
Rate of Subscription Payable in advance Editor ANGEL GORONAS THE TIMES month 00 months 00 12 10. 00 Single copies. 5cents 00 OFFICES: 3RD AVENUE Box 316 CABLES TIETO For Advertisements, apply to tba Manager DAILY NEWSPAPER Vor ONLY cents silver COPY Limon. Tuesday 26th September 1911 ONLY cents silver COPY N9 249 were a lie Nicaraguan Politics by a spirally threaded shaft. The one maa To day. To day!
Colon Theatre Rosita Reali THE TIMES fy its architecture to the front. date for the Presidency of th Such a Crowd! Local News.
Of course, Central led with his republic. If he accepts he will Port Limon, Gosta Rica (G. improved fresco shop and our receive the support of the majori great crowd assembled at the friend, the leatherman followed ty of his countrymen, as he is BROWN BEER. Sports Ground in this towu at large crowd was on the dock considered the only man capable p. on Sunday night to to see the Prinz. Joachim and of establishing a firm, popular Mr. Cox, the like of which her passengers off.
Dogs to government The belief that the celebrated has never before been seen to General Mena was the most Hainburg brown beer is non inassemble here. There were over The Karen will sail for Guard Baggage. tion, and now a Minister of War.
successful general of the revolu toxicating is based upon a misap 2, 000 people present and from Boeas del Toro on Wednesday prehension. There is no essential o clock to a quarter past Mr. evening at pm.
difference between beer of this Cox held the rivetted attention of Paris. Five hundred Irishcharacter and ordinary lager beer his large audience.
The a. Heredia is expected Americans passed through Paris except that the former contains He spoke on the Land Question to arrive today and will sail for making the pilgrimage to Lourdes. New Locomotion 79 per cent of alcohol as against in Jamaica, the Education Ques Colon tomorrow.
As an innovation the officials set and per cent in the case tion, and the Hospital Question.
police doga to watch the baggage Method.
of ordinary beer.
Again he kept his audience in The new Theatre was opened of the pilgrims, who with one There is, however, a difference peals of laughter when he gave on Saturday night and quite a exception were delighted.
in the mode of fermentation them the history of the quotation large number of persons The exception was a man whowhich farors the prompt comple: God gave them strong delusions there.
forgot about the dogs and arLondon. The engineering sec.
tion of the British Association tion of the brow and which gives in order that they should believe tempted to open his own travel describes a new system of loco to brown beer its characteristic The Prinz Joachim sailed ling bag. Ho and the dog had motion for continuous passenger flavour. It is manufactured and Mr. James Stibble presided and for New York via Colon and Ja quite a mixup before help ar service which it is set forth solves sold throughout Germany in largo at the conclusion of the meeting maica yesterday afternoon with rived.
the rapid transport problem. This quantities.
called on all those who desired to cargo, mails and passengers.
system consists of a series of inde The term brown beer is local, take shares in the Daily News pendent car driven or controlled the Gersan brewers term being to come to him or to Mr. Nunez Around Gaacimo general de obergariges bier, or beer of up as they were agents for the sale pression is felt and operation is practically indepenper fermentation. It is sold at of shares at Limon. Several yer named Turner will after a while San Juan del Sur. It was dent of the human element and retail at about half the price of sons availed themselves of this be soon turned over.
proposed in Congress to nominate the cars move slowly at stations, ordinary baer, skys Daily Cong invitation.
General Luis Mena as the candi with high speed between stations, lar and Traile Reports, and is, Mr. Cox has asked to tell Ja Quite a pleasant evening passtherefore, a popular workingmau maicans through our columus that ed off on Sunday at Mr. Beekbeverage.
he hopes that each one will lius. ford house. select number It also has a large sale as a bev. tle to send and buy a few shares of people enjoyed a pleasant erage for nursiog mothers and is from the above named gentlemen Sunday evening.
Third Performance regarded as a wholesmoe product, or direct to Mr. Williams of although rather sour and less. palthe Daily Now, Kingston, Wo call the attention of our atablo thaa beer of the ordinary Jamnica.
Various readers of the advertisebrews. Being quickly produced, The following resolution was ment of the Limon City Dispenit keeps only a short time. The passed at the meeting. That the sary. This is the first of the kind pronounced sour flavor of brown Secretary of State for the Col. started here, and since it will af betr results from the development oniea basked to repeat the Carr great help to those who may not The International Star of lactic acid, due to the higher Sharp resolution which limirs the be employed by the to internal temperature produced by opportunities of Jamaicans to obtain in dical aid with a small the fermentation select proper persons to represent charge of registration, it should In making Berlin white byer them in the Legislative Council be supported. Berlin Feiss bier) wheat and of Jamaiea: barley malt in the proportion of At the close of the meeting Couplets, Songs and Romances three to four parts of the former three bearty cheers were given to one part of the latter is ground for the President of Costa Rica Siquirres Notes.
MARIA DEL CIGNO up separately and then mixed in and for the Governor of Port Limon.
Great tenor of opera. Moving Pictures Pathe. Two Performances the washing vat, according to either the decoction or the in The meeting was brought a The first to begin at 30 Second at p. General entrane DEM GAMBLER BOYS.
fusion method. Much of the close by the singing o. God Save to Gallery per performance, 25 cents.
distinctive charactar of the Berthe King.
