
Sditor Rate of Subscription rayable in advance ANGEL GORONAS THE TIMES month. 00 00 00 10. 00 ocents 12 Single copies.
OFFICES: 3RD AVENUE PO Box 316 CAULKS TIETO DAILY NEWSPAPER For Advertisements, apply C. Sanager.
VOL ONLY cents silver COPY Limon. Sunday 22nd October 1911 ONLY cents silver COPY N9267 Wu Chang in Danger. an attend to patients.
THE TIMES not the case Suth fruit is strong in flavour, does not mature to per Local News Correspondence.
Port Limon, Costa Rica (6. fection, and the skin breaks, attracting numerous insects, while PUBLIC OPINION.
the weight of the bunch becomes The Alemania will arrive BANANA THE PRIDE too great for the plant, either one here this morning from New York, To the Ellitor af the Times. SOLDIERS GO OVER TO REV.
or both coming to the ground. last Colombiau ports.
Sir, have read with much iu.
OLUTION AND SITUATION OF THE TROPICS. The bunches are cut when the fruit is one half to three quarters IS SERIOUS Mr. Bryant has been appointed terest the several letters that have matured, though still green and for the second time Mayor of been written in the columns of II.
as bard as nails. It continues to Kingston, Jamaica and Mr. Astou your valuable Jourual in connecHankow, China. Much firing On the American continent can be heard in the direction of feed from the cut stalk, which Simpsou vice Chairman.
tion with the intended visit of bananas are successfully grown His Excellency the Governor of that e ty has been cat off. SeverWu Chaug. Communication with contains a great amount of sap, through 50 degrees of latitude, until fully ripe. Should the cut The Simon arrived here Jamaica and am somewhat faal larga fires are sean. It is evi.
froin Tampico, Mexico, 25 deg.
ting occur too soon, however, the this morning from Boston with vourably impressed with the letnorth, to Asuncion in Paraguay, fruit although turning yellow, the following Passengers: Mr.
ter from the pen of Spence, dent that the soldiers have gone in the Tropie of Capricorn, 23 will nev attain the perfect Siebe Ms. Seibe and Miss Sei Esq. fully endorse the senti over to the revolutionaries, follow.
deg. south a belt over 6, 000 flavour.
be, She brought 32 sacks of mails ments of the abeve named writering the execution of four conspiramiles in width. Cultivation of tors at Wu Chang.
With the cutting of the bunch and think his views on the subthe fruit is practically restricted ends the life of the plant, for it ject should be adopted by every German Cotton The Co. steaner Here.
to the eastern coast line for the bears but once and is usually cut diawaited for New Orleans via well thinking Jamaican in this banana is one of the thirstiest of down to obtain the fruit, or sacplants, and cannot be expected cumbs a few days later to the took the following passeagers: Barrios on Friday night last and hospitable Republic of Costa Rica.
to produce il: maximum amount cleaning process, which is merely Fellow countrymen we muet of fruit in dictr cts where there William Riggs and Ernest the bringing of a spent piece to remember Sir Sydney comes not ADOPT NEW FORM OF CONTRACT Martin and deckers for Barrios are less than 100 inches of annual FOR PURCHASE OF RAW the grouud. Cutting the fruit as a private individual but as tte rainfall. Unfortunately for hu itself, involves the only careful COTION Official Representative of His The owner of beef stalls in the manity, great areas of the land labour on the banana plantation, market have agreed to sell fresh Majesty King George Fifth for Berlin The inte varional committee of lying within this belt are high, as the bunches weigh from 50 to the Island of Jamaica, and as guen e Joiton Spinners an! Weavery Society dry and sterile, while others are beef daily for not less than 30 pounds, and even slight it is incumbent on all Jamaicans in session here adop et a uniform contract sandy or rocky, so only a small cents per pouwd. Any on found to extend him a hearty welcome.
for the purchase of raw cottou, including kuocks are followed by bruised selling at less than the above fraction is 80 locatid that banaua We are all aware of the nature th atrodu ton of a noisture test, the red ction of the marg of overweight and growing can be made profitable spurs, onder which the fruit quick named amount per pound ar to of the Governor visit; His Ex underweight to rin te of per cent and ne altitude must not invite dan liripens and decays. However, pay a fine of 500 colou.
by the liberal use of dried bana cellency comes to inquire why Ja the retint on of the conto domini. ger of frost, and high temperature na leaves the fruit is safely maicans have emigrated in such weights in the parchise of cotton.
is necessary for the growth. The brought to the railroads.
