
Rate of Subscription Payable in advance Editor ANGEL GORONAS THE TIMES month 00 months 00 00 12 10. 00 Single copies. cents For Advertisements, apply to tha Manager.
OFFICES: 3RD AVENUE Bex 316 CABLES TON DAILY NEWSPAPER Vol ONLY cents silver COPY Limon. Thursday 2nd November 1911 ONLY cents silver COPY Nº 967 was no by Turks. vice Admiral Belue and the most Barbers and Degroes THE TIMES Ond hears all kinds of languages Disgraceful Odour.
Local News. Benghazi Port Limon, Costa Rica (6. spoken, including Harsa, but Arabic predominales.
We would like to call the imThe Cartago is expected to arrive Bombardement here to morrow morning from Colon, The three large market places mediate attention of the Health bringing mails and passengers.
ANCIENT TRIPOLI WAS TERRIFIC SLAUGHTER which spread outside the city Officer or whoever is responsible ramparts are really enrious to the grave danget that now The Tortuguero sailed mid day OF TURKS FORIGNERS WORTH SEEING. There ivory and ostrich feathers threatens the town of Limon, and yesterday fo: Bristol with a few passengers ure brought from the south by which ought to be averted at whose names are: Frank Parkinson, AntoALSO KILLEU.
the caravans along desert roads, once so as to avoid anpidemic.
nio Pradilla, Ludwig Seibo.
CAPITAL CITY. SURROUNDING which have been used for cen While one of the staff was The Frutera arrived here about 30 Malta, Oct. 24. In lutiers reOASES, TOWN TOWER, MINAR turies. Earthenware, native and passing the eriminal Judge office yesterday afternoon from New Orleans. ce ved here from Bengliai, iri.
European tissues, fruit (mostly a most abnoxious sinell was ex. No passengers came by her. She left early poli, tue writers estinato tut vasETS, AND DAZZLING WHITE dates, figs and olives. and all perienced in the vicinity of the this morning for Charleston with a cargo ualties among the iura llauls eDOMES OF MOSQUES, kinds of vegetables are every place that is enough to invite the of bananas to the extent of 18, 000 hunches.
Bulting from the bombardment by COMPLETE PICTURE where in evidence.
scough called cholera. Deterthe Italian floet at 4, 000.
But what is most interesting to special train left here at am. on Tae inined to find out what caused OF INTEREST.
British consulate was badiy the visitor is Meshiga or Mes the foul odour our man set about Tuesday morning for the purpose of convey og Dr. Steggall to the capital; the aged and consul John Fraucis linga a vast and delightful oasis to make enquiries aud within a Doctor was summoned by the Railway Jones was wounded. Several Jowo Tripoli, on which the attention to the east of Tripoli. There, few mitates he was put in posses. Company to attend Mr. Arthur Farrer, the of the world is now focussed, is who are British subjects and nad amid the verdant palm groves, sion of the facts as to how and storekeeper, who is dangerously ill in San takeu refuge in the British convery little frequented by the travare the tombs of the Karamaulian why such state of affairs exists. Jose, Bulate, were killed or wounded.
eller. Even those privileged few Sultanasa Karamanli and his It transpired that a statute is who do the Mediterranean thor desendants governed Tripoli dor. in existenee permitting the desThe gasoline boat Alva came from Numerous buildings, including oughly do not call at this little ing the eighteen centary and Bocas del Toro yesterday morning and a Maltese church were destroyed.
truction of dogs found straying brought a few passengers. She left the Eight Maltese were killed and towo typically Moorish is aspect, until 1835. and there also, in rus on the streets, and that the force and which is clumsily built on a same evening for Bluefields to return on ten wounded, it 18 said.
tie, Central African cane huts, of which is now in existence, and Monday or Tuesday next.
small North African promontory live the Sudanese begroes, descenThe correspondents add that someone is commissoned to des.
some two hundred miles south of wild panic privailed in the city.
dauts of slaves captured in the troy the eannie crentures that is Mr. Gordon, the popular Enlish Malta.
south. who are such a spical found prowling around the cits establishment to premises more spacious tailor of Limon has removed his tailoring London, Oct. 24. The corresThe tourist sometimes calls at pundents of the London Times feature of Tripoli.
