
Rate of Subscription Hayable to advance Editor ANGEL GORONAS THE TIMES month onths 12 Single coples. 00 00 00 10. 00 Soest OFFICES: 3RD AVENUE BOX 316 CABLES TIENTO DAILY NEWSPAPER For Advertisements, apply to IL Manager.
to VOLI ONLY cents silver COPY Limon. Thursday 19th October 1911 ONLY cents silver COPY Nº 264 THE TIMES to cope with what would face Turco Italian War. up and withhold my fragrance.
American Loan for myself. will keep my petals clo el them unexpectedly, and to face Port Limon, Costa Rica (G. this with snecess they need pracAnd behold! The comment the roo tice, a proper eqripment of maNAVAL ATTACHE GUEST ON fragrance, to withhold them from others, tries to store up its treasures of color and terial and a good apply of water CONGRESS NICARAGUAN THE TRANSPORTS.
is bighly necessary and we truly they vanish. The fragrance and coles THE FIRE FIENDS.
do not exist in the unopened bud. It is hope these adjuncts would be HAS APPROVED THE SHELLING OF oolg when the rose begins to open itself, available in time of need.
give out its sweetness, its love to other, FIFTEEN MILLION TOBRUK that its beauty and fragrance developes.
So selfishness defeatos its own ends. Ho That the fire bugs have deludPROPOSITION Romo, Oct. 10. The naval at who refuses of himself for others. no ed the would be guards of EstraThe Nicaraguan Congress has taches of all European countries hold the fragrance of sympatgy and love, sloses the petals of his charity and with da that was detailed to safe guard Local News.
and the United States, Japan aud finds that he loses the yery thing be the section is evident from the just approved the American loan fact that they have succeeded in for 15, 000, 000, to be subscribed China who will accompany the keep.
The foupts expedition were most cordially rehis manhood dry op laying low three large buildings The French Consul for San at 995 per cent according to pri ceived by the Italian Daval and His finer nature becomes atrophired. He that must have cost the owners Jose arrived yesterday in the vate cables received here yestergrows deaf to the cries of help tror bis decent sums. Whether these Peru from Colon.
daş from Managna. provision military officers. The American attache is Commander Andrew others woes sour to stinging acids in his fellowmen. Tears that never are shed for buildings are insured or not we al loan of 1, 500, 000, the cable Long are not aware and this is not the own beart. But the miment you open are pleased to learn that stated, was also approved, and is Transports which left Naples wider the door of your life and, like the point of issue, it is something Mr. Brune has been appointed to be negotiated in Paris.
were under the escort of a squadrose, send out without stint your fragrance more grave.
chief engineer for the United Ernest Wands, financial ad.
ron sent purposely by Rear Ad. by, you let sunshine into your soul.
and beauty of character upon every passer.
It is a truism that such catas.
Fruit Company vice Mr. MeGrigor, viser, is said to bave been repoumiral Aubrey, which was rein.
trophies are generally followed sible for the early approval by (To be continued. resigned.
by unwelcome aspects forced by other warships waiting which the Nicaraguan Congress of the tends to lower the progress of any outside the Strait of Messina. The Thess. Heredia is expected loan treaty. Mr. Wands was Wanted thriving city. We have heard it commnissoner of the great secrecy maintained concern le tomorrow morning from formerly argued that the destruction ol Cson witi mails and passengers.
United States to the Argentine ing the sailing of the expedition competent bekor to begin work on or before the iSth October property in this manner is an ins is esplained by the fact that the at Iudurtiial Exposition, held She is timed to leave for New centive of renewed labour and government realized the danger Apply to Baenos Aires last year. He has Orleans on Saturday morning tbe UESTRAL circulation of money. Rut such when she will take a cargo of arcupidotter important posi forces at Tripoli because of the an argument is highly falacious bauauas, also mails.
tions in the bovernment service.
withdrawal of the blockade along Limon, Oct 14, 1911. 12 and to use a mild term, barbar portion of the new loan is to ous.
the coast of ships to convey the Among the passengers that arbe used in the construction of a In trying such strategeme is rived yesterday from Colon on government railroad from Rama transports. The sailors an troopy WHY?
