
Rate of Subscription Payable in advance Editor ANGEL CORONAS THE TIMES month. 00 months 00 00 12 10. 00 Single copies. cents OFFICES: 3D AVENUE Box 316 CARLES. TIET For Advertisements, apply to the Manager. DAILY NEWSPAPER ONLY cents silver COPY Vol ONLY cents silver COPY Limon. Friday 3rd November 1911 Nº 268 Smell. Assault on Tripoli.
it will be keenly desired by the way the reason why we leave our bland Unpleasant we Dr. James Ogilvie 79 Prospects. این per a to return home?
and wather Accident at Bodego Ley was concentrere can with us JOJOS, day by day, and the ownership of who have been abroad, can tell His ExcelTHE TIMES Port Limon, Gosta Rica (C. two North American nation. the that (From the Telegraph and Guardalltelligent people in Jamaica know why. In Jamaica We either cannot get em. correspondent in Limon Tripoli, Oct. 23. Dulayed in ian of Jamaica. ployment or do not get enough wages to writes complaining of the awful Transmission. Tue cum Ded THE GANAL AND WE.
sustanite. Here, or in any other country, find employment and invariably earn and disgusting smell that arises attack OL Arabian horen. from the St. Kitt men camp, Turkis Passing Away of enough to keep us and save something cavalry agai and suggests that the Goverowhere Italiau llues yesterday is It 18 said in America, and rement take steps to avoid the outwe get the lowest wages outside of Jamaica.
morning) was dotu pie pealea iu Eugland that the open9.
brak of cholera.
and Co.
ing of the Panama Caual must Iue main alan 16 golu per hour, regalar time of mine hours We learn with profound regret per day, eventually mean the absorption furou was assisted by IK ents gold per hour for through the Jamaica papers the by the United States of all CenOvertime. We are also furnished quarters rautry anu anail ba Banana sal America (including British death of Dr. James Ogilvie, which under Sanitary OL diuus, wuo uc.
nary conditu. s: beules, the American Government turnishes us with all tiry from the Bbeter UL Lees.
Honduras. and also of the island sad event took place on Friday necessaries of life at cost, in some in The following is from the ue of Jama ca. Those English wri evening 20th ultimo, at his resiHanaus Wudiuuu Sauces lower than the cost in the United Daily Gleaner, Jamaica: ters who express this opinion denee, Camp Lodge, South Campsites of America. Very many of us earn shock aud wou repulse 10 The urought in the lower secseem to think that this inevita Road. Deceased was a Scotch from 40, 00dols gild upwards per month my, eventually surtouuu tion of the St. Mary bauaua belt blo expausion on the part of man by birth and resided in Ja. and not a fewer 65. codols, to 75 oodols.
Cuplung so voral uuudreu.
continues un broken. Raw clouds enemy lusl several nunulieu uvau month.
America is thing to grumble at, muca for number of years, In Jamaica we would probably get for gather, only to disperse and leave but is ratuer to be accepted as a where tre practiced his profession tre game class of work froin one shilling to and many wounded. in Luca lue planters more anxious than los Was Lol Berluus.
matter of course. The Americans to a good advantage. He was a two shilings per day with no other facilis ever.
are developing Central America, member of the City Council for Advice from ties. We inust also recommend that we It is now certain that there will Beuy baz say Cuba aud Porto Rico, and the that tue Arabian aud years and filled the position of get first class Medical attendance perfectly Luisoli be practica ly no Spring crop Americans are already recognised Mayor of Kingston with proficifree here.
losses in the engagei ut wuch In Cuba and Costa Rica where we are as having the ultimate word toeney. The deceased was appoint. Chietly ewgaged in agricultural labour, we around Richmond, Highgate, Port Maria and Annotto Bay; and what Ion wedlue Italian Listlik say in the Republic of Hayti. ed and held the position of are even higher paid mout au lal place to budaled trees survive the drought are not America will have no difficulty in Health Officer for Kingston for it any wonuer, then, that many of au 400 dead, aud lom 800 to expected to produce anything of 1, 200 wounded.
hoisting the Stars and Stripes some years and Jamaica best so as leave the island never a few months a yield till late in the year.
over any of the countries just prior to his death he relinquished For these very reasons many of our best mentioned; but Jamaica is a dif tue position. The deceasel is Mail advices received at Lalia men are torsaging their allegiance to ferent proposition and one not 80 survived by a widow aad saveral Britain to become citizens of other countries. Sea goers.