No one will dare deny the right that lately occupied by Mr. Merrill, where every harbor between Tangier and the other English papers at Here and there are scattered of such a statute, but when the a cigar factory was kept. It is to be Tripoli have been reporting by and Tunis, bot even if he is the groups of mud houses, where dogs are destroyed thy should hoped that the new stand which really is happy owner of a steam yacht way of Malta that the affair at Arabs dwell and beyoud, amid be buried into a deep hole or better than the last will induce more cus and has decided to sail eastward, the sandhills, are the tents of carried far out to sea that the tomers.
Benghazi was much more serious to Egypt or Palestine, it will in than the Italian censorship had numberless nomads.
current could wash th mi other all probability not even occur to The rapid deseription of the directions. But instead our man As matter anising out of a letter written permitted to be known.
mm that Tripoli and Bogazi are capital of Tripoli and its environs was told that the animals are at Estrada apparently making reference to not far out of his route, and he The Judge at that place and which is in the were not complete without a men. thrown into the mouth of the hands of the Cnminai Judge of Lumon, wilt sail in a straight line, from of Tuuis to Alexandria, totally is fishers, to many of whom die of and be a menace to the lives of Estrada, was by a police ana nonug taid vast and mysterios paralysis as a result of constant healthy people.
placed in the cuartei for two days, during laul waica has in turus bien con Toulon. The torpedo boat destroyers diving, and of Lebda, a small wheh time no one was allowed to speak to Immediately oppsite the old him He was afterwards brought to Trident and Mosqueton collided du.
quered by the Phæuivians, the harbor, sixty miles east of Tri Freem: n I dge was to be found Lioon and cared before the Criminal ring the manoeuvre of the French navy.
Romans, the Vandals and the poli, chielly known for its exports yesterday, the carcases of a fero Julye who said there charge The Mosqueton was rather badly stove Araus, aud is now once more a in, but was able to wake port. No Cataliof esparto grass.
of the animals that must have against him and sel nim at liberty.
ties have been reporteu.
matter of contention.
Esparto grass is one of the been thrown there. It was hardAnd why should the tourist phrases which reenra inet fre ly possible for one to stand the LOSS OF THE LIBERTE visit Iripoli. Unless he is a Paris. The idi affirms that absokeep student or arena ology and quently in the conversation of fumes that enitted from these Tripolitans, for it is one of the dead bodies. bope the attenlute difference of opinion exists between from this point of view fripoli, chief exports of that little known tion of the Health africhr will be Chased watu its remarkable wealth of an.
laud. The fibre of this precious drawn to this evil and a spredy Marine, Delcasse, as to the cause of tiquitius, is well worth a prolong piant, which attains a hight of retnedy be made.
Libthat destruyed the STERMER HAS EXITING EXPE tio explosion erte.
The Admiral who commanded the ed stay there is little to attract Suveral feet and grow in thick, RIENCE SENATOR PERCY second to which the bat leship him to this barren or rather unwide clusters, is reed for all kinds belongid, maintains that the disaster was sufo land. Here and there a few of purposes. Mats, baskets and The Jamaica Town ABOARD, due to decomposion of the powder in her Oases balance their palms and rope are made with it, aud when magazines. Delcasse refuses to accep there are a few fertile tracts, es New York. Officers of the Austrian it las been washed and bleached Confession.
that explanation pecially along the coast, but the it is extensively used by paper Line steamer Marthe Washington, which arrived from Trieste Patras and Palermur desolate and extensive wastes of manufacturers.
brought belated war news in the report cand or rock between these make We are informed that further Turkish toops are everywhere interesting confessions are being for some distance off the port of Patras by that the Martha Washington was chased Cabrera Peña unos une nesitate to travel far in this to be seen in and around tripoli, inhospitable land where Euro and tue rabs of the interior are made by the party whose black Turkish 110 TA CONVENIENCIA The excitement occurred on the nige peaus are from welcome; where cat was drowned, the latest being well armed fanatics, wonderful that the calabash in which cer9, whicn wes unusually dark at water is scarce, railroads un riders, excellent marksmen, and GRAND FANCY STORE the torpedo boat kent up the chase until tain witnesses sbadows were known; where the cirocco blows sturdy men who know not fear she had focused her seachlight on the We keep a special assortiment of Ameri.
hercely especially at this time and who have the most bellicose confined has been broken. There liner bow and learned the steamer can and Country made Shoes, Italian Straw name.
is however one calabash from of the year and where the gen. instincts.
