
Editor ANGEL GORONAS Rate of Subscription Payable in advance THE TIMES month. months 12 Single copies. 00 00 00 10. 00 cents OFFICES: 3RD AVENUE Box 316 CABLES TIEMPO DAILY NEWSPAPER For Advertisements, apply to tha Manager.
VOL ONLY cents silver COPY Limon. Weduesday 27th September 1911 ONLY cents silver COPY Nº 250 his pocket and health to get down Philips Trueh Barrios and Gua Porto Ricans Restless.
Siquirres Notes.
ance THE TIMES hoping that you may reach home who has a thousand dollars in his Fernandez, John Moebuis, David Port Limon, Costa Rica (6. in safety to those beloved ones that are awaiting you, and may to work with, can be independent tamala. Stewort Bellows, Ver.
the Great God of leaven ever after a few years there.
gara Miguel Fournier, Ed.
ADDRESS TO MR. COX protect you and carry you safely ward Percy Atmore. intransit. to the end.
Amongst the passengers on the to Colon, Pauama, coolieren.
New York. Joseph Wenar, a Port Limon, Costa Rica, A, We have the honour to be, Sir, Wilhelmina. We note Mr. José Sie also brought some deckers planter from Porto Rico, brings Aramburu, one of the men who and a cargo of about 350 tons for tidings of discontent from the 24th September, 1911. Yonr most obedient servants, have made good in the mining this port.
insular posssesion of the Unibusiness in Nicaragua. He was ted States as a part of his mission Hox. GILBERT Cox, Bryant part owner for a long time of the of making this country botter Member of the City Council Aug. Grizzle famous La Tor y Los Angelos An Amusing acquainted with his island home of Jamaica.
Fred. Rothery Mining Co. a concern which exThe Porto Ricans are tired of James Stibble Barrister of Civil Laws from perts say, has ore in sight by the Incident. the calibar of the men in the Murray thonsauds of tens. The controlthe Inner Temple of Loninsular government he said at don. Scott and others. ing shares in this concern is ownA most amusing incident passed off in Hotel Astor. They are planning edat present by so ne Pittsb wg the Law Courts yesterday. handy la. to have a voice in the management Sir. We the undersigued on capitalist bourer known as faquin in this town yot of their owu affairs and intend to behalf of the entire British West in trouble night before last and was fined es 75 fur misconduet. Tais he refused to get it.
The majority of the Indians residing in this peaceful We also note Dr. Salvador Ly.
officials sent down by Uncle Sam pay and rather took the time over at the Republic of Costa Rica, sincerely jarza, who is passing through island known as vita.
to govern the island are the beg to tender you our heartiest THE WEATHER.
here on his way to the interior of This man had the good fortune three greatest bunch of after drinking and deepest appreciation for your Nicaragua, via Pauta Arenas.
mouths ago of winning of our monthly speakers ever imposed on a bondvisit to these shores, and rejoice Inversely to the past week when at your noble presence in our it rained almost every day. this We understand that the people battery the sum of 65, 000, and yet without ed people.
are disgusted with the transporta eusy stay where theves and robbers do The plan in the minds of the midst. Wo hope your visit may is wek of suusbine, with every tion on tha Grey Town River, and corrupt.
islanders, he explained, was prove a blessing to us, and your Our counplaining for the heat.
that they (who can afford it) will have the political parties in tho efforts crowned with abundance on Thursday night however, a in the future pass through Costa island tho Unionists and hed covered the of success in every effort that you regular mubarxon Rica instead.
put forward, to remove the ills ground with many inches of water Change in Funeral Republicans nominated candidates for the government jobs and which needs resistance, and to aud from the blackness of the Arrangements.
have the appointments made from get for us those wants, in the smi circular hills there was apthese. At present all the importgetting of which it needs assist prehension of an inaudation of Action of German ant officers are appointed from that portentous dasher the SiKiev, Sept. 19. complete change has buen made in the funeral arrangements Washington and the local patriots As a fellowman and citizen of quirres River.
Naval Officer. Before he died Stolypin expressed the wish are allowed to choose only some our dearly beloved Island, yon REPAIRS of the minor places.
have taken a position that is ass dered that his wishes be respected. Ac.
duous and perilous, first, in eriti.
Copenhagen. Tweuty five Ger.
Mr. Wenar says he representa The Railway Station House is cirdingly the body will be removed no organized body of men. From cising the form of Government undergoing rephirs from its man baitleships and cruisers arto Petclerk Monastery. The funeral there at 10 o clock the political point of view this administered by His jesty foundation. In digging away the rived at the Skaw and were join will take place Fr. day morning with a religious service in means that there is no revolution Representatives, with so much concrete pavement much dry tot ed by a smaller division. When the monastery churchyard.
afoot in the island although many activity, namely, the importation was revealed in the main sills and manoeuvring five torpedo boats man believe, as does Mr. Wanar.
of East Indian coolies to compete for the maintenauce of the equili entered and examined the waters The commercial side of his mission knebis in, where foreigu waragainst native labour; secondly, brium of the house new sills must Smoke «La Nacional» cigaretle heays, sorings purely from a the system that keeps our labour quickly be put in. Fone bis ships are not allowed, that being the location of the Danish nav. The best, the cheapest in the compailan ihr pic dozird to see ho. ne era poor and the injustices that cement pillars to the rear put up try.
country flourish.
are meted out to them. Showers by Mr. Whitter, the Com station. The matter has been re.
of abuses, criticisnu, and hatred pauy trusty mason, tell the tale ported to the Admiralty. The LA GEISHA have been poured or you by those that the house will be pushed presence of the Germans re awawho are opposed to your vie xs, back a few feri so as to afford akens frequent complaints of Ger Goosee.
