
Editor Rate of Subscription Hayable in advance ANGEL GORONAS THE TIMES month 19 Single cupiea. 00 00 00 10. 00 cette OFFICES: JED AVENUE Box 310 CABLES TIETO DAILY NEWSPAPER For Advertisements, apply Manager VoL ONLY cents silver COPY Limon. Thursday 6th October 1911 ONLY cents silver COPY Nº 70 Expected.
Leyland Liner. Sates that the promised opening the centre, a er fines in the law courisme de The Important Mis batething Fighting In to Sir Sydney ished even his staunchest admir.
THE TIMES ers and adheren Among other An Unjustifiable Woman Suffrage.
Port Limon, Costa Rica (6. things he spoke of the very small Attack.
wages Jamaica labourers, artisans The Carillo is timed to San Francico. Woman suftrage has arrive here to inorrow morning beon defected in California.
and teachers receive at home, and With but In our issue of Saturday 21st from Colon. She bringa passenseven precincts to be counted the majority HARM DONE BY VISIT compared them with what they in San Francisco against granting sufrage receive at the hands of the Isth. instant there appeared a para gers and mails. After taking a to women is 13, 273, while in the State at mian Commission. the first class graph under the headline Clever cargo of 55, 000 bunches of fruit large the majority in favour of granting We call the following from the of men receiving here per hour Capture. In the paragraph re she will leave for New Orleans suffrage to women will not exceed 8, 000. Telegraph and Guardian of the pratically what he receives per ferred to Mr. Hilary Beckles via Barrios on Saturday morniug.
13th inst, as we believe it will be day in Jamaica. This of course, name appeared as having been Jamaica Future.
interesting to many here, especial is not quite true, but suppose it found in possession of 28 zinc ly Jamaicans. We will not com was, what good effect could he sheets, carried by a cartinan to a Arrival of a London. The Morning Post in an ment on the article, we leave our have expected a parading and ex. building that Brekles is erecting.
editorial dealing with the Panama Canal Teaders to do that. But this we posure of the fact to have? In On Monday night last a man say: there is always a right aud deed, as have said, it has had a (presumably) a friend of Beckles canal in 1913 will have an important bear wrong way of doing a thing, and bad effect already, for Jamaicans and a countryman of his and a The a. Almerian, one of the ing on Jamaica commercially, as well as iu very many cases when some cannot now complain of their pay, member of the fraternity to which Leyland Line of steamers, for strategically. Kingston should become a The greasest need of the West persons attempt to do that which being small far less to ask for a he belong, rudely accosted our which Maduro Sons are agents Indies, with the exception of Barbados. is is good they fall short through raise of pay, for they have been reporter, demanding from him the in this republie arrived here from more population over zealousress: told that they are far better paid object of his exposing his brother Colon yesterday morning. No Christobal, Oct. The news by the Canal Commission than and country man (Beckles) in her.
passengers came on She of the proposed visit of His Ex they would be at home for the the Times, He said the paraCabrera Peña Hnos bronght 300 tons general mer.
celloney Sir Sydney Olivier to same work, and in some cases graph should not have been pubchandise and 100 tons pipes for Central America some time dur wages have been cut down. Now lished as it WII eposing the LA CONVENIENCIA San Jose. It is believed that the ing this month is gradually it has been said that re should coloured race.
discharging of her largo cargo GBAND FANCY STORE spreading throughout the Ist hins never wash our dirty linen in To say the least of this matter will be completed in about three of Panama Some have read it public, so that even if all this is to say that it was gross imper days.
Wo keep a special assortiment of American and Country mudo Shoes, Italian Straw in the local papers us well as in gentleman said were true, it was tinence on the part of this man Hats, Stetson and Von Gall felt Hate the Jamaica Daily Telegraph. bad poliey for him to have said for so accosting an honest man Ties, Umbrellas, ant ne suspenders. Beau tiful Babies Silk Caps and stirst class others have heard it. The great it under the circumstances in for doing his duty. Want Progress Of Revolt. the properto che code question is what really is the in which they were said, this matter public Our prices are the lowest in Town!
