
Rate of Subscription Payable in avance Sditor ANGEL GORONAS THE TIMES month. months 12 Single coples 00 00 00 10. 00 cens sis OFFICES: 36D AVENUE PO Box 3111 CARLES TIE. 94 702 DAILY NEWSPAPER For Adreusements, apply Do tle Lagar.
VOLI ONLY cents silver COPY Limon. Friday 27th October 1911 ONLY cents silver COPY Nº 269 THE POSITION 96242 are Sonball mature that this is possible with one that has Str. We to THE TIMES has been ably filled by Mr. Dos On the 3rd January several well, who we know has sacrificed Drowing of Naval Secret.
arrests in connection with the Port Limon, Costa Rica. much of his time to right the her Black Cat. place since then one of the accusgigantic Railway robbery took wrongs of many Jamaicans. But Portsmouth, England. Successful ex.
possibly there may be a day when ed named Morgan skipped the periments with the wireless control of sub.
marine boats have been made, but the this something will crop np where CAUSES WOMAN TO GO MAD country and is now employed in details are kept secret. It is known, how gentleman more lucrative position OF MICE CONSUL.
the Machine shops at Bocas, his ever, that a submarine was taken to hal.
may be at stake, and here would It is reported on reliable au fiador has not been asked for, two low water oft Selsey while the Hertzun come a severe test, and it is al thority that a certain woman others one of whom tried to skip waves were worked by the cruiser Fu.
his bail but was caught are still Fithe submarine, which won on the sur.
is learnt that in a few daye most reasonable to predict the whose husband is connected with hence. Nufter Cox who is sice he would take, which when the recent railway robbery of here unmolested.
Has the case face was manned, and was found to be away on furlough will arrive here all things considered. would be building material has within the dropped? Or will this latest rob entirely under the control of the cruiser.
to take up his former position as roascnable from a human poiut past few days developed madness. bery of corrugated iron from the Then the crew was taken out and the exCousul for His Britanie Majesty of view.
Her house in Jamaica Town bas Pier resurrect it?
periment was equally successful when the King George It will be rs It has been urged that none been converted into a private asy.
boat was submerged membered that some time after but a Britisher should be apSimilar experiments lum and according to latest acbeing mad: with torpedoes.
the departure of Mr. Cox for pointed, but we have had Britisa counts she has been tied down to Euglaud, M: M«Grigor, the then failures and still can have loaters a sofa to prevent her doing nodily Strongest Forth.
Vice Consul was offered and ac. Wuat the people want is a man injury to herself or her friends.
Cabrera Peña Hnos espled a more lucrative position that in any matter and agxiust It is said that both herself and It has always been known that abroad. With the relinqnishing any company or corporation stand husband bave spent large sums Gibraltar, which belongs to Great Britain, is one of the strongest LA CONVENIENCIA of his job with the United Feat up for a righteous caush, no mat in paying the obeahmen and woforts both for defence and offence Company here nieint also the res. ter what may be the seeming dis men to keep the latter from prison GRAND FASCY TORR and to injure all those who gave in the world. It is said that an imignation of the liquor of being plaajastice and fairplay mense fleet could be sent to the We keep a special assortment of Ameri.
Vice Consul in Limon for King should always by his aim, and information in the case for the cap and Country made Shoes, Italian Suraw George Va Hats, Stetson and Yon Gall felt Hats prosecution. Seized with mad bottom before getting within five Tles, Uzbrallas, and fine suspenders. Beau not to account to noge but his miles of Gibraltar. Not even a ness she bas been coo fessing as tiful Babies silk Caps and a trst clasa without a bitch Mr. Olau la Dischief at Sin Jose.
to the number of times she has torpedo boat could succeed in en stock of superior qusllty goods.
Our prices are the lowest in Town!
wat wisa käd to accept the actWe hope for the sake of decen. visited the grave yards at Camp tering the bay unobserved on the Call on us at the premises formerly ore ing appointment, and it is learnt cy a proper man will be selected Ove and Casinovas in company pied by The White Store Limou, CF blackest night, The most emi.
that with a bit of reluctance and to represent Great Britain in with a celebrated character, residnent naval experts are of the inodesty he accepted the ternpor Limon.
ing at he foot of Aruold hill opinion that this world greatest ary position. It is well known in search of material needed in the fortr ss is almost impregnable, acNotice.
that the position was offered to obeah business. We intend to cording to Cassell Saturday other parties but they polituly The War.
