
Rate of Subscription Harable in advance Editor ANGEL CORONAS THE TIMES month months 19 Single cupies. 00 00 00 10. 00 cents OFFICES: 3D) AVENUE Box 316 CARLESTIETO DAILY NEWSPAPER For Antvertisements, apply to the Manager.
VoL ONLY cents silver COPY Limon. Wednesday 25th October 1911 ONLY cents silver COPY N269 Cafnegie.
which may is gold o the of Drink. trous flood in three years. The to lofts positina be fills is better able to THE TIMES SUGAR COATED shed the framuace he ought to possess.
Serious Floods. Mr. Andrew Port Limon, Costa Rica (6. The greater must be the servant of the PILL.
less. Like the great sun giving light and heat and supporting life, cluidening Shangahi. Homeless and with.
the earth dispensin: power This is out food, more than half a million Hard Case. Dedicated to shake the scaies of bata nathral, actual and visible truism.
mi cold and impracticabile philosophy people are facing starvation as a ScAlbane, Eng The Freedom of the result of the unusually extensive City was bestowed upon Andrew Carnegie.
It is the Almighty God that first loved floods which drowsiness from the rational and materialized His love in the gift of China during the past month.
covered Central This is the fifty first Municipality to recogMuch dissatisfaction now exist nize the gift of a library by chus honouring eye of to the end that creet ontloce. Governor Olivier is an among the travelling public in In the cities to which mauy Mr. Carnegie Limon owing to the inander he come into the noonday of imported se vue and how can we car were driven by the rising water, the tickets are being sold a. the hundreds of the refugees are dy.
Cabrera Peña Hnos railway station. It is said that advanced Evolution.
That our attitude repele we say, Y!
ing daily of dieseases or starvaWe repal by osistance of conibt him since the resignation of the for LA CONVENIENCIA tion. Already the death list has who presents the fight and this has the Readers of the El Tiempo have unmer ticket agent matters has been of the Sacrel Seliptures to been enormous, doubtedly come across an article in the is more than ten going on rather recklessly.
sue of the 20th under the luring headline the Devil and be will flee from thousand having been drowned, GRAND FANCY STORE The complaints that have of Love Lights the way, dedicated to and each day sees the total mount. We keep a special assortinent of Ameri reached us and which we have To talk about having an atmosphere Giverer Olivur Enemies in Costa Rica.
ing higher.
can and Country made Shoes, Italian Straw noticed ou one or two occasions Sitially it seems bewitching but under of sweetness: We sny. yes: bat there is a lats, Stetson and yon GAL felt llats The floods are now slowly sub Ties, Umbrellas, and fine suspenders, Beat sweetness which ends in death and from is this. that although many para car. Cal analysis you will not fail to discover tiful Babies Silk Caps and a first class vampire bat which the beginning the Devil used it in fool siding and retating waters reveal stock of superior quality goods.
Bons presents themselves at the only lures to deceit, dissimulation distrae. ing Eve and thus ruined the human Dew pictures of distruction. Rice Our prices are the lowest in Town ticket office for tickets to travel ton and death. It glitters, yes, but like family From such swethe Good Coll on us at the premises nerly er crops have been washed away, pied by The White Score Limón CF.
on the trail before the hour an the brass bottons on Sir si tney uniforia have villages and farm houses nounced for its departure are in u eurory observer One should not always be afraid of think That article of PB thoros. Tomy roar su gutest.
bern destroyed. Some of the vil.
a manifestation of For very many instances unable to do his good memory ana acquired taste for Him who Two of thorns there lages are filled with the podies Wanted 80, owing to the very slow manner goms, the maxims, and disjointed came nown of glory of the inhabitante, none having the agent does his work.
philosophy, but let us scan his citat ons and Has Governor Olivier Divine Rights to escaped. The flooded part of competent baker to begin work According to the railway time cost the application of these tit bits of maintain a takim on or before the 18th October.
of aboliti and we China is toe most fertile in the table the passenger train is timed lure and thus judge the merit live as mutes in dumb drive cattle!