yesterday turow a buna dit easily mandied. We read, how. Bons and daughters Right here this is happening very frequent Cerest uguu on tae аѕutius 1 ever, that the fact that British ly. n poul, iudicating luat the ulsHonduras, Jamaica. We also beg, that should Your Excel. The United Fruit Company Paws, Ko te aoure from in alien possession block the way to steamer Carcago was des poten un unreci, are cusurou oo caution in cover with itse American a complete rounding off of the u vu Weuuesday last for viou cause we are atraid that Ildaus, Wicu 10dy explaisie authorities, Tuture Dational estate, they re. sad accident occurred at No.
nuula they lean how wretch diy we are taking the follow. ag passengers. ausence of detaus regarding to Dr. Loungy, gard as unfortunate, but, for the Bodego wnich resulted in the treated at home, they may reduce the scale Euward Ilallau casualties.
moment, not urgent. That is to carring of a young man named of wages which is rey nut as uigh as it Trotinuu, Kaust, Raymond Bay, the Americans are not yet Diamond to the Uuited Fruit could and should be Dauu, Jusquia Savona, Martin prepared to open negotiations for Compauy hospital waere he was Plenty more can be said on this subject.
but we will not. inpose wa Yuur ExcellenAlguier, Harry Gro umer, Stamboul in Luis islaud, but expect to do so at admitted as a patient yesterday cy patience Mupili tumpus, tiafael Bomu luture date. We believe morning. Hoping tha you will see fit to agree durpiu, wes. And do Jandtuti, Flamese that most of us now here will live The young man who is a relaMiss Maria de audioti, Jose iu see those negotiatious beguu. tive of Mr. Jack Wilia ng wito We remain, Sir, Dungu, Dalmau. Jose ATH JUSAND HOUSES DSi How will they eud! We are uot was employed as a labourer at the Yours most faithfully, rolcareu, Jose Corou, Alex. iv. EU IN TURKISH CAPLAND ging to prophesy at this mo Bodego, and while assisting in Croix, dinry Lefevre, TIRES ILL RIUIN Solomon, AW Vight wcut; but we may point out that, taking off a large case from a don arouer, autrias W11W Peploe Brooks, Lester 10 however slight an extent, the truck, another labourer that cars Jonas, Allan Dale, Or. Weyucudus, Dougues Pouce, Geo. Constantinople. coada a la ingin sa Dual people of this culouy must be al rea. box containing iron that lin, Johnson, sa aut Aulus, ay 01, U10 12 Watson, addon forses, surge Barnes low cu some say as to what their weigned 1, 120 pounds soddenly KUDU, David At the time of the filling of.
Jailla 1, 000 aub. Qave been destroyed Tuture portucal connection is to Joha 14. Drum non, became powerless of controling Tom. cy Dalos, Jane Suales, Bartuan WalkB. Ste var It scem, ilkely nat it will sene be, aud tueir decision one way or his truck and in consequence the. US. Lady, Rosinoad Limsay, before the ies can be subdued Geo. Budzes, risus. Such auotuer will depend upon whetuer box overbalanced coming in conH. Cha noes, LeW.
Wates pati, Urian Donor, tuey are coutented or not.
tact with Diamond whose back Snith, Andrews, Jou Williams, dary Willians, They do not profess to be con was turned toward him.
Olivje re.
For Sale.
Prorange Sunndaul cabia tented now. They are to be thrown to the ground, the box On behalf of hundreds of other Jamai Pusdungere tu traust aud deckEnA second hand baby coach.
found not only in Jamaica, but falling on one of his legs, break. cans.
quire at this office.
An alarm all along the Caribbean Coast of ing it near the ankle.
Central America, in the neigh was made and with the belp of Cook to Brave Caorera Peña Hnos bouring Spanish American island eight in the case was taken off and in the United States itself: the unfortunate fellow.
L4 CONVENIENCIA they have come and are coming News has reached here that the Copenhagen. Dr. Cook the near pole GBAND FANCY STORE. though finder who proclaimed his alleged discovWe keep a special assortinent of Amert they may not like him, thougn ery troin this city wo years ago is to lec can and Country made shoes, Italian Straw on Thursday morning.
