
Rate of Subscription Hayable in advance Editor ANGEL CORONAS THE TIMES month.
e 00 months 00 0. 00 12 10. 00 Single enples. cents OFFICES: 3D AVENUE Bex 316 CABLE. TIETO For Advertisements, appu to La Manager DAILY NEWSPAPER this paper.
are Wils sormon the VoLI ONLY cents silver COPY Limon. Wednesday 18th October 1911 ONLY cents silver COPY 268 THE TIMES Rev. Waite Smith The Johnson Wells Harvest Festival. Sugar Crop.
Port Limon, Gosta Rica (6. Success.
Glove Combat. ST. MARYS ANGLICAN CHURCH Puerto Plata. The total angor ANIMAL HEREDITY. We pleasure in reprodue.
erop for the year 1911 in the Proing an article from the Central vince of Pedro Macoris amounts to to The annual Harvest Festival American Express which appeare Archbishop Appeals services came off on Sunday 14th 68, 000 tons, in Santo Domingo We occasionally find instances in another column of today is.
12, 000 tons, in Azua 50, 000 tons.
Home Secretary.
inst. as previously announced in of the inheritance by children of sue more especially as it refers Weather condition being favour.
At a. Holy Com.
see traits of their ancestors, but to our esteemed friend, the Rev.
munion was adininistered by Rev.
able and with an added acreage they are so comparatively rare Raynes Waite Smith. That the Waite Smith, Rector. At is estimated, will be in Pedro Ma.
of sugar cane the coming crop, it and often so little marked as to Revd gentleman, who was hound. MEYER PETITION TO 11 am, the service was scantily coris 90, 000 tons, in Santo Dominhave led some students of the ed ont of Costa Rica by his eneGOVERNMENT.
attended although the day was subject to question whether there mies, would make a success in his very bright and sunny. At go 22, 000, and in Azua 10, 000.
be such a thing as human beredi new field of labour we never had the church was crowded bety. Physical peculiarities a donbt and the report of the often perpetuated, mental char Harvest Festival will we feel sore Says the Lloyd Weekly yond its seating capacity. After a portion of the Evensong was acteristics much more rarely. give pleasure to his many friends New of Saptember 24:The first roan in the context said the choir rendered a beauti.
Wanted If we are looking for evidence in Costa Rica We have not for.
ful anthem, entitled To Thee, of genuine heredity it is to the gotten Mr. Waite Smith first and betweaths wara ponvin the 1C John bring nie Lord, our hearts we raise. The animal kingdom that we must go, list Harvest Festival here, the and a very striking example of presentation of flowers and fruits competent baker to begin work like of which has never been seen and the who wisg to prevent it by the children was a pleasing on or before the 18th October.
it is seen in the development of beneath the roof of St. Mark has been indveisive.
addition to the harvest services. Apply to the American trotting Tae al nost uairal objectiva horee Church and we anxiously look At the end of the presentntion, a CENTRAL Many supposed that the frotter forward to the proposed festival to such a figit beren an Eng brilliant and instructive sermon first appeared in America, but during this month by way of comman and a black m, with all its was preached by the Rector.
such not the ese Its parison. Toe untiring zal in the possible results in stirring up At p. Evensong brought origin was in Norfolk, Englaad, work of the Anglican Church and racial diffienlties in many parts Limon, Oct 14, 1911. 19.
the day services to a elose.
where it was known as the Nor.
the real living interest that the of the Eupire, is making itself folk trotr. In 1988 the English Rev. gentleman takes in tue peo felt in every quarter, and the ef Again the church was crowded, thoroughbred and many of those who had no op Messenger was ple under bis care will we feel fort to stop the fight is being on with vigour.
portunity of hearing the Rev.
brorght to the States. In 1820 WHY?
sure ever diminish and like the Waite Smith during the other came a famous Norfolk trotter prople of Bocas we see a great The Archbishop of Canterbury called Bellfonder, which it was futut for the Church of England has taken up the matter, and is services inade sure of their seats Another an Do you want to know why the New claimed could trot Seventeen in that place while he administers strongly against the fight. His from about andset.
them, entitled Sun of my soal, Ilealth House (Nueva Cagi de Salad) at miles an hour. From these two Grace has written to the Home to their spiritual wants. Limou Thou Saviour dear. And the San José, of Dr. Rodriquez, is gaining so Secretary to protest.
strains in 1849 came Rysdyk loss is Bocas gu much favour with the public?
