p. 4


Tharsilay sth October 1911 THE TIMES hoon Coeta la La Mascota evendeeeeeeee THE GEM 55550965005558 For Sale. IMPERIAL EMBROCATION That beautiful cottage with adjoining lot 200 yards more or The best Remedy for the worst Pain.
less went of lowres Railway Canas Cia. E Smyth y Cis Station SAN JOSE LOON II. That ddburinses The best Lluiment for all Diseases that require an external site with house of three room, application of a strong and antiseptie counter irritant.
The best assortment in the country 50 yards east of Siquirres Rail.
way Station. For particulars enquire of Equally as Fficatious for Animal as for Man C. GAYLE Manufactured by HERMANN ZELEDON Siqnirres, Box 16, CR BOTICA FRANCESA Limon, Supt. 13, 1911. San José, Costa Rica For Sale.
You cannot lose your money Matina 75 beads fat Steers. Apply to The Best Store in the Town TH DONALDSON, For the modest Sum of 30 cents will legister your setter 25 cents for Re Complete Assortment of Goods Lowest Prices 21 La Cabaña, Linea Vieja gistering and a conts for returning Receipt.
knon. Sept. 15. 1911. v.
Send me your money for Checks, exchange on JAMAICA 11. 00 Provisions, Liquors, Dry Goods, Boots, Crockery, The most up to date and reliable fire in Costa Rica.
Hardware, Medicines Etc. Etc. All correspondence bundled free of charge.
Wanted YOUR JOURNEYMEN TAILORS to Mendez ke pants and costs respectively, good prices paid together with sily employ.
PO BOX 155 LON 20 CENTS 20 CENTS Money Exchange La Florida Milk Guaranteed always fresh!
Stearn Wine Fifty yards SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA of cod liver oil Notice.
The buyere ef drafts are well protected by the reliability of the. at twenty cents per bottle. FOR SALE at fourteen and a half miles firm. There is absolutely no risk in losing your money. AGENT for splendid new Farm extensively culti Waltham ker scone Bita watches, and Singer Sewing Machines. To be had at The Costa Rica Soda Water Company.
Vated with bapana and cera. First sell the Iver Jolinston and Harrington Richardson Revolvers, Lottery and second lot from from railroadthree Tickets Wholesale and Retait, Picture Postcards and Postage Stamps.
hundrd hectarias, to manzanas ane culti vated. Lumber tur building purposes and Spectacles of every description in gold and plate. mantanas pasture lands. Information EXAMEL SILVER SPOONS WITH COSTA RICA VIEWS received and given at leve Miles fruin THOMAS LEWIS. Méndez FASH. ON HOUSE.
The leading Faucy and Dry Goods Store in Siquirres.
from the Central Park. large assortment of Ladies Dress Wear always on hand.
Boots and Shoes a specialty.
Experience will demonstrate that it is the most powerful fur convites nito. inf differn Texture.
The best and most comfortable habitation in the city. First Class general feebleness and all sickness of breast and lungs, consumption Cures anaemia. In situde, stimulate appetite aur grives stream Meals. All services guaranteed.
aud vigour to system. Ask all way for the Stearns For seat all good pharmacies ats Hats of latest patterns.
Managerens Proprietor The British Pharmacy For the convenience of being examined for admission the gives notice to its customers and Limon City Dispensary has decided to change th general publie that they will consulting hours thus: soon be traubterred in frontSupresión de Exigir la firma: near the Uasa Azul where they 11 and 12 to p. Sunday. inelu las inyecciones.
will enlarge their business and OFFICE: Above Morales Ice ream Palace, tear La expect their usual orders.
Medico in charge.
Administrator y el mas discreto. Keep well or a Doctor and medicine free when sick for Limon Daily sobre el rótulo.
25 Cents per week by joining NOTICE FOR SALE. touse colour, Stable Jack, in fine de los flujos antiguos o recientes duconion very young. Fur particulars apply Good Business! Black and White Cada cápsula Cada chpuls Desconfiar de las Falsificaciones Burrell Williams. MIDY (MIDY PALI. Turch class for bananas.
Dr Villa Haeusler Apply in Limop the Tim Manager, and in San José to AGUA. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON CARLOS GUARDIA.
de veic, lorturi Ins transferred his office and priKANANGA vale rasidence to upper floor of Mr RiTickets cardo Mundos. Ice cream house near Your Grand Chance Land Hotels PELLETIER DEL JAPON Not having time to attend same.
will sell on easy instalments to any ener El agua mojor getic young man my pluce of business For Sale.
NAN VR. GALLEGOS merchandiso, furnitu. e, Brut localipara el tocador tv in city, next door to Co. ComLas Cápsulas One mule and two horses, good American Dentist misory.
for any class of work. Apply to de Quinina de Pelletier ります Business makes money. Call today Has returned from San José. MERRILL RICARDO MORA son soberanas contra RIGAUD las Fiebres, las Jaquecas, 8, rue Vivienne, OFFICE Limon, Sept. 15, 1911.
las Neuralgias, la influenza, PARIS Grer y ocated at South West of the Market has been removed to Dr. Miguel Velasques Notice.
los Resfriados y la Grippe.
house, in front of the Park, opposite the UniTailor teo Fruit Commissary.
Descontarse Crown and bridge work Wholesale Retail Drafts guarantee perfect workmanship do las imitacions Fitting plates. Fillings.
on Jamaica, American Gold and Painless extractions. Long experiene.
suits are well made and fit to perfectio Reas able prices. Julio Greenbacks always on sale.
LINDO CO. HUTCHINSON. BOX 064 Notice. Levadura seca de cerveza)
The undersigned begs to inform Notice.
LA CEREVISINA da maravillosos resultados en tratamiento hin uniers customers and For Sale.
de los furunculos. En los enfermos que padecen de psoriasis, herpes friends that Bite ya from VETERINARY INFIRMAR LIMO o eczema, produce el mejor éxito mejorando rapidamente su estado today if they not turn up at fine dwelling in Cairo situated in the general, asi como en el aend, la urticaria, etc.
asil. oppo best business cen FA. Price treas hearing dr. in front of Wm. mules, ele, on most app PARIS, 8, rue Vivienne y en todas las Farmacias site Dun Ansch Store, Limon, Le Grocery, containing rooms, kitchen e Skiluj se their gens ill be sold out.
and verandah Cheap for cash Apply to :charest THOMAS MCLEAN. JACKSON.
cus omers. Your patronage sol Cair icited, Office Limon, Sept. 10, 911. 15 60 Port Limon August at Rocke Photographic Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
The Limon City Dispensary.
CURACION RAPIDA y RADICAL lleva el bombe lleva el nombre tion, two hundred manzanas first The best Store in the Market, Country goods, Shoes, GroCAPSULAS QUININA todas CEREVISINA free to Studio 99.


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