
Rate of Subscription rayable in advance Editor ANGEL GORONAS THE TIMES month. 00 months 00 0. 00 12. 10. 00 Single copies. cents OFFICES: 3RD AVENUE Box 316 CABLES TIEMPO For Advertisements, apply to tha Manager. DAILY NEWSPAPER ONLY cents silver COPY Vor Limon. Sunday 1st October 1911 NO 2582 ONLY cents silver COPY daras says: very Have Begun a New Reign of Terror break, attended with terrorism, anya cheexis tree of chansong by the where Siberia from four property, departed for bigher The best Store in the goods, Shoes, GroTHE TIMES this summer, when the plan of the wickets for 10 runs and McDonald for 15.
Freak of Nature.
new movement was determined.
The San Alberto Stricken People Port Linon, Costa Rica (G. Reporte, it is asserted, were read men tried bowlers of whom Desert Homes.
indicai ng an increase in revolu. Howell was the most successful. The Clarion, of British HonSOCIAL REVOLU tionary activity, but deploring The only disappointments were, the lack of workers and the that the Umpires gave out one or Catania, Sicily. The 30, 000 Last Monday night a means for furthering their par two men when they were not out, inhabitants of Castiglione and strange event happened at YarTIONISTS IN RUSSIA poses. Nevertheless small but and Messrs. Howell and Hyam Franca Villa turned their backs borough. Coolie woman gave well organized groups were said were very rude on the ground, on their homes, fieeing before the birth to two female babies, who to be at work.
te hope in future they will drop advancing flood of lava from were perfectly formed but were In the rebuilding of the party ihat ola time rudeness and play Mount Etna. Both towns are joined together, the right breast organization the social revolution the game in a sporting spirit threatened with destruction. The of the one being fastened to the ists are said by the police to bave rather than a gaunbling spirit. discharge from the crater and left breast of the other. There composed a new statute. They We hope Captain Hewie will re new fissures increases in yolune. were two bodies, with two heads, hoid to the elective principle, form them, as we kuow there is no The main stream pouring down four arms and four legs. The LONG LIST OF TRAGEDIES tempoharily covered by the right better sportsman than he is.
the north eastern side of the vol heads had each a good quantity ACCOMPLISHED IN THE of co operation. In view of the It is stated that this return cano, has made its way sluggisbly of hair on. Tho doctor, who first PAST TWO MONTHS necessity for conspirative work match will be played at San Al about and over the foothills to attended the case, thought it adALTER MEETING under the present circumstances. berto on Saturday 14th prox. ward the base, crossed the rail visable under the circumstance to OF LEADERS The question of preparations in There was a heavy blowing here way and invaded the valley of call in the help of one of the other the election for the fourth Douma on Saturday last but fortunately Alcantara. The front is fifty niedical practitioners to assist him IN PARIS was decided in the affirmative. it was pretty high up in the air fuet high and a third of a mile witb the case. It is almost need As the delegates from Russia, ac henee no damage was done. wide broke over a long deelivity, less to add that the children did According to police raports, the cording to the Galos Moskwy, deSeveral train loads of heavy and gathering velocity, forced not survive their birth.
revolutionary bodies are showing signs of recovering from the stage clared against an inmediate con bridge material is gone to Jiminez peasant dwellers in its path to the Jiminez make a hurried gress as planned by the foreign presumably for retreat. It spread gering blow dealt them two years For Sale.
bars, and asserted the latter Bridge, if so it will be a great through and burned the orange ago by the exposure of the dual Were ignorant of actual conditions addition to that place, particular and lemon groves, engulfing the role of Eugene Azef, who was One mule and two horses, good once head of the fighting Social another conference in 1912.
iu Russia, it was decided to hold ly so as Jiminez has just been many springs in the neighbourcreated a ists and police spy.
caution, as well as hood cut off the water supply of for any class of work. Apply to The Tevo!