The Rev. Heyer if prepar.
was preached with imHambletonian, the greatest of BECAUSE it is it is conveniently situated in equins progenitors. So little ing a memorial to the Home Seerd. pressive eloquence and thought front of the National Park, and next to the United Fruit Company Offices, two fulness. The preacher forcibly blocks from the Ruilway Station.
were his great qualities suspected tary appealing to him to step in that he was sold, with his dam, Local News and prevent the fight.
brought to the consideration of Meanwhile Johnson and Wells the congregation the responsibili every case and there are traded nurses to to a labourer for 125. He livell until 1876. being the father of continue to train, and Mr. James ty of parents to their children, attend to patients.
and ended with a spiritual exhorBECAUSS in the medical stail you had more than thirteen houdred offThe Hredia brought 249 White, the promoter of the contest says he is going right forward tation, as to the necessity of god Doctors Clustinian Duran, angsetter, spring. Forty of these made retons of cargo for this port which cords of 30 or better. Oa liness in their homes.
consist of general merchandise.
with my preparations The church Soto, Rojas, Pede, Zúñig Jimenez Mr. Eugene Corri states that, was beautifully (L. Zupbado Alvaro, Hernandez, hundred and fifty of his sons decorated, and the offerings were Begg, Benonuevo, Volls, Caleron, Lara sired nearly fifteen hundred Thess. Para is expected to in the circumstances, he would standard trotters and eiglity of day from Clan and will be ea Hot act as referee if invited to do much in advance of the three Fonseca Calvo, Carlero, Prestinary, etc. SO previous years. The choir de etc. You may select your own physicias his daughters produced one hun signed to Flip: Alvarad Co.
either from the physicians in charge or dred and ten in the 30 list. It After landing her passengers aud Writing from Italy, the Arch serves a meed of praise for the from outside, manner they executed their du DECAUSE the prices are ress nable is estimated that tifteen thousand discharging lier cargo sie wil bishop of Canterbury says: The ties. There is a very encouraging and you can make special arrangements by out of the seventeen thousand leave the same evening for Colon.
trotters there have been in the sanctioned in London is repellant sigu of a spiritual awakening writing Dr. Marianu Rodriquez, San José Status were descendants of this throughout the entire services of Physician in charir, The ngent of the United Fruit to me, and be adds: have writ.
ten to the Home Secretary on the the church. Too much cannot Limon, Oct 14, 1911.
wonderful horse. All the great. Company Line of steamers will be said of the satisfaction publictrotters but one have had Hamble despach the steamsitip Heredia subject and cannot doubt that tonian blood. Iu 1901 oue hun. this evening for Colon to connect the matter is receiving in that by expressed in regard to the dred and thirty five out of one Rev. Waite Smith; he has with another boat o. the same quarter fall and reasonablu conhnndred and thirty eight with sideration shown an untiring Zeal for the Trade Notice.
line that will sail for Jamaica.
Tecords of 10 traced to him.
