
Editor ANGEL GORONAS Rate of Subscription Fashle in advance THE TIMES mouth, in this 12 Single copies. 00 00 00 10. 00 OFFICES: 380 AVENUE o cents Box 310 CARLES TIS DAILY NEWSPAPER For Advertisements, apply to Manager.
VOLI ONLY cents silver COPY Limon. Tuesday 24th October 1911 ONLY cents silver COPY Nº 263 Morocan Question.
United THE TIMES Governor Will Sail For Collapse of the Diri Local News Port Limon, Costa Rica (6. Panama Early Berlin. It was officially stated that the gible Airship Built Mr. Brodie has removed from first part of the Franco German negotiations Next Month.
Guacimo to Limon for a change. finished and the agreement was ready to be concerning the status of Morocco had been SAVINGS BANK.
for the British His post box is now 59.
initiated by both parties as a sign of ance. The formal signing will be deterred accept Important Mission.
The Allenania, contrary until the second part of the arrangement to the custom of the Hamburg regarding the compensation to Germany in French Congo was completed.
The Post Office Savings Bank Minister Mallet making all Cracking Sound. it take any fruit from here que the most popular bank in Great Arrangements for terday. Probably she is not fitted Britain, celebrated its jubiles last Reception.
Cretan GAVE Question WARNIMG with cooling chambers.
BUT month. It began in 1861 with 301 officers and now has 15, 000.
NOTHING COULD BE The Verona will arrive Athels. The newspaper Ika dam asThe idea of the bank seems to VISIT TO (COSTA RICA.
DONE TO SAVE to day from Charlestown in balserts that the Powers, headed by Germany have origiuated with a Hudderslast. She will leave in the even.
have promised Turkey a solutito of the field banker named Sikes, who Sir Sydney Olivier is perfectCretan question agreeable to her interests of MACHINE ing after taking a cargo of 16, 000 he concludes peace with Italy.
wrote in 1859 to Mr. Gladstone, ing plans for his coming visit to bunches of buanas for the port ta a Castor of the Ech the republics of Panama and Costa The British Admiralty firsi di she came from.
urging him to bring the Sun rigible balloon airship, construct The Governor will leave Jamaied by Vickers, Son and Maxim, Notice.
Bank toithin less than an hour walk of the firuside of every ca early in November probably broke in two while being taken The Allemania, the boat workingman in the king lom.
the 1st of that month. At the pre out of its shed at Barrow iu Fur Prinz Joachim this trip did not that has taken the place of the WC Jackson, tailor and cutter bags And that his legislation fulfilled Beut time, the British Consul in ness on Sept. 2t before it even to inform his numerous friends and cus Costa Rica is absent from his post arriva here before Sunday morn. tomers that he will be taking an expected this injunetion was one of the started a flight. The accident ing, aboat 10 o clock: the boat is trip to Jamaica for the short period of things of hich Mr. G! a Istone on leave, but he will return to his was attributed to weakoss of the duties on the 4th prox. so that central part of the framework. expressly for carrying cargo. She a four masted steamer and built four weeks. Leaves on Monday the 23rd was proudest.
inst. and that Ir. Vicior Samuels, tailor when Sir Syduey Olivier visits The frame collapsed under pres bronght the following passengers: and The first act proviled for the cutter, will represent him, in whom he payment of 29 percent interest on that prosperous republie to see for ha, the confidence that he will give satisfacsure of a cine mile breeze as the Henrs Goocher, Rev. Glass.
himself conditions onder which tion to all Communications are to be sent to him in Post x 263. Limon.
sums of nne shilling or multiplies Jamaicans live and work in Port with was being launched as pola and wife, and Glass.
tern first. As it emerged there pole, Mes. Rhode Spune. Sacab of one shilling. Tuo limit of de Limon and other places, the Conwas a tearing crackisg soul Garga Spence and Mrs. Thallim Port Limon, Oct. 14, 1911. 4V.
posit iu one year was fixed at 30l sul will be present to receive him.
and before any thing could be Bailay and 47 deckers.
with a total limit of 150. Scept In the meantime, Sir Sidney done the centre collapsed. The WHY?
for frieudly societies.
