
Rate of Subscription Payable in advance Editor ANGEL GORONAS THE TIMES month. 00 months 00 0. 00 12 10. 00 Single copies. cents OFFICES: 3RD AVENUE Box 316 CABLES. TIEMPO For Advertisements, apply tia Manager DAILY NEWSPAPER VOL ONLY cents silver COPY Limon. R) Sally 15ta Otober 1911 ONLY cents silver COPY Nº 261 THE TIMES Correspondence.
the professioa il and artizan class to feed cattle and to mannfactura Port Limon, Costa Rica (6. Hard Luck.
living at or wear Limon, make an a valuable oil. It also furnishes appointment with him to discuss the principal sustenance of many PROPOSAL the object of his visit and show THE PARTITIONING OF of the poorer natives.
him that it is cause a crown of Under the headline Local To the Editor of the Times thorns is being pressed npon the News we mentioned the arrival NORTH AFRICA. Well while we are here let us poor man brow, and that it is of Rev. Miller from Grey First Russian to do all the good we can direct to the short sighted, or ratber the Town in an open boat, manned our benefit for our Home that one sided policy of the govern by two men. They left Grey Whatever the outcome of the ment that the island is being de Town on Thursday afternoon and Discover a Comet present dispute between France sacred spot so endeared to our nuded of the best pleinents of the reached Limon at o clock, Fri.
and Germany over the Mor. bearts, the spot that never gets MONS. BIELIAVSKY FINDS NEW occo question, one fact stands cold, never gets old. Don you artizan and labouring population, day afternoon.
The boat is no more than four CELESTIAL WANDERED IN out pre eminently, and know the Gleaner is the Gov. and that coolie immigration is an that is that the ervor paper! Have you forgot offeuce both to the taxpayer and feet wide and about ten feet long, time has com THE CONSTELLATION LEO.
when the whole north coast of ten about our paper? It will be the labourer, that self respecting and the Rev. gentleman and anthe people paper, the majority meu cannot subsist on starvation other passenger that accompanied St. Petersburg. Mons Bieliavsky, the Africa, extending from the Suez wages.
him must have had a tryiog astronomer at Simicz observatory, near Canal to the Pillars of Hercules, paper, the poor man paper and Show to the Governor that Yalta, is credited with the discovery, on time across, not having eufthe people voice.
is soon to be definitely and perHowever September 18, of a new comet of the third have to sympathize with you planters and other large employ. ficient space to rest.
manently partitioned off among is your tardiness, when remem. ers of labour should not be nomi. they accomplished their perilous magnitude in the constellation Leo. It the European powers. Germany was seen in right ascension to hours, 43 minutes and declination plus degrees and ber your often mishaps which nated members of the Council as journey successfully, but when fully appreciates this fact, hence 15 minutes. This is the first time that a will innka fresh to your memory: self interest will not permit them they reached their destination her anxiety to put in her claim The Wesleyan Life Assurance, to be honest legislators where matters proved worse than when comet has been discovere by a Russian.
for a proper share of the spoils Wood Banking Association, their interests are concerned. they were on the opeu avean.
and her determinrtion either to Wesleyan Dime Bank, Trad Explain to him that the Kerr. The captain of the small craft gain a foothold on the north coast of Africa or secure adequate ing International and Transport Sharp resolution after nearly left Grey Town for this port withWanted and general compensation else. ing Company, Labour Union, thirty years of experience has out a bill of health and the port where.
in which you invested not only proven to be nothing else but doctor who kept the men in the competent baker to begin work class legislation, as on or before the 18th October.
it places open boat exposed to the heat of your moneys but your lives were There is no concealment about France aspirations in Morocco.
at stake, bumping against the mouny qualitieation before patri the day, from o clock visitel Apply to otism and intelligence CENTRAL them late in the evening, and on very largest concern of Costa Rica She desires to control that conTell the Governor that the Edu finding they were not in possesSiquirres.
try just as she not controls Tu all to a complete failure and in cational Code needs to be revised sioa of the necessary papers remany cases utter ruin.
