
Editor Rate of Subscription Parable in advance ANGEL GORONAS THE TIMES month months 12 Single copies.
1500 00 00 10. 00 OFFICES: 3RD AVENUE Box 316 CARLES Tuero cents DAILY NEWSPAPER For Advertisements, apply o tha Manager.
Voc ONLY cents silver COPY Limon. Saturday 21st October 1911 ONLY cents silver COPY NO 266 United pauy arrived here yesterday morn Testing Of Guns.
attend to patients, THE TIMES a native of sonth rn Asia, and to Chassequel, Bueno, Miss remarkable fact that divorce is seventies Local News have been carried into America Orturo Baroa, Miss Aurora Sales more frequent in big cities than in the Port Limon, Gosta Rica (G. by Europeans, until Humboldt Miss Zaila Moya, Jorge Paacen countryIn 19o the dorcer granted threw doubt upon its purely Asiin Prussia amounted to 777 there having The Ale:nania is expected cia Mrs. Syrett and child been a guin of more than one thrid in five atic origin, quoting early authors here to day from New York via Miss Montejo, Mrs. Eubanks years BANANA THE PRIDE who asserted that the banana Colombian ports with mails and and child Syrett, Pablo was cultivated in America long be.
Aramigo, Mrs. Frances Aramigo, passengers.
OF THE TROPICS. fore the Conquest. It is clanned Miss Monsuerette Armigo, Miss Chinese Cruiser that at the time of the Incas in Francisco Aramigo Monsuerette Anong the distinguished visitors Peru, bananas formed one of the that left Limon for Guapiles was Hermis, Mrs. Cantancia Bosch, Not Wanted An exchange of a recent date staple food for the natives of the Don Carlos Jim nez, Minister of Miss Susan Bosch, Miss Francisco publishes the follo:ving :warm and temperate regions of State at San Jose.
Oronor 32 deckers and cabin In Mexico.
If you did not eat three dozen the Montana In spite of the un passenger in transit.
bananas last year, you did not certainty as to just which country. Mr. Hitehtock left San Jose on Mexico City. Becjuse the claims of in.
have your share. Over 40, 000, 000 may elain the fruit as indigenous special train to attend the fiestas demnity growing out of the massure of bunches, or more tban 3, 000, 000, all tropical lauds assert their The Right Man.
at Guapiles. We wish him a gool Chinese at Torreon during the revolution 000 bananas, were imported into have not yet been adjusted, the Mexican right to it.
the United States in 1910. The The first importation of banaNo concern goes smooth without the call of the cruiser Hai Chi at Mexican immensity of this shipment can pas to the United States occurred The railway company old a proper chief, there must by a ports be deferrea. The goveroment exbe more readily grasped by the in 1804. when the schooner Reg. freight house has been sold to a a bitch here and there when it is plained to the Chinese charge affaires statement that it would cover an that it feared a visit at this time might give mard, on a voyaga fron Cuba private party and is now being not a collapse. The piers of area 20 feet wide reaching from rise to embarrassing inciden brought into New York, as a comdemolished.
as, since the Rumour has it that Limon is a striking proof and one public might misine pet the meaning of New York to San Francisco, or mercial venture, a consignment of Mas Charles is the happy recipi. that is apparent to all. Since the call. China has acceled to the request, placed end to end, would extend 30 bunches, but the real begin.
ent of the old lumber.
the piers has been put in charge thirteen times around the earth at ning of the trade dates back to of Captain Owoll, Marine Superthe Equator. The slip in the 1856, when Mr. Cbarles Frank Mr. C. Giyle was among the intendent, many important and Wanted peels would launch the ships of uradertook the importation of fruit pleasura sunkers yesterday. This extensive alterations have been the world. The wholesale value of competeat baker to begiu work from Colon to New York. Previous gentleman whoisan ardeat lover of done, all of which has been high on or before the 18th October.
tie 1910 import tion, at point of is that venture small cargous con the turf will b: in time to pitnessly appreciated by the intelligent Apply to export, was over 19, 500, 000 dols. sisting inainly of the red banana the contestants for the several ones.
while in all probability the con had been received at irreglar in.
