
Rate of Subscription Payable in avance Editor ANGEL CORONAS THE TIMES month. 00 motitha 00 0. 00 12 10. 00 Single copiee. cent OFFICES: 31:D AVENUE e. Box 310 CABLES TIEMPO For Advertisements, applyt the Manager. DAILY NEWSPAPER NY 259 mix up in a quantity of excrement from her Duke of Connaught tion.
Lady Doctor.
Voz ONLY cents silver COPY Limon. Thursday 12th October 1911 ONLY cents silver COPY THE TIMES made to find, and baring found Correspondence.
There was another wreck on been preceded by hostilizies upon the Port Limon, Costa Rica (G. to pursue, a common policy by the lines, this of the Italian warships.
fime it was at which the development of each Destierro. We have not received For ths reason, both lawfully and by may be made to serve the interests HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOV.
any information as to the extent the right, he contended, to employ again Teason ot the existing situatia, Turkey nú MR. CHAMBERLAIN of the whole to safeguard and ERNOR OF JAMAICA. of damage in consequence, but we Italy not only measures arising out of a promote the development of each?
kuow a man was conveyed by POLICY.
This is the imperial problem of The Editor of the Times.
train to Limon. probabty sufferthe present situation might permit bei to decree. Notwithstanding this right Tu to day. Conference after Confer, Sir. We understand that Sir ing from injuries sustained in the key had proposed such measures, ilo Mr. Chamberlain has written ence meets to discuss it, yet how making a fresh appeal to the nowthe following Preface to a new little real progress is made! Is it Sydney Olivier is to pay a visit tie conviction that it was still possible o to the country. We cannot be stall holder (roman) in the end the war.
book by Archdeacon Cunningham not worth while to plause and ask lieve it is for anything else but entitled The Case Against Free ourselves wby We call our market was fined C5 by Dr. CesTrade. kinsmen to our councils, but good. We as foreigners may not be able to find out what is the pedes for having kept in her stall The opening years of the pres.
when we get them there we refuse to listen to their advice. On one underlying motive, yet, we are ent century saw the end of one pan in which it was kept upset chapter in the history of the Brit subject only they have through hopeful that the result will be for bladder, through an accident the good.
London. It is ofticially announced that and the liquid became offensive, the Duke of Connaught, the new Canadian ish Empire. With the Peace of ont spoken with a single voice.
Vereeniging the era of expansion Common interests are the pledge be very careful what we express ket authorities were alive to their In rushing into print we should hence the exposure. If the mar Governor General, will be accompanied by the Duchess and the Princess Patricia and was defiuitely closed. Henceforth of common action. common will sail from Liverpool for Quebec by the no extension of territory is either trade policy is the indispensable about public men.
We admire Mr. Cor, as a radi duty and the comfort and neces Empress of Ireland.
to be expected or desired.
basis of a common imperial policy.
When tho American Colonies were lost, Again and again openly or tacitcal, a fighter, and his other good sity of their tenants this would not have occurred. What should qualities; yet, let us be sure, have been done long ago is now not from lack of good intentions, ly, the rulers of the Empire are that we don overestimate him Great Battle.
but from failure to appreciate brougit back by their discussions and oversight that His Excellen attempted the building of a wa.
and sympathise with colonial sento this fundamental fact, ter closet.
The great dominions are willing, cy is also a grand mau.
timent and aspiration, it was still St Petersburg. Teheran despatch Remeinber that a man does, and open to our forefathers to create we alue refuse. They open the says, according to Government advices, a promises much, when he has an a new empire in Canada, Africa door to us: in return we alam it It is reported that a military great batle was fought at Nobaran, so axe to griud. Motive is not in their faces An insular policy, and Australia. To day no such officer from San José eloped with brother of the deposed Shah. lost 460 adopted by us under different easy to be discovered. am, etc.
a damsel from Limon very recentopportunity exists, or can ever killed and 200 captured in addition to conditions both comic and politiFAIRPLAY.
ly and took her to the capital exist again. The world is occuseveral big guns. He retired in the direc.
