
Rate of Subscription Payable in advance Editor ANGEL GORONAS THE TIMES month. 00 months. 00 0. 00 12 10. 00 Single copies.
bcents OFFICES AVENUE P: Box 316 CABLESTIE For Advertisements, apply to tua Manager. DAILY NEWSPAPER ONLY cents silver COPY VOL ONLY cents silver COPY Limon. Saturday 4th November 1911 N9269 Trip to India.
Spies in England.
do vardad manot to mentoring consisting of together with a letter from th muding the table de ment have been the as man The de fine revenue in conseguence.
THE TIMES But if should be publicly acensed Local News Costa Rica Loan.
Port Limon, Costa Rica (C. of being a wizard. his chances of escaping death are lew, for an Mr. Perey Lindo, of the firm of The London Morning Post London. In the absence of the King infuriated, terror stricken African Lindo Bros, was a passenger yes states that Messrs. Duon, Fischer, in India at the Durbar in November, a on board the Prinz and Co. announce that they have commission appointed by him will act in TRAGING THE ORIGIN people are not to be trifled with. terday the King behalf. The names of those who If it is believed that he has da Joachim from Jamaica received a further remittance of will form the commission have not been anOF OBEAHISM. liberatly bewitched someone 0002 on account of the service nounceu. It probably will include those and every West African everyone splendid and large automo of the Costa Rica Refunding Loan of the Lord Chancellor, Lord Loreburn, believes himself bewitched pretty bile ca ne on the Prinz Joachim of 1911 for 2, 000, 000 in respect of Mr. Asquith and the Lord President of the Council often during the course of his yesterday. It is learnt that it the half year endiag July next.
life he most be a very powerful will be taken to San Jose. The Jamaica Daily Gleaner Let us see how a man becomes or very lucky individual to es machine wg in charge of Mr.
a wizard or obeahman in West cape the consequences of his al Perey Lindo, who, we believe, is Africa, and what sort of position ledged wickedness. Remember, the owner. Gazette the West African priest occupies, it is usually the witch doctor, It is expected, says a London despatch, that the authorities will shortly take strin.
and what are bis functions. The who is a priest or priests who The wiroles station at Bluedifference between the priest aud denounces him; and what can the fields that was interrupted and Extraordinary. gent steps to deal with the nest of foreign Secret service agents which is said to exist the wizard will thea become plain, independent practitioner do wherr pnt out of commission by lightat Portsmouth. In consequence of recent Gazette Extraordinray. was and the reader will be able to ap. caarged with heresy or something ning is again in working order.
mysterious occurrences the Admiralty his preciate better the broad distinepublished at Jamaica on Satur ordered that look out men on worse by one of the regularly tion which now exists between ordainel hierarchy. Witchcraft home ports shall The Co will be de day 21st ult. It contained a proreport im nediately to the office of the watch the the most superstitious Jamaican is hated in West Africa quite as clamation of neutrality by His of any spatched wart this morning with small xats hovering Susni.
ay revivalist, who is tolerated by the bitterly as it has ever been hated mails and pa seigars for New Majesty the King on the occasion at the law, and the obea binan, who is elseroliere and they punish the of war between Italy and Turkey Orleans vin Barrios. She is down strongly condemned by it.
witch or magazines, tooted To the late Sir Ellis and Secretary of State for Foreign and the Metropolitan detective staff at the the maximam amount of hate. 55, 000 bunches of bananas.
Miss Mary Kingsley we are chief Affairs, embodying Rules whicb dockyard, which consisted until recently witeh is regarded of one man, has been largely increased ly indebted for our present kuow. altogether bad, and the priests His Majesty has directed to be night boat patrol has been established to The Ca tugo arrived here ledge of the West African wizards, do their best to establisa tais from Colon ysterday at abont observed during the continuance prevent such incidents as the recent laadwitches and priesthood. As the opinion.
eleven o clock with a goodly of the present state of war.
ing of two men at the Tipnor magazine writers have shox the West priest on the other hand may number of passengers which are African natives, and partienlarly als) 11 you charms to scare as follows: Mare Van der Last, those of the Goll Coast (frana say thieves, help you to pros Mrs. Adelina Van der Last, En.
Jamaica Theatre.