On Wednesday last, in broad lin white boer is dependent upon daylight, when men from herest the special yeast that is used.
toil were wet throu gb and through by the sweat of their face a brevery to brewery and thus per plucky policeman invaded a nest petuated. During the last seve:New York. of gamblers tinder Puck House ty years or more the waite bier yeast has developed its special men. Bravo Bobby!
New York. There is more consistency and characteristics ME Limon City Dispensary.
and has also become acclimatized safisring from poverty this year ICHA BOD AND GOOD BYE.
in New York this summer than OBJECTS To provide medical attendance for the public of Port Limon at a cost o to fpecial conditions in Berlin.
That Brooklyn farm house will twenty five cents per week.
It is the opinion of experts that last year according to a report soon look dreary and contrary To supply medicine free to memoirs attendo this yeast would not stand trans. ade by the New York Associa with the departure of the Gayles.
tion for relieving the conditions. It is nearly two years now since To be run on the same lines as that of the New City Dispensary of portatior for auy great distance and that it would not be successof the poor.
Association the Kingston, Jamaica merry chat and healthy ful in places having other climatic figures for July and August show laughter of a happy band of chil. BENEFITS. For the sum of twenty five cents paid weekly, you have a competent a decided increase in the natinter dren are heard no more, and now conditions or in localities waara Doctor to attend you when sick, and save a Doctor bill of perhaps, the water differed from that in of families dependent upon chari Don Charlie has sold it out and hundreds of dollars.
ty in whole or in part.
transplanted his family in fairer You can always Lave medical examination made, and so keep your Striking features are the fact Jamaica the land of lands. The self in perfect health that intemperance has clarged to stont Seiiora sailed yesterday, Peace in Ecuador. cent of all distress and that 48 voyage, but a reenperation of her it in the report less tan per and we wish her not only a bon When you are sick and the Doctor in charge prescribes for you, the prescription is in ide up free of charge by a competent Dispenser, and from fresh drugs provided by the Dispensary.
per cent of families cared for are long lost health, in the home land georded being reduced to poverty of salubrious climate, material member not being able to present himself or herself at the dispensary for attention, and require the Doctor to attend, shall have to pay an extra Guayaquil. The revolution by sickness. Unemployment is prosperity, happiness in the re charge thus: During the day twenty five cents, from p. until mid.
started last month by General second on the list of cat1848 with a union with her children, true night, fifty cents, and then until a. obe Colon.
Flavio Alfara in an effort to take percentage of 25. Insufficient friends and peace with her neighThat Obstetrical cases will only costo extra nominal charge of Ten over the reins of the Government incomes sent 12 per cent of the bours. God Almighty abundantly Colones for the occasion.
from Senor Emilio Estrada, the families to seek relief bless the noble lady!
That infants of members will be attended free when sick up to one year old.
regnlary elected President, is euded. The Republic has been paHEALTH That members children can become members at a cost of Fifteen Cents per week up to the age of three.
cifled. General Alfaro and one High Cost of Living Ahem! Ahem! Ahemj is heard That when a consultation is necessary anoth. Doctor will be procured of his supporters in the revolutio.
all aronad this centre, You want at a nominal charge.
nary movement, General Paez, de Berlin. In view of the increaThat Trained Nurses will be provided when necessary at a nominal cost, to be told no further what the parted for Panama to day.
sed cost of living owing to the fol are Cerit from. Suffi HOW TO BECOME MEMBER.
The report that Colonel Carlos summer drought the Berlin Chiam cient to say that many babies Alfaro had been killed when his ber of Commerce and the MerEach applicant must present himself or hereelf at the offic: ofite Dis have been gathered to their long pensary during the hours of to ir am and to p. Week Days, rebel command was defeated by chants Guild today petitioned the rest. a. to 12 noon Sundays for examination Federal troops near Jipijappa in Government to reduce the tar ff Each person applying for membership must be examined by the Doctor, the province of Manibi, is untrue. on grain fod ler, etc. by applying With tears the agonising mothers and will not be admitted unless in seemingly good health.
Colonel Alfaro escaped and fled Watch these tenderlings as they lay; An entrance fee of One Colon will be charged each me nber which must a special classification to these to Guayas province where he is products and to ent the duties on Sow in tears while Mother Earth gathers be paid along with two weeks subscription But at Easter, God, your tears shall No one having become a member can apply for me lical attention, until now disbanding his force in expotatoes by fifty per cent. the wipe away, two weeks after change for amnesty.
new rates to be effective until August 1st, 1912 THE MARKET.
Smoke «La Nacionals cigaretto The Minister of Agrienlture las Administrator This place of alimentary impor.
The best, the cheapest in the coun or lered the sale of fodder to nads Above Ricardo Morales Ice Cream Palace. Near Landes Hotel, tance is looking mich better from persons at reduced prices.
the two white sheds which beauti For further information, call or write. Bar 15! Pyt Limon, Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
This yeast is transplanted from Poverty in Constitution of the and managed to procure a speci. LIMON CITY DISPENSARY.


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