We have much pleasure in reture here on October 23 in spite of good Hats, Stetson and Von Gall eit they may be proud of their Britudvice Tias, Umbrellas, and duu suspenders. Beau isn citizenship and desirous that producing the following letter tiful Babies silk Caps and a tirst class Jatvaiea shall remain a part of that have been recently pud stock of superior quauty goods.
Our prices are the lowest in Town the British Empire, yet when they blished in the Jamaica Daily Call on us at tne premises fet nerly one are called upon to choose be Gleaner. The letter is inas.
pied by The White Store. Limón, treeu material benefits and senti terly written, giving sound And The Harvest Festival at Cruiser Ashore.
ments they may not in the end advice to Governor Olivier, decide forjentiment. In another what strike us most is the recent Mark Auzan Caureu on suuTrade Notice.
day last was fairly well attended Lisbon. The Portuguese cruiser Sao fifteengor twenty years, however, coincidence here; ouly lately a Rafael, of 500 trs displacement, lost tue condition of Jamaica may well kuova gentleman lately but the offerings of gotaves her bearings in a fog and ran ashore at the fruits etc. wore of a most mere mouth of the Ave. River. The crew had public of the removal of We are pleased to inform the have improved considerably. We from the lines and a correspon.
tilu may theu be far more contented dent of this paper expressed him deseruption and won sold ouly difficulty in getting to dry land owing to Britisn Pharmacy to more spathan we are to day, and may self freely on the same strain as he rough seo.
Ihalized 11. 50.
cious buildings where they will object to even a suggestion of a thewriters of the following letter: Tue congregation have evident continue to expose for sale their change. But we may then have ly not givou uvor teir Boycott. Russian RailTHE LETTER far famed delicacies and patent Can any of our readers sly wony?
to face another problem, mulues road Profits. mediciues.
Canal Zone, imperial,, Prelerence becoms the In addition to their already policy of the mother country in October şth, 1911, the meautime we may have to His Excellency, New Comet. St Petersburg. The Government rail large stock they have just added roads had a recorl year in the matter of a splendid assortment of fresh lace the problem of connectiou Sir Sydney Olivier, KCMG, prosperity. The net income for the year goods. They have made these with America or no market. ІС ended June 30 was 961, 989. 636 rubs, Cambridge, Mass. Astronomer assortment of perfumery a specialGovernor of Jamaica that problem should face us, our Bella wsky, of Kiel, is the latest wych was 135, 386, 668 rubleg above the ty and they are prepared to recourse inust be to Canada. Can. Honoured and esteemed Sir. We discoverer of a couet. Acable.
uda Wali by, that date have bethe undersigned (loyal Brush subjects and grai a unorucing tuis fact us The expediture for the sa ne period please the most fastidious.
The new place is immediately come inueu richer and strong Telegraph and Guardian that Your Ex was 629, 605, 297 rubles or about 314, natives of Jamaic) having read in the beu received at the darvard ob800, 00 opposite their old staud.
Lausne 18.
Sue should then te Ineur waar visiting the Canal dervatory.
atho to offéry us advantageous Zone and Costa Rica for the purpose of Vlowed by Giarma scientists terws; and then it will be seen investigating the inbour conditions and on Septe. ner with the naku hetuer or not the Britisu Gov.
wye in the constellation Leo, rigat LA GEISHA enient will be iuclined to give to Centre America and other parts of the ascousiou 10 degrees 48 mluvsod, a straigut rebuft to the United cellency to forego this trip, unless he mere declination Norte deg 13 miu.
States, which will, of course, pro ly intends to come on a pleasure trio and utes, moving due east. Tae Bula LHSL against Jamnica becoming to visit the canal wote la wsky cowet is brighter tuan counceteu with lue Dominion of We are of the opinion that if he comes eitare of its rivals, bue Brooks in the best assorted Bar Room in San José. Specialty in English and in an official capacity and at the Public Cauaua. Watever happeus, uuwevo, uue tuing is vertain, Ja nai.
expense, it will be an unnecessary waste of aud Quenisset cuines. It is rappub to mones idiy approachiug the sun and eau ca will increase in importance Vestplatte Authepistedisapha Blokarais Moional Pige Hesablamo da bistema nacional Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y juvemua, Costa Rica He was Alarming News Copenhagen more and more into cloud contact Timely Warning wireless telegraph station at Blue Harvest Festival, Portuguese American drinks


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