
Editor ANGEL GORONAS Rate of Subscription yable in advance THE TIMES months 00 00 00 10. 00 cents 13 Single copies.
OFFICES: 3D AVENU Box 310 CABLE TIE DAILY NEWSPAPER For Advertisements, apply to tha Manager.
VoL ONLY cents silver COPY Limon. Saturday 28th October 1911 ONLY cents silver COPY 271 Uncle Sam s, Navy.
e eral days.
THE TIMES Arrival 01 The Chinese War News.
Port Limon, Gosta Rica (6. Carillo.
BENGHASI REDUCED Washington, Estimates for the maintenance of the navy for the next fiscal PUBLIC OPINION. HER FIRST TRIP TO TORT Shanghai Advices.
Italian Fleet Bombards Place year have been enmpleted except as to LMON.
provision for construction of new ships, And Lands Troops.
This item has been held up for Secretary SIR SYDNEY OLIVIER, JAThess Carillo a fine pam CONFIRMS REPORTS OF TRIMeyer personal consideration, and he is expected to take up the subject within the MAICA TRUE FRIUND. er of English built arrived here Benghazi, Tripoli, Oct. In a UMPH OF THE REVOLUyesterday for first time: the next few weeks TIONISTS.
sharp fight between Turkish dufenders and the Italian fleet under It is generally understood the proDedicated to enlighten my Ecelesi ship has been added to the United gramme will include the construction of Fruit Company Line of stiamers.
astical Critt. Why boasttwo giant battleships and to each of subShanghai, Oct. 20. The follow. Rear Admiral Anbrey, the Italians From early morning anxious ing message from Vice Admiral of this city yesterday forenoon.
accomplished practical occupation tarines, destroyers colliers and other aux iliaries.
est thou thyeel. thon tyrant: eyes were straining its reves Winslow, senior British naval The Italian fleet amived in the The battleships will probably be of the looking for the arrival of the toat that thou canst do misching but at the stroke of nine o clock less from a British vessel off Han.
otficer at Hankow. sent by wire roadstead Wedtiesday morning Texas class, although some experts urge necessity for 30, 002 ton vessels with heavy The Torkish commander the good ship with Captain Sim kow, was received here this mornwas armrand annument.
Psalm II, verge.
mous in charge as pilot came granted twenty four hours in ing: alongside the pier.
which to capitulate. The entire All telegraph lines to ShangBy The ship was tastefully dedora hai and to Pekin were destroyed day passed. No reply was ceived from the commander. Yes.
Over Morocco. Fools rush in whern angels ality, from bou to stern and all of a mile beyond the settlement.
tel with flags of ditferent nation. by fire last night for a distance terlay morning the guns of the fear to tread. is a familiar que looked gay on board, and on her fleet began to hurl shells into Paris. The Franco German negotiatation and is understood by titline promenade deck were the patelied from Hankow at noon Another wireless message distions on the Moroccan question are not the town, and three hours later concludel, and it is understood that the least intelligent and my critie cabin apparently to day and re transmitted over a detacheut of troops. under Government, which is anxious passengers to have Expositor has not failed to show them terminated betere the reassembling the publie, that he is a member ager to put their foot ou terra land lines at Kiukiang reaching protection of Italian gius, made here at o clock, says the govera.
a landing. The troops were met of Parliament, has decided to postpone the of the class that the quotation Urptain Smith, for reap. ment troops retreated up Zev with a galliug fire, but they adopening of Parliament from Oct. 24th to suits. Espositor has tried by tuin of the steumship Lim Mile Creek while the Chinese vanced rapidly and took the 31st or even to November 7th.
It is stated that the Cabinet discussed spruce philosophy to. ake a de came in charge of the vessel nd warships withdrew outlying barracks.
down the territorial concession in the Congo the duction from any article to suit the purserie Mr. Rigby, alsof river out of sight. The revoluBeaghazi has 15, 000 popula. which is to to be made to to Germany in return himself. He has made a careful the es. Limon.