and especially the oficials who wider platform, but this will o fer many using Danish waters for her manoeuvres In the best assorted Bar Room in San José. Specialty in Englis hand are solely responsible for the an irregular front with the new high handedness, injustice, and bodega y Que Heo!
mismanagement is carried ou from EARLY BIRI. Local News time to time in our Island home under His Majesty Flag and Now that Siquirres is made a Banner, which has caused us to town it is a lvis able to secure emigrate in such numbers, that building lots before the price The gasoline schooner Alva if we were to be counted, our climb up to the funcy figures arrived from Bluefields and sailGovernment would be surprised This town is growing fast and ed for Bocas del Toro with mails to know that we have increased new houses are iu erection at its titt passengers five times as much as when we four cardinals. Some splendid LIMON CITY DISPENSARY.
loft home.
places are now for sale and if We are sometimes pleased to Your well wishers beg to inform were yol Mr. Monial Business see our country friends in town NAME.
Limon City Dispensary.
you that we share in all those Man would come up, view the specially those from the sur OBJECTS. To provide medical attendance for the public of Port Limon at a cost of criticisms and abuses that bave land and make my investment, roundings of Santa Rosa.
been showered upon you for our before that big riel Jew fills up twenty five cents per week.
betterment, and ask you not to his belly with them. See that We are informed that in GuateTo supply medicine free to memoers after fear or think the battle long, you catch your worm.
To be run on the same lines as that of the New City Dispensary of mula no negro is allowed to carfor, soou shall victory wake your ry a gun of any kind and that Kingston, Jamaica song notices are plucarded on all the BENEFITS. For the sum of twenty five cente Paid weelly, you have a competent When we tell that a fairly General farms to that effect. Work there Doctor to attend you when sick, and save a Doctor bill of perhaps, large parceniagh of us. is condoes pay as well as elsewhere and hundreds of dollars.
stantly contributing our share to Information.
that there is a very big depresYou can always have a medical examination made, and so keep yourour Government, as constant taxsion of trade.
self in perfect health payers, showing that our interests are still firmly centred patriotic We note amongst the passen. Mr. Fouse who was very much When you are sick and the Doctor in charge prescribes for you, the pre.
feeling for the land of our birth, gers on the schooner Vilhelmina scription is made up free of charge by a competent Dispenser, and from liked by the employees of the fresh drugs provided by the Dispensary.
and our allegiance still to Our that arrived here Saturday in Northern Railway has returned Sovereign Lord and King. Our transit for New York, was the member not being able to present himsell or herself at the dispensary after his commission in the States.
for attention, and require the Doctor to attend, shall have to pay an extra sincere affectious for the dear General Manager of Belangers, He was sometimes ago deputed to charge thus: Duriog the day twentyfive cenis, from p. until mid.
ones at home, just think how sor Ine. a fire that has been in exis proceed there for the purpose of niglit, fifty cents, and then until am one Culoa.
rowful it has been to us, when tence on the Atlantic Coast of selecting and buying cars for the That Obstetrical cases will only cost an extra nominal charge of Tea many a day we look across the Nicaragua for the last ten years, company. He has again taken up Colones for the occasion.
blue sea that divides us in the in fact, one of the most advanced his duties of foreman of the shops That infants of members will be attended free when sick up to one year old hope or returning to our families, houses ou the Coast In the and hope that he will work on the That members children can become members at a cost of Fifteen Cents but when we think again on the course of a conversation with Mr. same lines as britierto, per week up to the age of three.
conditions that prevails, we conLawder, he said that conditions That when a consultation is necessary ander Doctor wil be procured sole ourselves with the idea, it is on the coast were advancing Many Jamaicans are always at a nominal charge.
best for us to remain, for we slowly but surely, and that as 80011 That Trained Nurses will be provided when necessary at a nominal cost.
called up to pay ant sometimes would be exchanging liberty for as the Loan question was settled 10. Under norice the Post Of. HOW TO BECOME MEMBER captivity there would be plenty of mony Tree is in a very filthy condition We ask your kind sympathy, in on the coast, and that it would be a las not been swept for days.
Each applicant must present himself or hereell at the office of the Dis.
pensary during the hours of yti 11 a and tp. inWeek Days, extending a hearty congratulation ou the boom, that everyone wa To Sunitary Officers in many 9am to 12 noon Sundays for examination to the people of this peaceful Re expecting the United Druit Coin.
cases are not to be blamed as Each person applying for membership must be examined by the Doctor, public, among whom we reside, pany in there in the course of great negligence is shown by and will not be admitted unless in seemingly good health.
and whose treatment to us as time, and that would near the some in higher authority.
An entrance fee of Onic Colon will be charged each member which must be paid along with two weeks subscription.
foreigoers cannot be excelled in making of new farins, and imno other Latin American country. proving of the old ones, which on No one having become a member can apply for medical attention until The following passengers artwo weeks after within this belt at present, and account of wars, concession, eter, rived by the Heredia from also a continuous prosperity to had been partly abandoned for New Orleans via Barrios. Mr DRT. VILLA HAEUSLER, JAMES GOK Medico in charge.
each and every foreigner, that the last four years.
Administrator Frank Fouse and wife, Clifford emigrates to this Republie.
Nicaragua is the land for the deblichael, Maximo Feruaudez, Office. Above Ricardo Morales Ice Cream Palace. Near Londes Eotel, We now wish you a bon voyage, mau wisibadethaento apabledsanpidoidjobda Baciota Miquel Obregón juizare del Sistema Nacional de Piqtecas del Ministerio de Guillem de quien festa Rica call or write, Box 15. Port Limon, American drinks Constitution of the


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