
Editor ANGEL GORONAS THE TIMES Rate of Subscription Payable in advance month. months 12 Single copies. 00 00 00 10. 00 Scents OFFICES: 3RD AVENCE Box 316 CABLES TIEMPO DAILY NEWSPAPER For Advertisements, apply u tha Manager Archbishop of Canterbury Opposes or pally or solely by dollar diplo The Matina Concert VOL ONLY cents silver CÓPY Limon. Saturday 30th September 1911 ONLY cents silver COPY 252 THE TIMES ard, then the only fruits by which have them as two grand lumina New Ecuadorean Port Limon, Gosta Rica (G. dollar diplomacy may be known ries of the most abused race.
at present are those rather un Give them their chances, parents. Consul to New palatable ones in China, where On the whole the entertainment FRUITS OF DOLLAR American warships are helping to was good and in the teacher heart Orleans.
protect foreign residents of rebel there are two other adjectives enFight.
DIPLOMACY. lious provinces against hurt by graved better and best. He has the indignant Chinese. It is very given the good and hopes with Guayaquil, Fcuador, Sept. 18. London, Sept. 19. The Archbishop of much to be doubted, in any case the help of the community to give President Estrada is seriously ill. Canterbury has interested himself in the The State Department issued, where dollar diplomacy will be the better then with a steady run Paciencio Chiriboga was to day campaign to prevent the scheduled Johnson Wells fight and has written the Home a few days ago, as a full vindica able to secure a clean title to com and a dash for the summit to give appointed Ecuadorean Consul a: Office urging thatt action to suppress the tion of dollar diplomacy a plete credit for the indicated ex the best the consummation New Orleans.
contest be taken.
statement to the effect that the pansion of our foreign commercu the sumum bonum of man aspiraexports of domestic merchandise during the fiscal year 1911. The tion and ultimate goal.
for the fiscal year recently closed rival claim of ths benevolent tar.
Never Meant to Night Watch amounted to more than two bil iff law will have its day in court. Gooil, better best, Never let us rest lion dollars, exceeding the show.
Cede Port.
at least, and it is not at all im with no Avail.
Till our good is better ing of the previous year by more probable that other conteuders Aud our better best.
Madrid. Premier Canalejas categorical.
than 30, 000, 000 and even sur for lue credit will register their passing that of 1907, hitherto the claims before matter is finally Some local scientists were argu ly denies that there was ever a question of bauper year. This happy result, adjucated.
ing on Astronomy Wednesday Spain ceding a port or island of the Canathe department would have us beLocal News evening and it was brought to a Sept. 16 quoted the Gil Blas as saying that close when it was decided to go France in her latest communication to Ger.
lieve, was brought about princiThe Origen sailed with on the top of Mrs. Arnold hill many included a request for guarantees macy.
22, 000 bunches stems of bananas.
at night to examine the heavens that no secret treaty existed between Spain and look for the Southern Cross.
and Germany concerning the sale of transA little later, no doubt, Repubfer of any Spanish territory in Morocco or lican orators will tell us that the POR II. SIQUIRRES.
The parties were up until nearly partial eclipse of the sun any Canary Island to Germany.
indicated growth of American exwas seen in a north westerly di o clock yesterday morning and ports, with the concomitant trade On Monday evening the 25th rectiou of the Heavens on Wed after various discussions decided to procure a good glass throngh War Talk Rife.
balance in our favor, resulted iust. a break was put to the non nesday evening at about 30.
which they cau see better. What from the beneficent workings of otony of the Matina life by a very successful concert got up by the the Aldrich Payne tariff law. But Many of the school children faols we mortals be.
UNEASINESS MANIFESI ITSELF let us not anticipate; Secretary ejergetis schoolmaster; Mr. Wilwere vaccinated by Dr. Cespedes IN PARIS FOOD RIOTS.