Morocco and ex.
tion. It is 420 miles east of Tripo for a free hul in tionists claim a great victory.
analysis, and althougat he has Carloth of t19 vazel is 395 Still another message says that li, and is the starting points for amined several she cou may be given the report of his resear a lopted as a basis for the second part of caravans for Wadi and Egypt.
fether tonnage is 108. the he dar not sign his name for Her promenade docks are fine revolutionists at Hankow the negotiations between the Gania fear of being exposed.
claim a great victory over the imForeign Secretary and the French Anas attractive social rooms, TURKS TURN TRICK, bassacor, hold no briel for Sir Sydney perials. They declare they cap.
pian, writing tables, book case, tured the river side and the rail.
but may ask at Send Troops To Chios, Greek etete, spacious entrance hall, real grievances against the Gov.
wity station, after which all the Island, Alleging Attack. Chinese Revolt.
privalit silites, ench containing ernor! You have proved up Cuinese warships retreated, with two Biust beds, divendresser, How Dothing in your idiotic rpis.
the exception of one cruiser, Athen, Oct. 23. It is annuone.
lur wardrobe with mirror doors whish seceded to the rebels.
Pekin. New reachel this city that the tle. We may call man som and yes below, connectin bath ed that Turkish troops have been Cinese revolutionaries have captured The retreat of the imperialists sent to the Island of Chios, in drel, a thief, a liar, but what Wuchany, the capital of the Province of udvill looins and barber shop. at Jankow is confirmed in other have proof for so saying. The The cabin deck liar 23 state. dispatches from Kiu kiang, which attack.
view of the liktlihood of Italian Hapa, where trouve his been reportel for imaginary charges agaust Sir miniler of the roape defending Sydney, that is responsible for ons Wie coltiga windows; of state that the Chinese gunbonts the population of the island the city was hided by a bomb and the ait oficial miscogs in Jamaica lor. rooms have private are retreating to Kiukiang. The biths and toilet conaceting. The conduct of the rebels at Hankow almost entirely Greak, the Vi er only escaped by hasty Alght. Five is false and perlidious, and to any smoking room with outside althat he is imported scourg is reported to be exemplary. Mar impression here particularly as measure has produced a very bad foreign sunbutstationed along the Ving 1s: Kiang are protecting the city of Han.
cove seats is situated aft anda tial law is enforced.
is not ly ruloud insolent, but the pretext is a poor ons, the spicious confortable et trance also insulling to the culture of Today advices of rebel sueWuchang is a wild towu of consid.
lall forward number of troops of troop8 bringen ble in orice. Inspipulation cesses at Hankow caused great quite insufficient to resist the every Weil coinking Wst Indian The salon deck has dining jubilation among the Chinese Italian fleet.
of 690. 000 and is the art of a great marive Lutil gentiudividuals know iunil foreign trade startet fighters TOOTL Sating for Ti 14 tirat cabin ile Yang Te River Sir Sydney Olivier is at the head here. Previously they had been it has stateroom with large openings: downcast.
shed with datry to some taien in of the Government of Jamaica: purser s, doctor stewari and and he can do and indo many The run on the banks here has a lopting the reinc autof civilisation ant stewardess quartere.
stopped, but the native banks are prinses an electroliting system things, yet he canto di orunlu Bath and toilet are situate lconSpecial Train. naribal school for when modern cotton everything. And say very oftea unable to pay their outstanding mills, a inaug pia checks and business is at a standdie is dreerve by his subordinates teniently on the cabin and saloon decks.
still At one o cloek yesterday afteron whose treatmendations and Ocherwise the situation Strooms and 11. 10 und 12, non a snall crowd of gentlemen Cabrera Peña Hnos advicra lie acts.
here is quiet.
Are you afrail 14 and 15. and 17, 18 and 20, of his Excellency visit the 19 and 21, 26 and 27, 32 and 33, Daily news, anticipating an ul.
The venerable North China assemble at the railroad stati tgive Mr. Mullings LA CONTEVIENCIA land of our adoption! We as 34 and 35 era connecting tooms.
eral Manager of the Northern uyal Britist still very timate imperial victory, in an edi.
