
Editor Rate of Subscription Payable in advance ANGEL GORONAS THE TIMES month 00 months 00 0. 00 12 10. 00 Single coples. cents For Advertisements, apply to tb Manager.
OFFICES: 3RD AVENUE Box 316 CABLES TIEMPO DAILY NEWSPAPER Tor ONLY cents silver COPY Limon. Thursday 25th September 1911 ONLY cents silver COPY NO 251 wa on As Seen Through Eng. there are fewer oxercises which lish Eyes.
OD to be made of alcohol, the price Foreigners not 1!
THE TIMES for hear with joy that there At12 o clock yesterday a brown Poor Local News Man Weds a Port Limon, Costa Rica (6. are some Boxing Gloves coming woman who is quite strong and soon. Yes, have done a little wont work but is always begging with the gloves, and hope to have the Second Avenue Rothschild.
COSTA RICA, the privilege of boxing at St.
The Heredia sailed for by Mr. Borzoni establishment Mark in order to keep myself Colou taking intransit ssen It happened that one of those fit and healthy. To my mind little shoe blacks was enjoying tine Rothschild, a daughter of the London. The Baroness Valengure for Jamaica.
himself on a bicycle when he helps a man to get morally and The Karen sailed for colliled with her and bounced late Baron Albert von Rothschild, head of the Vienna branch of the physically fit at the same time, Bocas del Toro with mails and her over heels to the ground. In so long as he treats and uses it passengers from here.
aggravation she got up and start house, has married Siegmund AN INTERVIEW WITH always as a sport in the true ed to throw stones at the boy Springer, a Londoner without a sense of the word, when the police came fortune, who was a booster for a the REV. WORSFOLD.
The woman Tate who had been believe there is a great future scene, confined to Jail since the Chi.
She afterwards realizing firm of stock brokers.
before this country and the peothat the Quartel was her place estimated at 100, 000, 000 kronen, The fortone of the Baroness is What do think of Costa Rica?
ple in it, though if there be one naman at Camp One Road was started to say the following: Mr.
Well, it is difficult to say with thing do not like, and which kille has been released.
Police this boy mucho molesto, mi or about 20, 000, 000.
any degree of certainty, exactly shall always go against, it is the what thiuk, as have only been mosquito pest.
Many people in this town like can speak the Panish but dis here about four months, but can buoy much molesta Mr. Police.
to make embargoes but they Now you must remember am She was however taken to College Notice.
give you a few impressions. giving you an Englishman im often get so tired before receiving where she will have to take leg.
When was on my way out their good results that temper is Wholesale and Retail Drafts prossion as seen through English sons in Spauish. Quite a crowd here, pictured a land of plenty sometimes caused.
ou Jamaica, American Gold and eyes.
witnessed the occasion, and sunshine; we certainly get Greenbacks always on sale.
There is one thing that should the latter, at times, and might like to offer to you, and it is, ad Guaro is being sold at the same LINDO CO.
also enjby the plenty, if the purse vice worth taking. Let The price and although some think it were full enough, but it isn Times progrese with the times, Siquirres.
It was a pretty which and be a means of education and of burning aleotol has gone up opened up before me, as ap enlightenment. It can be done, to 75 cents per pint. wonder Molested.
proachel on the steaner but it always remerober, if you will do why.
was dark when landed, it is it. So good luck to Costa Rica On the 12th of October, the perbaps, wise not to say, whether and The Times.
Anniversary of the Discovery of Pekin. The British Consul Messrs Lindo Co. are extend.
that fortunate or unfortuAinerica, there will be both Foot here received a dispatch from nate.
ball and Baseball Matches be. Cheng Tu, dated Sept. 13, reading their business and will short ly have many more Commissaries wai very much struck with Matina News. tween the San José Team and our ing: along the Line.
the bu kings and the streets. local Clubs. This will break the Foreigners have not been mowhich are so vastly different to As they import practically lested. There has been so fight everything they can sell better England, or any other European Church at Matina, has long been To many people, the English sickening monotony of our Limon life.
ing within the city since Sept. 7, and cheaper goods than anyo: country. Limon is very cosmobut there has been geveral enelse. American Gold, Greenbacks politan, so that, to myself at any a source of contempt, as it was, Yesterday as from information gagements outside the walls, both and Drafts on Jamaica are always rate, it vas easy to adapt myself without contradiction, the worst learnt the complete plans of the sides losing considerably.
on sale.
to the surroundings.
building in Matina, so bad, that Limon Market were passed and The anti railway loan moveYou ask me what think of the people could not worship in that in a couple of days we can ment seems to be taking on an the peole. Well, think there, it. However, in a few months enjoy many other views especially increasingly revolutionary char. Cabrera Peña Hnos too. am an very doubtful ground, time, it is hoped that a nice spa.
what the laws of good health re acter throughout the country, and for may make, or lose friends cion Curhl appear an! quire in an advancing town. the government is concerned over LA CONVENIENCIA already made: if, say exactly which will be. We hops, the best, Tecent meetinge of anti loan agi GRAND FANCY STORE what think of some, and what along the lines. The work of We are always pleased to give tators at Hong Kong. At this should lay to d) to others; but making out the ground for the our readers good information and meeting it was resolved to organWo keep a special assortment of American and Country made Shoes, Italian Straw this will say, that have always foundatiou was done last week, ize the opposition in the provinces Hats, Stetson and Von Gally felt Hats found the Goverument Officials and iu a few weeks the founda plaints about the early delivery of Hupeha Hunan, Kwang Tung Ties Umbrellas, and fine suspenders. BeauAll credit tiful Babies Silk Cap and 1st class most coniteous and kind, whether tioa stone will be laid.
of our printing give cause of some and Sze Chuan. In Pekin the to the church people of Matina, disregard what we are not in a it be the Governor, or the Doctor stock of superior quality gools palaces and the homes of officials Our prices are the lowest at the Hospital, or the officials and may they work on in the Call on us at the pramist are protected by extra guards. pied The with whom come in contaet. same spirit in which they have position to answer.
