
Rate of Subscription uyable in advance Editor ANGEL GORONAS THE TIMES month. months 12 Single copies. 00 00 00 10. 00 cents OFFICES: 3RD AVENUE Box 316 CABLES TIEMTO For Advertisements, apply to the Manager DAILY NEWSPAPER VoL ONLY cents silver COPY Limon. Tuesday 3rd October 1911 ONLY cents silver COPY NO 238 we to lack of The tions THE TIMES royal welcome from them. Sir Result of Anonyparishes such as Portland, St. every little thing he would be fur better Port Limon, Costa Rica (6. Sydney will be the first Governor Mary and st. Catherine.
off to. day than he. and far wiser too who has visited a foreign country Some time ago an article appeared on in order to satisfy himsef by permous Letter Sent this subject, 50 need not repeat VISIT OF GOVERNOR sonal observation of the condiit but the one thing that would tend to Governor Where the Wicked tions which induced 80 many a thorough good Athletic Club in Limon.
OLIVIER OF thousards of British subjects (es JAThe old saying stands good, All woak pecially Jamaicans) to leave their Cease from We and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
About October last year Sir country in order to better earn a also heard some time 180, that a cycle MAICA.
Syday Oliver received an anonylivelihood. The reception that Troubling.
track was to be crected in Limon. Through mous letter, ezidently written by encouragement this has fallen will be given to the representa: a young man who conld not write through why perhaps from the fact that In our news column to day we tive of King George is a guarWe have been informed on rethe fountain head had not the stamina that is required for this sort of thing. Let us re print an anonymous letter that antue of the well known loyalty grammatically and whose spelling was not above reproach. The liable authority that tho notoriof Jamaicans in spite of labor hope that we shall see Limon up to the was sent to Sir Sydney Olivier, letter stated that there were ous fake doctor, Wasbington Sterstandard as other coulotties Governor of Jamaica, which we agitators who have their owu are crowds of men and women out of ling and his lieutenant the equal Jamaican cannot be blamed at all, are certain will be read with into grind work in Kingston, that intense ly notorious Cee Gee Ferguson for his loyalty has been proved only a few terest by Jamaicans and we have Corunation Display are up against it in Puerto Bar months ago, at the poverty was prevalent, and that of no doubt by all broad minded His Majesty King George Good whenever a ship came to Jamaica rios. Neither of these men have persons; in fact even by the non Local News. a large number of respectable been able to make good in Guate principals worked on a sound basis never admirers of His Excellency.
young men would offer to work mala and have discovered that Friendly Association will do much for the Unlike many of his predeces.
there is Nothing doing.
Jamaican in Limon cable from Jamaica reports their passage to some foreign to obtain those ambi.
sors on the receipt of the letter torrential rains and the destrue country. The writer asked the Sterling through the charity of he wishes to obtain The educational section will ondoubtedly one of his vernaculars occupies a His Excellency sought to elicit tion of bridges, country districts Governor to institute some sort of information on the merits of the give him a better standing than before, have been ent off from Kingston enquiry into local labour condi small room and his medical skill and he should strive hard to obtain the ad letter, he was not at all slow tious to see what could be done is confined to yankiug a few de vantage to be gained in that right path.
in doing this, he first tried to find The clocks in the market tower to improve them.
He simply cayed teeth while Cee Geo has many things have been said against him, the writer of it but could not, and this did not prove any bit last night and will só continue, were illuminated by electric light gave his address as Kingston. He been blackballed throughout the why, because he has never had the chance left no clue as to who he might town. On the latter arrival at of clearing himself, and he must go with the Times, to come up to the mark So derance of investigation as he Bravo for the actiug Governor.
Barrios the Commandante visited many prefer, to remain in the old grove, wisely deemed the matter of paraAnother Governor would prob the ship and had him thoroughly that they will find as the times advance, that mount importance as certain facts they should have advanced with it Yesterday being a Jewish holi ably have cousigued such an ill. searched for concealed arms and that were pointed out in the let day the stores of Messrs. Maduro written anonymous letter to the he was allowed to land with cau.