Suatersoms 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14. torial recalling the awful fate Manager San Jose Bank and a weep a special. conto Ameri Railroad Company, Mr. Tunio, GRAND FAXOY STOREK proud that the Representative of 15, 17 and 19 have private bath our Soverig Loni King George and toilet connecting which traditionally awaits rebele can country in class Italian Straw the stould consent to leave his Each cabin staternom hias one in China, says the powers are not goodly number of passengers that llas, Send Gal felt llate intervening because of self inter. arrived by the Carillo a Ties, Unbrellas, antine stenders Beac seat of government to visit us in god sent off. The special train tiful Babies seks anlarst class npper and lower barth. feet linis oprita pable or inchies wide and fert inches est, adding: stock of superior quality to before in history has a Governor long and a cotel. The upper must die, but Yuan Shai Kai ar Th: ringleaders undonbtdly had to coaches on the Presi Our prices are the lowest in Town!
deut of the republe which con Cail on us at the promises to merly the British West ludies, paid berih ean re closel when not in yed the General Manager and pied. The White score. nón. F a visit to any Latin American Re riving with well filled money bags 16. Steamer trunks not exceedMr. and Mrs. Tinio aud the publie; on tais obcasion we houli great wim, fete him, ad memori in inches in high can be signature is offering merey to other, an ordinary chair coach for the passengers.
Trade Notice.
aline kim, by expressions aryul placed under beds in suites and those who have been coerced inty to the flig which has bravel under berths in state rooms to participation in the revolt.
thousand year ile tattle and PASSENGERS The eveuts of the past week We are pleased to inform the must lead to a genuine redress of Mob Stone public of the removal of the the breeze.
The following passengers had grievances. China should rememBritish Pharmacy to more spay ecclesiastical critie, need the pleasure of travelling on the cions buildings where they will not try to assist the Liou. let him ro ir alone, for kuove him by ship and were load in their praise garded by the Yang tse kiang contiune to expose for sale their for the manner they were necomhis writing floods. Those with whom the far famed delicacies and patent Bogota, Oct On leaving the Cathedral medicines.
Ba ye not like to horse and moduled and the geniality of the rebels had been able to plead where they had attended a meeting preimule, which have no understand captain throughout the voyage fought and died.
ded over by the Archbishop of Bogota, In addition to their already ing: whose mouths mustle held from Kingston. Miss Loaise Ha.
a mob stoned the Peruvian Legation and large stock they have just added tore dowa the coat of arms.
a splendid assortment of fresh with bit and bridle, lest they fall sel Bennett, Brande. From Fine Show.
Clo: Orozo. Mrs. Schap second attack on the Lega goods. They have made their upou thee.
ka, Mr. and Mrs Julia Sellis, tion, and the situin is considered grave, assortment of mary a specialArise ye brave sons of Jamaica, Millings, Sellise agor. Mrs.
The previous attack wok place in July let show our tre loyalty, and The lovers of a good pipe and Castre, Jamison, Juan the weed for its use have no and, like the one of last nicht was due to ty and they are prepared to Liat without fear of ecclesiasti.
Esterer, Perdoa. de leg over the alleged encroachines please the most fistidious.
cause in for complaint Just cal crities; that British liberty is of Peru u pon territory claimed by ColomThe new place is mondiately Dalmer, Orozeo, Miss Marian Limon and within reach of all nothing but that which goes with Pargnnd abia ass ugers in this very useful commodity can opposite their all stand.
the true meaning of the word, and Transit be procured. The popular and tue proud boast of olt Bugiat courteous manager of the United and the watel word of her coln Dins that Britons (British 11 Fruit Company retail commissary has on show in their fine show groe) never shall be slaves.
Arrival. their appearance in the show case Tge a large variety of these, and Governor we have bear in min vasoseeee 356 Whose value would be hard to find; ought to command a roaring And since we know this to be true Thess. Siberia is expected to trade.
in the best assorted Bar Room in San Josi. Specialty in English and Let loyalty tell us want to do arive bere from New york via Consider well what he worth Sinoke La Nacional» cigarettes While we are still upon the earth. Kingston Jamaier this morning The best, the cheapest in the coun Au revoir with mails and passengers.
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