The King which part of Africa a larut perity. or ko paway disaster. rigne Van der last, Miss Mercenumber of the Jamaican sluca All this com chin s5e fane des Margriere Juan Chacon, COLONEL WARD OFFERS TO New Crown.
were brought. believe in a num tias of th wit African clergy. Chita Mengis. Gonzala Facie, LOAN 3, 000 TO COMber of gods of differeat class He may even undertaky to Charles Kelly, Mis Maggie Kelly, Orders have been given (states the and nofqual power.
All these put death upon a nuu, as the William Kelly. Jam Kolly, Mrs.
Express. for the construction of gods have their priests and priest wizard. des, if he is sutiently Matilde Martinez, Gomoreindo.
special crown for the King when he atesses, but there is one particularly well paid for the business. But Calina, Carmen and Julio Marti The lovers of theatre going will tends the Delhi Durbar. The value is malignant spirit which, on the priests do not care to indulge in nez, Edward Parieles, Alber. be pleased to learn of Col. Ward estimated to be about 65, 000 was Gold Coast, lus no regular priest this sort of thing. The main of prepared by a lead ng firm to Marichal, Mrs. Hermina Mari contined generosity to his coun.
London jewellers, who hood. He is called Sasabonsun, pregent have the function is to propitiate the gods, chal, Miss Amelia Marichal, Fede. try Jamaica. After the destruc exec execution of the order in hand. Whether and any individual inay pnt him toutewitch people in a rord, rico Marichal, Alberto Mariehal, to of the theatre through the the King will decide to wear the Koh1 Belf in communication with him.
to prevent disisters from occurr Elisa Morrian, Teodosia Castro, severe earthquake in 1907 Noor in his crown at Delhi remains to be geen Sagabonsum favourite residence ing. Taey know, to that if Georgiana Castro, Ernesto Castro, lengthened agitation was made All India knows the legend. He who holds the Koh Noor ho. ds India.
is the ceiba, the giant lk cotton they came to be regented as will Elisa Jiminez, Francisco de la for the restoration of it; but no Since the annexation of the Punjab the irre, He is resorted to in the ag to act the part of coumon Esprella, Carlos Duran 13 cabin funds were available for the ro Koh Noor has been one of the chief dead of night, his votary going murderers for any one and at any jangers in transit and 18 deck building of the building, the City jewels of the English Crown, but Oueen to the spot where he is supposed price their influence would be Council was at a disadvantage.
Victoria never visited India, and King passengers, to live and collecting them a Edward Coronation Durbar was held by shaken: at the very least they The gallant Colonel without a Lord CurzonIndia has thus never get little earth, or a few twigs, or a would be bitterly detested. Then, moments notice offered the handbe held the Koh Noor on the head of a stone, he prays the god that his as things go in West Africa, they The Arrival of the some sun of 9, 0001 for the rebuildBritish Emperor.
power may unter tuis peculiar make a very good revenue out of ing of the edifice which amount receptacle. If he believes that their witch doctor work. couse. Prinz Joachim. was heartily accetped.
his prayer has been heard, he re. further sum is now required For Sale.
turas home with his suhmm, as. quently they generally leave be.
witching to those who make a Thus. Print Joachim, after for the equipping and decorating second hand baby conca. En the thing is now nam d, and the interior of th new building: practice of them. It is true that thorough overhauling and bene forward he has a poiver they personaily have nothing to cleaning of her keel resumed the cost of which is estimated at quire at this office.
which is formidable for injurious fear if it is known that they have her rat. At early moraing 3, 000l. And again the city is at Cabrera Peña Anos purposes, to which he offers saebewitched any one to death a yesterday the boat blew a disadvantage and cannot see its rifice, and to whose worship he thing which frequently means a loud blast which served to rouse way to furnish the amount. But LA CONVENIENCIA dedicates a special day in the poisoning But those who em. the pilot and loctor who lost no the Colonel determined to see the week. By th aid of this armor ploy the priest for this purpose time in getting on board.
