
Editor Rate of Subscription Payable in advance ANGEL GORONAS THE TIMES month. months 12 Single copies. 00 00 00 10. 00 cents OFFICES: 3RD AVENUE Box 316 CABLE. TIEMPO For Advertisements, applyt the Madager. DAILY NEWSPAPER VOL ONLY cents silver COPY Limon. Sunday 8th October 1911 ONLY cents silver COPY NO 725 our we THE TIMES it was no: conched in classie Correspondence.
ward in its improvements. Let us hop Port Limon, Costa Rica (6. COMPLIMENTARY TO English. But not 50 with Sir some day we shall see a step in this direction tor the benefit of all.
SIR SYDNEY OLIVIER kuow the trutb. He likes to reSydney Olivier. He likes to He is the THE VICE CONSUL.
Investigations in the Northern Railroad dress grievance if redress is pos.
Company have been pretty recent of late, We have great pleasure in re sible, whether it be a grievance of let us hope some day another investigation Right Man.
producing the following taken a big man of the land who alThe Editor of the Times.
will take place; their salaries need it. We from the Jamaica Telegraph and ready bestrides it like a colossus, Sir, have much pleasure to would get.
wonder what some according to merit We were a waiting patiently to Guardian of the 26th ult. The or it be the grievance of a little congratulate you for your promphear what Concerned had to writer of the letter is Mr. man whose lot it is to walk be titude and the efficient manner The Parismina left here early yessay when he was apprised of the Parker, a colored native of the tween the huge legs of the former, in handling paper the terday morning for New Orleans with the fact who was the Vice Consul for island who once had cause to peeping about for his grave. The Times. We hope you may confollowing passengers: Victor Doby Ray, Port Limon but as his letter leave Jamaica for fields far and Governor likes to know that all tiuue same to the Miller, Arturo Fait Lionel Arice and Alex reasoning which appeared in yesterday is der Hollar. For Barrios: Edwin wide in the hope of bettering the people of the land he governs ability of Limon and carry out Durham, Frank H, Rood, John Fugan, bue and signed Ichabad is a tame his position. He was also a strong receive fair play and tries his the injunction which forms the Elena Collier, Mrs. Elizabeth Mengis and one and of little or no importance supporter of Mr. Cox and had best to let it be so as far as posti promulgating views of our people child, Marie Sparing and three deckers, and as no aspersion were cast at been Secretary of the National ble. For Sir Sydney Olivier and that view is to be satisfied the Vice Consul we let it pass un Club, of which Mr. Cox was the must, therefore, be congratulated Latest Invention.
with the young man Claude. He noticed. We are howerer inelin pioneer and vice president. No for the move he has taken in the is a gallant, willing, loving, helped to believe that Concerned comment is necessary on this able labour question for the investi ful Vice Consul, and he will truly VOICE MAY BE TRANSMITTED FOR LONG DISTANCE, was innocent as to who the Vice letter because it speaks for itself. gations he has been making lo keep to his trust. Claude hold Consul was, but if he knew who Mr. Parker will be leaving Ja cilly, and still more for his confast to that which is good for the London. The Government is he was and his worth he would maica for Colon so as to arrange a templated trip to the Canal Zone world peace Anglo American. with interest the experiments with the aero.
watching have kept quiet. Anyhow there proper reception for s Excel and Costa Rica to ivvestigate the am, etc, phone, invented by Mr. Matthews, the is nothing in Ichabad scribbling lency. We are happy to say that matter there. should be surF. well known electrician. It is held that the for us to notice, only that he at we have Jamaicans here patriotic is if after he has gathered all voice may be transmitted for a long distempted something conscientious enough to arrange a fit tance not only through the air, but through information locally he is not surrecep REPLY TO ICHABAD.
or over mountains and other obstacles.
ly but unknowingly.
tion that is worthy of the occa. prised to find the con lition worse The new invention is a wireless contriWhile on this subject we would sion, and we look forward to bet that he would have dreamt it to To the Editor of the Times.
ance which is portable. It produces vi.
like to give publicity to the fol ter days for them. Rise to your be: find that the great majority of brations of sich free frequency that they are lowing. it was rumoured around duty and do not by biased and our artisans have nothing to do, Sir. Please permit me space practically continuous It is said that con.
town yesterday that Mr. Claude moved by every and any wind. and that they and our labourers to reply to Ichabad for the last versations have been carried on clearly at a distance of five and a half miies.
