
Rate of Subscription ayable in advance Editor ANGEL GORONAS THE TIMES month.
e 00 onths 00 500 12 Single copies. cents 10. 00 OFFICES: 3D AVENUE Rex 316 CARLES TIEMPO For Advertisements, apply 16 Natrager DAILY NEWSPAPER Vor ONLY cents silver COPY Limon. Friday 20th October 1911 ONLY cents silver COPY 265 Loan Approved.
Was Limon Friendly and Literary par THE TIMES thorns, with worms working where roses When went into the departshould bloom. People are lovely to you or Local News.
ment the production of the entire hateful, just as you love them or hate them Port Limon, Costa Rica (6. This is not mere seeing but actuality. Love corntry was 290, 000 tons, and ONLY SIX IN NICARAGUAN is the light in which we see and live. now it is more than half a million tone Hates are material mists in which we ASSEMBLY OPPOSED Mr. Cecil Lindo, the banana SAYS SPIRIT KISS blindly groupe and miserably die. Development of the sugar King of Costa Rica, was a pas.
PROJECT beet industry waits upon better WAS VERY HUMAN senger on board the Heredia farming. The prosent average in that left here on Wednesday last.
Mauagua, Nicaragua. The America is ten. have repeatedly His destination is New York.
Nicaraguan Congress, by a vote Fiestas At said that if we could get the The idea of a British Admiral average up to 18 tous we could spending several years in sitting The Rev. Glasspole and wife of to 6, ratified the proposed loan from American bankers.
with every kind of spirit medium will arrive here on the AllemaGuapiles. take the duty off and defy the The loan approved by Congress But we must wait to bear messages from Indian cia on Saturday morning. The is for 15, 000, 000 at 90 It until the farmer knows how.
chiefs and dead clowns is one that Rev. gentleman went ashore when negotiated by Ernest may interest more thau naval in Oolon and was seen by a friend From to day until Sunday 22nd Wands, the American financier, Guapiles will be the scene of atmen.
of his adviser of the Nicaraguan Gov. traction and mirth. Already a Such is the story of vice Aderument, with Brown Brothers and large quaniity of pleasure seekers miral Usborne Moor book, An alarm of fire was raised Seligman Co. of New left Limon on the passedger train Glimpses of the Next State.
from one of the piers on WednesYork.
yesterday morning in order to be Six years ago the Edmiral pub day night last, caused from the Congress also approved of a lislied a book entitled Cos nos falling of a kerosine lamp used present at the commencement of Association.
and the Creede, in which he wr.
temporary loan of 500, 000 from the fiestas.
by one of the Guardas. The the same bankers at Paris.
pressed agnostic ideas as to per Whet the passenger train left The tbird of a series of lectures blaze was extinguished before any eoual ininorality. Then he he The plans include a reform of the station every coach was filled great damage was done.
will be given by Mr. George Levy the monetary system, the estab to overflowing; many had to con gan to have misgivings, because on Wednesday 25th inst. Subject.
lishment of an American bank het had not investigated th tent with riding on the stage. The Friendship. The Association We are pleased to welcome orr and the construction of a transevidence as to the futut state government band of Limon was friend Elder Mignot who for some is first in th fi Id to provide continental railroad.
also on the train bound for the supplied by spirituali ts. The time was at Colon engaged in amusements during the Christm 18 out of it is he has abandoned his mi istering to his flock. The Elder rection, and occupied the front Beason, as we lrarn that a Garden coach. It is learnt that they will Party ou a gigantic scale is being doubte anl is a nost uncompro expeets going tp to San Jose mis ng spiritualist.
where he will spend a few days Dedicated To Gov. of the season.
remain at Guapiles until the end arranged for. Further particulars Vice Admiral Moore seems to and on his return to Limon he will be given later.
have visited in his qust for a Mavy important parsonages of will tubark for Colon.
Olivier Enemies sigu uvery kind of spirit diun the city availed themselves of the he could find in England or the Rogulio Pardo, Gover In Costa Rica.
opportunity of travelling by yes.
United States. There were in di nor of Limon, arrived yesterday terday train so as to avoid toums who produced spirit forms, Do you want to kanw why the New Schwazburg on the day rush.
The The fiestas commences to day Health House (Nueva Casa de Salad) at neliams who produced spirit gentleman ft New York on the Love Lights The Way.
