
Rate of Subscription Hayable in advance Editor ANGEL GORONAS THE TIMES month. notitie 12 Single copies. 00 300 00 10. 00 ceul UE TICES. 3RD AVENUE Box 310 CATLES TIEMPO Por Advertisemente, apply tha Manager. DAILY NEWSPAPER VOLI ONLY cents silver COPY Limon. Thursday 5th October 1911 ONLY cents silver COPY 254 System.
wien problems of a national char Will Italy go to War do so. Recoutly be found a letter in improving the social advau brace the bombardement of Tripoli nou Commissioned officers, and somed her former route aud ar Child Emperor THE TIMES It is claimed that supplies purcuse to sail in and give her the brought the following passengers Port Limon, Costa Rica (6. chased in bulk can be obtained whipping that she deserves, some from England. Mr. Calvo. Empire Wireless more eecuomically and in a better Turkish officials have expressed From Jamaica. Mr. Dean, Walter quality. The trade of one of the determination of making a Fletcher, wife and three children, THE VALUE OF these organisations is a valuable determined resistance and calling Miss Lilian Ware and three cabin consideration which stands the the conutry to arms in order to passengers in transit.
London. Revent experimenta CO OPERATION. members in hand in making their show Italy that her Military octhat have been carried out in co operative purchases.
cupation would end in a fiasco, The folloving passengers left Newfoundland by Signor Marconi The value of fertilizers, feed that other European countries on the Hamburg American Line An important feature of the with a view to perfecting wireless and seed purchased by co operawould benefit by a war between steamer Siberia for New York. communications upon the Cauaagricultural industry in northern tion in the provinces under con these two powers there can be no Jiminez, Jesus Guzman. For dian shore line, are understood to Holland is the tendency toward sideration per 100 hectares (947 two opinions, it is therefore up to Kingston: Joues, Lan be part of a huge scheme now co operation. Until about 1900 acres. according to the last pub. Turkey to be guarded in the bert, Mrs. Bertha Powell and 34 under consideration by the Imthere was comparatively little lished reports, was as follows: present crisis in order to provent deckers. Cargo. 20, 500 burches perial Goverument intended to local brganization, most of the as.
Groningen, 625. 11 dole. North any avert act that may start the bananas, 359 sacks coffee, 126 sociations up to that time having Holland, 212. 66 dols. Gelderland, ball rolling.
unite the various parts of the sacks cocoa, 104 bundles hides, Empire in a wireless telegraphic been either national or provincial.
255 dols. Friesland, 95. 26 dols; 177 sacks horns, packages rub system having direct communicaThe last decade, however, has deUtreteht, 178. 09 dole.
The great ber and to live turtles.
tion with the Admiralty in Lon.
veloped hundreds of rural sociepastorage of Friesland accounts What a Shame!
donties of a co operative character, for its low figure, while the intenPermission has been granted with a great diveristy of purposes, sive agriculture contributes to its certain gentlemau in this the militia corps by the Governor for the benefit of the Dutch farm.
extensive purchases.
towu who does not like Jamaicans of Limon through the efforts of Future of ers. Indeed, it is doubtful if In the last decade the increase und especially since an article our energetic Vice Consulto there is any country in the world except Denmark where agricul section has been about 75 per in agricultural products in this appeared in the columns of this commence practice for a general the Soudan.