Doswell has signified his iuten. see from your issue of the gut very little for what they do time.
Mr, Matthews will try to talk 25 miles.
tion of resigning the position of 23rd inst, that the Governor, Sir get to do; hence the reason for heartily agree with Ichabad Vice Consul of Limon and which Sydney Olivier, intends going our boys leaving sehool, refusing that am not an independent Riée Famine.
appoiutment he recently received, down to the Isthmus of Panama to learn a trade anri tey and the man, yet if you were, why dodge and filling with credit to himself and Costa Rica to, añong other labourers preferring to einigrate. beriod an (alias nom de plume)
Manilin. rice famine threatens tho and the gentlemau who selected things, investigate the conditions Toen is visit abroad nast pe can handle you; but have no Philippines. The price of the staple is al.
appertaining to labour in those productive of 6001. He will hear time, for he that knoweth his really above all precious records and is adWe cannot vouch for the cor. ports to learn what it is that at. and see how well our people work Master work and doeth it not, vaucing by leaps. The supply on hand in Tectness of the rumour, but in tracta Wist Indians in such large and how happy they are; and all suall not by entitled to visit No. the islands is very limited and the general deed scarcity of the cereals throughout the Orient trust that there is no nu nbets to these territories Το because they are well paid. But Take this and smoke it in 41.
it unlikely of any substantial relief truth in it, as his resiguation will me tha an var to why thy go is his visit will have a still greater your pipe.
from importations prove a sorrowful blow to the in a actual aalisily fiad: effeet and significance. It will Ichabad is ashamed, and every reader The likelihood of an extended famine has English speaking people here. t1 11. 31 thg 11 11. 11 let the foreiga governments un knows it led Indo China and Sim to prohibit the It is amazing to know the native employnat in their der which our people work, and He has been bluffed to the core. poor exportation of any rice and a similar amount of time this young gentle West Lolius Taere is no the people themselves rualize that chap he feels it measure of self protection is expected from Riguon. It is man devotes to the unthankful donbt that West Indians love the suggested that it may be they are not forgotten or thought Lay down your pen, go dig the soil possible in the Philippines to subs itute corn And plant your fruit in peace, offce. It has been said by some West Indies and the British Gov. little of by their home govern.
Leave, oh leave, our Cowent alone and wheat for the usual staple diet as soon one that Mr. Doswell seems to be ernment that controls them. Of ment; he will tacitly be saying For this is entirely out your line, as prices become prohibitive Public relief fond of experience and is trying all men they ll tell yon that they to those governments: be careful of some kind will probably prove necessary to amass more faith and patience love the Englishman best with all how you treat our people: if you Bananas here pay a higher and the Governor General has appointed a commission to investigate, than he is already endowed with. bis faults, which after all, are hurt them you hurt and offend price Mr. Millionaire than in our This seem to be quite true; we less than those of many of his the British Government whose in good old home, aurevoir. am, know the amount of trouble and Caucacian brothers. When there. terest in their welfare is as keen etc, Notice.
worry that is associated with this fore, we find West Indiaas leaving as ever, a hint which they cannot The attention of parents and guardians office, and from illiterate people their hnus and going to Central fail to give heed to It will also as also young men and young women is called to the fact that a Shorthand They believe the British Vice America to work under Americans tend to foster the love that our Consul is supposed to attend School is opened in Limon for the benefit aud American jurisdiction it is people have for Great Britain, Local News of those who would acquire the mastery to even their private home plain that they are forced by and still honour the British flag.
of the art and keep abreast with the times.
matters and employ lawyers to stress of circumstance to do so. That Sir Sydney Olivier is one letter has been received from Mr. Classes meet at 3) on the day settle their scandalous matters It cannot be gaiusaid that in of the greatest of Colonial GovA. Cox thanking all for courtesies re appointed by the tutor) in the schoolroom it is of a higher order. We are the West Iodies the working man eroors cannot be gainsaid; that he ceived. He appears to be pleased with next to Mr. Kelly shop at Seventh Street all in Costa Rica no persoual friends of the Vice labours for rext to nothing, he opposite St. Mark schoolroom is a man of great ability cannot Consul, neither do we hold any is not well paid, hence he refuses be doubted; that his ability is ap. Lobster catching around the sea wall This Moderate, best attention guaranteed.
opportunity, remember life brief from him or the company to work hard for the paltry som preciated at Downing street is seeins to be very prevalent just now. We is a vattlefield, not a cemetery. Applicawith whom he work. but as it is te receives, and so unfortunately verifiea by his rapid rise in the hope some one will make a catch. Pa. tion and perseverance are what win.
tience is a virtue.