Koor young men have beaten liam Powell. In this Mrs. Powell and many more will be in the Plans Tour of World Chicago. cable to the Tribune the campaigu spellbinders to the proved a real and practical help course of the week.
from Paris says claim anl we need ouly to consid mate and was indeed the most Heavy contingents of police and gen.
er for the present their appropria animating entity during the We see with pleasure the new Paris. Mamet, the aviator darmes, and Guo soldiers, succeeded in tion of the credit and glory for whole concert. The Siquirres uniforms of the boatmen of the furaerly associated with Bleriot preventing the fool riots which threatened dollar diplom. cy.
Teacher was in the chair and no Captain of port and do like the inteuds touring the world in an to break ont in Paris. Nume ou meetings were held however, and a committee It is apparent, first of all, that eulogium Deeds be written about colour and make up.
there has been somewhere a inis. him suflicient to say his services Rene Million. The route so far appointed to draw up, with the assistance understanding of the term. For were manifestly highly appre. The Masonic Lodge Room over planned runs southward through which will be submitted to the retailers, the immediate purposes of the ciated.
the sea makes a very fine appear. France, Spain, Algiers, Taois an it is expectel, will determine State Department, dollar diplo It was amusing to watch Profes. ance being newly renovated and pyt: thence by steamer to Io. Whether the suc, disturbances are still are going on in a capital is to be subjected to macy seems to be so defined as sor Stephen in his long coat and nicely painted.
dia, across India through the air doen en Lowas in Northern France to cover the efforts of all the gov to him alone was that distinction by steamer to Australia, by Despite the improbability of trouble bsBrugent agencies to broaden and proffered. He carried a big stick, The launch Cahauita from steamer 10 South America, wcea France anl Germany, was talk is increase ide nation fore gn com but as he was singular in uis coat the coast arrived Thursday morn fliggt over that country arte, causing a generalimpice of un.
merce. Yet an Assistant Secre he would rather pla the role of ing with large quantities of plau. Leuce by steamer to Africa and easiness which in hipoter qures, such tary of State defined it not long Bishop Sacro Sauto than thump tains and other vegetables. than northward by air lind.
as Belle rille, is refled in the form if indignatin against the sellers of fool in spite ago as an effort to substitute do the floor for once; after all he is of the fact that th: luter are nr sonst lars for bullets. The popular. a jolly good fellow Professor The following passengers left the doubling of prices.
derstanding is that it applies Fray kept the audience awake by the Karen for Bocas del Cholera in Aristo The social life of France un dubtedly is disturbed and everywie specificalls to those peculiar ac and amused with his well toned Toro: Mrs. Fernando Parraga.
tivities of the department which and riguty directed ej iculations. Mr. Fernando Parraga, Mr. Frauk cratic Part of Rome fearing Inbour troubles, of app creatly were introduced under Secretary. He truly has a big onth, but on Robertson and 15 dockers. She Every one is wondering what sort of a Kuox the fight to get in on the other hand a soul replete with also carried mails.
Chaisso, Switzerland. Fepor from Romek will discharge the electrifiel atmo the Chinese railway loan, for wit. Say what you like, if you leate that the cholera has spread into the sphere, but noboay seems to know The following passengers left alis ocratic quarter of the city.
example, and the scheme to force ant laughter, if you want a Oaedth American loans upon sundry Cen. cracking dashing, rollicking, by the Heredia for Colon: has occurred in the Olescalchi palace. Pre.
Vous cases of cholera ia Rome hive occur tral Atoericau republics, the same right up and down foine social Emialo Roya, Perey Fearu.
red among the poorer classes.
be underwritten, after a evening, invite Professors Fray Mrs. Samuel Uribe, Mrs.
The leading Fancy and Dry Goods fashion, by this government and and Stephen.
Meek and child, Hesse. Store in Siquirres.
Becured by the taking over of the For music a Mr. Scott, a com deckers aud the Sagi Barba Troops Fire large assortment of Ladies Dress debtor customs administrations. positor and sopgstor of no mean Company of actors and actresses.
Wear always on hand.
If the popular definition is ac order, played the violincello.
on Mub.
while Teacher Powell and young cepted, the new claims for dul.
