
Rate of Subscription Payable in advance Editor ANGEL GORONAS THE TIMES month 00 months. 00 0. 00 12 10. 00 Single copies. cents For Advertisements, apply to tha Manager.
OFFICES: 3RD AVENUE Box 310. CABLES TIEMPO DAILY NEWSPAPER VOL ONLY cents silver COPY Limon. Tuesday 10th October 1911 ONLY cents silver COPY 725 ceiving about (20 from one of his France Germany.
SYMPATHY FOR as War engine Late Stolypin. while undergoing tests at Hon quis.
was THE TIMES Port Limon, Gosta Rica (6. Jamaicans Abroad. Local News.
vendors for lottery tickets, a man entered and made a grab and took Paris. The companies doing MR. COX BANISHED FROM THEIR Mr. Cecil Vernon Lindo is in to his heels, when after a short business in the French Congo town chase and being in pursuit realiz have sent enquiries to the MinieCOUNTRY ed that he would have been ar try of the Colonies as to what irAirong the passengers that left rested started to throw stones at demnities the Government would The following appeared in the on the Prinz August Wilhelm Mr. Broderick, when fortunately offer them in the event that the HIS COUNTRYMEN.
Jamaica Daily Gleaner of Sep. yesterday for Jamaica was Mr. Inspector Pardo and some of his territories within which they 30.
Perey Lindo He is expected to labourers effected an arrest. He were operating were transferred THE EDITOR be asent for ouly a couple we ks. was afterwards handed over to the to Germany as an ontcome of the We publish in another column Sir. One of the saddest sights police. Great praise is due to Moroccan negotiations. The Min.
a letter sent to the Daily Gleanthat witnessed at Port Limon The San Jose left here on Pardo, and as far as we know ister of the Colonies, Lebrun, er. Jamaica, by Mr. Cox, appeal.
ing to the Governor of Jamaica coguised as belonging to those was the number of faces that re: Sunday last for Boston with the Broderick will get back his mouey, replying stated that Germany following passengers: Woodwould respect all concessionary to grant a general pardon to his (Mr.
who cannot return to Jamaica by ford and MeDonald.
rights and would carry out the Cox) countrymen, who through crime committed at home committed various offences. All reason of the fact that they have Another Wreck. engagements which had been The Cartago is timed to made with France.
had to seek refuge here.
those whom saw have for vari. arrive bere to day from New Or.
We are at one with Mr. Cox in Engine No. 42 carrying passenous leogthened periods lived hon leans. She brings cargo, passed.
his suggestion and would like to ourable and thrifty lives a broal.
gers and mails.
gers from San Jose to Turilba was see such clemency extended to They have been banished from derailed at Tucurique. The ten. Foreigners these people, allowing them to their homes for a great many The Manoel Calvo is es.
der turned over and two freight once more at least, plant their years in many cases.
pected early to day from Havana, Alarmed.
cars were badly damaged. Firefeet on their native soil. Mr.
man Arias had hie leg crushed. venture to throw out a sug: consigned to Alvarado and Cox has not mentioned anything gestion and that is, that it would Co. She will leave the same eveSeveral parties that was on the Tripoli. Foreigners are alarmed at the about the length of time such scene standing by gave him sev situation growing out of the imported in.
bu a graceful act for our Governor ning for Colon.
persons spent here; we think this tention of Italy to occupy Tripoli in defi.
eral copious drops of guaro to alto grant a general pardon to those ance of the Turkis is important and should be conGovernment. An persons and thus gladden the man named Nathaniel Vand leviate his pains which reduced Arab revolt is feared. All foreigners who sidered by His Excellency, pro hearts of many people in this is was before the Police Court him to a state of intoxication. He can, are fleeing hastily. Every available vided he fall in with the sugges land. If our Governor really charged with using indecent lanwas conveyed to San Jose.
beat leaving here is crowded with Eurotion. There are many unfortu intends to visit the Isthmus of guage. He was fined colones From the appearance of engine peaas.
nate men here who through Panama and Costa Rica this act 29 which was brought in on Monstraightened circumstances, and of his will do more to endear him For assaulting his paramour, day morning it appeared some through ternptations over to the people down there than Pendencio Rodriques was taken though she had been used as a which they had no control comanything else he could do before the Police Judge, who after mud plough at some point on tae mitted themselves at home and to My life has been one of sacri taking the evidence of several line. We have not heard where Explodes.
avoid open disgrace ran here for fice, and only those who have parties postponed the case.
the accident occurred.
refuge, the majority of whom, lived similar lives will be able to Milan, Italy. war engine are believe, have suffered much realise the thoughts that pass The Prinz August Wilhelm invested by Marquis Imperiali, mental stra and privation and through my mind at this moment, left yesterday afternoon for loss of comłort which is enongh because deem it my duty to York via Colon and Jamaica Sh tichiari exploded with terrific punishment in many c: 895.
make this suggestion to our pres earried a fair quantity of passen: Six persons were killed Perhaps many who had comThe New Premier.
ent Governor gars, a list of which will appear and sixteen seriously injured.
mitted petty frauds would be nong the wounded is the MarI am, etc. tomorrow only too glad to make good what BOGROFF SENTENCED TO they made love to and was not GILBERT COX On Saturday afternoon last the DEATH legally their own, but this the Doke St. Turks in the anarket made an aw.
law of Jamaica forbids. Once ful scandal on seeing one of the Sept. 30, 1911.