JENTRAL One of the latest is the placing purses offered to owners of racing suming public of the United tervals from Cuba. 1870 captain stock.
of fenders from oue end of the Limon, Oct 14, 1911. 19 States expended over 37, 000, 000 Baker, an owner of a Cape Cod dock to the other, thus preventdols. for this delectable fruit.
schooner, took a charter to carry The Limou is expected ing the rains and surges of the During the past ten years the gold uniuer and machinery 300 to arrive here this morning ships that moor alongside the WHY?
number of bananas consumed in milos up the Orinoco River in from Boston with passengers and pier. It is rumoured tl. at the the United States has more than Vuues la. After discharging his mails. She will after taking a Captain intends erecting a bath Do you want to know why the New Health House (Nueva Clea de Salad) at doubled, and the increased tropicargo, Captain Baker rullinto cargo of bacanas leave on Smaday room on the pier for the clerks, San José, of Dr. Rxdriquez, is gaining so cal acreage under cultivation asJamaica to secure some coconuts for the same port from whence which is another commendable much favour with the public?
sures even more startling figures as ballast to New York, carrying she came idea.
BECAUSE it is conveniently situated in for the next decade. Many En a fev bunches of buuauas on the front of the National Park, ani next to the topoan countries are importing deck as an experiment. The reFruit Miguel Muñoz dramatie comCompany Offices, two blocies from the Railway Station larg. quantities of bananas: last sult promised a great future for BEJAUSE the food is appropriatod for year Great Britain consumed over tay in lastry oa tant island, which Colon.
every case and there are trained ourses to 000. 000 dols. worth, Gerinany, has been fulfilled the exports last After landing a large quantity over 1, 000, 000 and France, year rescuing 4, 000, 000 dols.
of baggage that they brought CROCKERY DESTROYED. BECAUSE in the medical stall you find 500, 000.
the best physicians if San Jose, such as With the world decreasing they took a special train at 12 noon for San Jose, where taey London. The battleship Doctors Giustiniani, Durán, Inkseiter, Or.
food supply, and the wheat crop intend giving a series of entertain.
iou 13. inch guns bave ben (L. Zumbado, Aivarnuo, Hernandez, at a staudsiill, the bauana comes Guatemalan tried with remarkable effect. So begs, Barrionuevo. Polis, Cilleron, Lara ments.
forward as an important factor tremendous was the concussion in the saving day. OaH acre with The under secret detective for that win lows were shaken in etc. You may select your own physicia little labour will annually pro.
the Railroad Company in Limon Southsea, ten miles away. The either from the physicians in charge or duce 17. 000 pounds of bananas or who had the privilege of the Gov. structure of the ship well with BECAUSE the prices are reasunable inore than one tbird times food ernment to carry a revolverstood the test and showed no dam and you can make special atrangements by substance as an acre of corn, two Says the Revista Economien abused that trust by playfully age. All those engagel in the writing Dr. Nariane driquez, San José, and one third times as much as hysician in charge.
of September. The New York discharging the firearm in the operation wore wool padded var otes, almos: three times as much American gives curney to ar air. He was apprehended and wraps.
Limon, Oct. 14, 1911. y.
per acre as heat and potatoes, port that Annerien financiers the revolver taken from him. He Hardened glass skylights and and four times tye. The chaini.
have bought the Rep blic of calo mposition of bauanas and Guatemala, lock, stock and barrel yesterday morning, who after lecwas taken before the Police Judge port holes were fractured and the coverings of the canned goods in Trade potatoes is almost identical.
The Pall Mall Gazett is coldly turing him ordered the restora: ship store burst and much crock.
Forty years ago they were very sarcastie. It observes. The Guate. tion of the firearm and discharged ery was smashed. The decks few people in this country ho milo Consul has denied the ru. him.
were not buckled by the blast, We are pleased to inform the could boast of baving seen mon that Amriean financiers due to the manner in which they public of the removal of the bunci bauenas. The fruit bave baght the country. As was annouuced in our yeswere specially strengthened, it British Pharmacy to more epawas practically unknown. Now do not danyth oft rapeitel terday issue a special train left bottom of the ship boat fell out. cious buildings where they will in even the most remote country statament that Guitania has Lim for Gaapiles at 45 am.