MS AGO Left Junior numbers and with us remains the southern coast of the Mexican for Philadelphia the early part Butanas groron for the morket auswer.
of last week. He intends tourWHY?
Gulf, the Puerto Barrios section are planted as a rule, on the bor Tell him in forceful, intelliof Guatemala, the Puerto Cortes der of navigable water having he will rist England. It is be ing the United States, arter which gent and respectfut lauguage tae Do you want to know why the New district of Honduras, the Puerto Health House (Nueva Casa de Salad) at a ce barbours.
Teasotis: The large lieved that he wiljiva stis Limon district of Costa Rier, ihe maka Ist. lit the pirchasing companies importio. of San José, of Dr. Rodriquez, is gaining so Bluefields district of Nicaragua, goneral rule that the bananas of lectures at places he iat much favour with the public coli: lo sto visiting the Bocas del Toro region of Pan. oust be placed by the growers in BECAUSE it is conveniently situated dcs. the uative Full to front of the National Park, and next to the ama, the Colombian province of curgo lots alongside the steamers otaira limitar and United Fruit Company Offices, two Sauta Maria, and certa portions that draw fion 12 to 15 feet. Of As a sign of the ut blocks from the Railway Station town stores clerk aet is injustice, and ought to was Juba, Jamaica, the Doininican BE JAUSE the food is appropriated for abolish teu io meet this condition the Republic, Haydi, and Dutch GuiSen yesterday siting In every case and there are trained nurses to fruit is sut down the river in in front of the store that he work 2nd Tell him again the duti ana, all combine the favoured barges to the waiting vessels. In ty of obtaining cheap lauds from BECAUSE in the medical stalf you find elements soil and climate.
with a bit of bourl before hitti, toe more inportant banana proLine Government, and which hi. the best physicians of San José, such as The plant has two natural enein both hands be held suspended ders many from settlin: ut bone.
Doctors Giustiniani, Durán, Inkseiter, by a cord a wooden baby with mies the gopher and the wind ducing contries, as in Csta Rica Soto. Rojas Picado Zúñig. Ji nenez most extensive railway systems worden lez: attie wit. th storm but agaiust almost all have been introduced to facilitate of import duty on certain arties use of the cord that was in both 56. Barrionuevo, Volio, Calderon, other tropical conditions its hardithe shipping of the fruit. These hands he made the inanimate chiefly on flour which is conFonseca Calvo, Carlero, Prestions, etc.
hood is remarkable. It is practi. Plautations line the railroad for etc. You may select your owo ician cally immune from inshot pests, make curious sumed on a large scale by the body dance and either from the physicians in charge or 50 miles from Port Limon. In aud a worm eaten banana or the figures that soon drew a small poorer classes, from outside lauantra steam 4th. Tell him last but not least, Kasoline crowd of unlookers. Such is the stalk of a bunch practically deBECAUSE the pees are reas nab. launches bring the bananas we want to see Mr. Cox and you can make spietal arrangements by Btroyed by any of the boriug inresult of idleness.
aloi gside the steamers Some again in the local Parliament. writing Dr.
Man Rodriquez, San Jos Bects of the Trpies is mkuowu.
ja is of Nicaraglia, such as Blue.
Mr. litor, am a bit of a pes. Paysician in ch ge The damage from high winds can Lields, are exceptionally, favoured simist and believe the time is not Limon, Oct. 14, 1911 v.
be avoided or minimized either by plauting in locations protected of the unobstructed rivere, into for banana growing ou account Cunard Line far distant when every Ja naic in will return aud Te possess the Trade Notice.
from storms or by leaving unfelled which the ocean going steamers land.
strips of wative forest as proteemay navigate for 50 iniles.
Thanking you for space. tive screeus Where the gopher Prautations are divided into am, ete.