San José, of Dr. Rodriquez, is gaining so faces and spirit voices, table rap Alemania and arrived at Colon and will continue till Sunday. much favour with the public?
ping medians, trumpet mediums, in time to by trasferred to the BY special train will leave here to BECAUSE it is conveniently situated in portrait painting mediums, letter front of the Nation Park, and next to the first named vessel. The Goverday at 45 for Guapiles and on It is my idea of hell to hate somebody.
writing mediums, clairvoyants, nor arrival was quite unexpect21st and 22nd special trains will United Fruit Company Offices, two Malice, envey, hard thought of any clairaudieats and crystal gazers. rd, as many did it blive he blocks from the Railway Station.
sort poisons first the heart in which they be leaving Siquirres at p. BECAUSE the food is appropriated for The most remarkable of Vice would travel on the boat we came originate. They make a brachiocesome tion to other sports there will be attend to turning each night. In addi every case and there are wamed nurses to Admiral Moore experience was by However many ot his ad hea thy pool where all sorts of noisesome patients the arrival of Mr. William Ewart mental conditions generate. It is a beauu horse racing on the 21st. and inters were glad to see him and BECAUS in the medical stalf you find ful belief that every kindly act, word, Gladstone who spoke through a greeted him heartily, pull fighting on the 22nd.
the best physician of San José, such as thought or impulse continues in its influence Wheu the trtin was leaving Soto, Rojas Picade. Zung, Jimenez Doctors Giustiniani Durán, Inksetter, trumpet at a séunce with forever, brightening and sweetening th: the The Schwazbarg.
Limon station verean woman, Urs Wreidt.
the baud evil deed or con world, and that every (L. Zunbads, Alvarado, Hernandez, Ir. Gladstone said: signed to the Agent of th Uan thought permanently struck up a lively air and all Begg, Barrionuevo. Volio, Calderon, Lara, luiny time we used to flatter burg. American Line of stam rs.
the sun total of human hoys a happiness aboard seemed merry.
Fonseca Calvo, Cardero, Prestinary, etc.
ourselves that no one could foilow arrived here yesterday morning etc. You may select your own physician Kindns involves deur sympathy carries sanifice Affertion or aid of any Seither from the physicians in charge or us, but we were mistaken. What from Colou with the following sort is to some degree costly. But it costs from Profound do you think of th present Cab passengers. Regalio Pardo, far more to rude, ill natured and mean.
be Secrecy. BECAUSE the prices are reas able luet?
Franz Rhrmoser, Thomas Reid, Spite and ill nature are among the most and you can make special arrangements by Vice Admiral Moore thought it Willian Kindness, Jos pa Bartles, misurably to give away to it costs imA Secret Session was held at writing Dr. Mariano Rodriquez, San José, unrestrained the a brilliant cabinet, but added that Maria Buddington, Nutha John United Fruit Company Physician in charge.
to harbor spite, and bad the Chancellor of the Exchequer Office (fruit department) a day or Limon, Oct. 14, 1911.
Not even the office boy should express bimself with mod.
1000, Henrique Mignott, Josu Revenge is a poor investment. It pays son, Leonora Byfield, David Geweven is a haarlous updates eration. Mr. Gladstone rejoided. Pena, Ellen Delisser. Jou Dolis.
was allowed in the room. do not agree; he must speak ser and cabin pazangers in Look at it rationally from any standp in Trade Notice, out very straight at this juncture.
and you must see that it is all right to in ist un one right. 10 His sech on the Catholie danNomm siltunel, sont Can Produce ger was admirable. There inust man named Robert Cox was to injustice. But ustic comes nire We are pleased to inform the be vo religious predominance. violeutly thrown to the ground when asked with a nile public of the rimoval of the We must have home rule.
Obtuse, indeed is yesterday from a blow he receiv.