Call on us at the premises formerly on tention of the visit why really am certain, however, that His While the articles that are pied by The White Store Limón, Hankow, Oct. 12. Chang sha, is the Governor of Jamica about Excellesey visit will have a good stoleu was being conveyed to the to tour on the Isthmus of Panama effet: many are looking forward place they were found was the capital of Hunan, has risen in and Costa Rical Many are seep. to with anxiety, and preparation secret the discovery of tirem met le revolt and at NanKing.
tical abont the reason as given in is bring made to give Sir Sydney it the reverse, and especially The Southern capitals of Kian.
WC Jackson, tailar and cutter, bags extenso in a publication of the Olivier a good reception and sincu the matter was in the hands gou the Yanming of the Voisroy to inform his numerous friends and cus Daily Telegraph and the wise memorialise him. In this respect of the Government. We mail to and Tarter have been destroyed tumers that he will be taking au expected on are pure that the intention the Colon Literary Association is see how we have caused Mr. Twenty miles of the Peking and nip to Jamaica for the short period of lying behind the visit of Jamaien among the most active. Unoubt. Beckles and his seeret men any Hankow railway has been torn four weeks. Leaves on Monday the 23rd Goveruor is to see the prosperity edly, Sir Sydney Olivier will be pain through the publication of up and the bridges burned. The inst, and that Mr. Vicior Samuels, tailor and cutter, will represent him, in who he of Jamaicans in order to kuono or able to remove falee impressions, serious the article we simply reproduced situation is most The has the confider. ce that he will give sa isac.
estimate how much more taxes if he will have, of addressing the what be told tue purty that revolutionists have occupied Han tion to all Communications are to b: sent should be le vied: how much high people.
found the zinc on the premises.
kow inopposed.
to him in Post Box 263, Limon.
It is quite too true larkuess Port Limon, Oct, 24, 1911. the lodgment in the Treasury be for On the 23rd inst. Beckles was each emigrant: in a word, how sion Entrusted before the police Judges along French Guinea, WHY?
much more the poor people with the cartman and stated that should be oppressed. There is no the zinc was sent by Nurse in the Do you want to know why the New Konakry, French GuineaHealth House (Nueva Casa de Salad) at doubt about it that amoug the ilOlivier curt driven by the man to the literate Jamaicans ou the lethmus Pahouis warriors bave attacked San José, of Dr. Rodriquez, is gaining so building over which he was build a detachment of French troops much favour with the Sir Sydney Olivier bears a very ing and had charge or wor to ou the Cameroon frontier. The BECAUSE it is bad name.
it is conveniently situated All the misfortunes THE APPROACHING TRIP. this effect. He did tot very re Freneh lost five and thirty front of the National Park, and next to the and woes of Jamaica and Ja. maiceiving the articles, he male no United Fruit Company Offices, two wounded.
blocks from the Railway Station.
cans are attributed to him and to The Daily Telegraph learns attempt to bide or shield anyone.
BECAUSE the food is appropriated for him alone; and this belief exists that long before he left Jamaica Iu our opinion he spoke the truth Correspondence. every case and there are trained nurses to in the minds even of some 1003e on his last visit to Englaud His But speaking the truth in tuis attend to patients intellect and reasoning ability is Excellency the Governor contem matter dors bot disprove the fact BECAUSE in the netical staff you find below the average.
To the Editor of the Tim plated going on a visit to the that Mr. Beckles and the caruman the best physicians of San José, such as With this belief the majority Isthmus of Panama and Costa were receivers Wo did not nor To give a clear definition ta an article Doctors Giustiniani, Durán, Inksetter, of these people left Jamaica; and Rica. We have reason to believe are ws charging blin with having appeared in your paper of the 24th inat. zumbado, Alvarado Hernandet. uider the headmg Receivers Betope the to some extent the scepticism as to that while iu Englaud he men. comcocted with Nurse in taking Begg, Barrionuevo, Folio, Calderon, Lara, Court, would like to state that as a build the good intention of the Gover tioued this idea of his to the See what was not their own. We er and general contactur, an Fonseca Calvo, Carlero, Prestinary, etc.
nor for visiting Central America retary of State for the Colonies simply gav facts as they were etc. You may select your own physician agreement with the Trustees of The Odd is due to it, yet it is undisputable (for, of course, no Goreruar con from the fact of the articles Fell Lodge to erect a building, the up either from the physicians in charge or that the public addresses deliver from outside.
