shall have to pay an extra India, there is a silver table, and some are not quitu pleased, others The only motive for the mur.
charge thus: During the day twenty five cents, from p. until mid.
night, fifty cents, and then until am one Culon.
on this table a silver rose that are discontented, anyhow the po. der, as fat as the case has develcontains two beautiful women lice had no trouble.
oped, seems to be revenge upon That Obstetrical cases will only cost an extra nominal charge of Ten who praise God without ceasing, the child parents by an unidenColones for the occasion.
aud in that rose is a Triangle Through the kinda ss of Mr. tified eneiny.
That infants of members will be attended free when sick up to one year old.
the residence of God.
Cecil Doswell, Vice Consul we That members children can become members at a cost of Fifteen Cents should like to hear the opin heard that lamps were given free per week up to the age of three, ious of some of the readers of inis ly to bring off the meeting of Mr. Drowned in Milk.
That when a consultation is necessary another Doctor wil be procured al a nominal charge.
valuable journal on this piece of Cox at the Sports Grouud to night That Trained Nurses will be provided when necessary at a nomingl cost.
informatiou given us. It appears at pm Gilmore, Neb. Thomas ller, a milk to me in the light of a miracle man, was drowned near here in one thous.
wrought in the imaginary fairy. man with no money entered sand gallons of buttermilk ller was driv.
Each applicant must present himself or hercell at the office of the Dis.
land of dreams, a tale which, ing a tank containing the buttermilk to this the China man shop at 6th ciy when the wagen dropped into de pensary during the hours of y tn 11 am and pm Week Days, 2. to 12 noon Sundays for examination when told by a father or mother, Avenue and asked for 10 vents pression in the road and overturned. The Each person applying for membarship must be examined by the Doctor, keeps the children enthralled, cheese and after eating same made tank burst and the milk filled the depresand will not be admitted unless in seemingly good health.
while smiles of delight and ux himself small with a pay car sion. ller was caught beneath the tank An entrance fee of One Culon will be charged each member which must pressions of wonder course each ruch and kept all around amused.
Oceupants of a passing automobile pulla be paid along with two weeks subscription.
the body from the pool of milk a half other over faces growing brighter Thief, you villain why do that.
No one having become a member can apply for me lical attention, until Lour later two weeks after as they listen.
In what a grand way the an In the office of the United DRT. VILLA HAEUSLER, JAMES GORE.
cients utilize the value of flowera! Fruit Company surrounding we Medico iu chare.
Smoke In Nacional» cigaretle Administrator wished, had lived in India hal the greable mestint of The best, the cheapest in the counOfice. Above Ricardo Morales Ice Cream Palace. Near Londres Hotel, 112 those primeval times just knowing all that was difficult try. For further information, call or write. Box 15. Port Limon, OR Constitution of the in Revenge.
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