
Rate of Subscription Hayable in advance Editor ANGEL GORONAS THE TIMES month 00 months 00 0. 00 12 10. 00 Single copies. cents For Advertisements, apply to tha Manager.
OFFICES: 3RD AVENUE Box 316 CABLES. TIEMPO DAILY NEWSPAPER Lindlin ex oue China, VOL ONLY cents silver COPY Limon. Wednesday November 1st 1911 ONLY cents silver COPY 266 the Telegraph and Guardian. minutes after the train was on its Gain for Socialists.
THE TIMES The Stone My man if you must fence with Port Limon, Costa Rica (G. Reboun loining. Do not a decent man you must stop put.
deceive the It is understood around the Stockholm. The electors for the Scpeople in advertising yourself as Zent Division of the United Fruit cond Chamber yesterday, the first held since univergal suffrage and proportionate WHO IS Scarcely bad people begun erudite. You can fool all of Company that no labourer is al.
representation wire in roduced to reading article in El them all of the time. It is time lowed to earn more than 30 per ble additio is to the strenga RESPONSIBLE. Tiempo of Saturday the 28th you clear your perjured soul and month, whether it be for draining, ists. Returos fton 204 began to be washed and be clean, if with underbrushing, cleaping or fall give the following results shont Chou. Chou! Cnou Zog! you cleanliness is not a case of ing. Should anyone make more Lefts 87 Su cuer Stall, ais 56 The Pro No one will dare deny the from the amount of dirty stink incompatibility than that amount in any one leader of the. fact that it was a miracle that ing mud that he threw up at the Wieu wrote be ye not month hie surplus must be shown Pranting. were all returned for Stor!
lives were not lost in Monday very start. And as he has thus like to the horse and mule which in the following mouth pay roll, The newspapers pred ct a new Mine explosion at the camp where the proved himself an inferior, Ex have no understanding etc. he exclusive of his commissary acder Staff. The Socialists declare to St. Kit men reside. Who is positor has not dedicated this ar was manifestly referring to him couat. Field labourers are not they will not enter the new Cabinet responsible for the explosion ticle to him as he would be as self as one or other of those qudru supposed to earn more than one ought to el happy to day that suredly casting his pearl before a peds. But alas! his develope dollar gold per day whether for the situation is not more grave swine; rather he has directed it Train task or contract.
ment does not even carry him to and only ended as it is. the de. in mercy to wash the mud from Balam ass And would he struction of part of a building the people whom he has so nastimarshall the brave sons of Jamai It is learnt on good authority Rio Janeiro, Six persons are known to and slight injuries to three men.
have been kilied and twenty others inly besmirehed. May it out this ca to loyalty Surely this is a re tat through the able ability of Indeed the result would have grunting porcine out of journalis. petition of the parable of the Mr. Hitchcock that, there is jured, some of whom, it is believed will die, been greater but for Providence tie correspondench and forever when a freight train running past the signals Bramble King, Abimelech, some dissatisfaction arising out crashed into a passenger train which had it is as it is.
to live like the rat bat in inverse get you goue and give way to of the result of measurements at left the rails But what has not happened toposture, seeking only seclusion of honester men. various farms including the The passenger train, a fast express from day could occur to morrow and darkness to do his prowlings O! rbymist, chimist and buf experimental farms, vonmouth Sao Paulo, was running at a high rate of experiences of the past serves to soeed near the town of Piraly when the en.
The puerile recitations set forth foon! Has the Governor proved farm and others in the vicinity. sine left the rails. Several of the cars bum make one more cautious in the by in the issnes ef the 19th bimself a reformer and restored Witu the aid of a chart placed ed along the roadbed for some distance, but future, or alive to one sense of and 20th without even putting has he proved himself listful to before him he sees that many were not overturned, and there were no 1aduty. The question taat is now the usual quotation marks mani the moans and grouns of more creeks have been certified for, talities and only minor injuries among the asked by intelligent persons is, fested more of memory than sense than 100, 000 people and gracious and that the Company has paid passengers how came those cylindere, con and at once classified him as per in redressing their wrongs and for, wnich the map shows legeer In just a few minutes and before the taining ammonia in the yard, and passengers, in a panic because of the accijurer. purloiner and plagiarist, supplying their needs, why we creeks. For the past month the dent, could gather their wits and escape for what purpose were they kept but even these in their gross in must consider well what he is engineers that have worked are from the derailed cars, a fast treight crash there, and were the men apprised tellig bility one coult tolerate.
ed into the rear end of the stalled train.
trying to find out if any mistakes of what the cylinders contained?