Hats, Stetson and Ton Gall felt Hats Tucurrique that still holds out eral atmosphere that pervades the Ties, Umbrellas, and tine suspenders. Beau Among the passengers on the Martha tiful Babies Silk Caps and a first class United States Senator Washington and hopes are entertained that an little equalid towns, with their stock of superior quality goods.
Leroy Percy of Mississiopi and Mrs. Our prices are the lowest in Town!
tortuous, ovil smelling streets, the important witness in the robbery Percy.
Call on us at the premises fer nerly oner Correspondence.
market places outside the walls, case will yet break his neck as pied by The White Store Limón, and the primitive encampments promised by the obeahman before of aggressive looking Domads, GOT TIE FOOT IN THE he gives his evidence. Look out seems to remind one unpleasantly for the names. Farl of Onslow Trade Notice.
MOUTH that Tripoli was for many centories chiefly famous for its pirates, Dead. We are pleased to inform the the dreaded scourge of the Medit. To the Editor af the Times, public of the removal of the erranean.
ENGLISH PEEL HAD LONG AND British Pharmacy to more spaThe capital, without claims to Sir. We road with horror and after the Steed BRILLIANT CAREER.
cious buildings where they will great picturesqueness is not an amazement the rubbish written continue to expose for sale their ugly place when viewed from the by in the issue of Saturday London. The Earl of Onslow died. far famed delicacies and patent sea from outside the roadstead last iu trying Vainly to criticise William Hillier Onslow. was born in 1853, medicines, We Espositor masterpiece guarded by a dangerous bar.
and had been a chairman of committees It is said that absolutely none In addition to their already It is surrounded, like most were really giving too much and deputy speaker in the House of Lords but railway employeus and par since 1905. He was a Conservative large stock they have just added Moorish and Tunisiau cities, by credit for intelligence and com ties having business with the He was twice a lord in waiting, was a splendid assortment of frest dilapidated walls. On one side mon sense, but now we find we shops are permitted to Under Secretary for the Colonies in 1887. goods. They have made their of the harbor are a few forts and have to retrace.
pass through the yards, an armed 88, paniamentary secretary to the Board of assortment of perfumery a specialearth works, which boast a few Trade in 1888, Governor and commander ty and they are prepared to PUBLIC OPINION watchman is stationed at the in chief of New Zealand in 1888 92. pre please the most fastidious.
suus, and at the other tud stands gate in front of the old station sident of ine castle of the urkisn Gov.
while another guards the other 1903 og in Lord Salisbury and Mr. The new place is immediately luor. Above the town tower end of the yard near the end of four Ministries.
opposite their old staud.
the hospital. These two sleuths of a not only demand your busiuess which are the religious and politi cal places of rendezvous of the partment with which you have LA GEISHAMuslem inhabitants. ne papalation of the Euro. and the four groups of bankers who arLoneon. Negotiations between China business after which they escort you to the gate to make sure you pean quarter, called Marina, is raged the currency reform loan of are off the premises.
chiefly Maltese, thoagu there is a 50, 000, 000 have been suspended The considerable Italian colony and a International bankers concerned recently refused China request for a temporary In the best assorted Bar Room in San José. Specialty in English and Low tuousaud Jews. In the Darloan of 3, 000 for its war fund, preferring Smoke La Nacionals cigarettes row iu paved streets at Tripoli, to maintain a neutral attitude as between The cheapest in the couna purkish torpedo boat.
October Closing the Stable Escaped.
the minarets and the dazzling Negotiations Suspended. but accompany you to that deArabs, Turks, Kabyles, Moors, the governadahnenster programarea telebioteca Nacionársawer Obregón Lizano del sistema Nacional del cas del Ministerio de cur American drinks


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