Journal under the headline of guard of honour to receive His ture is su thoroughly organized as cent. which by most authorities Judas was a Bajan. This gen Excellency Sir Sydney Olivier. in the Netherlands. London despatch says. Lord Kitchis attributed to this recent system tleman was in the habit of reEarlier agricultural organizaletter has also been sent to the ener appears to be much pleased at his apof en operation tions were concentrated largely ceiving letters for different par President of the Republic asking pointment as British Agent in Egypt, ties in his Post Office Box. How to loan the men a few swords and where instead of entering on a represssve at the seats of the provinces or at ever, he lately informed oue the national capital. They dealt bugles as on the occasion of King schemes on paign he has in view vast of then he would no longer or King George tends to centre his hopes and the energies acter, treated with theoretical of the Eyyptians. He is planning to in in his box. The owner was a The e. Louisianian of the prove the railroad and Nile service in order problems and ignored the more with Turkey. very poor woman and in his anvital matters of practical farm Teyland line o steamers arrived to encourage tourists, and he believes that ger be cruelly demanded 25 cents, life. The newer organizations, here yester lay morning consigned fashionable winter resort in the world, in a few years Khartu wil be the most Not that the war scare between for the letter. When the deinand to Maduro and sons. She brought on the other hand, aim at admiaister og to local needs, such as co Germany and France has become was made the woman thought it cargo to the extent of 150 tons.
operative buying, credits, insu. a thing of the past Europe is being was a jest, but the Judas yet She called at Carthagena and took made her to understand that he Mr. Velez znd brought the auce, education aud general social convolsed by rumours of a likely Duke of Abruzzi.
was serious and received the following passengers from Color. uplift. The rural organizations scrap between Italy and the Ot.
in their first stage conteinplated taman Empire. Latest cable ad. amount. What a shame! Mr. Victoria Sanchez, Rome The Duke of the Abruzzi is to vices from Rome indicate a likeStellcs, Wood, deckers and 12 take the command of a squa tron of five only co operative purchasing, but in transit. She left the same ships early in October. He is to go on an ia the last few years they have lihood of a clash between the two latter countries over the eight months cruise.
next evening for Mobile. The graduallly approached a state of Militia Orders.
steamer of this line is expected to It is reported that the squadron will visit mutual co operatiou iu so far ia occupation of Tripoli. AccordAmerica, to the ultimatum sent arrive here on or about the 25th practicable. Whereas they for ing Port Limon, intt.
merly co operate in the purchase by the Italian Goveroment the of fertilizers, feed and seeds and ogs of war may be uplashed at October 5, 1911 Italy plan ein This is to notify all Officers, The Parismina has re.
in breeding, they now co operate any moment.
and a military moverived here families and assisting financially ment of 200, 000 soldiers blocking that His Excellency Sir Sydney morning last from new Orleans at School.
those in more limited circumthe Turkish coast along ths Adri Olivier, Governor of Jamaica, wil with the following pagsengers. atie Sea. Macecionia, Syria and be here on or aboui the 26th inst. Rumon Aguilar, Mrs. Clemencia stances.
Pekin. The child Emperor Pu Yi was Arabia under the guise of protec It is my intention to meet him Aguilar, Miss According to published statis.
Rita Aguilar, the only child in the Chinese Empire to at.
tics the number of members in ting Italian subjects residing in with a Guard of Honour, and an Manoel Gomez, Ricardo Montea. tend school to day. It was the little mon.
the various kinds of rural aseo. those countries. From what we address of welcome. Anyone who leagre, Carl Wolfgang Wahle, arch first day at his lessons and a holiday ciations in northern provinces gather every effort is being made may be interested in swelling our Mrs. Clara Mason, Gilbert Other child to his real mones may be stated as follows.
to induce Torkey to come to an ranks and obey orders, will be ac Hull. John Balster. Miss Marie amicable arrangement as Italy cupted, but must be on Parade Crespi, Miss Odelia Castro, four Provincial farmers associations 6, 500 appears willing to leave Tripoli Grounds at 30 every evening to deckers and three cabin passenAgricultural societies Question. 3, 400 provided the Turkish Goverumaut receive instructions. Fail not at got in trausit.
Steck growers organization Various rural cooperative societies 38, 000 will recognize the former pre your peril.
Who is Vice Consul of this ponderance. that Germany and By order of the Colonel ComPort?
In connection with these gener Austria are supporting this plac manding al organizations there are numer.
there can be do two opinions, BLACKMAN.
Au American or a Britisher. ous societies for special purposes while France with the coopera.