Now that he begins to use his It was said that the engine driver ignored Until you are better able. has been made. Soine one will The enquiring public would like spont it is time we say Chou. the signals set that should have warned Alley vous. Alley vous. have to answer.
him of the trouble ahead.
to know, and perhaps they will hou! yone who had read know, because we believe a search xposito article of the 26th (Litor and EXPOSITOR)
We are reliably in forned that ing inquiry will be made into the nothin in it derogatory to tae United Fruit Company bas matter to find out who is responWill 6 prestige of B. for him to iustrueted of luvir chief Central China nible Lor the careless manner have well so stupidly in Sat. Local News employees of the fruit office divithese destructible cylinders that urday issue was unwarranted, siou 10 go around the regions of Remain a Unit.
contained ammonia were kept. unnecessary and venturing to We are inclined to say that in.
near the moath of a volcano.
The 8. Frutera is expected Bauana River and offer small Settlers great bargine for their Kansas City. The foreign powers are doubtedly the matter Dow rest8 Truly Fools rush in where anto arrive here to day from New waiting to seize the outside prince of with the United Fruit Company gels fear to tread falls heavily on Orleans pu88ee81008. cultivated land) and Slie comes in ballast.
to those who have refused selling will remain a complete union ander the China, but the central part of the country to give account of the whole afthis man who is incapable of fair: the destructive articles were after that gentleman tried to make conThe Tortuguero, reorganization that is coming. asserted senee. If he knew he had no pro.
ou tbeir premises, how they got fundity to defend the rapacious taking a cargo consisting of tracts in them. Many of the the Rev. Sidney Partridge, Episcopal residents have found it wise to reBishop of Kansas City here. Bisp there no one is better able to ex. policy of the British Administra: 55, 000 bunches of bananas will Partridge spent fu184 all inducemeu18.
seventeen year 25 plain. But this is a solemn fact tion of the West Indies he should sail for Bristol early this moruing.
clergyman in returning to the United States only a few months ago tal lives been destroyed had not have started to kick against they would be held responsible the prieks.
The 88. Cartago will be des.
The revolutionary movement, he continued, is a weleome one, as alust any for it, and perhaps be called wiss caough to play the fol, and patched this afterugon at o clock Reduction of change in China will be a benefit to the upon, after a careful and pains since he has already blown his for Jolou taking mails and pas.
taking inquiry to hand up a de remnant of sense to shreds let us Armaments. people, who are held back by ancient cus.
toms and corrupt officials.
cent sum by way of compensatiou. relegate this powder bor to the But alter all what good will com serap heap and have him carted La loformacion is respousible London. Acording to the Chronicle Vienna correspondent, negotiations pensation do to a dead man after away as basura.
for the following: We leara trat which were initiated by Germany have been Ruffering untold agony before Is this dishonest culler true the Atlantic Fruit Company has proceeding for months between Great Cabrera Peña Hnos his deavise. Echo answers none when he said Expositor has triel purchased here all the farms own Britain and Germany for a reduction in whatever naval armaments.
ed by Lindo Brothers.
by spruce philosophy to make a LA CONVENIENCIA As it is these parties have been deduction from my article to suit injured in the catastrophe, but himself. Expositor gave no The Sibiria sailed on GRAND FANCY STORE not serious, cannot this by called cold graveyard philosophy: how Monday last for New York via New DreadWe keep a special assortment of Ameri unnectesury pain? woman ever stinging they may appear Kingston, Jamaica, taking the can and Country made Shoes, Italian Straw Hats, Stetsonand Yon Gall felt Hats noughts.
that lived on ibe building that through green glasses, he following passengers. For New Ties, Umbrellas, and fine suspenders. Seal the cylinder passed through is wrote vitals. He also gave ExYork: Joan Fernandez and child, tiful Babies Srik Caps and a first class now lying in the hospital pros positor credit for making a careMiss Emma Rojas. For Kingston. Vienna. Italy is reported to be hastenstock of superior quality goods.