give the names of the entire gang refused. Among them was Mr. Jackson, tailor and cutter, bags within a few days in order that Gibraltar never sleeps. By day and night two perfectly equipped to inform his numerous Friends and cus Tie Zurcher, who we believe would av his become absolutely the public may kuove them.
tomers that he will be taking an expected have inade an ideal Vice Consnl. interesting. Not au important crazy Woman says sie was pro.
signal stations, proudly flaunting trip to Jamaica for the short period of Britaiu vided with a black cat by the flag of be having adlah Dossary apolla erigensat has you take place ownersluipfuur weeks. Leaves on Monday the 23rd sweep the seas around to a dis inst, and that ir. Vicior Samuels, tailor lieatlonsk, butspellyasitetenü Turkey is still showing the obeal woman and she ordered the tance of fifteen miles on a clear and cutter, will represent him, in whom he ergarterna ka wa greatest anxiety that the Powers teline to injure one of her ne.
has the confidence that he will give sa isfac.
les sitout of worry this is at soald step in and save her from mies but the latter cangit pus day, iustantly reporting the cintion to all Communications are to be sent tendant on site an old and per. adors. 14 pralieanat. Tais is sy and tussed ter over the sea iog and going of each vessel. to him in Post Box 263, Limon.
Modern needle haps for these reasous and mauy not likely to happen, unless tur wall were suas drownel. The guus, the others herit the honor Port Limon, Oct, 24, 1911.
key cousants to the abandonment spoli bug broke ouvy seizel fiuest in Europe, are installed on which is mijn to be regretted. of Tripoli, which is non practi her fine out worker will be all the most prominent points.
HAS lways get wrat cally in the bands of the Italiaus dealt wita la Llesa ne muuer as They are unreachable froin the require, and it very often happhus, The swori taxt is now bein; hall 28 Over Prelecey808 43 we are seas, even as they are ii discernWHY?
that that which weh goje turn over the Turkish Goverom ot iu 38868sion of further evidence able, owing to the skill with out to b: repugnant tour wishes head is the boss of its Eiropan 110 we will give the authorities.
which they are planted and drap ed to match the surrou: Do you want to know why the New Ils Phorrect that shou provinces if it does not hastent)
Health House (Nueva Caga de Salad) at latiou is running high 29 inake pedee: aal that this is a vegetation while buge screen dro San José, of Dr. Rodriquer, is gaining so Local News automatically before them down who will succeed Mr. MeGrigor real dager son em dey Bar much (avour with the public shell is fired. They have a range BECAUSE it is conveniently sisted permanently for this honorable on the other haud, the Tarkisti front of the National Park, and next to the position that arries with it so Government has also to face the of fifteen miles and could drop The Carillo, after arriving from United Company Offices, two little semuneration. It is public dauger of its subjects. The new Unlon coday will sell at 30 pm. for shells ou Canta, in Africa, oppo. blocks from the Railway Station.
property that there has been a Sultan inust realize that, whatNew Orleans via Puerto Barrios, and site, quite comfortably.
Guatemala. She will take passengers and BECAUSE the food is appropriated for Oae gun weighs 110 tous and every case and there are trained nurses to few applicants for the position, ever may have been his country mails.
and the arrival of Mr. Cox will humiliations during his brotner is capable of throwing a shell settle the matter as who will te BECAUSE in the medical start you bad regine, they were nothing compac The attention of the Health Officer is weighing three quarters of a ton ceive the happy choice. We have ed to those of the present reign, the best physicians. San José, such as called to several small roals of water that In that marvel of engineering Dactors Giustiniani, Durán, Inksetter, no doubt as to the manner Mr. aud he must know that the new is sten on several of the streets will not under great difficulties, the galSoto Rojus Picgde. Zúñiga, Jimene: Cox view this affair which is of Government will become intensely these breel mosquitoes as the uncovered leries, are concealed (L. Zumbado, Alvarado Hernandez, barrels tiray this officer and his staff very great importance; one on which applar if more surrenders lave every day in the year.
Bess, Barrionuevo, Valio, Calderon, Lara often make severe crusades, finding parties hange the destiny of thousands of Fonseca Calvo, Carlero, Prestinary, etc.
to be made to Cristian Powers different suns. Who will be find for this?
