
Editor Rate of Subscription layable in advance ANGEL GORONAS THE TIMES month. 00 months 00 0. 00 12 10. 00 Single copies. cents OFFICES: 3RD AVENUE Box 316 CABLE. TIENTO DAILY NEWSPAPER For Advertisements, apply the Manager Lightning VOLI ONLY cents silver COPY Limon. Wednesday 11th October 1911 ONLY cents silver COPY 726 THE TIMES ral loan banks for the benefit and flag we ought to receive him. Reese, Miller, Mrs. Josefa Martinez Port Limon, Costa Rica (6. Governor progress of the Jamaica peasanLet there be no sugaring nor Serrano, Anel Adamis. Mien Blanco Alvares, Miss Josefa Alvares, Margin. Jose try: there is also another object any buttering, but your above.
Olivier Visit. board, candid and manly action in view, and one of greater imHeilbron. For Kingston. Percy Lindo, Miss Adela Lopez, Charles Innes, Lilian PATRIOTIC MEETING. portance to our Island home, that in all your intercourse and func Huuson, Louise Hudson, and 30 de ken.
of personal observation as to how (BY HENRY HYLTON. tions. warrant in the end Sir Cargo. 19, 000 bunches bang nas. 551 sacks The members of the Limon Jamaica will be affected by the Sydney will respect your frank sugar, 99 sacks coffee, 42 bundles hides, sacks hors, packages rubber and 42 Friendly and Literary Association opening of the Isthmian waterThere has been mich mewling courtesy and be the more thankful live turtles held a meeting Monday night at way.
and snarling and shopping about than for your empty pomp and St. Mark schoolroom for the purSir Sydney plans to acquire the visit of Sir Sydney to Costa ephimeral glamour. correspondent signing himself One ADVICE who knows a thing or two writes: We pose of arranging a committee to the information himself is most Rica and Colon which should make suitable provisions whereby praise worthy, and his position strike no one as unseemly and Let go the British Vice Consul.
note with pleasure that a Britisher is on to what is going to happen, and we are they can entertain Sir Sydney among the most intelligent of the strange for they are just the fruits Mr. Doswell is a respectable ben. anxiously awaiting this great event and we Olivier as the guest of the Asso Americans who have from time to of the seeds sown by the said tleman and you ought to respecu are indeed grateful for his information. We cia:ion.
time reproduced his writing con. Governor and his colleagues. No him The Consulate Offce can do did not think anyone was on the in with The members turned out en cerning the negro race is a proof intelligent West Indian, British without a Britisher, but not a the British Minister here in Costa Rica at least in ma886 and 40 the meeting was that he is well thought of, unler Lim. lthough there is one party or non British dare deny that man of good principle.
who, perhap, without knowing will really called to or. ler. The Venerable the circnmstance the information the negro race in particular is have same offered to him, and who we are Archdeacon Robinson acted as he will gather from the heads of yet the victim of mal administra Seismic Shock. sure will do justice to the position ant not Chairman and in a short speech the Cabal Company would be tion set up and maintained by a like some who are pestering the British Min ister in Panama with letters said they met there that evening withheld from another man, his succession of autocratic tyrants as loyal British subjects to arvisit therefore, must in years to forced on the West Indies. BeA sharp shock of earthquake come be of benefit to our Island.
range for the reception of the sides these foreign des pots there was felt bere yesterday morning Floods in Governor of Jamaica. He sug: Extending his visit to these nave been and still are local desat about 35 which lasted about gested that the Vice Consul shores she will have a twofold five seconds. Many are of the cendants of the men of Belial who St. Vincent should be asked to co nperate with effect, that of making him ac: held these people as chattels. The opinion that it was more severe the Associatioa so as to make the quainted with oar progress, and religion of Jesus Christ, highest than the previous one but not so IMMENSE DAMAGE TO affair a success and hope a suit.
at the some time give these among and almost alone in love, has not long.
CROPS AND LIVESTOCK able committee will be formed for whom we labour the impression yet reached their hearts to destroy the purpose.
that we still have the protection the old and to creats the new man Local News Kingstown, St. Vincent. Mr. de Mererdo, the Vice Presi of the British Crown.
whose love measures out liberty, rain fall of nearly eight inches dent of the Association, said. We short time ago Mr. Cox visitquality and fraternity. Heirs of The Cartago brought 517 tons cargo flooded all the rivers and washed have met here this evening for ed us, be a dressed at least two cruelty they beliave the more for this port, consisting of merchandise and out many plantations, the purpose of discussing the all thousand Jamaicans, and as far as cruel still and although the litercment and two horses.