Limon, Oct 14, 1911. 12.
nis and Algeria. If her plans succeed the whole of north Afri.
This paper is intended to voice that the very poor limentary fused to allow them to have comot our grivances in the ear of the system education Tefleefs manication with land. Conse.
ca will revert to Great Britain and France, the former power world, our Bruce is waiting on us, against the island and lower the queutly they had to spend another he it is who came down here to do status of the average Jamaican night sitting up in the boat; and WHY?
controlling Egypt aud the latter a if to make matters worse what the rest of the north coast, opt us good. Plenty a vaits the pa er abroad, and that compulsory eludid not happen on the journey Do you want to know why the New Tripoli, which Turkey stiil holds and it is not to be done in secret. cation is urgently nevd Health House (ueva Caga de Salad) at Is there a few bere who wants Prove to flis Excellency that they experienced then a shower by a very uucertain tenure. That San José, of Dr. Rodriquez, is gaining so this tenure is not to be allowed private confabs with Sir Sydney. there are only two reasons for of rain, all through this the men much favour with the public?
Do so with your mighty sword, Jamaicans leaving their lovely had to be content till xt moruto remain uncontested is evident BECAUSE it is conveniently situated in islaod, one is insufficient wages, ing.
front of the National Park, and next to the from the preparations that Italy the pen. The majority must use and the other is the great facility this paper to tell Sir Sydney to At break of day Rev. Miller United Fruit Company Offices, two is making to assert a claim to pre.
sent a note to Airchdeacon Robin blocks from the Rulway Station.
dominant influence in Tripoli. in and around th 14 parishes for obtaining lands abroad for BECAUSE the food is appropriated for This revived claim of Italy of Jamaica and to nse bis railway cultivation, and that us exiles son, lling bim of his inisfortune Cyery case and there are trained nurses to when the Archdeacon called upon attend to patients promises to further complicata coach, bnggy and horse and sad from home they live in a more prosperous and comfortable con the vice Consul who consulte! BECAUSE in the medical stall you find the Morocco situation. It als be dle. We will tell him how to with the port doctor, and the re the best physicians. San José, such as ing a member of the triple alli encourage saddle making and dition. am, etc. Doctors Giustiniani, Darán, Inksetter, sult was the men were allowed to shoe making some more and no auce, there is no room for susTros. SPENCE.
Laud about eleven o clock yester (L. Zumbado, Alvarado Hernandez Soto, Rojas, Picade, Zúñiga, Jimenez pecting that her rival of a claim end of agricultural means, ele. to day morning to Tripoli bas been iustigated by being abont a better supply of San José, foodetuffs for our dear island, we Fonseca Calvo, Cardero, Prestinar, etc. Oct. 12. 1911.
Germany to further embarass etc. You may select your own physician France in her campaign for the bail the advent of this paper.
either from the physicians in charge or control of Morocco. Turkey will come to our help and don forget no doubt protest against the acthat it is money invested.
BECAUSE the prices are reasonable tion of Italy, but as tha Turks am. etc.
Local News and you can make special arrangements by One.
writing Dr. Mariano Rodriquez, San José, have not the naval strength to Physician in charge.
make an effective resistance to the Italian fleet, and being har.
Limon, 14, 1911. y The Sarnia will not arrive It is learut that the military assed by interual troubles at WORTHY SUGGESTION. bere bafora to narrow (Monday. man that eloped with the damsel home, they are not likely to make It is expected that after diselarg. of his choice did arrive in Limon Trade Notice.
any actual opposition.