Apply to Gems of course, are costly The voice of every stogte sive and free Empire, beiug the land along the to leave the terminus at 10. 00 azn.
but not ne e cities neither Costitutioa lolly escluins, NO!
river, valleys producing large CENTRAL every day. few minutes before does the presiding judge depend on philoso cropf without the aid of a ferti EXPOSITOR.
this hour agong is gounded as a phy to determine the cher cter of a cause, lizer The farmer will prosper Limon, Oct 14, 1911. 19 warning to the passengers, and al but upon the imme linte circunstance and even if the flood visits him only its concoinitants the stroke of teu o clock the train He belsbours the principle of hate, but Deprived of in alternate years, but this is the conductor gives the order to the third successive and most disasNotice.
driver to proceed; but much to is genteel for him to know that in the case with Governor Olivier it is he that is His the disgust and excitement of the the red it he is now hated the hatred lower unfortunate few that remain be.
WC Jackson, tailor and cutter, bogs the pace he had set fore the ticket window have to covered a territory which adjoins to inform his numerous friends and cusWhile a native policeman step. the old Aphri fainine district of How could Governor Olivier lave loved a tomers that he will be taking an expected rush for the door and with nimble people which the administration he repres ped into a down tovon tavern to feet leap for the train. But this brethren, robs them if iberty and eats out last year, where famine, due to trip to Jamaica for the short period of se stoutly suprorts guts our take a rip of his native bevera, flood, was followed by drought.
four wees. Leaves on Monday the 23rd is not all, once weated in the their very life as a moth fietting a garment, his chief (the inajor that eloped inst, and that dr. Vicior Samurls, tailor With the harvesting of the coach brooding over the narrow and cutter, will represent him, in whom he Powder with the damsel) was passing the Bos. you have opened your wheat crop in Aohni this year has the confidence that he will give satisfac.
escape of Insing the train and re. powder magazine on yourself and have shop at the time and espied him. the famine relief was brought to an tion to all Communications are to be acuit blown to shreds your reasoning clining in his seat after the hard faculty. he calmly beckonel him and alend: but the news had sareely to him in Pest Box 263. Limon.
To speak about getting justice with a chave to be even with the conter exchanging a few words pla.
smile is cold philosophy Crnwell stamp reached America and Europe be Port Limon, Oct, 24, 1911. v.
dueter he is called ed him in the hands of another upon ed his fout at the men of the Long Parlia fore the flood crept up our all 60) his ticket. If the ment and cleared the house with an irritant that happened t) be passing, at the bottom laud assuring another ticket 18 12 shown and th shout. Get you gone and ve place to the same time Auhu famine even honester men WHY?
more serious is our irate shout to Go.
country currency is tendered a ernor Olivier and his rapaci us clique Wo than that of last year.
fiue of 50 cents is imposed on such live by much impulse. Its decadence in No foreigners lost their lives in Do you want to know why the New death This an one.
Health House (Nava Casa de Salud) at Slight Alteration.
link phnophy that is the present flood, as all of che throive in the te th Sir of Sydney supposed San Josd, of Dr. Klic?
The conductor is not to be is gaining so missionaries of the flooded dis.
blamed for this, he is only carry.
enemies lose its object and reluces its vitili There ha beru a slight change trict were at the Calling Summer ing out the orders of the company BECAUSE it is conveniently situated However eru lite the egotist may be ty.
he yet ne do to cultiva e heart tat conin the ning of the United resort at the time bat foreign front of the National Park, and next to me and rightly so too, for every serceals the att Fruit Company boats this week. Tusidents apprehend serious rios Unitel Fruit Company Offices, two vaut should obey the orders of B. asks Is it better to expend our Instead of the usual Tuesday boat during the winter.
blocis from the Ruilway Station.
BEJAUSE the food is appropriated for their master aud no concern is lite forces in kindness that uplift than in from New Orleans, then to Colon properly managed without strict spite the debases? To this we say, yes! and back, and for New Orleans cytry case and there are trained nurses to and for that reason when we agi at for reattend to patients discipline. But here comes the via Barrios, the career will arBECAUS in the medical staff you find dressing the wrongs of an aggrieve prope injelice: these parties after avail.
we are spenning our lives in in kinders TO TO ing themselves of the opportunity sulk gloomily in the Doctors Giustiniini, Durán, Ink setier, bags of spite Orleans with issengers and of presenting themselves at the tout raising a dissentient voice to mails.
Portsmoutb, Eugland. Great Sto. Rojas. Pica Zuñiga, Jinene the stiegs of tyranny and the hell of opwindow of the ticket seller before Britain largest and beat battle (LP. Zumbado, Aivaraun, iterandez, the time appointed for the deparsion that has caused the negro blood to dye from shore to shore of the Atlantic ship King George was launchFonseca Calvo. Carlero Prestinary, etc.
ture of the train, and orcing to the Ocean, that has caused their bodies to el successfully The warship etc. You may select ur own physician slow manner persons are attended turn manure for can fiells. thai Arrival of wat christened by His Majesty either from the physicians in ncha ge or give origi they ainable to secure from outside a and long support to the movie La aunt, Princess Christim of Selleg.
