
Rate of Subscription yable in advance Editor ANGEL GORONAS THE TIMES month. months 12 Single coples. 00 00 00 10. 00 cents OFFICES: 3D AVENUE Box 316. CABLES TIEMPO For Advertisemels, apply to tha Madager. DAILY NEWSPAPER VOLI ONLY cents silver COPY Limon. Tuesday 17th October 1911 ONLY cents silver COPY N9 902 a Soto, Rein badu, Alvarado Hernandez THE TIMES Gigantic Vessel to Curious Somersault Fire at Zent. China Naval Port Limon, Gosta Rica (C. take the water In trying to be a professional Fire Bugs have turned their atForce.
cyclist all in a few hours, a for tention to the village of Zent.
midable dispenser of this town, Sunday night at 9p. the Zent at Camden.
while practicing aronnd the Farm House was completely destreets in the vicinity of Dr. Steg stroyed by fire; that it was an St. Petersburg Pekin de gall on Sunday evening last, end act of incendiarism there can spatch snye the Ministry of Mar Besides the use of bad language For the second time within a ed ny a fall which might have hardly be a doubt as an attempt which will give Chiba at the end ine has drawn np ita programme as a popular means of procuring month a new battle ship for the proved fatal, but owing to the was made to destroy the trolley rain, there are various other Argentine Republic will be quick assistance reudered by a car house which adjoins the Suof seven years, a fleet of eight tricks to which members of the launched in the United States yonth who had been apparently perintendents garden and is a battlesbipe, twenty cruisers, ten human race have recourse in the water when the Moreno will be smaller vessels and fifty torpedo tutoring him, he was brought on long way from the farm house at time of drought. There is a vilboats and destroyers. It also proseut down the ways at the yards his legs in a most stupefied state. the same time.
vides for four naval arsenals.
lage in Russia, for instance, where of the New York Shipbrilding It happened that with enthusiasm The Company owns some valuthree men used to climb certain Company, at Camden, Plaus on his part, and the hearty ap able properties in this district fir trees in time of drought, one of for the ceremonies which will at plause of the bystanders of his and the capture and severe pun.
the three having a vessel of water tend the christening of the newest lightening progress rounded ishment of the fiend would have which he would sprinkle all of naval vessels for a South Amer. curve at a speed of all he knew the desired effect of warning Wanted around. One of the other two ican Power are now in the mak probably too sharp or otherwise others to desist from their abom.
hammered on a kettle or made ing, but probably will not be com not quite certain, but he was seen inable work. competent baker to begin work some similar poise in the hope of pleted for several days. The last to go up in the air fully five feet, thereby producing thunder, and on or before the 18th October.
battle ship to be launched here toppled over and landed equare the third scattered sparks from for the Argentine navy was the on the crown of his head, standApply to firebrands as a warning to the Rivadavia, which first took the ing in that perpeudicular position Late Sir Redvers CENTRAL lightning to make haste. The wat in Boston on August 26. for fully 15 seconds. Inasmuch Boug gives a host of instances Like the Rivadavia, the Moreno as it would seem quite inhuman Buller.
of similar ceremonies, as they have will embody in her construction ti take the incident as a joke yet been observed in different parts Limon, Oct 14, 1911. 13 all of the modern achievements one could not help cracking their The London Times says. of the world.
in battle ship building. Her sides with laughter. He was in the memorial to General Sir In Romania, Servia and other length will be 586 feet and her stantly surrounded by a crowd countries the charm for rain is Redvers Buller erected by his old beam ninety eight feet. She will and ou being questioned as to his regiment the King Royal Rifle WHY?
more pictureque. Here a troop have a normal draught of twenty. receiving any injuries his reply of girls, the leader of whom is Corps, his comrades of both serseven feet seven inches and a trial was Not a twall sirs, not a vices, and other friends will be naked save for a covering of Do you want to know why the New displacement of 27, 500 tons.
leaves, herb and flowers, goes in unveiled by Field Marshal Lord Health House (Nueva Caga de Salad) at The main armor belt of the pero On the whole noting serious Grenfell in Wincbester Cathedral San José, of Dr. Rodriquez, is gaining so procession from house to house dreadnaught will be twelve inches happened, through the village, and much favour with the public?
as on Saturday, Cctober 18. The thick amidships. The upper arBECAUSE it is conveniently situated in movement has been organized by they pass singing for rain the front mour belt will be mine inches of the National Park, and next to tho householders drench them with a committee of which Lord Pors United Fruit Company Offices, two thick amidships and six inches buckets of water. The ceremony, mouth is chairman. The monu blocks from the Railway Station.
forward and aft. The casemate To Improve says Dr. Frazer regularly takes BECAUSE the food is appropriated for armour will be of six inch thickinent, which takes the form of a place all over Rumania on the recumbent life size figure in Csery case and there are trained nurses to ness, while that in the turrets will Horsekind.
attend to patients.
tbird Tuesday after Easter, but bronze by Mr. Bertram McKennal, be from nine to twelve inches.
BECAUS in the medical staff you find it may be expeeted at any time was exhibit in the the best physicians of San Jose, such as The most modern of turbine of drought during the summer.
An English thoroughbred stud Royal Academy this year. The Doctors Giustiniani, Durán, Ioksetter, engines will propel the new battle Picado, Zúñiga, Jimenez Rumanian custom described in velop 89. 500 horse power and calThere is yet another wetting ship. They are intended to de arrived by the Aracataca yes pedestal of the tomb bears the terday from England, consigned legend. great leader beloved (L. Begg, Barrionuevo, Volio, Calderon, Lara Golden Bongli. Sometimes culated to produce a speed of to. Alvarado Co. Tbe ani by bis men.