Boots and Shoes a specialty, We are very glad to note that lar diplomacy become ridiculous Master Leslie played the harmo a step has been taken in the right Bilboa. Troops this af ernoon fired on weeds and Coatings of differenon their face. For Secretary Knox Mr. Stephen Hudson gave direction. Post Office announce a crowd that was endavouring to free Texture.
has been unable to force the Seu some very fie selection on his ment in our columns of the 27th. prisoners, including strike leaders, who Hats Hots! of latest patterns, ale acceptance of his Honduran grama phone and the encores for We do not know if we have been were being taken through the streets.
SOLOMON RODGERS, and Nicaraguan treaties; and the tuese were rightly called and Twenty six per persons were wounded. The instrumental in briuging about situation is yrave.
threatening situation in China opportunely granted. Many se this step, but let us hope that it Proprietor was produced, according to the lections were made from the will be repeated occasionally, Cabrera Peña Hnos general understand, by the Chi Crown of Sougo and in solos nese people objection to their and choruses were well rendered. The attention of our city. Fa Teach Mexican «LA CONVENIENCIA government railway policy, as For special inerit the duet bythers is called to the fact of the outlined by the acceptance of the Mrs. Powell and Mrs. Simpson many openings on the sidewalk Soldiers to Fly.
GRAND FANCY STORE foreign loan, participation in was done in good form, the former leading to the Alcaldia Court, whica by American capital was resonaut and clear while the many holes that are used for the Mexico City The Deput nent of War keep a special assortment of American ant Country made Shoes, Italian Straw Hats, Stetson and Von Gall felt llats insisted upon by the inventor of liter soft and sweet The solo purpose of cleauing out the pipes and Marise will soon sign a contract with dollar diplomacy. Viewed by Mr. Gout Ties Umbrellas, and fine suspendere Beaucarried when corroded are left uncovered o a school of aviation on the plains of Val tiful Baliles silk Caps and a Hirst class either as a stimulus to trade, or as mueli praise aud made the sten and pedestrians are in danger. Buena. Roumagnac who has studied stuck of superior quality foods.
a promoter of peace, dollar dip tariau professors ejacalate Dulcie!
aviation in Europe, proposes to instruct Our prices are the lowest in Town!
Call on us at the premises fournerly orcu.
lomacy achievements in China Nrs, Staple is to be cougratulated Some of the banana receivers the soldiers pied by The White Store on, are not such as fully vindicate for the soft and regular manner are kicking having to attend to the claims now made in iis name she gave her solo. Hers was a their class so often on the wharf.
by the State Department.
display of the proper expression Some although tired from over Plainly, the definitions of the ia coutradistinction to the awe night work, and others although term will have to be standardized inspiring loudness. One would marked off on the Blackboard to before we undertake to gauge in rua teu iniles to hear Mr. Hunter take up midnight service to For the convenience of being examined for admission the telligently the accomplishments with his side splitting songs. This leave town hot feel it an im. Limon City Dispensary has decided to change the of dollar diplomacy If it be young gentlemau brougut au en position to be called out by the consulting hours thus: applied only to the policy of aid core wita his two veutures and expert.
ing American to 11 and 12 to pm. Sundays included.
business inun the public would like to have through a more wideawake cou. more of hiin. He is a right down OFFICE: Above Morales Ice Cream Palace, near Hotel Londres.
Bular service and the other gove rollicking roller and his profundo Lloyd Takes DR VILLA HAEUSLER, ernment agencies in foreign lands, basso is sin par. Of the reciters JAS. GORE then Secretary Knox is not to be Masters Bryan and Cohen the Chance. Medico in charge.
Administrator hailed as its author or inventor, Jack smarts of the evening deserve for its origin antedates by soine much praise. These are boys of London. The overthrow of the Spanish Keep well or a Doctor and medicine free when sick for years his appearance in the State strong will power and marked inmonarchy was in ured against at Lloyds, 25 Cents per week by joining when the high rate of 26 guineas (approxi.
Department If the popular con telligence. With training and ception is to be adopted as stand application we may some day maplica per cert) was being paid for Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
heresa to nium Notice.
The Limon City Dispensary.


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