cal, at a time when our industrial where they been playing high tion of Hamaden to the west, the Goverc pied. The vast blanko ou the maps of our youth have been ex. supremaey was unchallenged, and jiuks. They have been caught ment troops pursuing him.
plored and opened up to civilisa: the Empire itself regarded as a and a good number of persons be The territory comprised in burdensome obligation to that was on the scent gathered at shaken off as soon as possille, is Local News them has been apportioned among the railway station yesterday the Great Powers. There are no still pleaded as an insuperable afternoon to see them land from Strike Over.
cwnerless lands to which we or bir now that we are subjected to To day being a fiesta all the tae train as it was rumoured that others can looksy as the sphere of ever increasing economie compe government buildings will be they were to be brought down.
Dablin. The railway strike is virtually future activitar as to compensatition; and the greatest of the op closed.
en led, the Transport Ucion having with tion for the loss of a province or a portunity offered by our imperial The following is the team that drawn its embargo on railways bavirg dominion. The future of the Em position is, in words at least, an We are pleased to see an old will represent Limon in the foot black leg timber ishich was the origin: cause of the strike. Representatives of pire lies henceforward, not its idea common to men of all par customer. Mr. Malcom has al ball match to day. John Allen, toe strikers have met the railway directos ties.
ways done good in reper senting William Allen, Wood, and arranged terms for the resumption of power to annex new territories, Such a state of things cannot bis New Orleans house. Lo Li non Wbite, Alfonso but in its capacity to unite existMoroto, wrik. og dominions and develop exist. last. We are in a position of unwe are very much pleased to see Bonilla, McGuinnes, Felix hm.
ing resources. There is a more stable equilibrium. padia, Tuney, Daniel Hughs.
San Jose team. Edward Garnier, humdrum, but not a less difficult task. To it all our efforts should The following will represesent Monte de Oca, Gutierez, Columbus Day.
be directed whilst the nations that Limon in the baseball match to Carlos Palascios, Borge, Raf compose the Empire are still plasday against tue Sau José tuam. Rosabal, Cris Rodriquez, Fed. Ass Marie Beard, MB. and Ch.
To day being the 419th anni tic, and before the growth of dis.
Messrs. Correiro, MeGuitnis, Valverde, Ferris, Boshlen, Mr. Justice Beard, has applied to be laced of Glasgow University, eldest daughter of tinct uational characteristics and versary of the discovery of the Cauldwell, Dowin, Malcomson, Barnum.
on the roll of registered medical praction.
divergent national interests has Coutineut of America by Colum. Nortney, Allen, Allen, ers in this colony. Miss Bearl, it is un.
proceeded to such a point that bus, this country being a patriotic Partridge.
derstood will engage in active practice and what is now possibly has forever one will mark the occasion by obTurco Italian War. eady have the distinctim of being the first become impossible, and opportu serving the day as one of rejoie In the Limon market about nities that are still mithin our ing. a Spanish man robbed from this colony. Jamaica Daily Gleaner.
grasp have finally passed away Many of the commercial houses the coolienan at the south west It is a commonplace of political in the town has signified their in corder a merino to the value London. dispatch from Rome says a study that the territorial tention of closing their places of of colones. Police whistles were telegram has been received there from TarBuyers gathered, all in anta, with a capturel warship, having on Trade Notice.
EXPANSION OF THE EMPIRE business as a mark of respect to blown!
board a Turkish general, 20 horses and the great discoverer, and also to alarin. Arrest was made and the 000 rifles was in the main a haphazard af enable their clerks to join in the judge will fix a day.
The Rome Tribuna announced that the We are pleased to inform the fair. British Governmente, in pleasures of the day.
Marco Polo had captured the Turkish public of the ruinoval of the spite of the perhaps not unnatural Two teams arrived yesterday The Cartago left here transport Sabah.