The completion of toe building has of GRAND FANCY STOILE he can bewite a man to death ala liable to the punishment vessel was e sfully moored fered to loan the corporal body the We keep a special assortident of Aner He can also sill earns that will wila dan if therin can be alongside the dock by 30 but sum required (3, 0001) at the rate can and Country made Sites, Italian Sri Hats, Stetson and Von Gall (cu canis death or bodily injury. To brouzat none. The result is of three per cent. per annum at it was not before sometime after Ties, Umbrellas, and in suspenders. Beau other P raicious uses his tinat a priest will charge such an interest. The offer will be coue gat o clock in it the passengers tiful Davies Sulk Caps and a first class charins miy also be pat; thusa fre for killing were allowed to land. On her sidered by the special Theatre stock of superior quality goods.
suhmon enam. in thy shape of enemy by speils that he is not Call on us at the preinises feuerly ore woty down the boat called at Bocas Committee.
baudies of twigs is very iliasorte. to as a rale. Il remains pied by The White Spore. Limón, del Toro and cook up 12 tourists.
cious for kitaping taip away the healur, the witch fider, and The followicie wissengers arrived from a house or provision ground, the gate way of the gods on her: Miss Aleeste Cok, Percy General Kills Sell.
Trade Notice.
if huuz up wuare it enib: sea.
Lindo, Wilhelm Brunthorst. To be continued)
But a inan with such a power Dr. Listo Alberti Padillo: Pierre HAD BEEN SENTENCEDTO DEATH is, potentially at least, a very dan.
Lamicq. John McGuire, August We are pleased to inform the FOR COWARDICE gerous rm. Anyon4 may go Finum, Mrs. Elise Price, Jose public of the removal of the out and get a suhim if h4 likes, Vicedonini, Uriah Passly, Albert San Francisco. News was received here British Pharmaey to more spabut are they a few cho dare do Moreno, Mrs. Frieda White. From by the Chung Sei Yat Po that Gen. Chiang cious buildings where they will They are afraid of SawabonPino, of the Imperial troops who was sen.
Bacas del Toro: Mr. and Mrs.
continue to expose for sale their Brazilian New.
tenced to deatli tor cowardice, had com gum. the witches Got; they are George Wilfred Taompson, Miss mitted suicide. Viceroy Jul Chang of Hu far famed delicacies and patent likewise afraid of the opinion of medicines.
Ida Mary Thompson, George Peh and Hu Nau provinies escaped before their neighbours, who knowing Rio Janiro, An American gyn Wilfred and Blythe Harcourt le could be punished for a similar of.
In addition to their already ibat power to do harm is very divat has pure la big tract large stock they have just added Thompson, Miss Christine Cona. fence.
likely to be used harmfully, con of lauluear Ouro Preto, State of In Nan King the Viceroy is disarming han and 35 deekers from Jamaia splendid assortment of fresh demo the keeping of a suhman as Minas Gerace, conta uig iron the new army in far of treachery retaining goods. They have made their arms and military supplies while sending assortment of perfumery a specialprejudicial to the publie welfare. inines, aal will build a railway the soldiers to stations in the localp rovThere are also the priests who are to the nearest Irarbour for the inces.
ty and they are prepared to the proper and legitimato means transportation of minerals.
The finding of thirteen cases of dyna. please the most fastidious.
of approaching the gols. Tuese It is assured that Bernardino, Postal Savings De miten there gave the government great The new place is inmediately look upou the mau who has a Machado, form Minister of Foropposite their old staud.
suhman as an upstart rival, and eign Affairs in Portugal, will be posits are Private they keep a sharp eye on hiin. appointed minister het.
The man witu such a malignaut sigar congress has been in Funds.
power, therefore, often avoids agurated at Campos ir to the Min. LA GEISHApublicity; but either through the ister of Aguriculture presidiug. Washington. Banks that have been templation of gain, or because he It is said that the Manufacturers de igmatel as depositories for postal savwishes to be respected and feared contemplate forming a trust. ings bank fun must not advertise this.
by the paople, or because he et. This ruly has been made by the Try Dept which holus that thinks he is powerful enough to Smoke «La Nacionais os treicos padl sitng bns funds are private in the best assorted Bar Room in San José. Specialty in English and fout public opinion, he sometimes the best, the cheapest is the cor. funds and the anks therefore have no let it be know that he has a try.
tuey are Uuited States shman, and often be derives a dejrusitories Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
a SI Our prices are the lowest in Town oorinos SO.
American drinks


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