These galleries are divided into select British subjects that is now reyour own physician three sections, entry to which is What may follow this war is a either from the physicians in charge or siding in Costa Rica This is a revolution in Turkey. And that At last the city authorities guard d, while ons is closed even from outside.
matter that requires deep thought is what the country ral rs fear. have geen the necessity of erect.
to high officers, containing pre BECAUSE the prices are reasonable and broad mindedness and the Yet the inevitable has to be faced; ing a water closet in the park.
served stores, munitions of war, and you can make special arrangements by Partiau that believed would do what she will, Turkey cannot writing Dr. Mariano Rodriquez, San José, Troly won lors never cause.
rain water (for Gibraltar has no Physician in charge.
do justice to all aught to be select retain Tripoli, any more than springs) and a complete condeusLimon, Oct. 14, 1941. 6v.
el, heart that is Sain could retain Caba aftar tha James William Nurse the Bir ing plant all calculated to outabove prtly bribe: he should be Americans had attack that badian whose name is mentioned last a seige of seven years.
Repihdeut individual; one isia It saam; el ir taat a in the recent police investigation The firing is the most mathe.
Trade Notice.
that is vol subservieu to their grave crisis threatens eie Turkish of the robbery of zine from tha matically perfect imaginable. The so that his hands canoot be consid. npire, and nothing can avert it. pier returned fro Ni aragua on surrounding Waters are mapped tietgri ti boterarijucating ang mat. Bosnia and Herz govim gone: Wednesday, and tarned up to into spuares, npon which certain We are pleased to inform the tet. Minliness and a sense duty. Tripoli going now. The Balkans work yesterdas məruing, but a guus are kept reany trained, 80 removal of the public of the justice and love of doing what is will follow, and Constantinople. couple hours after he was apprethat it is almost impossible to British Pharmacy to more spamies.
hended by a police and lodger in od preko tribe the characteristics The writing on the wall is clear.
cious buildings where they will Cuartel.
Such a one appointed for the contiune to expose for sale their far famed delicacies and patent Late Dr. Jos. Bell.
medicines. The great ljudiance of procurIn addition to their already. An ndependent mis ir: li Tace that the salary atteched London. Dr. Josephi Dell, the eminent large stock they have just added Scottish surgeon who was the old of taking statements the recent 10 que paredition. He to Meagrese character of Sherlock Holmes, died fire at Estrada. Several persons Southampton Emmeline Pank a splendid assortment of fresh that it precludes the acceptanea shoar, Maurice wool, Milton Bridge, from the section were examined. hurst and Mis Mary Pethick departed on goods. They have made their of an independept inao. It would Midlohn Ile was born in Elinburgh, An anomyious letter was sent to bard the steamer Oceanic for New assortment of perfumery a special.
be wellit lohu Bull were to fol. in 1837; and wits an ing ratrot Sir the Governor of Limon disclosing York, to make a suffragette tour to Ameri.
ty and they are prepared to The train that brought them here was low the lead of his cousin Unele Arthur Conan Doyle at Edaburgh. His fad was the study of mysterious ci.
certain things relative to toe fire decorated with suffragette colours. Taey please the most fastidious.
Sam ho respecte and upholds and which it is understood tends got a demonstrati e farewell on leaving The new plaer is immediately the diguity if the Vice Consul to implicate somebody. The let. London, opposite their old staud.
by whiching at adequate salary Minister Resigns. ter is in the lands of the Judge.
to the older of the office. Not uh is dome before a con Guayaquil. AS result of a disagree The Joseph Vacara, consign.
buiegtig surfinstaking man megt Wii President Estrada, General ed to the United Fruit Co. arriv.
will get Plaza has resigned his office as Minister of Finance and has been succeeded by Senoed here yesterday inorning bring.
We do not whether the hold. Federico Intriga Sant Antonio Berre. ing a cargo of 581 tons, consisting Hi.
er of the present acting position ro, formerly President, died on Our ber til of general merchandise, 2, 500 will be ffered the perinanent ap. He was eighty four years old.
cross ties, 29 000 font lumber and pointment or not, but rumour has it that he will not accept it. It Smoke «La Nacional» cigarettes, and grapes.
a small consignment of apples in the best assorted Bar Room in San José. Specialty in English and After discharging has beeaniced id niday quarters. The best, the cheapest in the cours. her cargo she will sail for Bocas that be temporary appointment try.
del Toro Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Frait guns for etc. You inay engaged during the past werk Suffragette Tour.
LA GEISHA American drinks


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