p. 4


i non, Costa THE TIMES Friday 27th Jetober 1911 GOOOOOOOOOOO Dr Villa Haeusler RENALOID La Mascota oooooooooooo The best assortment in the country THE GEM La Florida Milk Money Exchange Guaranteed always fresh Stearn Wine of cod liver oil Davidson Co. PHYSICLES AND SURGEON Cahas Cia. Smyth y Cia to transferrert Mice and pri BACKACHE KIDNEY Tablets.
SAN JOSE LIMON te residence for of Mr. Ri de Morales. It in house near andrelle For all diseases of the Good Business!
Isteys and Bladder At La Paeun, Dear Sta The Symptoms of IDNEY BLADDER diseases generally tou, two hundred manzanas tiret make themselves kuown by pains in the back, side and lower part class for bananas.
of the body, Apply in Limon to the Times Renaloids are a simple, safe and sure remedy for young and old Manager and in San Jose to strong and weak: and may be need continually without any bad effeets Matina HERMAN ZELEDONCARLOS GUARDLA.
Botica Francesa San José de Costa Rica.
The Best Store in the Town LUR GALLEGOS, You cannot lose your money Complete Assortment of Goods Lowest PricesAmerican Dentist Provisions, Liquors, Dry Goods, Boots, Crockery, Has returned from San José.
Hardware, Medicines Etc. Etc. OFFICE For the modest Sum of 80 cente will Register your lotter25 cents for Ro.
formerly located at South West of the Market bas breis removed to Dr. Migue, Veracywer eistering and cents for returning Receipt.
hous, in front of the Park, opposite the Send me your money for Cheeks, exchange on Jamaica 11. 00 20 CENTS 20 CENTS to Fun Commissary The cost up to date and reliable firm in Costa Rica.
town and bridge work All correspondence handled free of charge.
ing piates. Finns. Painicas extractions. Long experiene.
Kranabluriers Tulio Mendez, PO BOX 155 LEON For Sale. That beautiful cottage with. at twenty cents per bottle 33 adjoining lot 200 yards more or less west of Siquirre Railway To be had at The Costa Rica Soda Water Company.
and drafts on Jamaica Station.
II. That splendid basinses THE CREATEST AND MOST RELIABLE HOUSE IN TOWN site with house of three reoms, The buyers of drafts are well protected by the reliability of the 50 yards east of Siquirres Railway Station. For particulars, firm. There is absolutely no risk in losing your money. Agent for Waltham Key Stone Elgin watehes, and Singer Sewing Machines. enquire of GAYLE, sell the Iver Johnston and Harrington Richardson Revolvers, Lottery Tickets Wholesale and Retail. Picture Postcards and Postage Stampe.
Siquirres, Box 16, Spectacles of every deeription in gold and plate.
Limon, Sept. 18, 1911. 30.
ENAMEL SIVER Spoons Wire Costa Rica VIEWS Méndez Banana Cocoa.
BUY YOUR HARDWARE FROM FORS LE at tourtern and a half miles Experience will demonstrate that it is the most powerful for convalescence, a splendid wew Farm extet sively culti.
general feebleness and all sickness of breast and lunga, a consumption, bropo Vale with banan and cocoa. First kitis, etc. Soros anaemia, lassitude, stimulates appetite and give strength and second lot from from railroad, three. vigour to system. Ask allway for the Stearns For solo at sil good pharmacies hondrd hectarias, o manzanas are cultivaled. Lumber for building purposes and minzanas pasture lands. Information Recause they are the best and cheapest.
Tived and given at Twelve Miles from We have the best assortment in Electric Sapplies, Carpenters Tools JAS. GORE, Articles for Construction, THOMAS. LEWIS Corredor Jurado and Commission Agent, Port Limoo. or Sale.
Your Wants Fill fine dwelling in Cairo situated in the MONEY. Will lend you, lend for you or advise you how to invest small or large Dest business centre, direct in front of Wm.
amounts here and abroad.
Ierocery, containing rooms, kitchen BUY or SELL For you! Hat Pin to Banana Farro.
and verandah, Chean for cash. Apply to RENTS and DEBTS Collected here and in larraica.
Susion de Exigir la firma: Investigations and all Commissions undertaken local and foreigo las inyecciones THOMAS MCLEAN FOR SALE, One Upright Grand Piano, Typewriters, Iron Beds and Mattrosses, TID Cairo WANTED. Molers for LIMON CITY DISPENSARY. Twenty five Cents Port Limon August 13. 60 per week.
el martinvil NB. Look out for monthly nection salee.
CALL or WRITE, Office Street, Post Box 418. Port Limon, el discreto.
sobre el rótulo.
The undersigned begs to inform his numerous curtomers and de lus flojos antiguos o recientes to day if they not turn up at his tailoring establishment. oppoDesconfiar de las falsificaciones.
site Don Aasch Store, Limon. PDY. GDY PIS. LT their geods will be sold out. JACKSON The best and most comfortable habitation in the city. First Claw Limon, Sept. 10, 911. 15 Meals. All servicee guaranteed.
AGUA MADAME HUNARD, de To the front again. Who?
DEL JAPON rican Tailor of Siquirres, He is Ever prepared to give entire satisfaction in For Sale.
Black and White the out of last. guing suits Tesla Il agua mejor urnishes. Lry him and le convinced. One mule and two horses, good ANA Las Cápsulas para el tocador Tailor for any class of work. Apply to The best Store in the de Quinina de Pelletier んぶる RICARDO HORA guarantee perfect workmanship Market, Country son soberanas contra RIGAUD Limon, Sept. 15, 1911.
suits are well made and fit to perfectio las Figuras, las Jaquecas, goods, Shoes, Gro8, rue Vivienne A. HUTCHINSON Notice.
las Neuralgins, la influenza, PARIS PORN ceries, Lottery os Resfriados y la Grippe.
Disconfiarse Price treats disease in horses, Tickets.
Wholesale and Retail Drafts methods. Skifol shoeing done by experimules, etc. on most approved scientific NOTICE on Jamaica, American Gold and eneed gmith; charges moderate. Advice FOR SALE Greenbacks always on sale.
free to customers. Your patronage solA mouse colour, Stable Jack, in fine icited. Office at Rocke Photograpnic ditconion very young, Fut particulars apply LINT CO.
Studio. Box 99. Levadura seca de cerveza)
Wanted Burrell Willia CEREVISINA da maravillosos resultados en el tratamiento competeat baker to begin work de la feruesos En los eufemos que padecen de psoriasis, herpes on or before the 18th October.
One hundred and thirty colones (130 00) from one thousand square feet abov 2, produce el mejor exito mejorando rapidamente su estado Aprly to general, asi como en el cone, la urticaria, etc.
PARIS, rue Varenne y en todas las Farmacias CENTRAL Peña Brothers Siquirres.
LIMON, 4th AVENUE 50 YAIDS FROM POLICE STATION BOX No. We keep a special assortiment of Rooring, battous sidlus, ceiling and partition, Limou, Oct 14, 1911. 12 We accept orders from the Lice.
friends that fifteen guys from Fifty yards from the Central Park.
SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA lesa el nomine Cada cauta lleva el more EGUININA PELLETIER EXILIN CEREVISINA Foreign Pitch Pine Lumber.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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