Olivier is in communication with hydrogen reservoirs emptied Sir Crude Mallet, British Minis gradually and fortunately the terday afternoon for Nw York In 1891 the maximum of depos.
The Allamaia srile yus.
Do you want to know why the New its was increased to 2001 and is ter of Panama, on the subject of two ends kept afloat. IL was bis coming visit to that country; feared after the accident that the via Cobou and Jamien. larga Health House (Nueva Cri de Salad) at 1893 the yearly limit was made Sun José, of Dr. Rodriquez, is gaining so crowd gathered on the dock to bad 507. Annuity and instrance and the Minister is making all ar. stern half would break loose and farewell to their friea 14 aal ralt much favour with the public?
business was introduced BECAUSE it is coveniently situated at the rrugements for the tour of the fly aloft with the crow, who were tives The vessel left her moor. front of the National Park, ani next to the same ti. e as well as the slip Governor of Jamaica to that rein the after gandola. The men ing at ab 80 amidst the wav. Fruit system, by which young people puble an the Canal Zone. Tele dived ont of the car and swam to ing of baadkerchiefs and shouts Campany Offices, two blocks from the Rulwy Station.
were provided with a slip, they graph and Gnardian.
the nearest pier. The wrecked of safe passage. The following BEUAUSE the ford is appropriated for handed it in and had the deposit airship is said io have cost 8400.
every case and there are trained parses to passengers left on the boat for attend to patients.
of one shilling registered.
Robbery 000. It was tried on May 22 and New York: Mr. and Mrs. Carlos BECAUSE in the insical staff you find There are close upon 12, 000, 000 floated, but was two heavy to fly. Saboria, Francisco Peralt. the best physicians of Sio José, such as depositors in the Post Office Some dishonest party, having a work was done upon it. Two It was taken biok, aad muca Wendorff. For Cilon: Doctors Giustiniani Durh, Inkese ter Savings Bank at the present time.
Sto. R21 love for what was not their own, Piere Lamicq, Carl Oble, George (LP) Lanbido, Hernandez, Zing Jimenez Between 1875 and 1850 the averdays before the accident the ai Kuhnhard, Diglas, Lais age amount of deposits remaining the careless matinet in which a and possibly was tempted through ship was taken over by the Ad Shaw, Atary Kihward, Cici Fusca Odvo, Cirler. Presinary, er to credit at the end of the year miralty, me Bal. For Jania: 4 woman carriet her money stole was 27, 000, 000 and the average from her pocket the sum of 40.
etc. You may select yova prician Gladys Hirtaal infaat. Veither from the physicians in ch se or balauce 157 12s 5d. In 1909 the fron ou sile.
The uufortunate woman went Payllis Vroul. 811 BIUSE the. are reasonable deposits announted to 45, 300, 251, to thio Post Office yesterday moru. Receivers before Rivers militud, giving an average to each deposi ing witu the intention of buying anl you can make specil arrangements by Jacks) 3) disk 2441 weitin: Mia Iriylez, San Jos, tor of 217e. 9d.
Interest Credited to depositors Paysician in charg a stamp to register a letter and the Court.
while waiting to be attended to Atbin iffey too p. Linin, 14. 1921. Sv.
amounted to 3, 567, 9821, and the the amount was extracted from yesterday nitori, sit total standing to the credit of all The cartman that carried the a pocket of the dress she wore Mudaro ato TW)
accounts at the end of that year 38 sheets of zine from the pier to When she discovered that she Toale No Sice.
mon, on a verim ailta (1909) was 164, 596 0672. Out of the building where they were other a si Cumhitai itse was minus of the nouut she 11, 404, 558 accounts 3, 491, 273 at found last week and identified as citio watch uy to terraised au alarm, but uoue of the Wars plenil inforn th that time were dorinaut, tue avercrowd that was standing by could the property of the Northern Rail. chuage of b! vs Niciri public of the unil of tha age amount in each being 2d.