Two important bridges were vent of Sir Sydney Olivier, Go7 can learn his only grievance al cat o nine is stayed from the destroyed. Much damage was done ernor of Jamaica, and form some was against certuin high officials nigger back yet the little fin: We understand that a gentleman has been plans to give him a fitting recepto crops and live stock throughforming the Privy and Legislative ger of Rehoboam is thicker than selected in Canada and will soon be out to take up the position as chief despatcher for out the island and comunication tion as loyal subjects of King Councils of Jamaica and with his father loins.
inland was practically cut off.
George Within the past few the exception of one reference to Starving people are filling Ja the Railroad Company.
No loss of life, so far, has been days you have had an opportuni His Excelleney the Governor in maica. who will feed them na. Checkers employed by the Rajlroad ty of reading in the local press wlih he again brought ont per ked: who will clothe them? sick. Company in Limon ought to be very care.
two letters signed Gosite in sonal grievances am not aware who will heal them? In prison ful in the manner they discharge their duties which the wrirers scout the idea that he blamed the Governor for twho will release them? The bro.
as the fine of (gold) has just been im of receiving the distinguished the wholesale emigratiou to Cen. ken hearted. who will bind them posed on one for omitting a seal on one of Causes Blaze.
visitor in a manner fitting his tral America.
With grievous wrongs: who will exalted position, what opinion These are my views, we can redress them? Dying in foreign We are pleased to see Mr. Taylor, clerk have you formed of the idle va epeak to him as our Governor. lands: who will welcome them or Mr Giorgio drug store once more at DESTRUCTION OF HOUSE IN don think we can do too much man was recently porings of these diseased minds PARISH OF TRELAWNY.
Home? The prisons are full as his post the young who have rushed into print with to welcome His Excellency.
the result of sellishness and panconfined to his bed suffering from an abcess Several of the gentlemen presº perism in a laud of plenty. worthy Dr. Steygall he has pulled through.
and through the skilful attendance of our out being able to express them Ulster Spring. heavy thunselves in readable English do ent spoke in an eulogising man.
that mine eyes were fountain of derstorm prevailed in this part of not know, but what do know is ner of Sir Sydney and made sng tears would shed them for Thess Cartag of the United Fruit Trelawny.
that to attempt to ignore the progestions as to the manner of his the grand fatiers all honourable Company Line of steamer arrived yesterday During morning trom New Orleans bringing the struck and set time to we house of the tair, liglaning posed visit of the Governor of welcome. The speeches men that have been cast into following passengers: Clodomro Urouyo, Jamaica among us in order to many and lengthy and all in prison in the time of their gray Hector Dellinger, William Orff, Carl Cooper Richards at Litchfield personally acquaint himself with favour of giving the gentleman bairs and tottering kness for the Walthen, Vallerin Lakisky, Carlos Mountains. The structure was the conditions under which we a hearty reception, save one gen. non payment of taxes Men Rubio. From Barrios: Fernando Egle. completely destroyed.
live in a foreign country would tlemau.
who have been made rich with sias Oscar Duvomet and 85 bags of We have been having raios seriously redound to our discredit After a few desultory marks their coffers overflowing, with the daily for some time now. Tels among the large foreign element Mr. Wynter made the following monies of the land of sito em dry: The ss Manoel Calvo, consigned to graph and Guardian.
surrounding us and who in a resolution which was seconded by inen who have worked in golden Alvarado Co. arrived yesterday great measure, look upon West Mr. Nation, and carrid slippers have been put on pension, morning with the following passengers Trade Notice. Indians in general, and Jamaicausuna uitnously. whereas those who have borne the That a committee along with heat and burden of the day and Luis in particular, as being teneath Enrique de Lara BiGonrala, Federico de Lara, Aguilar, We are pleased to inform the them in intelligence, are we then, the cooperation of the British have done the highest good have public of the removal of the in order to meet the views of a been turned out to starve and die. Barcelona: Cresensia de Ruedo, Francisco British Pharmacy to more spafew who are in a great measure up a programme for the reception God Almighty forgive me formy Mirambell. Erlinda de Monturiel and cious buildings where they will incapable of distinguishing be of Sir Sydney Olivier as guest of indigdation is rigateous. Send a children, Jose Giralt, Germain Clemencia, continne to expose for sale their tween right and wrong, ignore the Association, said committee to in Legislative Council to pre. riquez. Jacinto Alvina, Ramon Alvina, far famed delicacies and patent the official who comes among 018 consist of 12 gentlemen with sent your grievances and he is Francisco Alvarado From Malag1: Vic medicines, with a view of making good by power to add to its number.