Our prices are the lowest in Town!
trated through the shock, and ful analysis of his article. Now Mrs. Lucy Grunt, Mrs. Alice Harding the completion of three Dreadnoughts, Call on us at the premises formerly one which might have caused her to all reason, how could a fool do Mi Benjana Smith, and Miss and has ordered 4, 000 tons of armourpied by The White Store Limón, death. Surely if reasonable pre. this? Don you see that this Irena Mokie and 21 deckers, Italian works are unabie to finish it spee.
plate from an Americun firin because the cation. was taken the mispahman in his inconsisteney has con She took the following carg; dily enough. It is expected that the would be unknown. There is tradicted himself and showed 27, 000 bunebas bananas, 719 sacks ships will be ready for service by the end Trade Notice.
the property of Mr. Beekly, pas that he is of 1912 sibly we will hear a lawsuit with Then he said that Expositor das hidas, 13 paekigt rubbor a mere ninsornpoop coffee, 232 teks cocoa 100 bus.
We are pleased to inform the the company if the proprietor of dares not expose his name. and 30 live turtles, public of the removal of the the dainaged building is not pro Now my readers already know Steel Trust. British Pharmacy to more spaperly compeusated, and who that An orence of example is The United Fruit Cipany cious buildings where they will woull blame him?
worth a ton of precept Has stemer Cartas arrived here New York. It was reported an excel.
continue to expose for sale their far famed delicacies and patent It is said that the meu (natives) given his name? He it is yestoway morning from New Orlent authority here that the United Sates that used the cyliuders for mak that would take the mont out of loans via Puerto Barrios with the Steel Corporation intended to cancel its medicines.
og ute are to be blamed. We are his brother eye when there is a following passengers: Hin. Louis ore contrats with the Great Northern Ore In addition to their already not at one in this argument, Co. The contract is on a royal y basis and and cannot see the force of this take your Bible it you have one, beam in his own eye. Now Einstoin, sira. Einstein, its Lerins provide for ca cellation upon two large stock they have just added Ralli, Miss Rometti, Joan years tice is said that this notice a splendid assortment of fresh argument, how could themes and turn to St. Matthew 7:5 and Sutelite, Ms. Margaret Sutcliffe, wl be given before the end of the present goods. They have mide theit know what was in the cylinder if you will find your real oame.
Frederico Sellado, Arturo Pait, year The reason assigned is that the assortment of perfumery a specialthey were not told, and if they contract has prived unprofitable to the Next, why do you coll so much? Luis Arias, Frank Morton, ty and they are prepared to Ste potion.
were properly put away they People want originality, man; and Mrs. Luisa Luana, Messi Auto would not be in the reach of when you ouli be honest enongh ne at the ulticers of Steel Corpora. please the most fastidious.
nio, Frederico and Aristidos Lu tiin or the Great Northern interests would The new place is immediately these men, who at the best ia to use quotation marks if you aua, and iu trauzit, also four discuss the rumour, opposite their old staud.
very deficient in reasoning. They know what are so named. Intelli deek passengers. She bronght ought to be excused for having yont individuals know that Sir 67 sacks mails.
kiudied fire on the cylinders. Sydney is at the head of the However this explosion ought Government of Jamaica. and he special train left here yester LA GEISHAto be a warning to all so that in can do and undo many things. day morning immediately after the future more care will be exyet he cauuot do or undo every.
the arrival of the Cartayo from ereised in the keeping and storing thing. And that very often he is New Orleans. The special came 60.
ul explosives.
deceived by his subordinates on to Limon on Monday evening and whes recommandations and ad was in waiting till yesterday in the best assorted Bar Room in San José. Specialty in English and noke «La Nacionals cigarettes vices he acts. Haven you eul morning when the Hon. Luis The teed, the cheapest in the coun. led that fron the is site of the 26th Elusteid, wife aud daughter on which was a Imittally called froin tuding back an, dila Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
American drinks


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