All havo, no doubt, felt pity for begun.
To those concerned we can say my lamentably ignorance of a the Leyland Line steamer Louisi.
beautiful language, which am The Race Question and after getting further informa anian will be in Colon to day trying with the little time at my disposal, to acqnire.
in tion will say when she will arrive No, it is not for me to criticise England. in this port. For those who do LIMON CITY DISPENSARY.
the work of the country. be.
not know Messrs Isaac Maduro lieve that surely and steadily London, Sept. 19. The Times Sons are the Agents. ME in an editorial urges that in the this most peaceful of Republics, is Limon City Dispensary.
acquiring modern ideas and meth empire interest the Johnson We are pleased to see that our OBJECTS, To provide medical attendance for the public of Port Limon at a cost of ods, as the needs for such present Wells match ought to be stopped good Health Officer, Dr. Cespe.
twenty five cents per week themsel is. And am sure that. because it has not sporting justi des, is now up and doing, and To supply medicine free to members attended postal ar angements, in fact, all fication. The spectators, says the that from what we complained of To be run on the same lines as that of the New City Dispensary of arrrangemeats which make for Times, will be attracted solely in our Local Column, is now givKingston, Jamaica the progrse of this country and by a morbid and unwbolesome ing the Post Office a good cleanBENEFITS. For the sum of twenty five cents paid weekly, you have a competent people, will advance always for intent in a struggle between a ing out. Not old papers nor old good.
white man and a blaekman, and letters but on hygiene principles.
Doctor to attend you when sick, and save a Doctor bill of perhaps, hundreds of dollars. bave been much struck with the contest itself, together with church life in Costa Rica, and the showing of fight pictures, can The Municipality of Limon has You can always have a medical cxamination made, and so keep your self in perfect health.
must say, with all fairness, that only serve to promote or aggra. given out the contract to a gen: find more religion up the lines, vate the color feeling throughout tleman for having this town kept When you are sick and the Doctor in charge prescribes for you, the pre.
and more polid support given to cloan. We see that Avenida scription is made up free of charge by a competent Dispenser, and from the Church, but, of course, there Primera at the lower end is in fresh drugs provided by the Dispensary.
are many things to take into con Seizure of Vessels. those at the head of affairs (our an awful conditiou. Why don A member not being able to present himself or herself at the dispensary sideration, and so after all one for attention, and require the Doctor to attend, shall have to pay an extra charge thus: During the day twenty five cents, from p. until mid.
cannot Ti ally grumble, only City Fathers) see to this and night, fifty cents, and then until a. one Colen.
would like to suggest to every London. The Daily Mail asother directions British bubject that he should serts that by seizure of two 3That Obstetrical cases will only cost an extra nominal charge of Ton Colones for the occasion.
play tho game that is, he sels in the Thames and at Barrow long fult want for water should remember to keep the laws recently, the British Customs au around Cineguita and the croesing of the country in which he has thorities stopped a projected re will soon be supplied. Mr. AntoThat infants of members will be attended free when sick up to one year old.
the privilege to live, then if he volution in South America.
That members children can become members at a cost of Fifteen Cents nio Escalante showed us a lead of be a chu chman or a member of The vesels seized were per week up to the age of three.
the piping from the main which in a That when a consultation is necessary another Doc or wil be procured any reli, ous body, he should be Foam Queeu and the Arizona. few days will supply water to at a nominal charge.
a membr in all sincerity, and They are alleged to have carried the various yards. This is a one That Trained Nurses will be provided when necessary at a nominal costa act strai ht and true and honest. arms and initions of war. Th9 inch ore but (though small will HOW TO BECOME MEMBER.
But m not preach here. Customs authorities acted upon suffice some wants.
What do think of the Limon information from a South Ameri Each applicant must present himself or hereell at the office of the Dis Literary and Friendly Associa can country. It is reported to pensary during the hours of to num and to Week Days, We observed in ours of yester9 am to 12 ndon Sundays for examination tion? Wuy think it one of the have been either Venezuela, day that in our Spanish Section Each person applying for membership must be examined by the Doctor, grandes movements going, and where ex President Cipriano Cas that there was something written and will not be admitted unless in seemingly good health.
am pro id of being connected with tro is said to fomenting trouble, by someone who signed himself An entrance fee of Onc Colon will be charged each member which must it. Besides the educational value or Honduras, where a revolatiot. humble little soldier. He be paid along with two weeks subscription.
it has, there is the distinctly plot is said to have discovered res complains that a lot of favouritNo one having become a member can apply for medical attention unti)
two weeks after moral advantage, and none will cently.
ism and preference is being DRT. VILLA HAEUSLER, deny th need of better and clean The government will make oore Er morals amongst all classes here of the details publie until the members of the Company, that is shown by Major Solano to certain JAMES GON.
Medico iu charge Administrator, Il Limon. Then the physical Admiralty Court brings in its to those who are in Office Above Ricardo Morales Ice Cream Palace. Near Londres Hotel.
side bieve is largely catered decision.
a better social standing For further information, call or write, Box 15. Port Limon, Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
neuConstitution of the the empire.


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