ieave the seat of his Goverament being found in his possession and per floor to be used as Lodge and the low.
er to be divided into rooms BECAUSE the prices are reasonable Jas. Willian ed by a certain gentleman on the without permission from the Co. his acceptance of them from the Nurse a carpiater on wharf in aeda rooma and you can make special arrangements by occasiou of his two visits to the lonial Othee. and a result of cartmau proves him to be a rewriting Dr. Mariano Brdriquez, San Jos Isthmus of Panama bave had the that conversation the idea of the ceiver. The onus now rests oa as his future residence, and 11 time ago Physician in charge he sent man by the name of Alfred effect of fostering this belief and visit developed further.
on him to slow he innocency be. Lewis, and asked to be allowed to deposit Limon, Oct. 14, 1911.
strengthening the doubt as to the The Colonial Ollice has been fore a court of justice, which we some things in his room, later in day saw Governor good intention. This endeavouring to find out what iu believe he will do satisfactorily.
so ne old time zin: ta room, and was informed that they were brought there by geutleman toured the Isthmus os.
fluence the opening of the Pana We have to apology to make to Trade Wan More, th: car nu Wosia el tensibly in the interest of a cer ma Caual will have not only Mr. Beekie or anyone else for that Nurse asked him to carry then there.
tain newspaper of Jamaica, now upou Jazaica, but on all the having done our duty.
These nc were afterwards identificd as We are pleased inform the defunct. In his addresses he West Indies: it desires this know In another column will be the Northern Railroad property, public of the reinoval of the spoke strongly of the miamanage ledge for the purpose of being found a letter signed by Mr. BEOKLES. British Pharmacy to mora spa ment of affairs by the Govern able to decide on plans and ar Beckles, who is taking us to task cions buildings where they will ment of Jamaica, and unfortu rangements affecting the future for having give a short report of Chinese Cruiser continne to expose for sale their nately, be left he deep impres development of the West Indies. what third in the Police far famad delicacies and patent sion on th, uninds of the peo Sir Sydney Olivier being re Court muder the headline Re.
inedicines, ple that this management of the cently in London as the represenceivers buttore the Court. We Colon, News by cable was received Government is due to or must be tative of all the British West In have met pleasure in priuting will not visit the upta here that the Chinese cruiser In addition to their already Hai Chi large stock tave just t! ded laid wholly at the door of the dian Colouies, and having ae his side of the alluir.
ing in China, the ship wis orderes pru. splendid assoriment of resh Governor. Probably such an im quired a high reputation as a col.
ceed thence from Havana and New York. goods. Tas have made their pression was unintentional, yet it; lector and collatur of important The Chin:se colony here and i, Panama assortment of perfumery a specialunfortunately, exists as a result ty and they are prepared to of the addresses. Now, all think the Secretary of State to study First In The Market. disapointed as the not small sum of 5, 000 had been subscribed to interrain please the most fastidius.
ing people know that Sir Sydney conditions in Panama, and to en.
the officers and men in Colon and in The new plaes is immediat ly Olivier is at the head of the Gov. deavour to discover what would To be first in the trade for the opposite their old staud.
ernment of Jamaica and can do be the effect of the Canal upon Xinas season the proprietor of the and undo many things, yet he the West Indian fnture.
store familiarly kuown cannot do or undo everything This information will be placed Up town store, managed by Mr.
and often he is deceived by his before the Secretary of State for Desporte, bas imported aud opeued subordinates on whose recom the Colonies, and it will in all up a fine assortinent of ladies mendations and advice he acts. probability form the basis on lats, Parisian as well as English.
In passing must mention an. which the Colonial Office will act We have ersonally seen the.
other series of remarks by the wheu cou idering proposals for art cles and from what we have gentleman referred to that has al. expenditure in connectton with seep it would not be suying tou in the best assorted Bar Room in San José. Specialty in English and ready had a particularly bad West Iudian coaling stations, much to say they are really gems effect, and his injudiciousness in floating docks, repairing plaats, and will surely meet the taste of making these remarks has aston etc.
the most scrupulous.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica. signed ja sig anama.
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