road Company was, together with guantia linz tut wu bia, give any account of her inisforBritish Pun 11sy tom: StAt the end of las. year the total Sune and could onis sympathise Hilary Beckles were taken before put out by the other recorte to ciu buillin; wir tty will amount due to repositors lad with her. It was beat randing the Police Judge yesterday. When a knife that she carried, and with cation to elp. stle thic grown to 168, 890, 0007, irrespective to bear the lamentattous of the the eartman was asked where he it she inflicted at VHS wonni on fir fam delicacies al patat of 23, 000, 000l of Governmeat got the zinc sheets from he said he por won throug the loss of the other nick. They were both stock.
her wherewithal.
was called by a man nand Alfred arrested and carried to tu e la In a lition th vir alca ily Here it may be noted that th: Lewis for a job and was directed tel.
larg, stok thay he just att post office circular issued a week to go to the dock where he got a splo lilin of fresh ago calling atten. o to the faci: Consular the articles. He also sa lie was lity with small amounts of govern.
told that the sheets belong to 821. Taay Innule thic ment aortant of psy a specialstock may be brought Nurse who worked on the dock, through the post office eavings Service. and that he was to take them to a ty aal tbs ar papiral to bauk had led to a marked increase buildiag where Buckles is erecting, Rio Janeiro. Great flods are devastating plans the most fastidious.
in the demand for such stock.
Tat new place is im mediat als Coppins of Boston, vice and which is to be the Odd FelThe state of Santa Catherin. More than On the whole net profit to the president of the United States lows Lodge ninety per cent of the houses at Blumen u opposite their ol. staat are eubmerged and may, it is feared wil state by the institutation of say. Association of Mannfacturers, The man Nurse is now at Gruy collapse, Damage is also reportel at ings panks is sown to be about who has been investigating conTown and expects to be back Joinville Itjihy and Tijua. The Governor Cabrera Peña Hnos 900, 000 but there has been a de sular conditions in Europe, says here early. The Judge detained has asked for help ficit in recent yard, which in that the Americauizatinn of the both inen, and told them they LA CONVENIENCIA 1903 was sp cially larg. 107, 103, consular service down to the would have to be detained until owing to the reduced rate of in GRAND FANCY STOR office boy is absolutely necessary. the arrival of Nurse in Limon.
Wanted terest on console.
He believes that every in an in the competent baker to begin work We keep a sparin! wort. net of Americun and Countys, itatan Straw causular employ should be an on or before the 18th October. sts, Stetson Gl felt Hats Anneriean)
Ties, Umbrellas insulin. Beau Apply to Earth Shocks.
He thinks the wages Uncle tirul Babies Silicst class CENTRAL sto of superiority vont Monarchist Sam paye the consular clerks are Our prices are no liwa!
Guayaquil Ecuador. Heavy earth a disgrace and he intends to agi shorks attributed to the interior activity of Call on us at the pri 11 srly on Limon, O:t 14, 1911. 12. pis by The White. non, For Mount Tunjunguae causing considerabe example, he found that a clerk in Oporto. Latest official advices say that the London consular had a salary cano.
anxiety in the neighbourhood of the vol Serious damage has been caused in the Monarchists are retreating bring of 400 a year, which considering the towns of Riobamba anl Guaranda LA GEISHA abondoned Camiaries and taken refuge a Several buildings have collapsed and others mile from the frontie: to the north West of the age of the man and the char. have been badly damaged, Vintass The Government o umn in piracter or the work preformed, was Riobamba is the principal city of Chim.
suit is closing upon the Monarchists, nothing short of a seating wage.
with a population of 14. 000 Oporto is quiet Mr. Coppins says he hopes to Parsons It was was completely destroyed by persuade both the Democratie an earthquake in 1799 with great loss of Smoke «La Nacional» cigarett and Republican parties to introlife. It is noted chiefly for its sh po ent in the best assorted Bar Room in San Jose. Specialty in Englis kand duce a consular reform plank in of Peruvian bark The best, the cheapest in the coun Guaranda is the prioci pal city of Bolivar province and has a poptry.
their platform ulation of too.
American drinks Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Heavy Floods.
Retreating. tate for better treatment province


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