Delegates from Russia feared Siquirres.
tionists are now closing up their many villages RICARDO MORA tin Peunscent organization might When the stream was within racks in preparation for a new suffer a stock and be exposed to three miles of Castiglione aud Limon, Sept. 15, 1911.
campaign, officials say. Some Local News time ago Russian police agents if acts of terror were resumed. provocation and demoralization Franca Villa, the people collected abroad reported to their govern. They acknowledged, the police their portable property and with Black and White Mr. Ven Tall has returned ment indicating that a new outtheir farm animals and househol was impending. Recent acts of The conference diselosed the fact weeks holiday.
detachments executing such acts. he enjoyed violence directed against thoso Market, Country that Azef, who was reported killemployed by the government have ed at Weisbadeu, had been traced appeared to give some substance and tue execution of the death Many people will be surprised to these reporte.
The assistant prosecutor of St.
sentence banging over him is in which is now on exhibition at the Washington trusted to two workers of unini. Co. place of business was ceries, Lottery Petersburg, Alexander Skopin.
poachable faithfulness.
sky, was murdered in a train ou male by those who are confined Tickets in St. Lueas.
the Simpheropol Railroad Aug. 2; Washington. The situation along the by two men who since have svaded detectives. The fact that none Mr. Peralta brought with him Mexican border is under close watch of the United States Government If the raids For Sale.
Guacimo: of the murdered man property from Jamaica 14 horses of very upon American farins and ranches by irre.
was taken led to the belief that good blood and heads of mules.
sponsible bands are repeated and the bor That beautiful cottage with his death was a political act. Saturday 23rd Fas a regular There are very fine lot of racers Shopinsky Harued the hatred of gala day at this section. The san in the lot of horses. He has also Department will adopt measures of protec adjoining lot 200 yards are or tion. There are plenty of troops in the less west of Siquirrey Ruilway the revolutionists in 1904 07, be Alberto came up from La brought a trainer and a jockey.
vicinity of the border to meet any eter Station.
cause of the conviction of certain Juuta to play a mateh agaiust the gency.
II. That splendid businseg terrorists, who are said to have Corouation Co. of this place. rived by the Limon from ders have reached Washington.
The following passengers ar No oficial advices relative to the disor site with house of thrhe rooms, vowed to take his life. On Aug. The latter Club is known as a 50 yards east of Siquicres Rail.
12, Paul the 17 year old son of pretty sirong one and public Boston: Mr. Norman Southworth, way Station. For particulars, Commander Kurosb, of the cruis opinion ran high in favour of the Mr. Rodd, Miss Rudd, enquire of er Admiral Makaroff, was mur visitors, but when play started Miss Woodman, Miss GAYLE dered at Oger. On the eve of the the tide changed as the Sun Al Scoltock, Mr. Laughlin, Siquirres, Bor 16, assassination he received a letter, berto men found that the bowl. Mrs. Savary, Master Wade Tobacco Trees saying the Riga fighting organi ing of MacDonald, Gray and Na. Savary. She took her customary Limon, Supt. 13, 1911. 30 zatiou, wished to io form bin that tion was far aliead of them, con.
load of bananas and sailed.
he had been sentenced to death sequently they could barely mus.
Your Grand Chance to expiate the blood which your ter 20 runs in the first innings The following passengers ar Suffolk, Conn. Under the heaviest rived by the Siberia from frost which has visited Suffolk for 25 year: Not having time to attend same, worthless father spilled in Hol and 27 in the end, while to the New York via Jamaica: Mr. at this time of the year, about 830 acres of will sell on easy instalunants to any ener pingfors. The note added that to contrary the Guscino me quick Leonard Summergill. Mr. Jolin standing tobacco trees were ompletely stichting more place, Bebetores: kill the father would be a lesser ly mastered their bowling making pana, Mr. Pana Miss Ellis, unele punisment than the suffering 91 runs, thus being victors by an ty in city, next door to Co. ComOver the death of his eo.