The Editor of the Times ing and taking in cargo she will with his lady from San José by With the partitioning of the leave on Tuesday for New York. train as we announced a day or remaiuing portions of north Afri. Sir. Kindly permit me space 1100 ago Arrangements have We are pleased to inform the ca, the whole of the Dark Conti in yonr columas to express my The Sachsen wall will be nent will lave passed under Bu views on matters relating to Ja despatched by the Agent of the the knot, which will be shortly.
removal of the since been made for the tieing of public of the British Pharmacy to more sparopean con rol, and there will be maicans and the proposed visit of Hainburg American Line of cious buildings where they will no further territory for any of Sir Sydney Olivier.
continue to expose for sale their covet the great powers to It is steamers to day for Cuon and Although living in a peneeful far famed delicacies and patent a realization that this is the last foreign land, we have not surrenCarthagena. Remarkable Tree, medicines.
chance that makes Germany and dered our rights and privilegas The Isparta ran into the Iu addition to their already France so determined to get all as British subjects. This may ba they can before the door is per. bokel upon by som parely as a harboor yesterday morning from Among the most remarkable large stock they have just added w York with the following trees of the world is the argan, a splendid assortment of fresh manendly shut to further terri. matter of sentiment, bat santiment Rev.
passengers: goods. They have made their Lucas, which a bornds in southers Mor assortment of perfumery a specialtorial expansion.
Sentiment still counts for much in this world, and is often of the arles Rennie, Columbus, occo, but is seldom seen else.
ty aud they are prepared to greatest importance, therefore we where. forest of argaus has please the most fastidious.
The Cartago was dewill ever rally around the flag a curious scattered appearance patched on Friday night last by The Limon City The new place is immediately because the trees grow singly and That has waved a thousand years The battle and the breeze, the Agent of the United Fruit far apart. They are very leafy, opposite their old staud.
Company Line of steamers for but seldom exceed twenty feet in Dispensary.
The visit of Sir Sydney Olivier New Orleans. The following height. The branches put ont Cabrera Peña Hnos it is said is to find out the attracpassengers were booked to leave horizontally and begin a yard Our reporter called on the Ad. fion and condition that case so on her: Marens lloffstadt, Edwin above the ground. Sheep, cattle «LA CONVENIENCIA ministrator of the Limon City many thousand Jamaicans to be Martin, Charles Snell, Ramiro and camels fe on the leaves, GRAND FANCY STORE Dispensary a few days ago, and centred in this republic.
Fernandez, Louis Valentine, Mrs. a goa will stand on their hind was informed by that gentleman Let us therefore as worthy sub Louis Valentine. For Barrios. logs to reach taem, but hrsus a ad We keep a special assorturient of Ameri that the Dispensary was meeting jects of King George the Fifth Jose Olozaga, Lisimaco Chav mules refuse to touch them.
can and Country made Shoes, Italian Suraw Hats, Stetson and Ven Gall felt Hats with a fair share of success since show to Sir Sydney that mark of urria and deck passengers.
The wood is very hard and ex Ties, Umbrellas, and in sospenders. Beau its advent. That the membership respect due to his position as the tiful Babies Silk Caps and a tirst class tremely useful to the natives, who stock of superior quality goods.
was increasing daily, and that be representative of the King, and make charcoal from tt. The fruit Our prices are the lowest in Town!
hopes to have a thousand names express to him our continued loy.
Call on us at the premises lul merly orcu The Pay Car.
resembling a large olive, is used pisd by The Whito Score Limón, inscribed by the end of the pres alty and allegiance to the throue.
ent month. The intentions he Brought up as we have been further states are, that it is to be under British role, we are law. Limon was quite astir yesterday conducted on the same lines as adiding, we have been taught to through the advent of the pay that of the New City Dispensary kuow that any grievance we may car It arrived in Limon a day of Kingston, Jamaica, which has possess will be carefully investi before the scheduled time. Every.
been in existence for the past thir gated and righted. body was pleased to see it.
ty five years. We think it a long To meet His Excellency on his felt want supplied, and wish it a arrival will suggest that about Smoke «La Nacional» cigarette In the best assorted Bar Room in San José. Specialty in Englixhand successful ani as long a care ar as half a dozen representative Ja The best, tha culot in the coun the Jamaica concern.
maicans ebosen priocipally from try.
American drinks They will be Made from outside LA GEISHA Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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