continue to pose for sale their store this pride of the Tropics sold the fin inciers, and investors far famed delicacies and patent on Friday, were the fiestas for is a familiar sight, too, for that matter wucher medicines, 1911 is to be observed. Although Despite the fact that millions American or otherwise Tahre is, Prussian a goodly number of persons ware Divorces In addition to that already of bunchus annually are cousunit gaems, an American schemy to large stock th y have just added ed, they belong almost wholly to exploit Guatemala mineral in time to catch the early train so a splendid assortment of fresh Are On The one that they iniy be ou the spot to member of the family, Barget. If anybody eligt goods. They hare inade their the yellow see the functions, we expected to Gui to secure any o of Guntem ili mas neo. Scientists have recognized al, whether they are America or train stopped at Siquirres on its have seen a bigger crowd. The Increase. assortment of perfun ry a specialty and they are prepared to and classifi as many as 45 dif otherwise, they will deserve to ferent species rauging from orway up and it is likely that when Brio Saturday. The ststistics of the please the most fastidious.
be congratulated. But a doubt city of Berlin for 1909, just published, show The new place is in nediately the iron horse pulled out of the namental groups that do not them getting out of the coutry station her burden was doubly than 10. 008, or more than twenty five per thit out of a total of 39. 474 births not less opposite their old stand.
develope uit to the giant bana with it.
nas, the Platano of the Spaniard.
cen were illegitimate. In the same period The red banan is is not common there were 1970 divorces in the capital.
Cabrera Pela Hnos in the American markets. Thera The Heredia arrived from Beelin also hal 705 suicides and 45 mur LA CONVENIENCIA traso. In the United Colon yesterday morning at about The statistics of divorce in the kingdom States it is used only to dress o clock and brought a large of Prussia in the year 1910. shows that The GRAND FANCY STORE fancy baskats of fruits, but in the quantity of passengers.
were 129 divorces to every 100, 000 systemie smuggling has been following is the list. marriages in Prussia, there having been an tropical countries it is quite a We keep a special assortent of American and Country male Shoes, Italian Straw favourite. The individual banana going on on the mtealie pier and Gilkey, Alberto increase of twenty three since 1993 Toil.
the cities generally divorces rose from 18 Hlas, se sou and Von Gall att dala is large, but the stalk does not a clue has now been made that Hitchcock, Frank Hitchcock, Er Ties, Umbrella and in suspendar. Beau it go to 210 in 1910, and in the largest tiful Babes Sur and a list class hands as the leade to the capture of 28 zine carry 80 many Dest Alvarado, John Miller aud cities from 25 to 323 per 100 000 stock of superior 2 yellow varieties, so as it does not sheets, wife, Gastano Scippin, Vincenzo In the country districts the figures only Our prices are the viu fon!
Call on us at the pamisel terly oncabring as large a price to the An unexpected visit wws made Dispigni, Jose Corco, Miguel rose from 44 to 49. The figures show the pied by The White Store Sinon, grower and wholesaler, its exten yesterday to a building that is be. Munoz, Mrs. Buriqueta, Val, Miss eu tivation is not encours ing erected by Mr. Hilary Buckles Virginia Nevares, Miss Laura aged.
aud there the slieels were found. Socias, Miss Concepcion Abusar Buna culture is one of the When asked how he came in pos Miss Maria Anaya, Miss Eleana oldest of industries. It has been session of them he said a cart man Anaya, Miss Olga Van Champs kuown since the origin of the hu brought them there. The cart Miss Blanca Van Champs. Julia man race. Long before the dawn afterwards seen and Soto. Raphel Requena, Antonio of history in the Old World, per questioned, and in reply he said Placios, Jose Palacios, Tomas haps long before the Old World they were given to him by a cer. Alvarez, Julio Soler Vicente in the best assorted Bar Room in San José. Specialty in Englis hand ruse from the waters, man lived tain carpenter that worked on the Ferrin, Carlos Navarreté, Daniel the fruit of the Musas. The pier to convey to the building Quiroz, Enrique Ladal, Jose Lauaua was generally considered where they were found. Coquelet, Fruo Pique, Felix Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica Developments.
מת נח. 18 Clever Capture.
there In LA GEISHAman was American drinks


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