British Pharmacy to more spa.
suspicione of foreign powers, have afternoon from Suu. José one last evening for Colon with pas.
cious buildings where they will LONDON ADVICES.
pursued no settled or reasoned foot ball and the other base ball. seugers and mails. She is ex.
continne to ei pose for sale their policy of expansion. More often it is expected that they will try pected to return here to morrow Confirm Report of Bombardment Complaint far famed delicacius und patent than that when proclaiming an conclusions with twains in this inorning when she will take a by Turkey medicines.
anne tiou or a protectorate, they town. There will be at large cargo of bananas for New London. dispatch to a news agency In addition to their already have been the unwilling agents tractions during the day to make Orleans.
here from Rome says that the bomoard. large stock they have just added of forces stronger than themselves. pleasure seekers feel that all work ment here from Tripoli by the Italian fleet a splendid assortment of fresh Again and again they have sur and no play makes Jack a dull boy Up to the present moment no hias begun. The message is timed at the goods. They have made their rendered what British soldiers The Vargas Park is tast fully official information has been re Italian capital at 11. 30 o clock on Oct. assortment of perfurnary a specialand the hour at which the bombardment have conquered, again and again decorated for the occasion with cived bere or in San José conty and tbey are prepared to begao is left in doubt they have refused what British flags and the band stand has been cerning the visit to this republic Up to early afternoon there has been no please the most fastidious.
explorers have offered.
But the made to present a picturesque of His Excelleney Sir Sydney confirmation received here of this report, The new place is immediately genius of the race has brooked no appearance.
Olivier, although there is every though late advices indicated that the at opposite their old staud.
denial, and in spite of definite re We wish all a pleasant time truth about visiting the tack on the Tripolitan forts might begin any fusals or reluctant acquiescence and would advise moderation in republie.
moment essage to Italy from an Italian waron the part of its rulers, the Em all things so that there will be no recent date quoted Cabrera Peña Hnos shipofi Tripoli under pire has grown to be the vast ac cause to regret when the day is The new Aduana of Limon is the Consul as saying that the bom.
cumulation of dominions and de. past.
rapidly approaching completiou, bardinent woula begin three days after the LA CONVENIENCIA pendencies whose representatives and will be a most imposing notification to the population to evacuule, assembled in London for the corostructure when completed. There which was given on Saturday.
GRAND FANCY STORE Another dispatch to nation of the Sovoreign.
is no doubt that the contractor, a paper at Rome from Malta also set forth that the bom We keep a special escortinent of AmeriZent.
We have been on the whole, Mr. Penny, is doing his best with bardment woulu begin early can and Country made Simoes, Italian Sura wonderfully fortuuate, but we Hats, Stetson and Von Gall felt Hats an able staff, and we hope that The Turkish Ambassador, Tewlli Pasha, Tiss, Umbrellas, and fine suspenden. Beau cannot trust for ever to good luck. Things are somewhat lively the head tax of five colones and presenzed a note from his government to tiful Babies silk Caps and a first class the Foreign Office complaining that, con.
stock of superior quality goods.
Success breeds envy, jealous eyes since October came in. Many three colones will soon be taken ary to all international rules of warfare Our prices are the lowest in Town watch our progress, measure our new faces are seen every day off.
We declaration of war against ſurkey hap, piad by The White Store ul non, strength or weakness, and seek passing to and fro from the dif.
out the joints of our armoor. We ferent farms.
The purser of the Cartago are great in territory, strong in The ballast pit is in operation, made love with all the money that numbers, and rich in vast but with two gangs, under foremen was in his charge. LA GEISHA After the undeveloped sources. But our Messrs. Broodie and Sullivan. All arrival of the ship at New Or union is of the slightest, and our seem to point to something better leang, he was missed from on development has scarcely begun. for the closing year.
board for several hours. When the Are they also to be left to chance! Zent is having lots of work now. safe that contained several pounds Are they also to be the blind Cleaning, draining, supplying, wis opened it was discovered that in the best assorted Bar Room in San José. Specialty in Englis hand sport of forces which we but dim de. are being done. The United every peupy was taken out. Up ly understand and do not se to Fruit Company is doing some to the time the ship lef that port control? Or is an effort to be thing surely.
he was not captured.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
his Italian American drinks


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