landed at Tripoli were not connothing short of attempting to the Peru was Mr. and Mrs.
to San Ubaldo, on the lake near sidered sufficiunt to resist by murder aud all ttiat surrounds it Frank Maduro and baby. The Managua, a distance of about 120 If suel evil disposed persons were themselves a serions offeusive Do you want to kuy why the New Health House (Nurve Cia de Salad) at young gentleman left here about miles. At San Ubaldo connee.
to think of the antold amount of a month ago for Colon where be tion will be made with the old San José, of Dr. Rodriquez, is gaining so danger that is consequent of such spent a well earned holiday. We Pacific Railroad The transports and conveying much favour with the public?
Another road atteinpts they would sludder at trust the short stay abroad has is projected and is to be built warships were ordered to procesi BECAUSE it is conveniently situated in at a speed of ten miles an hour, front of the National even the thonght of wilfully set.
and next to the added inneh to his health.
with a portion of the funds, exbut to slow up at night, even United Fruit Company Offices, two ting fire to a building purely for tending from Maragua to Granblocks from the Railway Station.
such selfish motives.
stopping if it was deemed advisaThe Allemaniu will take ada.
BECAUSE the food is appropriated for We are pot declaring that the ble as it was considered danger. every case and there are trained nurses to the place of the Prinz Joachim Provision is made for such use ous to steam so ck se together at last couflagration at Estrada Was attend to patients.
this week. The vessel will not of portions of the loan so as to the act of incendiarisin, we have arrive here before Saturday eve guarantee the greatest possinle dition is expected to reach Trip. the best physician of San José, such as.
BECAUS in the medical staff you find no proof for the assertion, as we niugor Sunday morning. Her developement of the resources of oli Thursday Doctors Giustiniani, Durán, Ink setter, have not inade investigations into last port of call in coming down the repoblie.
Soto. Rojas, Pic de Zúñiga Jimenez the matter, for this is purely a ports from Tripoli say the will be Colon. After discharging The loan is a poject of the Con(L. Zumbado, Alvarado, iternandez, matter for the Government to do, her cargo and taking the usual servative Party, and was strongly town is resuming its usual aspect. Begg, Barrionuevo, Volio, Calderon, Lara, Funseca Calvo, Carlero, Prestinary, etc and we hope they are not lear. supply of fruit the vessel will opposed by meir. bers of the Lib. The market places are again ing a stone unturned to bring to scenes of animation.
etc. You may select your own physiciaa leave on Monday afternoon for eral Party, who objected to cereither from the physicians in charge or earth the guilty party or parties New York via Colon and maica tain clauses in the treaty.
Gradually the town has been from outside.
concerned in this matter.
However both Conservatives cleared of the elements opposed DECAUSE the prices are reusinable It is very perplexing for peace in its conto the occupation Officers of the and you can make special arrangements by The Hamburg American Line and Liberals writing Dr. Mariano Rudriquez, San Jose, ful citizens to be living in jeop steamer Sarnia infe here at mid summation the future preponder battleships sont to Naples to es.
ardy of every mo. nent hearing of night cort the transports in describing Physician in charge.
on Tuesday for New ance of the Washington govern an outbreak of fire and to have Limon, Oct. 14, 1911.
the bombardment of Tobruk and York direct. She carried one ment in Nicaraguan affairs, par the landing there, say the Turk what they after so many years of passenger whose utne is ticularly as pertains to peace and toil built or purchased laid low Lockwook. Her carg) wis 20, 000 ish garrison made little resistance.
war. By some it has been claiin.
by some idle loafer, one that is Wheu the order was giveu for Trade Notice.
bunches binanas, 599 sacks cof ed that after the loan has become seeking to achieve personal ends.
the landing every failor wanted fee, 125 sucks coco, bindles effective Nicaragua will have Indeed tue law cannot bi to to join the soldiers hides, 21 sacks noras, pickige: lost much of her sovereiguity.