Kiev, Sept. 22. The funeral Smoke «La Nucional» cigarettthe crime committed by one comes City Inspectors destroying a con of Stolypia was held to day The best, the cheapest in the coun to the knowledge of the Governdemned cask. The result and was the occasion for universal try.
ment and they take the matter in Correspondence. that Dr. Cespedes was appealed mourning, Deputations came in hand, the aggrieved party has to and he ain cably settled the from all parts of the Empire to no power to grant free pardou THE VICE CONSUL matter.
attend the obsequies, and over Notice.
which would enable the de.
200 Wreaths were on the catafaulter to return to his home unThe Editor of the Times.
Raimond Rojas felt inclined for falque. Thousands of persons The attention of parents and guardians molested.
were unable to gain admission to a rompas and selected the premises as also young men and young women is Many of these unfortunate fu Sir. So much lias been said called to the fact that a Shorthand of a Chinese laundry. While in the chureh, and grouped them gitives that is eaking out a miser with relerence to the Vice Consrl School is opened in Limon for the benefit side he made a terrible row about selves outside the edifice.
of those who would acquire the mastery able existence here are competent that would like to enlighten a a receipt for clothes. He was few of your readers that the of the art and keep abreast with the times.
men, with ability for filling many Bogroff, the assassin of Classes meet at on the day important offices at home where writer has seen correspondence found guilty and sentenced to imtill Stolypin, was tried to day by appointed by the tutor) in the schoolroom they have a right to but instead froin His Britanie Majesty Min prisonment in the cuartel further orders.
Court Martial and sentenced to next to Mr. Kelly shop at Seventh Street they are on foreign soil giving the ister in Panama, and San José, death by hanging.
opposite St. Mark schoolroom Fees moderate, best attention guaranteed.
results of the arduous labours of and is in a position to say that at What a happy time we should This is a good opportunity, remember life their masters that spared no pains the end of the present month, a London, Sept. 23. despatch to is a battlefield, not a cemetery. Applicahave if this lottery were to be in fitting them to fill important suitable man for the position of the Times from St. Petersburg drawn every Sunday as in other tion and perseverance are what win.
Vice Consel for Port Limon wili offices at home.
countries we should think that a says: Kokovsoff, the Russian The teacher is a Graduate of the De. We would like it to be uuder be selected. It would pay a few few more would get their tickets Minister of Finance, has definitely For particulars apply at the school to High York.
stood that we are not prepared to people to wait and see what will at the Hamburg American Line assumed the Premiership made encourage crime, on the contrary take place then for their Mother MILLER.
vacaut by the death of StolyCountry far The writer believes that none we are of opinion that every dejin.
quicker than they do at the presbut a Britisher will be appointed ent time.
faulter should receive just reward Cabrera Peña Hnos for wrong so that he may be the to that position, which in fairness better man, and allow the past ex. to all, none but a Britisher, bred The Masonic Temple of Limon Boxing Bout LA CONVENIENCIA perience to be stepping stones to and born in the Old Country is being improved with a cement loftier ideals.
should have that position.
bridge, which will when compleGRAND FANCY STORE We are not envious of the many Trusting that this information ted, make a splendid addition to We keep a special assortiment of Amerigains of Costa Rica through the will suffieu to all subjects of His the Temple and will last a life Valparaiso. In a boxing match can and Country marle Shoes, Italian Straw IIats, Stetson and Von Gall felt Hats loss of the services of these mn Majesty King George ain, time, unfortunately the sea run pugilist killed his opponent. All the pa Ties, Umbrellas, and fine suspenders. Beau to their couutry. Indeed it was etc. ning high just now it cannot be pers, cominentidy on the match demand tiful Babies! Silk Caps and a first class stock of superior quality goods.
good that many could find suethe prohibition of such brutalities, arguing BRITISHER TO THE CORE. completed as soon as it was in that they are only fit for uncultured com.
Our prices are the lowest in Town!
cour here so that they could retended Call on us at the premises fcu nerly orcu11 fiction.
med by The White Store Limón, GR.
trieve their lost prestige, Im Port Limon, Oct. 10 prisonment in many cases makes We notice with a considerable men worse, their conscience beamount of pleasure that the coming seired and very often be Trade Notice. Grand Prize hus again fallen to lieve there is no more chance for Limon after a long absence, which them in life, thus they lead a We are pleased to inform the We would like to see this long felt.
reckless life that is offensive to public of the removal of the want find its way here every time.
all aud a disgrace to themselves British Pharmacy to more spaAlso the C8, 000 Prize was sold by We trust when Sir Sydney arcious buildings where they will our old friend Mendoz, who does In the best assorted Bar Room in San José. Specialty in Englis hand rives here he will look into this his best to bring this as well as maiter and do some good in this continue to expose for sale their American drinks far famed delicacies and patent the larger prizes to Limon every direction medicines.
month, and the more that patroIn addition to their already nize him for tickets, stands the Warships large stock they have just a dded best euance of getting rich quick, a in fact tnis is the only method to One hundred and thirty colones (130 00) from one thousand square feet above a assortment of perfumery a specialVieana. It is reported here that three ty and they are prepared Peña Brothers most daring robbery was Italian Warships have anived at Tripoli and please the most fastidious.
are cruising before the harbour. Six thoucommitted on Saturday evenius LIMON, 4th AVENUE 50 YARDS FROM POLICE STATION BOX NO. 56 The new place is immediately sand troops have assembled at Palermo at Mr. Broderick establishment.
We keep a special assortment of flooring battons sidios, ceiling and partition, ready for embarkation, oppozitulu. ir old staud.
It appears that when he was reWe accept orders from the Lines, Oct, the Ends Fatally.
one LA GEISHA Foreign Pitch Pine Lumber.
Off Tripoli. goods. They have made their do so to day.
to Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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