Trouble in Spain.
in different local sectious. The fiou of Italy would indemnify if CONCERNED.
experimental branch of work bethe proposal is accepted.
Bilboa, Spain. The strike situation in Limon, Oct. 5, 1911.
longs to this class, such as private Germany belligerent attitude Local News. this city is serious and steadily growing co operative stations, Worse.
where state of Siege has been prois another example of her bluffclaimed and reinforcements of Cabrera Peña Hnos cheese, butter, fertilizers, cattle Judas did not attend the last ing in order to save her inilitary are on their 5, 000 troops breeding, farm admipistration, honour as in the case of Moroc ineeting of the Limou Friendly standstill stores are closed and the tramway here. Business is at a LA CONVENIENCIA household economics and a great can affair.
and Literary Associatiou because ways and are ways have stopped. Desperdiversity of other problems are The gathering together of the Jamaicaus were there. How narGRAND FAKOT STOEL treated advantageously.
are of constant occurrence. The soldiers Italian fleet at Toronto and the row minded.
have fired on the mobs several times and We keep a special sortment of AmeriThe co operative insurance and departure of the torpedo boat derecently the civil guards wounded miners can and Country made Shoes, Italian Straw banking societies also furnish exHats, Stetson and Von Gall felt Hats large consignment of iced Ties, Umbrellas, and the suspendere. Beaupopulation. In such cases as the less have the desired effect in mak apples arrived on the Parismina bridge in order to prevent the transport of tifui Babies Silk Caps and a first class cellent advantages for the rural stroyers for Brindisi will doubtstock of superior quality goods, to strike. Troops have been despatched Our prices are the lowest in Town!
foot and month disease among to avert a war which she is not Mr. Peña Felipe Alvorado Co.
Call on us at the premises fcnuorly orcu to that town, stock agriculture would be a able to carry on These were quickly hawked by ped by The White Store. món, hazardous pursnit if some means Italy plans are receiving up local vendors, of co operative insurance port except on Socialistic side of not in vogue. Hail, fire and the country, and if waris declared The Manzanares left LA GEISHA other insurance is almost entirely a general strike will follow. Italy here at two o clock yesterday underwritten by co operativo assao call out at least 112, 000 re morning for Bristol with the folsociations of farmers.
The increase in the number of servists with which to handle her lowing passengers: Messrs. An interual as well as external af tonio de Benedictes, Pedro Munoa, members belonging to the various fairs, and if a strike should tako John Calderwood, Rafael in the best assorted Bar Room in San José. Specialty in Englis hand Co operative farmers societies in Holland may be seen from the place there can be un doubt that Ouro.
she will be in a position to handle following table. the occasion. Italy will no doubt We are pleased to see Mr.
Districts 1905.
be ready to pay reut to Turkey Hitchcock again in Limon and Groningen 7, 000 8, 900 for the occupation of Tripoli. but hope that he will enjoy his stay iesland 500 in the event of the Turkish Em here. We do not see him very pire being foolhandy enough to often in Limou, and we should 18, 59 refuse Italy proposal she will be also enjoy his presence for severOne hundred and thirty colones (9130 0o) from one thousand square feet above a Urecht badly beaten in the scrap. al days should he decide to reThe Turks may retaliate by illThe value of goods purchased Peña Brothers main.
for th co operative societies treating Italian subjecte and de19 as 776. 162 dols. as loying their property and Italy The Manzanares consign.
LIMON, 4th AVENUE 50 YARDS TROY POLICE STITION BOX NO 156, would then hare reasonable We keep a special assortment of fring battons sidias, ceiling and partition.
ex ed to the United Fruit Company pared to 7, 477. 200 dols. in 1907.
We accept orders from the Lines, Oct. 4th Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
were 1900 American drinks Foreign Pitch Pine Lumber.
20 500 celorland Nor Folland 6, 800 15. 500 14. 400 2, 300 200


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