It requires a certain amount of tact to ter, was worthy of more than pass and Sons as algo Mendes were waste paper basket. Not so Sir tion that no monkey business was kind, we can all say that Ljmon is growing, all things, and not forcing of any ing attention.
closed all day Sydney Olivier, After reading permitted in that little Republic. and grow it must, but at the same time it His Excellency after giving it carefully, te sent it to the luWe understand that funds are must have the right kind of growth, being the matier his earnest considerafed spector General of Police with the very low with the pair and though in the The Parismina is booked to Proper manner it must expand tion have decided personally to accordingly.
Tequest that that officer should they would like to beat it arrive here this morning from make a thorough investigation New Orleans with cargo. passenWe know that many things are wanting, find out how much truth there neither of them can raise the into the complaints laid before but then, we must wait for the proper time gers and mails.
was in the plaint of the auonynecessary funds to seek pastures to do these things, so many make the mis.
him by the writer, by visiting mous young man.
The Iuspector new take to obtain all at one time that they Colon and Port Limon early this The Manzanares will be General. Mr. McCrae, was acting never accomplish anything in the end.
mouth for the purpose of fiuding despatched by the agent of the of Let us hope for the better times to come out what are the attractions of United Fruit Company to day for ſuspectors to get up all the data General and they will surely come.
these places for the people of Ja Bristol with a cargo of 55, 000 on the subject that he could, and inaica. Indeed His Siquires Excellency bunches of bananas.
Information. Cabrera Peña Hnos this Inspector sent out latters to conid not have acted wiser that such persons as he thought would what he has decided to do by The Siberia sailed yester. kuow a good deal about the con WONDERS NEVER CEASE. LA CONVENIENCIA personally visiting the Spanish day afternoon for New York via dition of the people in the city.
American Republies. There are Jamaica. She carried a cargo of He also had personal interviews We are pleased to announce the pro GRAND FASOY STORI many things to be learnt by him 20, 000 bauches of bananas and a with many of them. The total posed visit of Dr Cespedes and Inspector Pardo around Jamaica Town. We have We keep a special assortiment of Ameri.
and by his coming here and being small number of of passengers a result was not very satisfactory.
can and Country alones, Italian Surat among be people he will gather list of which will appear to mor.
It was found that many of these always seen the good work of Mr. Pardo Hats, Stetson and Yun Gall felt Hats are always do admire him at work.
Ties, Umbrellas, and line suspenders Batilots of information that will ΓΟΝ. including miuisters of religion) It is understood that Camp One Section tiful Babies Silk Caps and lim 165 eventually assist him in wielding knew very little about the real will also be visited stack of superior quality goods the destinies of Jamaica, the is.
You people who liave dirty corners be up Our prices are the lowest tu Tora!
The office of the agent in Li situation of the workers and loafCall on us at the promises tew necis orci and doing and have them swepi; if not you land which he has the honour of pled by The Wnito Store ul non, mon for the Hamburg Americaners of Kingston. Most of them will get a felip on your ear because being the representative of King Line of steamers has been removed agreed, however, that the brick Felipe will hear George to more spacious buildings, that layers and carpenters of the city Sir Sydney Olivier visit to was recently occupied by Mr. were complaining of lack of Wanted Colon ought to prove a source of Victor Gutierez.
pleasure to him, and ought to be Mendes, jeweler.
young women of a decent class FOUR JOURNEYMEN TAILORS to the means of healing the breach often found it difficult to get any. The outlook of Limon today is far from make pants and coats respectively, good between himgelf and Uncle Sam, as letter was shewn us yester thing to do. One gentleman went bright, from the increase cost of living and prices paid together with steady employ.
it is a well known fact that he lias day by a man doing business fairly well into the question, high rents and the wages lower than exer ETGRAVE, not made a good impression with here that was sent him by Wash pointing out that emigration had The retrenchment of various companies Siquiris ington Sterling at Barrios invi. relieved the the opportunity for him to show liug him to come where he is somewhat, and explaining that in mente berichte is no doubt that betght.