If anybody can imagine Mr. ed on the metalic pier. The rear he who has not learned from his own. es cious buildings where they will perience and uservation that Hinc IF AMERICAN FARMERS Gladstone talking like that he was standing beueath the ple of kindness to us more of tho real necter continue to expo le for sale their WOULE GET BUSY must lave little acquaintance driving maenin heu far famed delicaties and patout a cant of life that coes a wavle ocean of spite, WITH BEETS.
with his diction.
hook of the pile fell from above, Hate hurts the later more than the one a specimen of the stuff coming in contact with his he.
hatel. You may search the whole world In addition to their already which Vice Adiuural Moore has Milwaukee, Wis. That the large stock they have just added of vilosophy through and find no truer He was taken up in a helpless truth than this. thai hate, pide, jealousy. Ameaican public can forever debrought back from the spirits he conditiou and put on a llat car Teveng malice and all the onere1 a splendid assortment of fresh tenis tois tale about an American and driven by an engine through liver itself from the peril of high goods. They have made their psions the theart is heir to work their irt spint called Viola. whose lips the gale, from whence he was and worst injury to their possessor; they sugar prices is the opinion of assortment of perfunery a spacialhe kisel, with her consent, at a corrode, render Secretary Wilson of the Depart ty aud they are prepared to conveyed to the hospital.
wretched and destroy the heart in which they originate. The one ment of Agriculture, who says. please the most fastidious.
beatie: hate or plot against may not know or It was just the same as kissing thereat remedy lies in the pro.
you The Heridia was discare. It he wves any thought to your at.
The new place is in mediately This experi patened on Wednesday evening diture ab ordinary mortal.
duon of more sugar, ani ho opposite their old stand.
to return your adds tuat the production of beet meul in the interest of Belcuce last for Colou by the the Agent red. Is it wort we steep your soul was remarked upon with juers by sugar in America is increasing at for no better resultanan tai for the UF. Co. Liue of boats.
we a remarkable rate.
Cabrera Peña Hnos Kitty (another spirit) inside the must ex conch of our le forces The following is the list of the on o hers Is it not biter to expend them In his opinion the American caotiet, wh) called out 1! on!
passengers: Cecil Liudo, in Kindness that uplifts farmer can raise enough sugar to LA CONVENIENCIA De ail ainags toe girls!
aud is. Di Pasd Rav.
He quotes a long letter which Aguila Lucas, Monroe Bruwning, the bogs of spite, when a step will take you supply the world. He said: cught to inake our own sugar in GRAND FANOY STORX the Cn. cagu me lium, May John MeLan, Smih, genal sunshine o kruunos. Su ained for him for a relative Feruandez Iglesia, de Hoy efforts to make some one recognise that many We keep a special assortiment of Amerithis country Drought in Ger Is it nat seurbel to dwarf your soul in can and Country made Shoes, Italian Straw revulation in Cabi Hats, Stetson and Von Gall ist Hats who died twenty ytars ago, whom den, Monuel Vragas, Charles you are his enemy and can in him, when could bring nopanie to the Ameri.
Ties, Umbrelles, and the suspon lers. Beau e cils cals Lola. It coutaiu Brown, David Miller and 26 you can ennoble yourself by the less effort tiful Babies Sul Caps and frst class can housewife if the American stock of superior quality goola this passager deckers.
necessary to make him see that you are hi friend and can help him? What we ain with you in every farmer siezed hie opportunity.
Our prices are the lowost In Town!
Call on us at the premises fc. Berly occumove you make, travelling from give we get back in kood. Is it not better Relief is even now in sight. pied by The Woite SunL 00, to have the respect of others than their your own location to that of your hatred? Yes your own feeling is retlecred own come io Eugla ad, you need Wanted back to you from others. If love you get love. Love is one of the things That word location of course the more of which you give the more you is fatal. No Euglish woman, as Lave. Love was born a twin and cannot competest baker to begin work Exist without its counterpart. The human Cola was, would use it. It beon or before the 18th October. heart, like the rose, only as it opens to the Mallela longed to May Baugs.
Apply to sunshine generates fragrance that Sivcetens CENTRAL its atmosphere. Icis your attitude your owo thought that atracts or repels others.
In the best assorted Bar Room in San José. Specialty in Englis hand Smoke «La Nacionals cigaret Siquirres. According as you love or hate, you sur.
The best, the cheapest in the cour Tound yourself wit. an atmosphere of in try.
Limon, Oct 14, 1911. 12 viung sweetness or you edge yourself with drinks Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica outside.
two ago. Joris pays.
really that when Sugar Enough. British Pharmacy to more apa drop mау bе еnlу tban in debases?
spite than out into the or you give not doubt.


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