p. 4


Sturday 4th November 1911 THE TIMES La Mascota Maduro and Sons.
Dr Fránc Vegetable antibilious Pills TIMONI Op. Gineral charlize. oment of Truth and Les sites iron bedsteaeds All kinds Cahas Cia. Smyth y. Cis SAN JOSE LIMON The best assortment in the country SURE BLOOD LIVER REMEDY These pilleure all disorders of the stomach, Liver and Bowels Thasing seting as an altenitive on the Blood SYMTOMS OF DISORDERED LIVER Loss of appetite, Nausen, Cotive Pain and dull senator of the Head, Fullpes after Eating, Lack of Energy, with an inclination to shirk physical and mental labor, Loof Memory, with a feeling of having neglected some duty, Wearines, Palpitation of the Heart, Headache, Restlessness at night, Yellow Skin and highly colored urine HERMANN ZELEDON BOTICA FRANCESA San José de COSTA RICA THE GEM MONE EXCITAGE Aterian old and green back Dret a chegaron Jamaica, Para o London New York best BOERS OF PRODUCE Bespokespil for rubber and Cacao.
Agents lot Nen Home SEWINO MACHINE. All price You cannot lose your money Matina The Best Store in the Town.
Complete Assortment Of Goods ute Lowest Prices Provisions, Liquors, Dry Goods, Boots, Crockery, Hardware, Medicines Etc. Etc. For the wondest Sum of 30 cents will Roguter your inter 25 cents for Registering and cents for returning Receipt.
Send me your money for Checks, exchange on Jamaica e 11. 00 The rost up to date and reliable firm in Costa Rica.
All correspondence handled from of charge 20 CENTS 20 CENTS Mendez, La Florida Milk PO BOX 153 LIMON Money Exchange. at twenty cents per bottle. To be had at The Costa Rica Soda Water Company.
Guaranteed always fresh and drafts on Jamaica TI CEAPEST AND MOST RELIABLE HOUSE IN Town Call and see our assortment of Victo The buyers of drafts are well protected by the reliability of the Talking Machines, different sizes and pri. firm. There is absolutely no risk in losing your money. ADENT for Waltham Ker Scone Elgin watches, and Singer Sewing Machines. sell the Iver Johnston and Harrington Richardson Revolvers, Lottery Tickets Wholesale and Retail. Picture Postcards and Postage Stampe.
Spectacles of every depription in gold and plate.
RX: SIE SWITA Costa Rica VIEWS Méndez Stearn Wine VICTOR of BUY YOUR HARDARE SOM Davidson Co.
uru system. skal Breause they are the best and cheapest.
We have the best assortment in Electric Supplies, Carpouters Tools JAS. GORE, Articles for Construction, der GET Gorredor Jurado and Comission Agent, Port Linton.
VICTOR and Tailor Notice.
Your Wants Fill er guarantee perfect workmanship ALKING liven Wholesale and Retail Drafts FOR SALE. One Grmo Piro Fourage Cerca Crivers Eiphit Iron Led your Suits are well made and fit to perfectin ou Jamaica, American Golo aud Mattresses To Shares of the Janica lo Mourg Co. Three Shares of the home MAGHINE HUTCHINSON Greenbacks always on sale.
Jamaica Telephone C, etc, etc PO 20X24 LINDO CO. WANTED. Menters for The Linen Cits Dispensary at 25 rents per week. WILL. Bey Sel Collect Rents Debts ur Undertak hy Investigation Notice Commissions Local or rign Truco. or Sale. Lok out for me thly Auction Sins The undersigned begs to inform CALL OR WRITE Cric Stret, Pest Rex 418. Lien CR MADURO SONS his numerous customers friends that fifteen Quys from fine dwellig in Cairo situated in the Dest business centrs, direct in front of Wm.
to day if they do not turn up al Lee rocery, containing rooms, kitchen his tailoring establishment. oppo and verandahChean for cash.
also sell Watermanas Ideal site Don Aasch Store, Limon.
Fountain Pens the only Ideal their goods will be sold out.
Limon. Sept. 10. 911. 15 Port Limon August 13, 60 CAL and Apply to HOTEL Ur SAN JOSE.
Fifty Yards from the Central Park SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA ood Business!
The best and most comfortable habitation in the city.
For Sale First Meals. All services quaranteed. That beautitul cottage with la Pacua, near Sta MADAME HUVA adjoming lot 200 yards more or tion, two hundred manzanas first less West of Siquirres Railway class for bananas.
Managerens Station Apply in Limon to the Times SOLE AGENTS FOR II. That splendid business Manager, aud in San José to The Anheuser Busch Brewing Association site with house of three rooms, CARLOS GUARDIA.
Notice. Black and «Budweiser 50 yards east of Siquirres RailS Anheuser Busch way Station. For particolare, TERINARY INFIRMAR. LIMON ko VR GALLEGOS, enquire of The best Store in the The best beer that comes to the country, GAYLE, Price treats disease in horses, Just receive a complete assortieul, of Anerican Dentist Market, Country methods. Skilful shoeing done by experiSiquirres, Box 16, dry Fancy 6d has returned from San José.
Ladies Rain Traks in Slk, and Limou, Sept. 13, 1911. 10 Cotton, OFFICE free to customers. Your patronage sol goods, Shoes, Groicited. Office at Rocke Photograpnic Umbrellas Hats. Seks, Stockings, etc forserly located at South West of the Markt Studio Box 99.
All specially selectual or Breedy, ceries, Lottery ho is now in the has been removed to Dr. Miguel Velazquez house, in front of the Park. opposite the Uniteo Fruit Commissary.
Tickets FASHION HOUSE. To the front again. Who?
Crown and bridge wok Fitting plates Filings NOTICE. Pinless retractions. Long experiene. competent buket to begin work leading Fancy and Dry Goods Reasonabl priors. Julio FOR PETGRAVE. English and AmeSALE har before the 18th October tican Tailor of Siquirres, Rlle is as Store in Siquirres.
most luar. Stable Jack A: over prepared to give entire satisfaction in dituonion very young. Fur particular Apply uue out of fast going suits. also nishes him and he convinced.
Siquirres Turrell Wirin Banana bocoa.
Wear are always on hand. Oct 14. 1911. 12.
Boots and Shoes a specialty FOR LE at fourteen and a half miles DrT. Willa llacusler Tweeds and Coatings of different rated a splendid Farm extensively cuiri.
with badan and cocoa. First One hundred and thirty colones (13000) from one thousan and second lot from irem railroad, three. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Texture.
tundred hectarias, 119 mananas are cultiPeña Brothers Hats. Hots. of latest patterns vatel. Lumber for building purposes and il transfer Toue ad pri1 manzanas pastare lands Information LIMON, 4th AVENUR 50 YAFDS FROM POLICE STATION ROX No. 5Presiden taper for of Mr. RiSOLOMON RODGERS. received and given at Twelve Miles from We keep a special assortment of flooring buttons siding, ceiling and partition Mas lee cream buuse near THOMAS LEWIS Proprietor. We arcopt orders from the Lines, udrusJej Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
IC CENTRAL large scortment of Ladies Dresa Foreign Pitch Pine Lumber Ostath.


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