
Rate of Subscripti Pasable in advance Editor ANGEL GORONAS THE TIMES month e 00 months 00 0. 00 12 10. 00 Single enples. cents OFFICES: 3RD AVENUE Box 316 CABLES TIEMPO For Advertisements, app tha Manager. DAILY NEWSPAPER VOLI ONLY cents silver COPY Limon. Thursday 12th October 1911 ONLY cents silver COPY 25 POSTS ੪.
THE TIMES Congress could see its way to ning to listen to the band concert. The Sachsenwald of the Port Limon, Gosta Rica (G. Persians enaet a law making provisions THE FOOTBALL MATCH Hainburg American Line of steamfor a reasonable renial of rooms ers arrived here yesterday moruDEPRESSION in Limon, thus preventing the The day opened fine and a light ing from Colon via Bocas del Toro.
Win Battle.
landlords from over burdening the cool breeze tempered the rays of She brought to following pasIN LIMON. already burdened tenants.
thre hot BEN that prevailed sengers from the former port. DEPOSED SHAH BROTHER BEATthroughout the day. The foot ball Erich Scholz, Mrs. Erna Seholz, EN AGAIN AND CAVALRY team that had arriveil the pre Fritz Reimers, Irmgard Reimers, IN PURSUIT.
That there is a general de Poe Disagree and Agree vious day to try conclusions with Miss Anna Fischer, Mrs. Mario Teheran, Persia. In a second baule Weiste, Otto André, Pape and Salar ed Dowieh, brother of the deposed with the smallest amount of per3 deckers.
Shah, has lost 2on kille and wounded and ception will be prepared to deny. cannot agree with the Vice. grounds of the Sports Club at two This has been going on two guns. detachmynt of 1, 000 of the for President of the Literary Associao clock and at sharp 15 the game An open boat manued by two best cavalrymºn in the government forces some time but of late matters tion is saying that Coxite Eo started.
is in pursuit of him, have become so straightened that glish was spurious. It cannot be The San José team wore blue men arrived here yesterday afternoon with two passengers from Swedish Cabinet one has to ask himself the ques that that gentleman would go in shirts and whith pants while the Limon tean donned red shirts and Grey Town, one was the Rev.
tion what will become of Limon for adulteration. Of course let us welcome the Governor, treat white pants. The umpire blem in the near future if things are Miller of the Church of Resigns Office.
his chistle and the game was allowed to go on as it is at present. him with all respect as a guest started. San José men had the gentleman is in transit for Jamai. RESULT OF GENERAL ELECTIONS England denomination. The Rev.
We cannot positively say who is and a distinguished gentleman ADVERSE TO GOVERNMENT, responsible for the fiuancial stains and strictly avoid political dis first kick and a few minutes after ca where he intends spuuding two had the ball u ar to the enemy months The boat in which he AND MINISTERS QUIT of affairs that is now existing; but cussions in your festive occasion.
this we know, if matters continue goal, they fought hard and fierce took his journey measures about SUGGESTION for the first goal and amidst a ten feet long and four feet wide.
to drift as they are now doing a Stockholm Sweden. The Swedish total collapse must be the end. See that you induce your Gov. shout of applause the gallant felCabinet, beaded by the Premier, Herr showed lows from the capital erwar to visit such places as BaWe cannot deny the fact that The Cartago arrived Lindman have resigned. The Ministers the United Eruit Company that tendered their resignations to the King yesterday morning from Colon nana River, the Zent, Estrada, their skill by suoria the first wita a large number of cabin aud because the general election held recently is operating in the Repubiie is Siquirres and the Old Lives it goal, from thenea on ward they resulted adversely to the government.
the sinew and backbone of the practicable.
hid thing their owaway, scoring deck passengers. The following is country and it is through them goal after goal with the greatest the list. Frank Robinson, Mi.
the wheels of the country are At no time of the game did chuel Schwartz, Luis Strauss. Dr.
the Liton tea. show any play, in Baraolemy Marichal, Enrique competent baker to begin work kept going. Of late this Com Qnite a group of them might pany has by way of retrenchment be seen running over watu am fact it is reasonable to say they Grouzales, Mrs. Lola Gonzales, Lt. on or before the 18th October.