labour situation operating bere, has not tended to make them bis good intention, and try The recipient of the letter was though there was not a great Banana Cocoa.
to gain their favour and contier future exists for Costa Rica in general dence. There are many matters against the fake doctor, and he Kingston, many persons found yet! We notice that another large company FORS fourteen and a half miles in conuection with the opening believes this invita is like the fly employment only at au unsatisA splendid new Farin extensively culti.
countries, and labourers from this coun.
of the Panama Canal, he will have inviting the spider to walk in his factory wagu.
with vated banana cu cocoa. First try undoubtedly will flock to those countries the chance of personally speakand second lot from frum railroad, three parlour.
The Governor received these that will offer, better advantages, and belhundrd hectatias, 100 manas are cultiing with the Americans on the replies; then determined to make Zone and studying the conations further enquiries into the local However, as we have said that a brighter rated. Lumber for building purposes and outlook is tha there. He will also be able to Information minzanas pastore linia laosul situatioa.
near future, we shall find With that end this so, for labour must be had here as rceived and given at Twelve Miles from form a better opinion whether an in view, he instructed the Protec. elsewhere, therefore if the labourer finds THOMAS LEWIS.
exhibition in 1915 will benefit the Expected.
tor of Finmigrants to gather all that he can get better pay in the now fields island the information be possibly could he will not need to think of returning tu FASHION HOUSE.
Sir Sydney comes to Port Limon It is learnt that Sir Sydney upon the subject.
at a time when his presence will Olivier on his arrival here will be We have noticed a depression in trade The leading Fancy and Dry Goods We learn that the officer just be hailed with pleasure. Like met by a gaad of honor from mentioned has been busy collect interests of late and hope that this will soon Store in Siquirres.
Colon he will find much here to be over, we go with the Times but the late Coroatian Corpe ing the required information dur Times are bad enough now. There is also a large assortment of Ladies Dress interest bim, and as he is a keen Mr. Noel, the late commandering the past two months. His ra. certain amount of changes to be made beWear always on hand.
observer we know he will gather would like to see all the men who port will probably be sent in to fore things can change and before long much so that it will help him to took part and others who may be the Governor within a month or those changes must come. When will they Boots and Shoes a specialty.
further the welfare of Jamaica.
Ho will be pleased to see the grouod at 30 to day Today the financial state, of a labourer Tweeds and Coatings of differenthis report published, along with is at its lowest ebb, and if they were to only Texture.
cleanliness of this republic, which We are also informed on good the facts te has been able to think twice before they did many things they reflects great credit on those re authority that Mr. Das well, our gather in regard to the condition would be able to guard against ats! Hots! of latest patterns.
spuneible for it, and we doubt not geniai Viea Consul, was intertimes as these. Take the JaSOLOMON RODGERS, of labour in Kingston. We refor instance, it he that this will be an incentive to viewed by an officer from the gre we can give no complete idea. give up the idea of going to law for Proprietor.
drastic measures for the improve corps and he has promise tugat of what the Protector of Immiment of Kingston, as well as to the sanction of the above from grants will say we, of course, formulat means to enable natives His Excellency the President. Ha do no: dual in rumours. But we LA GEISHAof Jamaica to remain at their was only too pleased with the understand that liis investigations homes and enjoy what their Crea iden aud promised to do all that lead him to believe that wagee tor graciously prepared for them.
lie in his power to support the have risen in Jamaica about We feel sure that the visit proposal now on foot.
twenty five per cent during the Sir Sydney Olivier will be last five years, and that the labour Smoke «La Nacionals cigarette conditions of the country are slowFource of great satisfaction to the in the best assorted Bar Room in San José. Specialty in Englis hand thousands of that island residing The best, the cheapest in the coun. ly but steadily improying, eshere and he will receive a right try pecially in the more progressive American drinks opposito Mr. work, and some of throm said that Things of To day.
mcat Grand Reception in Limon Stich were Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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