
THE TIMES sabado 21st Jetober 1911. non, Costa Rica 585559029055900, La Mascota Dr Fránc Vegetable antibilious Pills Maduro and Sons.
Opposite Market. General Merchandize. Complete sortment of Trans, hand suitcases, iron bedsteaeds. All kinds of furniture Cahas Cia. Smyth y Ci: SAN JOSE LIMON The best assortment in the country SURE BLOOD LIVER REMEDY These pills cure all disorders of the stomach, Liver and Bowels Thusing acting as an alterative on the Blood SYMTOMS OF DISORDERED LIVER Loss of appetite, Nansen, Costiveers, Pain and dull sensation of the Head, Fullness after Eating, Lack of Energy, with an inclination to sbirk physical and mental labor, Loss of Memory, with a feeling of having neglected some daty, Weariners, Palpitation of the Heart, Headache, Restlessness at night, Yellow Skin and highly colored urino HERMANN ZELEDON BOTICA FRANCESA SAN JOSE DE COSTA RICA MONEY EXCHANGE THE GEM American gold and green hacks Drafts and cheques on Jamaica, Pana má, London New York, best atre BUYERS OF PRODUCE Best prices paid for rubber and Cacao.
Agents for New Home.
SEWING MACHINE. Al prices 13226285e 39866560 You cannot lose your money Matina The Best Store in the Town Complete Assortment of Goods Lowest Prices Provisions, Liquors, Dry Goods, Boots, Crockery, Hardware, Medicines Etc. Etc. For the modest Sum of 30 cents will Register your letters 25 cents for Registering and cents for returning Receipt.
Send me your money for Checke, exchange on Jamaica 11. 00 The most up to date and reliable firm in Costa Rica.
All correspondence bandled free of charge. 20 CENTS 20 CENTS Mendez La Florida Milk PO BOX 155. LIMUN.
Money Exchange at twenty cents per bottle. To be had at The Costa Rica Soda Water Company. Guaranteed always fresh Call and see our assortment of Vjeto.
Talking Machines, different sizes and pri.
CCS and drafts on Jamaica THE CHEAPEST AND MOST RELIABLE HOUSE IN TOWN The buyers of drafts are well protected by the reliability of the firm. There is absolutely no risk in losing your money. AGENT for Waltham Key Scone Elgin watches, and Singer Sewing Machines. sell the Iver Johnston and Harrington Richardson Revolvers, Lottery Tickets Wholesale and Retail. Picture Postcards and Postage Stampe.
Spectacles of every description in gold and plate.
Experience will demonstrite that it is the most powerful for convalescence, general feebleness and all sickness of breast and lungs, as consumption, brone kitis, etc. Cures anaemin, lassitudo, stimulate appetite and gives strength. vigour to system. Ask allway for the Stearns For sele atsgood pharmacies Because they are the best and cheapest.
JAS. GORE, We have the best assortment in Electric Supplies, Carpenters Tools Articles for Const action, Gorredor Jurado and Commission Agent, Port Limon.
Your Wants Fill GET For Sale.
VR GALLEGOS, MONEY. Will lend you, lend for you or advise you how to invest small or irge VICTOR and American Dentist amounts here and al road, es fine dwelling in Cairo situated in the BUY or SELL For you! Hat Pin to Banana Farm.
best business centre, direct in front of Wm. Has returned from San José. RENTS and DEBIS Col cted lere and in Jamaica.
KING live Lee Grocery, containing rooms, kitchen OFFICE Investigations and all Commissions undertaken local and foreign.
you and verandah Cheap for cash, Apply to FOR SALE, One Upright Grand Piano, Typewriters, Iron Feds and Mattresses.
om formerly located at South West of the Market WANTED. Members for LIMON CITY DISPENSARY. Twenty five Cents ROMISE THOMAS MCLEAN.
has been removed to Dr. Miguel Vciazquez per wel house, in front of the Park, opposite the Uni.
tca Fruit Commissary.
NB. Look out for monthly auction sa eg.
Cairo Crown and bridge work CALL or WRITE, Office here, Post Box 448. Pert Limon, Fitting plates Filings.
Port Limon August 13, 66 Painiess extractions. Long expericne. asuuable prices. Julio HOTEL Ur SAN JOSE.
AURO UNS For Sale.
Banana Cocoa Fifty Yards from the Central Park.
That beautiful cottage with We also sell Watermanes Ideal less west of Siquirres Railway adjoining lot 200 yards more or FORS LE at fourteen and a half miles a splendid new Farm extensively cult.
vated with bapana and coca. First SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA Statiou.
and second lot from from railroad, three II. That splendid businses hundred hectarias, 110 mazanas are cultisite with house of three rooms, vated. Lumber for building purposes and The best and most comfortable habitation in the city. First Class 50 yards east of Siquirres Rail. manzanas pasture lands. Information received and given at Twelve Miles from Meals. Al services guaranteed.
way Station. For particulars, MADAME HUNAID, enquire of THOMAS LEWIS.
Manageress. GAYLE Siquirres, Box 16, Wanted Black and White Limon, Sept. 13, 1911. 30 For Sale.
FOUR JOURNEYMEN TAILORS to make pants and coats resp. ctively, good one ule and two horses. cord The best Store in the prices paid together with SOLE AGENTS FOR ment, Notice.
a steady employ. for any class of work. Apply to RICARDO MORA The Anheuser Busch Brewing Association PETGRAVE Budweiser The undersigned begs to inform his numerous customers and Siquirres Anheurer Busch friends that fftein Qays from Notice.
The best ber that comes to the country, ceries, Lottery to day if they do not turn up at T. Villa Haeusler his tailoring establishment, oppoRMAR. LIMON Just revened a complete assortment of VETERINARY IN Tickets.
site Don Aasch Store, Limon.
dry Fay Goods, Ladies Yair Proof Cloaks in Silk, and their geods will be sold out. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 16 NOTICE mules, etc. on most approved scien Cotton, JACKSON, FOR Umbrellas, Hats Socks, Stockings, etc SALE Has transferrell his office and primethods. Skilful shoeing done by experiA specially selected by our Mr. Breedy, vate residence to upper floor of Mr. Rienced smith; charges moderate. Advice mouse lour, Stable Jack, in fine Limon, Sept. 10, 911. 15 who is now in the United States.
cardo Morales. Ice cream house or free to customers. Your patronage sol ditconion very young. For particulars apply Londres. Hotel icited Office at Rocke Photograpnic Studio. Box 99.
Burrell Willia 18.
Good Business!
Tailor Notice.
At La Pacua, near Sta tion, two hundred manzanas first One hundred and thirty colones (130 00) from one thousand square feet above a guarantee perfect workmans hip Wholesale and Retail Dra class for bananas.
on Jamaica, American Gold and Apply in Limon to the Times suits are well made and fit to perfetto Peña Brothers Greenbacks always on sale. Manager, and in San José to LIMON, AVENUE 50 YAF DS FROM POLICE STATION BOX No. 56 LINDI CO.
CARLOS GUARDIA. BOX ecial assortment of flooring battons siding, ceiling and partition, We keep a su AUTCHINSON Oct, 4th We accept order from the Lines, Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.
Market, Country goods, Shoes, GroLimon, Sept. 15, 1911. Price treats disease horses, te Foreign Pitch Pine Lumber.


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