put out of commission many of portance fraining the Municipal.
were not at all in the game. Tha Walter Smith, Mrs. Wilhelmi. Apply to CENTRAL ihe labourers they employel, in dad today (Phursday. This day opposing team out witte them ou na Orega, Miss Caroline Orteaga, consequence of having to abandon of historie importance marks the all points aud left for them a good varmeu Guitierres, Luis Tierno, Siquirres.
certain work on their farms. 01. 429th anniversary of the discov lessou in the art of football play Carlos Rodriques, Jerry Kings Limon, Oct 14, 1911. 12 some farms almost one half of the ery of America by Caristopher in bury, Massey Millen, men that were employed are turn Columbus on the 13th October Toere was quite a young lad Mrs. Sylvia de Pass, John WHY?
ed off and are seeking pastures 492. Last night some of these th it played for San José that Bliss, Mrs. Mercedes Bliss, Mrs.
new. The few that remain te diguitaries had a lively time at a showed up himself splendidly, in Paiena Bouilia, Miss Pacifica Mo. Do you want to know why the New ra, zeruandez Brude, Rudolf For Health House (Nueva Caya de Salad) at ceive no rise of wage, instead ball under the public school. Go deed he was th flower of the team, and through hin the club there is a disposition to lower the ahead Siquirres. San José, of Dr. Rodriquez, is gaining so Verual, William Estel, James mach favour with the public?
Owen, Thomas Jackson, Willian price of contract so as to further was able to put to their credit the ADVICE BECAUSE it is conveniently situated in lessen the pay roll.
many goals that fell to them. He Palmer, 19 cabin passengers in front of the National Park, and next to the All this is the Company priv It is to be hoped that you Jais a good sprinter and trickster tiausilaud 54 deckers.
United Fruit Company Offices, two with the ball, and he used his legs blocks from the Railway Station.
ilege and no one has any right to maica negroes will not be becalmBECAUSE the food is appropriated for take them to task for it, because ed aud betooled by cock eyed pa and head to great advantage.
every case and there are trained nurses to Fire at Estrada.
every man is supposed to look triotism. Know that the liberty The visiting team scored goals attend to patiens to il after their own house; but we of nations has been won through The most crusling defeat BECAUSE in the melical staff you fiad cannot shut our eyes to the fact agita ion.
Limon footpall ever sustained. destructive fire occurred at the best physician of San Jose, such as that if a little more attention is Dyctors Giustiniani, Durán, laksetter, THE BASEBALL MATCH. Estrada et a. yasterday depaid to the salaries of many that GETTING BUSIER.
Soto Rojas Picade, Zunig Jimenez The baseball players of Limon stroying threw buildings.
are employed by this Company Dario Volio, Calderon, Lara, Aipalo, Hender, This section is getting busier The fire is reported to have for doing what we fail to sex, only Fuori. since it has been made a Pueblo.
sar the same till lack as their started in the house of sotera that they ought to be fed and as Sr. Don José Salzar bitter known brethren the football players. Peña and sp ed its flans to tvo etc. You may select your own physician either from the physicians in charge or such a job is provided irrespective as Pack is laying the founda. They were deleated poiuts to oh buildings which in a short from outside.
of their worth and labour. If tion for auother of his sky ecraA large crowl witnessed the space of time were laid low, BECAUSE the prices are reas nable some of these were laid off or pers. We hope it will be an im game and eviuced much interest Eugineer Patterson in command and you can make special arrange nents by their handsome salaries reduced provement to recent stable, he throughout the combat. The Gov.
of engine 44 was quickly on the writing Dr. Mariano driquez, San José, to the proportion of work they do nas er. cted. The front of the ernment band wat in attendance spot and did good service in as hysician in charge.
a great deal would be saved and railroal station bas laku on a an played lively sira at intervals. sisting to extinguish the blaze. Limon, 0t. 14, 6 such saving could be used up for more in titlog appearance from This evil work was predicted the purpose of cleaning the farms, the widening of tue platform uu.
sometime ago and although Trade Notice.
etc. so that better returns may be der the direction of that efficient strict guard was instituted they made.
mason Mr. Waitter. The Local News seemed to have eluded them and During the past months many pergetic builder Don Hermenicarried out their foul plot successWe are pleased to inform the public of the removal of the places of business have cried guildo is adding to the noisiness The machine y of the Sarnia fully.
