
Rate of Subscription rayable in advance Editor ANGEL GORONAS THE TIMES e 00 month. months 12 Single copies. 00 00 10. 00 cents OFFICES: 3ID AVENUE Box 316 OABLES TIEMPO For Advertisements, apply to the Manager DAILY NEWSPAPER VoL ONLY cents silver COPY ONLY cents silver COPY Limon. Friday 6th October 1911 NO 255. for Jamaica our Representative with passengers and mails. After Moroccan Question.
Paris sight exchanges are Many Pictures THE TIMES warped brain for their lodgment, Representative of King Gaorgeed to arrive to day from Colon Port Limon, Gosta Rica (6. though the weakened brain may be more vividly impressed by here is enough to convey our good taking a cargo of about 55, 000 them. To be regarded as symp wishes until we hear his message bunches of bananas she will leave Berlin The withdrawal of the French FEAR REGARDED toms of disease these fears must money assumed much more serious proporthe or proposition. But Mr. litor same evening for New tions, causing an unusually sharp advance be groundless so far as influences please remind him of those strin Orleans via Puerto Barrios.
AS DISEASE. external to the brain are concern gunt Liv watch cual as to The movement, however, does not excite ed. They must proceed from a ab:cal front bon they were We have been informed that at particular concern among Berlin financiers.
morbid state of the brain and not mila by hin 11 si the a general meeting of the Limon It is assumed in some quarters that Paris Fear as a sease had not reBanks are acting on a hint from the French ceived serious attention until refrom properly exciting exterual result whic staal as grievanca. Friendly and Literary Association Government, in order to bring pressure at causes. They must ba fears pe Ho sin cone come notas Liw. on Wednesday night, the Vice. Wilhelms Strasse to influence a speedy cent years. Now it is recognized culiar circumstances of cerebral giver, but as an Eraugalist, for President Mr. DeMercado settlement. This calculation, it is believed, by the medical profession that disturbance and not fear common the Kingdom of this world is not proposed that a special meeting will be wholly without effect upon the there is a whole list of phobias, to others and due to causes that meat or drink but righteousness ba convened for Monday night German Government, as they are called, which naturally cause alarm and and peace and joy of the Holy 9th inst. at 30 for the purquite distinct from a normal and Ghost. am, etc. frighten pose of drawing up a suitable Etna is Active.
legitimate condition of fear due COXITE to some natural cause.
programme for the reception of Thus there is the fear of open Precautionary His Excellency Sir Sydney Olivier Catania. It is reported that a total of Governor of Jamaica. this is a 70 new fissures had opened in the volcano or closed places, says the MediHe Took too much move in the right direction and since the disturbante began cal Record, fear of high places, Measures.
we hope that the gentlemen taThe river of lava which is moving slowly fear of men or women, fear of and Suffered. king the initiative will be supnorthward has increased in volume and excrowds and of solitudes, fear of tended eight miles from its source. It is ported by all intelligent Jamaianimals, fear of insects, fear of The Government alive to the carrying destruction through the invaded caus On our part we feel confi. district and interest of the inhabitants of Es ADVISED TO SHAVE THEN already the houses of several darkness, fear of accidents, fear dent that the affair will be prop.
peasants have been overwbelmed.
of fire, fear of travel, and in fact trada are using every precautionA SLEEP The erly carried out as it is in capable people for miles around. At Seaftaron on earthquakes continue to terrify the fear of anything.
aly means to prevent an outbreak bands.