BECAUSE the prices are reasonable ticket to catch the train and not to System, that has filled the Janica prisons the Snestad. wig Histio. The King George for the sconomis and you can make special arrangements by bleit Leh: take the chance of purpose of making prison had been on the stocks two farms and tur furnishing to es for the writing Dr. Mariano Rodriquez, San José, grating ou board without their masadmised roads to the ease of those The nestad arrived here weeks less than the average Physician in charge ticket, with the hope of giving tour in autom mobiles Yes it is not to yesterday brin, ing a cargo con Dreadnought, having been laid Limon, Oct. 14, 1911. v.
the equvalent cash and withal cp quiet or to nud consent of to the The down January 16tb last.
sisting of 900 tous of iron for th hand of ayer to a system that are called upon to pay a fine.
of Northern Railroad Conpany and vessel has a displacement little consideration shou perishes our people, that starvi them of iron fixtures for the Cartago mar23. 000 tons and her principal di Trade the interr. al cd exterial necessities of life Notice.
be given the tickes agent because while a few amstocrats are willing in ket. She also brought a large mensi ng aro: Length, 551 feat; he is a bit new and is not quite luxury Again it is hell not huru a sys. quantity of coal.
bam, 88: draft, 27. The armaWe are pleased to inform the a adept at the business, for to tem that turis our sons by thorasands from mant consists of ten 13 five incu public of the removal of the fill such a position successfully their homes in a land blessed by nature with guns and 24 four inch guns. En British Pharmacy to more spait requires a few months praet e bextoly and plenty. Surely Dit Notice to our glues of 31. 000 horse. poper are cious buildings where they will worth the while to steep our souls in sacri.
or the ticket seller should make hice intelligently for the liberty, teniscitation expected to furnish a speed of 21 continue to expose for sale their it a daily practice of reading ad amelior con of our print Subscribers, knots an hour.
far famed delicacies and patent o er tar tariff so that he inay be care we then for the hate it mty breathe.
medicines co. Varsant with the fares of the We are baptized to bute and In addition to their already different sections by doing this bate prost. We should agitite for the Subscribers to The Timis general goal which incans huppaess to Neutral Vessels. larg stock they have just added he would find it an easy task to that have not been getting their Ine mase throngh political freedom despatch bis eustomers in time to a splendid assortment of fresh high institutions of Iberty, material papers regularly will please nocatch the train. The time taken prosperity, impartially administered tify the Manuger for there has Loudon. The Times confirms the goods. They have made their rights and the placing of our mee on iu looking up the tariff and mak been a change in the delivery and statement that Turkey has agreed to allow assortment or rfumery a specialthe pedestal whereon they will be re it is a bit difficult for the new ing change would enable all to te pasage to neutrri vessels carrying grain ty and tbey are prepared to it is believed that between zor and 300 please the most fastidious.
be served and comfortably seated marled as men and not merely as econo man to find everyone mic chat els su vessels are now waiting in the black The new place is immediately in the coach, thus avoiding the Tsk about helping Sir Sydney, do Sca.
opposite their old stand hurry scurry that is seeu now a be care Rp for local help ex.
cept that which helps his strong arm of oppression. Know you not, philoso paic that such administrators rule by decree or dictamen and cach a dicta Cangat, the fourth of the so St. Petersburg The battleship NeW Govenor Ur of severest ts pe!
If Bhad turn and find called Dreadnought class of Order. the definition for love he would not talk warships for the Russian navy, was launched recently. With friend, this is a far fetched and a farther the Sevastopol, Poltava and Tripoli Thə new Governor has ordered reaching resultant. Truls you took the in the best assorted Bar Room in San José. Specialty in English and all the officials of the Young Turk Tegime rose coloured view of it or else you the Petropavlovsk, the Can.
to leave Tripoli and has provided a transWould demand the rose fragrance from gut wiil be for the first squadport for other Turks who wish to depart such as Governor Olivier, who from the ron of the uw Baltic fleet.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
much tour with the mee our Fanny euing from New Ship of War. the best playwich micoloses you find 15 to reto raise is dois tre now Russian Navy. LA GEISHA given American drinks


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