hounded aud made a lie perse tor Urbano Garcia, Angeles Urbana, Maria, In addition to their already future legislation. Or, are we to The following is the Committee cuted for righteousness in a Gonzales and Segundo Giminez and large stock they have just added deckers.
do the right thing and give him a appointed: Messrs David de Mar righteous nation.
a splendid assortment of fresh royal reception as sons of Jamaicado, Pres dest; Archdeacon Rob What! Is Sir Sydney coming to ca should do inson, 0. Nation, Nunes, Costa Rica for, the welfare of the The front and most imposing street of goods. They have made their Limon would look more imposing if the assortment of perfumery a specialMany of you have read in The Rev. Worsford, E Robinson, negroes of Jamaica in particular burnt out arca could be rebuilt, and this ty and they are prepared to Times a reproduction of a letter Gayle, Henry Hylton, Peter and the West Podius in general is undoubtedly a bad mark for tourists who please the most fastidious.
Blackman signed Parker. Mr. Parker is Noel, Peter James Ha: he turned a saint. Has the The new place is immediately a black man, one who represents Steibel, Drysdale.
It now gives the appearance that things political douth of Cox brought are very dull Mr. de Mercado said he would looking here. et us the backbone of the Island we hope opposite their old staud.
about his conversion like the ceulike to remind the members that turian at the cross of Christ. tually notice this barren spt of the town e enterprising syndicate will even proudly call our home, he was Cabrera Peña Hros once Chief Secretary of the Na they were not inviting the Gov Negroes, bare. lest lie comes and erect a buildiug that Costa Rica has tional Club of Jamaica, of which ernor to their As oiation to lay here as a fox and When the for right kind of building to be creead there. LA CONVENIENCIA Mr. Cox was the shining light their grievances before aim, but preaches, ware of your guese Perhaps the inisfortune is the persons that and about the last man we would simply as a guest, and as such it GRAND FANCY Story Strange but true: if Sir Syd will furnish the brains is minus of the cash.
have expected to take up the nat would be out of harmony with ney eye becomes opened to the We keep a speelal orlisent of Ameriter of Sir Sydaey visit to Pana their ideas.
can and Country in Shoes, Italian Straw The August Willclm took the followneeds of our people the light has Among the speakers were o. been thrown oa by the martyr afternoon last Moreno, and Hats, iStetson and Von Gall felt llats ma in the manly spirit shown in ing passengers for New York on Monday Ties, Umbrellas, ant line suspenders. Beau Nation, Robinson, Wyn Sandy Cox, and nor if he comes Mrs. Henriques, sses Richel, his letter. Mr. Parker like antifal Bables Silk and first class stock of superior quals roods.
other writer (Mr. King. says that ter, Babo, O Gayle, Horton, til virtus intention to look Sarah, and Delia Henriques. Fer Our prices are the lowest in Town!
Priston and Garud Nacion Sir Syduey should be greeted as Call on us at the premises cuerly occualthough is disciple of Cow, nandez, For Colon: Paul Erd, Hans pied by The White Stre Limón, IR the King representative and to One of the speakers, a young not suffering fron Coxomania further give force to his writing man, was very obstruperous but a veritable Coxite. Let him has gone ahead of Sir Sydney 10 Throughont the meeting and had therefore am nd his ways and Panama in order to arrange a to be called to order several times LA GEISHAsince ne has taken from Cox by ftting receptiou for him; that the by the President.
false accusation, let him restore people of Jamaica, more especial Tae next meeting will be held him four fold. cee.
ly the peasant classes, are pleased on Wednesday next, 18th inst, at Let there be no blarneying over the proposed visit is proven 80 when the committee will set about his reception. Away with by the interest they have shown down to business.
In the best assorted Bar Room in San José. Specialty in Englis hani your greaning and your saamin the matter, and which thuy After a vote of thanks was niag! Of course, for matters say will assist His Excellency in given to the President the meeting ke we ought to greet bim. for American drinks his plans to establish Agricultu closel about 15.
loyalty to the British turoue and Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
were mails that some


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