There is no end to the absurdi. of fire there: any one attempting the North Coast of Sicily 50 shocks were An amusing occurrence took recorded during 21 hours.
ty of acts which may be occasioned to maliciously destroy the section place on Wednesday afternoon by these persistent ideas of fear. by fire will positively be babbed. laet, between the hours of and Peace Court Those that possess the fear of It will thus be seen that the resip. at one of the most promiriding on a train find no pleasure dents of that thriving section can bent liquor bar rooms in Limon. New Medical in travelling, those that have fear rest assured that no harm will be certain gentlemat, residing Abolished.
of closed places do not enjoy godone them by any evil bird of and doing business in this town Board.
ing to church, and generally al. prey as a vigilant secret force and who owns several large propNew Orleans. Salvador, Costa Rica, and Honduras are endeavouring to abolish ways sit near the door ready to has been organized to safeguard erties, took seriously ill in the the Peace Court at Cartago and the Inter fly at the first sign of danger. and protect the interest of the bar We are informed that a trio of few of his friends who national Office of the Central American Various fears may also develop inhabitants of the section.
fortunately were passing that quacks are making big money republics at Gurumia. It is represented in connection with the occupation was espied him in a lielpless con prescribing medicine in the vicinby these republics that the cast of maintain of the patient; for instance, bar.
ing the Peace Court and International Of Correspondence.
dition, and believing he was suf. ity of the old wireless station.
fice is too great to warrant their continua.
bers sometimes euffer these atThe resident physician carries the fering from soune natural cause tion.
tacks when they see a razor or took the precaution of calling in Ivory badge. Are the police THE VICE CONSUL.
telegraphers when they catch one of the prominent doctors of aware of this? We would advise Notice sigat of their instruments, which the town to prescribe for him.
the medicos e to take warning finally necessitates giving up the To the Editor of the Times.
On the arrival of the medico at froin the fate of The attention of parents and guardians Occupation.
Sir. Permit me space to reply the man temporary home where as also young men and young women is Among women especially thote called to the fact that a Shorthand to the query of Concerned. he had to preseribe for him, he Scheol is opened in Linun for the benefit occurs the fear of dirt, contagion During the last 22 years we have simply examined the patient and of those whr wou. acquire the mastery or infection. The countless bachad a variety of Consuls here first prescribed for himself; when of the art and keep abreast with the times.
teria always present in the air whom will classify as follows: finished he calmly scrutinized his Classes meet at 63. on the day are the chief source of annoyance. Drunkards, Embezzler, Jew, man, told him to scrape off his Stolen. appointed by the tutory in the schoolroom The patients are always complain1 Englishman, Cadd, Scotch guarilla beard and whiskers and next to Mr. Kelly shop at Seventh Street ing of bad air and are always man, and lastly, an American, take a sleep at his residential opposite St. Mark schowroom Fees inoderate, best attention gua teed.
throwing Paris. Ten police dogs have open the windows.
who possesses the first and most home. By this time a few more Books are especially avoided as a necessary qualification that of of this spirit sick man friends been told off from night duty to This is a gol oppvarmity. re ember life watch the art treasures of France is a battlefield, not a centery. Applicapossible source of contagion. In being a Gentleman. am, etc. were on the scene and sent for a tion and perseverance are what win.
patients with fear of injury they bus, but as none was forthcoming in the Louvre.
The teacher is a Graduate of the De will throw away all needles in BRITISEER As a result of the excitement a private trap that was in waiting Wilt Clinton High School New York.
over the theft of the Mona Lisa For particulars apply at the school to the house or they will no more served the purpose and took the The Editor of the Times, the French authorities have or wash their windows for fear tbat helpless man to his house. MILLER the glass may break and cut them.
Dear Sir, notice in your is. Whether he took the doctor dered an inventory taken of all The intellect in these cases is the pictures in the Louvre. Cu.
sue of this date an advertisement advice by way of prescriptiou will Question.
not only undisturbed, but may be asking who is the British Vice be only seen when he appuars in riously enough a reprezentative unusually good. Patients exhibit of the French press has just made Who is Vice Consul of this Consul, answer Mr. Claude Dos public, throughont a pronounced feeling well.
a careful count and he says that Port! think as long as the genof mental illness and frequently a 323 canvases are missing.
tleman is approachable we should Of these 138 are of the French An American or a Britisher: clear insight into the morbidity not sling mud, even if he is of the individual symptoms.
