
Rate of Subscription Payable in advance Editor ANGEL GORONAS THE TIMES month.
e 00 months 00 0. 00 12 10. 00 Single coples. scene For Advertisements, apply tua Manager OFFICES: 3RD AVENUE Box 316 CARLES TIEMP DAILY NEWSPAPER ONLY cents silver COPY VOL Limon. Saturday 7th October 1911 256 ONLY cents silver COPY are.
printed business at THE TIMES recommended as a diet. At the Fraser, Recuerdo Stevenson NAVAL Conrespondence. deckers.
Port Limon, Costa Rica (G. apple cures they give you nothing but apples and bread and butter, DISASTER VICE CONSUL.
saying that these three things PATHWAY supply all the food required for large quantity of tourists To the Editor of the Times.
the body. The way to eat the Victims of the Li arrived on the Prinz August Wilhelm. and availed themselves Sir. must thank Britisher TO BEAUTY. applos is boiled soft; and the time to eat them is between meals. At berte Explosion of the opportunity of visiting the for his candid answer to question meals the bread and bufter is ancient capital by the passenger asked. Who is Vice Consul for WONDERS ASCRIBED TO served alone.
this port?
train that left yesterday.
Placed at 225 Raw apples are not recomOur Governor never knew as APPLES.
mended by the beauty specialists much. King George algo AND 169 WOUNDED. The Parismina arrived here doesn know am sure. An apple a day keeps the as a diet; they disagree with a great many persons. very Colon yesterday morning from doctor away. Two apples a Well Britisher All Concerned beautiful American woman whose with the following passengers. HULL WILL BE BLOWN UP.
day keep the beauty doctor at will know it now especially our Marguirat. Mrs. Marguirat, Governor Sir Sydney Olivier and bay there you have an old say complexion outshone that of all ing and a new adaptation of it in London took her beauty apple timate places the number of victhe English women last summer Toulon. The latest official es.
Miss Arturo Marguirat, Masters Geooge our King. Bless our Jose and Alberto Apples inside and out form the Marguirat, stars after 22 long years we have a gentleman in the person of an basis of a beauty prescription for lunebeon. She bad the inside tims of the Liberte at 225 and Ralph Hood, Ferran, Wilwhich has become a fad with of the apple cut out and mixed 160 woundet, forty dangerously.
liam Prestinary, Miss Mariano American representing the Britwith celery and salad dressing. It is believed that this estimate Jaminez, Mrs.
Arturo Jaminez. ish Crown for this Port.
women wto want to be a little Britisher is that satisfactory better looking than they really The apple was then stuffed and cabin passengers in transit and is very nearly correct served as a salad. She ate no.
It is the result of an exhaustive deckers. The boat left in the Call me not Concerned call Orleans via At this time of year apples are thing else for luncheon. In figure examination of the muster, rolls evening for New me Ichabad.
Puerto Barrios.
and a roll call of those who surMr. Peter Blackman keep your needed for the skin. They take and complexion she was noticeoff the tan and they remove yel able everywhere.
vived the exp osion.
paws down, we want independent low spots and freckles. Taken In summer many women get taken Many of the bodies men to handle this question. stout. In the autumn their first, from the Liberte were uarecog.
internally they aid digestion.
am, etc. With the idea of discovering duty is to reduce, and this can be nizable. The authorities are con.