The teacher is a Graduate of the De our duty to voice the sentiments gets the qualification of lazy. But service. It may safely be conWitt Clinton High School, New York.
of the majority of the intelligent it is not so when he works abroad. cluded, thsrefore, that his visit to The San Jose arrived yesterday morn For particulars apply at the school to people we do so, and to give credit He is well paid for his work and Central America will be producing from Boston with the following pasE. MILLER to whom credit is due.
so he works hard and well, lives tive of much good. He will see sengers: Cunningham and Dr. Otto He has done and is doing more like a gentleman and conse what effect the opening of the Khnohr.
Cabrera Peña Hnos than many of his predecessors quently feels content. Now it Panama Canal will have on the have done to alleviate the suffer. has been said that the force that prosperity of Jamaica, and be able. tain some Jamaican cricketers from Bocas Arrangements are being made to enter LA CONVENIENCIA ings of many British subjects. He has moved the Governor to be as to make necessary preparation to del Toro who will arrive here shortly to recently did his best to get from active in the labour question as meet the event if he sees that play Limon teams We will say further GRAND FANCY STORE the government a free coffin and he now is was an anonymous let good will flow to the Island on the subject and do hope a successful result We keep a special assortinent of Ameri hole at Camp One to bury the re ter received by him, evidently through the opening of this great can and Country made Shoes, Italian Straw mains of a brother of a poor Ja from a workingman not over water way.
Hats, Stetson and Von Gull felt Flats It would not be a had idea to see some Ties, Umbrellas, and fine suspenders. Beau maica girl that was in straight stocked with literary lore, yet lie One thing am sure of: His saats. placed at intervals near the new park tiful Bahles Silk Caps and a first class ened circumstances: his untiring made the Governor to understand Excelleney will meet a cordial recently laid out, this would compete fa stock of superior quality goods.
zeal in trying to free Jamaicans that the workingman in Jamaica Our prices are the lowest in Town!
welcome from all, and at enthusi vourable with other resorts, which Limon Call on us at the premises fenerly occu that is often believed to be unis suffering great hardship from astic one from all Britishers, and being a health resort should not be back ded by The White Store Lirón, fairly dealt with, his prompt atti lack of work, and inadequate pay when he returns all Jamaica will tude in saving a poor little Jamai. when he does happen to get work; be glad that he did go.
ca girl from going to ruin through and asked His Excellency to do the action of her late employer, something by way of ameliorating and his putting her on board the the condition of the workingmau Notice to Correspondence.
vessel bimself. also the passage in this country am a bit sur. of arms he had with a hotel keep prised that it did not before strike er who wanted a little girl that he the Governor that someting must Buru TO THE CORE Owing had no claim to, and many other have been wrong in the labour held over wutil Tuesday to a lackof space your letter is In the best assorted Bar Room in San José. Specialty in Englis hand matters which would prove to market of this country why men American drinks show the man energy and disre. and women emigrate in such gard for self and love to right the large numbers week after week wrongs of those whom he repre to work in foreign parts, leaving Masonic.
their beautiful ieland home and a It is sincerely hoped that the Government under which their There will be a meeting of Inrumour is not correct, but if so we lives are far more secured than structions of Ebenezer Lodge, No.
One hundred and thirty colones (130 00) from one thousand square feet above a hope Mr. Doswell will re consider that which they go to labour. Yet 4, Symbolie, his decision and always bear in as you have said, many another at the Masonic Hall at miod. It those that do good Governor would have cast the let on Mouday evening. Visitare always beaten and buffetted ter aside, first, because it was LIMON, 4th AVENUE 50 YAF DS FROM POLICE STATION BOX NO. 56 inz brethren will receive a cor We keep a special assortment of flooring battous siding, ceiling and partition like our eternal Master.
auonymous, and secondly, because dial welcome.
We accept orders from the Lines, Oct, 4th Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Prees. LA GEISHA Foreign Pitch Pine Lumber.
Peña Brothers


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