As the boats with the landing public of the removal of the We are pleased to inform the Bevere with such persons that rubber, eises turtle shell and Out of about forty eight memwould fall iuto the hauds of juscases calipe.
bers of the Nicaraguan Congress parties neared the shore they British Pharmacy to more spatice.
there was present when the treaty were received by a hail of bullets.
cions buildings where they will The scene of destruction was Without waiting for the boats to The French Transatlantic came up barely euough to pass laud, soldiers and sailors alike far fained delicacies and patent contione to ei pyse for salo their lately turaed oa Zunt, there the Farlouse was set on steamer Peru arrived yesterday the necessary legislation. The fire medicines, and in less than half an hour the morning consigued to Bilipe Al treaty, it is said, was approved leaped into the sea, answered the fire of the enemy and then vara She was not docked by a vote of 25 for and agaiust.
In addition to their already lar e hon e hat was only a few charged with bayonets, driving large stock they have just added before mil. day and contrary to the Turks before them.
minut bene standing in tact enstom she was carried alvagsida a splendid assortment of fresh was a mass or ashus. Specula the national pier. The following Seven Europeans and more than goods. They have made their tions as to the cause of its origin passengers arrived on her.
one hundrrd natives were killed.
His Desert.
are various. The pay car was at assortment of perfumery a specialBordeaus: Mr. and Mrs Mar.
ty and they are prepared te Zent at the tim of thie fire and it tin. Jean Martin, Mrs. Ja lavisia please the most fastidion is suppaped at a plot was on Pivead. odore Pesad, Rá The is immediately fot to raid the cut of its contents, Piceado, Narciso Blanco, as it was thoight that those that Ainulia Blanco, Jose Galceron, who is well known to the saloons Olivier were in charge of the car would Simu Anador, Somolens Marti of the city ran into hot water on Enemies lose their heads and go to the nºz Martinez, Mouchen. From Tuesday evening last and was scene of destruction. It this is Cabrera Peña Hnos In Costa Rica.
Puertolombia: Garty, much affected thereby and de true they made a sad mistake and Fermin McLarty. Fron Colon servedly so too. LA CONVENIENCIA lost in the bargain. The custoBerthel, Bloch, Flurie Roure, It appear that this obstreper. Love Lights The Way.
dian of the car stuck to his post Maria de Hulphen Roha Hal ous young au who claims that GBAND FANCY STORE Hike a good soldier and gave to he is is posa ssion of every body BY ground, thus gaining a decisive phe, Me and Mrs. Frank MaluWe keep a special assort. cent of Ameri) and baby business and making it his own can and Country made Shoes, Italian Straw vi tory.
was standing on the streets with It is only in our loves that we really live. Hats, Sesond Gau felt Hats We learn that the Government two of his followers, discussing what we hate is dead to us, and the wider Ties, Umbrellas, and ine su penders. Beau the range of our hates, the narrower our tiful Babies Silk Caur and ainst class is making investigations in this inatters that did not concern stock of superior quality goods, appar utly: kuew itself: cannot afford to give away all lives. Imagine a rose that would say to Our prices are in Town!
origin of the blazer oft goes withe Panama to Make no holling of Call on us at the premises Ice merly CCC It happened that my beauty and sweetness; mest keep it piaa by The White wure. LÓD, out saying that all will be very just at that time this busy body grateful if the responsible party Loan.
was pounding honest parties with is nabbed and made an example his tounge, one of them that he of.
referred to come on the spot and At this rate it behoves the iu.
overheard him and like champion habitants of Limon to be up and which it is convokel having expired yesTama. Oct, The fifteen days for Jack Johnson dealt him a propor doing and to keep a sharp eye for terday, le session of the Assembly came pper cut that almost threw him intruders. It would not be doing to an end. measure was nipted at. off his legs. We hope this will too much if our local fire brigade thorizing the otiosal Executive to con be a lesson to this young. inan struet the Panata and David Railroad in the best assorted Bar Room in San José. Specialty in Englis hand be on the alert for any ease of and will tend to make with National Funds, uw invested in the emergency, and so as to meet this Umid Status in of having recourse to him more charitable in futurethey should be always prepared a fund. Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Naciorem del obregadzanosaistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Culura, see From Got young celebrity of Limon Dedicated To Gov op Posite their ala eta tid.
Mrs. LA GEISHA American drinks


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