We are pleased to inform the interferent can be fought by the The acquisition by the Canard public of the reinoval of the use of carbon bisulphite. There sections or zones of about 10 to 20 Steamship Company Limited, of British Pharmacy to more spamiles in length and the ones are is, however, a with broom cut in rotation, thereby cleaning three of the passenger and cargo Port Limon, cions buildings where they will hich has aff. cted the Gros Miup the available supply of fruit steamers hither owned by the contine to expose for sale their chiel vality Dutch Guiana Cirin Live plying between Lon Oct. 21. 1911 ut one or several sections while far famed delicacies and patent and a Palama ku si which don and Canada, under the name medicines.
has attacked certain other varie1 is maturing in others.
of the Thomson Line, is evidence In addition to their already ties that the Cunard Company desires large stock they have just added It is a matter of common ob.
to liok its it more closely with Danger in Store. a splendid assortment of fresh servation that the banana is this great section of the empire goods. They have made their In view of the boundless posibiassortment of perfumery a special.
Hin of a coming coffee and banan through gener lities of Canada and the number boom afford the Mexican Herald an op ty and they are prepared to tions having led to vege of emigrants coustantly lra. ing portunity for warning comment regarding please the most fastidions.
table ne bod of propagation.
Big Trade.
these shores to increase her such phenomena of the stock markets.
The new place is imrnediately Some of the primitive seed bearWealth and population the devh. Every little while the British investing opposite their old staud.
ing varirties are still said to exist Maduro nod Sons, the popular lopinent of Canadian trade is a public, like the American, yearns for in isolated regious of the Fur marchants of this city aro buy natural sequenca. Ta decisiva chance to guble, to make quick winni in speculation and promoters are nothing Cabrera Peña Hnos Eat making preparations for their of the Card Ling will. both to provide the material, as they did, Perry, the well known author. Inrge drug store which will be therefore, the most faracin no so long ago in ex iting times of LA CONVENIENCIA ity on banauas, estimates that a opened next month. Handson e effects in twidtiat bra letes e rubber boom in London, when fortunes grower ean produce a meh for a id up to dati fixtures arH being namely, the carrying of Costi rapilly male by shrewd promoters GRAND FANCY STORE from 10 to 15 cents, which will and speculators who got in early and out prepared at San Jose and many nental emigrants fro:n thy nurt inaking a a quck timover. The We keep a special assortinent of Amert.
have a market value of 30 cents packiges bave already arrived ern part of Europe anl the carri. slo and pollins inveros, all the can an Country mule Sibes, Italian Straw The cost of producing af er tha from large and leading houses age of general freight to Cuando llerali in to stay and wit remun Has, Stetson and Jon Gall felt tas Ties, Umbrella and 14 su penders. Brac test crop is confined to cultivat abroad. Further details will be with heavy return consignment Tong waiting for the ru ber dvd en ly tiful Babies Silhin and first class ing and harvesting, which may be given later.
stock of superior quality cows.
of Canadian prodnce to the great to it concluding sentence, like miny.
do se from 10 dols, to 20 dols, per ose to whom it refers is distinguished by Our prices are lite luwet in Town!
markets of London. Revista a beautiful simplicity, Call on us at the premises terly onea.
acre yearly. The net profit how Economie, Tis! by The White Suure Limón, ever, averages about 20 dols. per Cholera Epidemic.
acre in the various banana producing sections. The banana ofParis Cholera is epidemic in Tunis reWanted LA ten grows in combination with other produt In some gency and French protectorate of Northern cases Asrica and the Colonial Office has decided it is weed as a shade for the coffee to enforce strict sanitary measures, The competeat baker to begiu work.
French Resident General of Tunis. on or before the 18th October, Alpetite, has cut short his holiday in Apply to great many people are of the France and will return to Tunis to enforce opinion that the banana would be In the best assorted Bar Room in San José. Specialty in Englis hand CENTRAL the health measures Thirty six deat! much better if it was allowed to are reported to have occurred Tuesday in Siquirres.
ripea on the plant, but this is Arabic puarters and twenty new cases. Limon, Oct 14, 1911. 12 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Going To Canada.
absolutely seedless, cultivation Preparing For a were 500n GEISHAAmerican drinks


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