The inning and 31 runs. Appended Mr. Peralta, Mrs. Rosa Peralta, aggregate loss at between 10, 000 to father when in comunand of the Miss Anita Peralta; Mr. Blas.
Basino33 naik moasy. Call to day are the scores. frost ruined tobacco then in the fields and eruiser Fion, in the Helsingfors Prendergast, Mr. Robert Curiis, it had to be ploughed unger. It is probabie GUACIMO 15 INNINGS, Mr. John Veruon Mr. Richard that the acreage that is Llighted will have roadstead in 1906 did much to Notice.
Davis suppress the Sveaborg mutiny.
MeEnnis, Miss Alice Connor to be tumed back into the ground, Earlier in the season about 5, 800 acres of Other recent acts are the killand Miss Mereella Grabam.
Nation tobacco were ruined by hailed.
Wholesale and Retail Drafts ing of the prison warden, Cñmoff, Kevd. McDonald 18 ou Jamaica, American Gold and Clarke in Volga, and a series of similar the On Thursday afternoon Greenbacks always on sale.
murders. In Irhedsk, Byatka Gray.
workers in No. Bodego were all Bowman Province, the assistant public LINDO CO.
frightened and put to their wits Cole prosecutor, Golokhdastov, Wus end. Car 757 was being loaded The King Sons.
Tully wounded in the back with a day.
with cargo for San José and a Siquirres Evans ger on Alig. 23. Two days later Reid drum of oil of Vitreol was among The Prince of Wales, much to his dis Cabrera Peña Hnos an agent of the Okhraua political White the lot when all of a sudeen the appointment, it is said, is not destined for a pulce, named Artemenko, was drum burst. Some of its contents naval career. He may spend only six LA CONVENIENCIA months on the Hindustan and after that killed at Alexandrovsk. Ou Aug.
burnt one Gomez badly in the enter cavalry regiment 99 an unknown person fired in face, about his arms, abdomen The future of the King next son, GRAND FANCY STOEX the bedroom of the assistant chief SAN ALBERTO ist INS, 2nd Ins, and legs and the clothing of Prince Albert, has been engaging the King wo keep a special assortment of Ameriof the gendarmes of Yelizabethanother named Myrie. The car attention lately, and it is understood that Hewie can and Country made Shoes, Italian Stray Hats, Stetson and Von Gall felt Hats he will eventually become a midshipman pol, Lieutenant Colonel Gamrekthen caught fro aud in a few se.
Hamilton In his case the navy will furnish him with Ties, Umbrellas, and fine suspenders. BeanIlowell lidze, but hit bis pillow. The same conds the whole place was filled tiful Babies silk Caps and a first class a career, Prince Henry, the third son is etnck of superior quality goods.
with smoke and the awful smell of day a band of thirty men attacked not fitted for the strenuous iſe of a sailor Our prices are the lowest in Town!
the arsenal in the centre of the Walcott the acids. Buckets upon buckets of and he may after spending some years at Call on us at the premises funerly ore Eton be gazetted to a cavalry regiment. pled by. The White Store Limón, water were thrown in the car and fortress at Kertoh, apparently to Watson steal rifles, but were driven off after a while the fire was got un. Grant in a fight in which one of the in1 der control. There was nothing LA GEISHA vaders was killed.
of consequence destroyed. the The chief of the penal service mark of the drum is Th.
James at Zeremptui was murdered Sept. Extras entire contents has been lost.
Also, according to the police, a In the best assorted Bar Room in San José. Specialty in Englis hand meeting of important leaders of In the first irning Rev. Smoke «La Nacionals cigarette the social revolutionary party McDonald took wickets for The best, the cheapest in the counfrom Russia was held in Paris rungandumand be printed de la bisnutada national Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Wilkitson 11 14 9 Estras go Talling Brooks Walker 20 American drinks


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