Particulars of the arrangements etc. You may select your owa physician Fonseca Calvo, Cardero, Prestinary, etc. when rain is needed we are told, twentytwo and one half knots mal stands a good height aod is a the Rumanians make a clay fig. sustained for eight hours Her splendid looking brute.
for the ceremony will be publish: either from the physicians in charge ar ure to represent Dronght cover it from outside bunkers will have a capacity of ed in due course, and it is hoped BECAUSE the prices are with a pall, and place itin an open reas nable that provision may be made to 4, 000 tons of coal and her oil and you can make special arrangements by coffin. Girls croucis around the tanks will ca Ty 500 hallons.
enable the attendance of old com.
writing Dr. Martauo Rodriquez, San Jose, coffin ind lament, saying Drought Home Comers.
Tades and veterans of Sir Radvere Physician in charge is dead! Lord, give us rain! Then Buller campaigos. Invitations the coffin is carried by children to the subscribers will be issued, Limon, Ost 14, 1911.
The Aracaiaca consigned but in order to prevent any misin funeral procession, with a Accident at Electric to the United Fruit Company take it is requested that this will burning wax candle before it.
came alongside the pier yesterwhile lamentations fill the air.
be accepted as an intimation, from day morning Light Plant.
England and that any who may be auxious Finally they throw the coflio aud Trade Notice.
The following passengers came candle in a stream or wall.
to attend but who do not receive TO on her: Lyolis, Mr. and Mrs.
In unspoilt parts of Russia the their invitation will address Major We are pleased to inform the Montealigre Misses and popular methods of influencing public of the removal of the An accident occurred at the Byroo, honorary secretary, CereA. Moutealigre, Master the weather are less funeral.
Committee, electric light plant on Sunday Montealigre, Miss Robrinoser, Lodge, Winchester.
monial Highfield British Pharmacy to more spaSometimes, for instance, Dr. Fra night last that almost caused the cious buildings where they will Miss Lamston, Williams and continue to expose for sale their ser tells us, after service in death of an engineer named nurse Booty. She brought 25 far famed delicacies and patent church the priest in his robes has Charles Allen eack mails.
been thrown down on the ground It appears that while the man In addition to tbeir already and drenched with water by his was a little distance from engine large stock they have just added parishioners. In Kursh, a the bell snapped in two comprevince in Sonthern Russia, ing in contact with him.
of China, a aplendid assortinent of fresh when rain is much wanted the was thrown bodily against the goods. They have made their woman reize a passiug stranger, wall. When assistance was renderassortment of perfu wary a specialThe love of money is also the estimated by the imperial mari.
The popalation of China as ty and they are prepared and throw him into the river om to it was discovered that he resouse him from head to foot.
ceived severe blows on both feet tool pf much matrimony.
time customs in the abstract of please the most fastidious.
If you are going to spend your Tbe new place is inmediately bich were sollen. He was statistics for 1910 is placed at holidays Southern Russia it is he is a little word that spoils about 1, 000, 000 less than the esti: opposite their old stand.
taken up and carried to his rusias well that you should know this.
dence in a bus. In consequence some big plaus.
mated population in 1909, but the Otherwise you might come a way of the mishap the streets and with the totally false impressions many residences were ont of snre sign that you don figures are about the same as those for five years ago.
e abrera Peña Hnos The know much is to think you know total population in 1906 was that strangers are unpopular in proper service for a couple of it all.
those parts.
placed at 438, 214, 000, while the «LA CONVENIENCIA population of the open ports was The chronio borrower hopes estimated at 6, 917, 000. The fig.
GRAND FANCY STORE he ll hot meet any of his creators ures for the total population were We keep a special assortinett of AmerlLate Arrival Large Bathrooms, in heaven.
allowed to remain the same until can and Country made Shoes, Italian Straw Hats, Stetson and Von Gall felt Hats 1909, when the estimate of popu Tieg, Umbrellas, and fine suspenders. Beau Occasionally a Woman who lation of Fengtien or Manchuria Stock of superior quali tiful Babies Silk Cags und a first class of Sarnia. Berlin, the city which urver vooris.
sleeps, has long since outdistanced material for it.
doesn gossip forvishes a lot of was increased 1, 000, 000 and the Our prices are the lowest in Town!
all its European rivals as a city of total was fixed at 439, 214, 000.
Call on us at the premises nerly orcu.
piad by The White ore Livón, The Hamburg American Line night life. In addition to its allThe reason why so mauy men steamer Sarnia arrived here night cafes, daybreak restaurants get married is because they are yesterday morning from Nex and theatres, which open their to tan ler hearted to refuse. LA GEISHA York wito an unusual small doors cnly at midnight, Berlin quantity of passengers, which is has now a magnificent bathing Marrying a man to reforin him due to her not calling at Kingston. establishment which is open is like trying to make a satisfac. The following is the list. Messrs every hour in the twenty four, tory umelette out of a bad egs Kuhnhardt, and Kuhnhardt The newly built Admirals bad, in and cabin passengere in transit. the Friedrichstrasse, which has In the best assorted Bar Room in San José. Specialty in Englis hand After taking in a cargo of banan. recently been opanel, is one of Smoke «La Nacional, cigarette as to day the vessel will leave the fi est bathing establishments The best, the cheapest in the counthis evening for New York.
The Population He Worldly Wisdom.
in all their manas e condan is a broma noorengo do this cheapest on kasus content was de winstro American drinke


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