ICHABAD Obituary.
done quickest by the Pomona all the uses to which apples can vinced that all thy living have be put some American women diet. In the Pomona Club, where Chinese been removed. Engineers from the members meet and lunch once the naval 3nscruction departorganized the Pomona Club. never knew until became a week upon apples fried and mant have made a survey of the It is with profound regret we a member what it was to walk served with lemon sance, they wreck, which is gralnally sinking chronicle the death this morning properly, said one of the charter have a set of physical culture in the mud of Mr. Charles Grant who died at According to a decree published in the exercises for those who are stout.
members. Our first his residence yesterday morning. Official Gazette all Chinese residing in It has bien seid th it as soon exercise after we join the club is walking rying the apple on the head. The The first stunt is that of car: as all the gin and material that The deceased gentleman was suf this republlc is called upon within fifteen with an apple on the head.
can still nela, tako off, fering from chronic indigestion days of the publication thereof to present next stunt is much trgiug. The To learu to walk properly and had to, a short time ago le ive themselves at the Government Ofrice and have themselves registered, a certificate will select a large apple aud get a woman takes a big apple in each the bull will b: blown mp, as the republic for Jamaica where be given them and on that certificate their he could consult an eminent phy.
gation in the harbor piece of velvet or rough serge to hand, and does arin exercises. otherwise it would im pəril maviphoto is to be thereon proplay under it. Stand with your These are for taking the plumpsician. After remaining there a scription will be taken each Celestial, ness off the belt line. One exershoulders thrown back. Lift your six weeks Mr. Grant returned murks, cuts, blotches, whether able to chiu and place the apple on top eise is to lift the hands and touch hrereamingly not at all benefitted speak Spanish and where an what of your bead.
he is engaged. At the death Take a step the apples together behind the Arrival of Prinz If by the change. After lingering them their certificate is to be returned into either of head the apple topples off you have for a couple of weeks the end the Government Office. census is to not learned the correct poise of floor side by side and roll then. Next place the apples on the August Wilhelm came when he had to bid farewell be taken every year of these indi iduals.
the head.
to this present evil world Any not complying with the decree with Strange to say, the Italian Touch them with the fiuger tips The Hamburg American Line The deceased was a native of in the period of 30 days will be shipped off the republic women, who are the finest walkers only and not let them stop until steamer Priuz August Wilhem Jamaica and resided in Limon for in the world, do not consider the they have gone a certain distance, arrived in the harbour on Thurs a number of years. On his arri.
position of the head so important say ten times around a dining day afternoon about five val here he started out on a tailorNotice.
as that of the back and shoulders.
room table. This gives the stout o clock with a large quantity of ing career which proved a success, woman steady exercise in stoopiog cabin passengers If the body is held right the apThe attention of parents and guardiens who on first by dint of perseverance he beas also young men and young women is ple will stay on the head, and and standing erect. It is one of glimpse of the republic seemed to came the leading tailor of the called to the fact that a Shorthand.
the result will be a fine erect, the best known Xrcises for ta.
be much pleased and anxious to town and his naina becarne a bye School is opened in Linon for the benefit fashionable carriage king orf weight, and is practised land on its soil, but owing to an word. Apparently he got tired of those who would acquire the mastery You must raise your chin and in all home gymnasiume.
unnecessary amount of red tape of the shears and took a position of the art and keep abreast with the times Classes meet at on the day also your eyebrows. The Italian the apples together behind the they were not landed before seven Import Clerk which he held up to The third exercise is touching is that serve little or no purpose in the Railroad Company as appointed by the in the schoolroom to Mr.
Kelly shop at Seventh Street on her head invariably raises her back, and in front of the belt line o clock. Our popular Captain a short time of his demise, and opposite St. Mark schoolroom brows. Lift your eyebrows aud and over the head. The three Simmous, as on other occasious, which covered a period of 27 Fees moderate, bost attention guaranteed.
you will not have wrinkles in the movements should be performed had charge of the ship and Chad years. The deceased gentleman. This is a good opportunity, remember life is a battlefield, not a cemetery. Applica forehead; raise tbe chip and your quickly, and over and over again.
was unassuming and very courno difficulty in landing her along.
At least fifteen minutes should side the pier in quick time.
tion and perseverance are what win double chin will disappear.
teous, he had always a kind word The teacher is a Graduate of the De Many womer bare the double be occupied in this mauuer.