Lord Lonsdale, whose sportmanwork of the church, and a real and living interest in the personHe brought his owner 290, 000 The Heredia arrived here ship is proverbiul expressed him We are pleased to inform the in the stud. Great spred stems yesterday morning from New Or self as follows: Personally al life of its meinbers. We antipublic of the removal of the to have been dormant in Hamble leans, bringing the following pas.
shall by glad to ser contest be. cipate agreat future in this par British Pharmacy to more spaish for Mr. Smith, and express the cious buildings where thay will tonian, for he never exceeded 15.
sengers: Federico Peralt, Mrs. tween Johnson and Wells stopped, If a man with brains as excep Mary Streber, Dr. Francisco Ruas think these gate iony shows hope that our people will do continue to el prose for sale their tional as Hambletoniane endowcavado, Alberto Echandi, Claudio on the proposed lines, and norm everything to make him comfort far famed delicacies and paten ment of speed could produce them Gonzalez, Master Alex Gonzalez, ous purses, are contrary to the able and homely.
offerties to the same extent it would not The receipts from Philip Burton, Alfred Beer. From interest of boxing as scientific In addition to thelr already and envelopes will be published large stock they have just added take long to make the world Barrios: Alfred Ballerin, George contests, as calcul ted to put an over Wise, Charles Broren and 12 end to it altogether.
as soon as the envelopes are all a splendid asortment of fresh in.
cabin passengers in transit and JOHNSON TRAINING goods. They have made their deekere and 92 sucks mais assortment of perfumery a special.
Opposition to the fight has also ty and they are prepared to The Crown been made by many members of the London County Council, seveThe new place is immediately Solicitor.
City Flooded. ral Metropolitan Mayors, Lord opposite their old staud.
Kimnard, and Lord Ampthill. correspondent signing him.
Al:hough nothing definite las Fort de France. The flooding The last named, who is president self Busy writes: of the London Rowing Club, says: Who to please, the majority been arrived at, from what can be of the Madame River has inunCabrera Peña Hnos The ai ti of the London Coun or minority, in age when gathered in official circles, it dated the nearby portion of the seems pretty well settled that city, causing great losse. Several cil seins to be thoroughly justifi. everybody is for himself. LA CONVENIENCIA Well what is it? The people Mr. Mihollan will be apable. The view which appeal to Houses have been washer from me is that of Lord Lonsdale.
their foliti, un lato me have of the Anglican Canch in Limon pointed Crown solicitor, aud that GBAND FANCT STORE Meanwhile, both men are train prefers a coloured man to be he will be allowed to have his been invaded by the waters. The ing ward for the fight. Johuson, their minister.
We keep a special assortment of Ameriprivate practice a privilege en river embankments are crumbcan and Country made Shoes, Italian Suraw who is in Paris, says the fig What do yon think about that? Hats, Stetson and Visa Gall felt Hals joyed by his predecessor and ling.
Ties, Umbrellas, atid fine suspender Beau will take place in Paris if it is think it is just the right thing tiful Balles suik srs and first class partner.
The office of Referee of Titles stopped in England. Johnson for many reasons.
stock of superior anality woods, Не training is now very severe. call Ta ta, shall see Our prices are the lowest In Town!
you will, it is said, will be given to Call on us at the premises formerly oceaPrisoners another practising solicitor. Japiod by The White biore. Limón, is up at eight every inorning, and again.
has a cup of tea. At malf past maica Gleaner.
eight he starts for three hours Lima. President Leguinhas exercise on the road, alternately signed the Amnesty Bill and all walking and running. After a LA GEISHAthe political prisoners have been rub down he takes a rest for an tory attitude causes general re.
noon he has first meal. Tbence Antwerp. Twenty foar coast joicing. It will stimulate busi until 50 ile is at leisure, but by iug vessels went ashore and forty ness and nuite te Pornvians. this hour he is boxing with two in the best assorted Bar Room in San José Specialty in Englig hand small crafts were suuk in a storm mous er fiateraal banqnet is Freuchmen and is sparring partthat swept the North Ssa. Many planned.
ner, By five or a little later his lives were lost. new ministry is expected, day trainingen American drinks Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica. Bold Question. Please the most fastidious.
an Shipping Disaster. freed. The President concilin hour, and at 80 in the after


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