p. 4


Linen Coatski Thursday 2nd November 2011 THE TIMES Maduro and Sons.
La Mascota IMPERIAL EMBROCATION The best Remedy for the worst Pain. Cahas Cia. Smyth y Cis SAN JOSE LIMON The best assortment in the country LISTON.
Oppoeite a la. General Merck dize. The best Liniment for all Diseases that require an external Complete witment of Truals, and application of a strong and antiseptic counter irritant.
bags sait cate, iron bedstads All kinds MONES EXCHANGE Equally as Ffications for Animal as for Men American gold and green. bacus Manufactured by Drafts and cheques en Jamaica, Pasa HERMANN ZELEDON s, London New York, bestrates BOTICA FRANCESA BUYERS OP PRODUCE San José, Costa Rica Best prices paid for rubber and Cacao, Agents for NeHome.
SEWING MACHINE AK prices THE GEM Matina You cannot lose your money The Best Store in the Town Complete Assortment of Goods. Lowest Prices Provisions, Liquors, Dry Goods, Boots, Crockery, Hardware, Medicines Etc. Etc. For the modest Sum of 30 cents will Register your letters 25 cents for Registering and cents for returning Receipt.
Send me your money for Checks, exchange on Jamaica 11. 00 The most up to date and reliable firm in Costa Rica.
All correspondence handled free of charge. Mendez. 20 CENTS 20 CENTS PO BOX 155 LION.
La Florida Milk Money Exchange. at twenty cents per bottle. To be had at The Costa Rica Soda Water Company.
and drafts on Jamaica THE CHEAPEST AND MOST RELIABLE HOUSE IN Town The buyers of drafts are well protected by the reliability of the firm. There is absolutely no risk in losing your money. AGENT for Waltham Key Stone Elgin watches, and Singer Sewing Machines. Call and see on assortment of Vjeto sell the Iver Johnston and Harrington Richardson Revolvers, Lottery Talking Machines, different sizes and pri. Tickets Wholesale and Retail. Picture Postcards and Postage Stamps.
Spectacles of every description in gold and plate.
of cod liver oil ALKING liver CAW of HOTEL Ur SAN JOSE.
and Fifty yards from the Central Park.
SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA Experience will demonstrate that it is the most powerful for convalescence, general feebleness and all sickness of breast and lungs, os consumption, brone kitis, etc. Jures anaemia, lassitude, stimulates appetite and gives strength Because they are the best and cheapest.
We have the best assortment in Electric Supplies, Carpenters Tools al vigour to system. Askallway for the Sterne For sale at a good pharmacie Articles for Construction, For Sale. Tailor JAS. GORE, GET I guarantee perfect workmanship Gorredor Jurado and Commission Agent, Port Limon.
VICTOR and fine dwelling in Cairo situated in the oest business centre, direct in front of Wm. suits are well made and fit to perfectio Your Wants Fill enLeerocery, containing rooms, kitchen HUTCHINSON MONEY. Will lend you, lend for you or advise you how to invest small or large and verandah, Cheap for cash. Apply to BOX PA amounts here and abroad, your THOMAS MCLEAN.
BUY or SELL home For you! Hat Pin to Banana Farm MAGHINE Cairo Notice.
RENTS and DEBTS Collected here and in Jamaica Inrestigations and all Commissions undertaken local and foreign.
Port Limon August 13, 60 Wholesale and Retail Drafts WANTED. Members for LIMON CITY DISPENSARY. Twenty five Cents FOR SALE, One Upright Grand Piano, Typewriters, Iron Heds and Mauresses.
on Jamaica, American Gold and per week Green backs always on sale.
NB. Look out for monthly auction sales.
Ay uood Business!
CALL or WRITE, Office Street Post Box 418. Port Limon, MADURO SONS At La Pacua, near Sta tion, two hundred manzanas first Notice.
class for babanas.
We also sell Watermanes Ideal bas drin Limou to the Times. The undersigned begs to inform Ter, and in San José to his numerous customers Fountain Pens the only «Ideal»
friends that fften auys from CARLOS GUARDIA.
to day if they do not turn up at his tailoring establishment, opposite Don Aasch Store, Limon, their geods will be sold out.
Dr Villa Haeusler The best and most comfortable habitation in the city. First Class JACKSON. Meals. All services guaranteed.
Liinon. Sept. 10. 911. 15 PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON MADAME LUNARD. To the front again. Who?
Has transferred his office and priManageresa.
vate residence to upper floor of Mr. Ri.
cardo Murales. Ice cream house near SOLE AGENTS FOR Londres. Hote. PETGRAVE. English and Ame.
rican Tailor of Siquirres, He is as For Sale.
Black and White The Anheuser Busch Brewing Association ever prepared to give entire satisfaction in the out of fast going suits. He also «Budweiser urnishes. lry him and be convinced.
One mule and two horses, good The best Store in the VR. GALLEGOS, for any class of work. Apply to. Anheuser Busch American Dentist For Sale.
RICARDO MORA The best beer that comes to the countty, Just received a complete assortmen, of Has returned from San José. That beautiful cottage with Limon, Sept. 15, 1911.
dry Fancy OFFICE adjoining lot 200 yards more or adies Rain Cloaks in Silk, and less west of Siquirres Railway Notice.
formerly located at South West of the Market Station.
ceries, Lottery Umbrellas. Pats, Seks, Sockings, etc has been removed to Dr. Migue. Velazquez II. That splendid business VETERINARY INFIRMAR. LIMON All, specially selected by our Mr. Breedy house, in front th Park, opposite the Unito Fruit Conimissary site with house of three rooms, who is now in the Init Sales Tickets. bringe work Price treats disense in horses, 50 yards east of Siquirres Rail.
Fint Fungs.
mules, etc. on most approved scientific FASHION HOUSE.
Luis Long experiene.
NOTICE way Station. For particulars, methods. Skilful shoeing done by experiRabi CES. Juro enquire of enced smith; charges moderate. Advice SALE The leading Fancy and Dry Goods GAYLE free to customers. Your patronage sol mouse colour, Stable Jack, in tine Store in Siqnicres.
icited, Office at Rocke Photograpnic ditconion very young. Fur particulars apply Siquirres, Box 16, large sortment of Ladies Dress Banana Cocoa.
Limon. Sept. 13, 1911. 10 Wear are always on hand.
Boots and Shoes a specialty FORS LE at tourteen and a half miles Wanted a splendid new Farm extensively culti.
Tweeds and Coatings of different and second lot from frum railroad, three with barana and cocoa First One hundred and thirty colones (130 00) from one thousar. competent baker to begin work safat Texture hundred hectarias, 110 manzanas are culti on or before the 18th October.
Peña Brothers Hnts. Hats of latest patterns. vated. Lumber for building purposes ant Apply 13 manzanas pastire lands. Information CENTRAL SOLOSION RODGERS.
LIMON, 4th AVENUE 50 YAFDS FROM POLICE STATION BOX No. 5received and given at Twelve Miles from Siquirres.
We keep a special assortment of flooring battous sidins, ceiling and partition Proprietor THOMAS LEWIS.
Limon. Oct 14, 1911. 12 y.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica Oct, the Market, Country goods, Shoes, GroCotton FOR Studio. Box 99.
to Burrelli Foreign Pitch Pine Lumber


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