Local News. school and 103 of the Italian.
French, Dutch, or German. The CONCERNED Other nationalities which have The inore cominon of the variwriter knows he is doing his best, Limon, Oct. 5, 1911. v.
ous phobias as classitied by Board and for which he onght to feel The San Jose is timed to disappeared are Spanish, 6; En.
glish 4: Fleinish, 48. Gorman, are as follows: Claustrophobia, grateful. No Britisher that goes arrive here to day from Boston fear of narrow or closed places, to bim for advice, or profection.
Dutch, 20. Among the artists in Cabrera Peña Hnos agoraphobia, fear of open placas: leaves feeling dissatisfied, he is Anna Simpson for scandalizing cluded are such masturs as Bouastraphobia, fear of lightning very courteous, energetic, aud another woman was fined Cloty cher, Corot, Coypel, David Millet, LA CONVENIENCIA Vernet, Constable the Police Judge monophobia, fear of being alone: obliging to one and all. My Ruynolds, Lawrence and last but not least, disease; GRAND FANCY STORE pathophobia, fear of friend say it could have been mysophobia, fear of contamina.
Rebecca Waichison was before Leonardo di Vinci.
We keep a special assortiment of Amerithe tion; siderodromophobia, fear of Police Take my advice and leave well can and Country marie Shoes, Italian Straw Judge yesterday Hats, Stetson and Von Gall felt Hats railroad travel: acrophobia, fear Ties, Umbrellas, and fine spenders, Beau.
alone and if you have no other charged with assaulting Cattalina tiful Babies Silk Caps and a first class of being at a height or looking work to do chew gam.
Smoke «La Nacional» cigarett) stock of superior quality woods over precipices; tbanatophobia, The best, the cheapest in the coun Our prices are the lowest in Town Yours truly, fear of death.
Call on us at the promises formerly oreu Jolio Soto and Flora Araya try. cd by The White Store non, It is to be emphasized that the PETER BLACKMAN.
were carried before the Police phobias in question are not norJudge to regulate a long standing mal fears, based, as normal or Port Limon, Cet. 5, 1911.
bill. The case was adjourned. LA GEISHA natural fears are, on some reasonable and justifying experience. We are pleased to insert the The Prinz August Wilhelm reasonable and justifiable normal foregoing communications and arrived here late yesterday after. seo.
fear of ligbtning might arise trust they will be cuough infor noon from Jamaica via Bocas.
after the experience of having mation for Concerned who, we been at Bome time in a house supp, may have something to The Alleghany will take in the best assorted Bar Room in San José. Specialty in Englis hand struck by lightning.
say ED. Trues.
the place of the Prinz Joachim Other fears, such as the fear as the former will be on dry dock of riding in a buggy after having QUESTION ASKED.
to have her bottom scraped, after been in a runaway, or the fear of which she will resume her route.
To the Elitor of the Times.
a voyage at sea or railway after frightful shipwreck or railway ac Sir. IS right for us as Ja How hard to pleas. Some like cidut, is a more or less natura maicans to give Sir Sydney any this, that, or the other, but One hundred and thirty colones (13000) from one thousand square feet above a or reasonable fear, as the fear of spectacular display in this one whether Sir Sydney Olivier pays hoodoos and ghosts is amoag the blessed Zone, Spanish American a visit or not we would always euperstitious or those accustoms Through him we have to take up like different views on the subPeña Brothers to ghost stories and tradition of our abode here so as to avoid Jeet.
gooilu visitatious, e.
prison for Tames. Sir, his arrival We keep a special assortment of flooring battous siding, ceiling and partition, These fears do not require a needs no peculiar outlay, but as The Parisruina is expect. We accept orders from the Lines, Oct, 4th Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
American drinks Foreign Pitch Pine Lumber.


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