The following is the list of for those with whom he came in Witt Clinton High School, New York.
chin because of the large hat passengers that arrived on her. contact. He leaves a widow and For particulars appis at the school to big hat unless one uses half a From New York: Mr. and Mrs. two children to mourn his loss. MILLER dozen pins has a tendency to Hollerwith, Miss Holler We tender our sincere condolence Voer.
to the bereaved family and sym. As the bat shifts the wowith, Holler with, Mr. and Mrs.
Cabrera Peña Hnos Burns, Garcia, Miss Dela pathize with them in their irreman lowers her head and this gives her a ridge under ber ch SIR SYDNEY OLIVIER ney, Miss Delunez, Mr. and parable loss.
Mrs. Folk, Mr. and Mrs. ChamCarrying an apple on the head is His remains were interred at LA CONVENIENCIA a bure cure.
COMING HERE? pion, Mrs. Newcomb, Riddell, Camp One yesterday afternoon in GRAND FANCY STORY The next use to which the PoMr. and Mrs. Helwer, Riddell, the presence of a large crowd.
mona womau puts the apple is in Mr. and Mrs. Kuhuo, 0, MerWe keep a special assortinent of AmeriCOMING FOR WHAT?
the beanty bath. You take six rill, James can and Country mule Shes, Italian Straw Esquivel, Alfred Hats, Stetson and Von Gall felt Hats red apples and cut them up, skins, Fisher. From Kingston: Ella Ties, Umbrellas, and tine suspenders. Beau Better Leave us alone, we are tiful Babies Silk Caps and a first class cores and ah. When well chopped Smoke «La Nacional cigarette Liudo, Creia Lind, Enneas Ceastock of superior quality goods.
they are boiled in two quarts of restiug, we are enjoying perfect seron, Daniel Barton, George The best, the cheapest in the coun Our prices are the lowest in Town. Call on os at the premises formerly occu water. This is strained off when peace in this land. God bless Rowtam, Arthur Coley, Richard Sed by The White Store Limón, the apples have become pulpy: Costa Rica. Long live Costa Rica! Grey, Ricard Hopkins, Anita and this hot apple water is added We will visit you still with our Morris, Avy Burke, Yee Hubang, and thousands of to the beauty bath. It is better hundreds From Colon: William Heyden, than the well known German pounds spor, buy lauds (al. Jose Gebert, Manoel Montoto, LA GEISHAspecifie, boney right out the comb. though our Government buys it Cesera Garcia. From Bocas. Mrs. For taking off freckles tan at five shillings per acre aud is Soers and children and 55.
and yellow spots there is a differ selling it at five pounds per acre. deckers ent way of using the apple. You build houses, care our mothers, In the best assorted Bar Room in San José. Specialty in Englis hand take two very sour green apples fathers, sisters, and brothers, eure our sicknesses, will eucate our and put them a way to mellow.
children in the best private When in proper condition they Local News These are eut in slices.
schools, pay taxes, for we know if rubbed on the complexion and we don our properties will be Mr. Hitchcock, accompanied by the juice is allowed to dry on.
taken away or father sent to Mr. Bellows, left on a special prison Give us Cux in the Coun at about 30 yesterday morning Out apples rubbed into the cut cil. Make right your wrongs scalp are very cleansing.
for San José.
where we caught you fooling us.
One hundred and thirty colones (9130 05) from one thousand square feet above a apple, very sour and very well rubbed into the head, will make We are wanting to come home, how must me part with Jamaica, here on Wednesday evening last The following passengers left Peña Brothers the hair glossy. It must be fol Our Native Land, Laud of our lowed by a cloudburst of very on the Parismiua for Colon. birta!
warm water, but no soap.
Colonel Prestenary, Norman We keep a special assortment of flooring battons siding, ceiling and partition For the figure apples are not NOTAER COXITE. South West, Leonard Somergill, We accept orders from the Lines, Oct. 4th Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
try are American drinks Foreign Pitch Pine Lumber.


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