British Pharmacy to inore spa.
bankrupt and had to close their of Siquirres by the erection of a broke down at Haiti ad probacious buildings where th y will doors, among them are Chinese. dac hall adjoining the pulle bly prevents her com ng her be When these undesirable chiuks seliool. Bravo Don Hormie. fore Sunday.
Turco Italian War. contine to expose for sal their far famed delicacies and patent cannot keep the business afloat is HE IS MISSED.
enongh proof of hardship because The Sachenwald is exIn addition to their already these meu exhort ts divers means Don Charlie is much missed at preted to leave here to day for Turkish Garrison All That Is Left In large stock they have just added and stratagens imaginable to this place. Oh for one glimpse Coloa taking mails and passenTown.
a splendid assortment of fresh make large profits on cheap of his sunny face!
goods that they purchase.
Rome, via Froutier. Wireless messages goods. They have made their It is only they who know The Cartago sailel on were received here from the lalva fleet assortment of perfumery a special.
oft Tripoli. They state that the city is now ty and they are prepared to what the poor consumers receive The Fiestas.
Wednesday last for Colon with for their honest cash. They are practically deserted outside the Turkish gar please the most fastidious.
the following passengers: Miss nison. The only Italians remaining are the The new place is immediately possessed with a vast amount of Flora Hubball, Ha grave Wood, Apostolic delegate and a few Franciscan knowledge of adulteration that The fiestas of 1911 is now a Albert Stitee and dackers. monks who refuse to depart.
opposite their old staud.
Tie natives have retired to the interior, would baffle ereu imminent chem. thing of the past, it has come and Cabrera Peia ists.
gone and left nothing behind The majority of the passengers 6, 000 6, 000 orang.
with Mauser rjólas, receted from the In the face of this general de worthy of remembrance save for that came on the Cartago were Turkish authonties, and 12, 000 Mausers «L CONVENIENCIA pression the Government has im. the absence of the many attrac trnshipped from the steamer which were landed by the Turkish transposed an extra taxation on their tions that hitherto marked other Metapan that sailed from Kiog. Port Derna.
GRAND FASCY STORE miserable water supply which is occasions of the kind.
ston, Jamaica The plan adopted evidently is to arm the Arab tubes of the interior for a guerilla Wo keep a special assortment of Amerle already so high; they have also There was practically nothing wa fare against the Italians.
can and Country mude Shoes, Italian Straw raised the price of the corner in the town that gave the appear The foot and baseball teams Hats, Stetson and Yo Gall felt it Tles, Umbrellas, an idaesuspenders. Beku light. Parties who reside on cor ance of a fête day, not even a that visited here left on the pas Smoke «La Nacional» cigareti stock of superior quality goods, tiful Babies Silk Caps and a first lys ner lots have got to pay more flag dangled from the staff or senger train yesterday for San José.
The best, the cheapest in the coun Our prices are the lowest in Town taxes than they formerly did. All windows of residents of the town. We have no doubt that they will Call on us at the premises Et Derly onceof these things prevent an even It was a custom of the Govern: be received with shouts of ap.
piat bv The White Stre Limón, circulation of money.
înent band to serenade the town plause for wut they have Again the landlords of late at early mora but this time hon achieved iu Limon.
have been raising the price of ore custom was not observed, so LA GEISHAtheir houses and the poor tenants unconcerned were those that was No steamer of the Hamburg(many of whom can bardly pro expected to lead the way.
American Line will arrive here cure the necessaries of life) base The only place that marked the from Kingston this week.
now to pay a dollar or two more occasion was the Vargas Park, Sarnia which will arrive here than they paid or the alternative woich was decorated with flags on Sunday coming from New La the best assorted Bar Room in San José. Specialty in Englis hand will be leave the room and make and the band stand with fairy York will only call at Haiti u place for some one else.
lanteras at night. The park was her way down. She is exp cted drinks It would be a ap tal thing if fairly patronised during the eve o leave here about Tuesday.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica. caravans ut cancis The American


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