
Editor Rate of Subscription Payable in vace ANGEL CORONAS THE TIMES 00 00 10onth inutitis 12 Single copios.
10. 00 Scents OFFICES: 3D AVENUE Box 316 CAULE TIENT DAILY NEWSPAPER For Advertisements, apply Il Manager VOLI ONLY cents silver COPY Limon. Sunday 5th November 1911 ONLY cents silver COPY No 270 Money for a a more Co. dated 1902.
of their churches were seized by which the conscience of the Ja.
THE TIMES a desir to bacon possess by maican will easilytolerate. Those Local News.
Port Limon, Gosta Rica (G. the spirit, which, instead of who go to obeahmen in these now being a West African god, daya do so mainly for charms to Mrs. Owen, the wife of Captain the Cause.
was vaguely convinced to be the make the lucky, or that a ghost Owen, the Marine Superintendent TRAGING THE ORIGIN Holy Spirit Himself. Mr. War may be taken off them. For of the piers, came on the Es San Francisco Contributes the dell has also described for us a though there are few who will parta on Friday last funds of the hinese Toutons tinue to pour into the cofastela OF OBEAHISM. meeting of these Myalists: put a ghost on, there are not a The Missionary went to where few rather willing to think that Señor Nauños dramatic comagents of the rebels The he do the Chung Hwy Republic in Tai he heard the Myalists were ghosts have been put upon them. papy came from San Jose on Tung Yai Bo newspaper II dancing, and we found then in These sometimes resort to the Thursday last where they were is that 500. 000 dollars had been forward The noviciate of a priest or full force and employment, form obeahman, who has thus become giving a series of entertainments. Penang, in the Straits Settlements, where executive committee of the Yealing priestess on the Gold Coast lastsing a ring, around which were a the healer as well as the ill doer They left yesterday ou the Car for about two years. During that multitude of onlookers. Ioside Party is now located, whereas he was once an ill doer tago for Puerto Barrios.
time the novices are trained to the cirele some females performed entirely, with the myalman as his the work in one of the numerous a mystic dance, sailing rood and professional enemy consignment consisting of local theological colleges. They rond, and wheeling in the centre (concluded. 43 head of cattle come on the Canada Possiare taught the several dances, ini with outspread arms, and wild Esparta from Port Antonio, tiated in the art of working them looks and gestures. Others Jamaica, for the United Fruit bilities.
Belves into a frenzy and of letting hummud, cr whistled a low mono Correspondence.
Co. The animals were landed fall oracular utterances while touous tune, to which the per.
yesterday and will be taken to Montreal. Lord Charles Beresford, the possessed by the spirit of a god formers kept time, as did the To the Editor af the Times.
the farms for doing ploughing famous British dmiral, who is back from work.
aps in a supposedly unconscious people around also, by hauds and trip through Canadian West, declares that the Dominion has more feriile jard state. Their ordinary ceremonial feet and the sayimg of their Sir. You may be glad to hear of dress is white cloth, and they bodies. man who seemed to our movements in this division. We have discovered from a Teady for plough, more fine forests and daub themselves aller with mining country ready for the prospector direct the performavee, stood at Well nothing better financially later paper to hand that Col. and the capitalist than any other country white clay. They all carry outside with folded arms, quietly so we are still hoping religiously, Ward presented the city of King in the known world.
switches or sticks in their hands. watching Eneir evolutions This We had the Rev. Ford, of ston the further handsome sum Lord Beresford said he had sat in his Sometimes ou very special occacar looking out with amazecient upon coremony was afterwards closed Limou, to preach hot sermon of 3, 000 for the completion of thousands of miles of the finest wheat slops, it seems they wear red, with a ayma and prayers to a half interested gathering in the theatre. Previously he of fields in the world. He had sever seen a red is the colour of blood, and Tae wave of excitement died the Zent school bouse on Tuesday fered to load the money on inter better country for the willing farmer and the gods love blood; and red is away, Jamaica being a country night. From his logic of the text est.
there was certainly no country in the wide the colour of the sacrificial robe. where there have always beea which reads If a man die will world where capital could find Most of the Jamaica street preach policemen, and where some work he live again. Job ho seem to The e. Esparta came from profitable investment.
ers of the present day are clothed must be done if mou are to eat deny the resurrection of the dead Bostou late on Friday afternoon from top to toe in white. And faud pay their tasts. In 1860 61, taking the Parable of the rich bringing the following passenyou will notice the leader of however, some ill adviser! persons man in hell and the poor man in gers: Mrs. William Owen and Menace to them, you will generally observe thought the islaud veeded a reli Abraham e bosom. it his views daughter, Mrs. Burdette, that she carries a small switch io gious revival, Ruco as took place be correct, then we who are Miss Lois Girmmer, Henry her right hand French Navy.
in Wales the ober day. They expecting to get some money, Stevens, Miss Anita Jimenez, Miss Dancing to a particular rhythm, irad their revival, but they had even the grand prize then we are Maria Jimenez, Philip Hinckley.
Toulon. While the crew of the French possession by a god, then prophe. something else also For again going to have worst times yet, cruiser Lavoisier was at gun practice cies supposed to be uttered by a Myalisin broke out, started the mus: we cease hoping for better Arising out of a contention the officers notied a curious hissing and god through the mouth of the Churches, and ended in an age of times in Zent about a lottery ticket Señor Avi spitting when guns were fin. We are in the bush but not of possessed priestor priestess that immorality. From that time onbl Arosernena alleged that be der to cease firing was given one of the commonest religious wards it was beeu kucu nas Ryvi. it, in darkness but not in sympa eredited Clarke, the barber, with An examination which followed we ceremoules of the West African valism.
thy, so we are expecting to wear a lottery ticket and when he that the powder which was being used was priesthood. Uudoing the mis.
of the date of 1895. Recently chander Today, however, the Revival some of the fine linen and good asked for its equivalent in was issued for the coinmanuens of the warchief done by witches that is ists do not pretend to seek out food yet, and let all the sore foot the latter called bim ships to put ashore all porsele one of its most ordinary functions. and stroy obenh, for the law is ed fellows get in Abraham big liar and dishonest man Now let us read a missionary severe, noi poly on the obeah man bogom when they do meet. We Cia ke was suinmoned before the It is believed what a clou account of the first great oui. bat on asyone who caims to may attend a next sermon of this punce Judge yesterday to prova narrowly averted, break in Jamaica of what was have any knowledge of obeah and Modern Plato if he is coming une trutufulness of the assertion; then called Myalism, and which its works. The good and pious with even a drop of cold water but wheu before the Judge he detheu occurred because the slaves Recialist who should venture to in it. We believe God and the nel making use of the words and bad recently been freed and some tell where obeshewas, or who had Bible is still true and good. We Buid be xoew Señor rosemena to For Sale of the old slave laws related. We feeu obranedumight be promptly waut uo more fire than what we Je dotning less than a gentleman second hand baby coach. Enshall then see at or that Myal sent to prison a obeah man or are having here. We are asking ania ton surable man, he eupon quire at this office.
ism was nothing but an improved woman. Perhaps some Revival this gentleman to ask Dawnist he was discharged.
form of the old West African re ists do still perfrin the good about a good God.
work in secret, and for a consid. Thanking yo for space, Mr. The Cartag was des Cabrera Peña Hnos The wild ontbreak of Myalism, eration, but as a rule it is the Editor.
patched early yesterday morning in 1842, writes the Rev. Hope professional obeahman wad now for New Orleans via Puerto Wardell, was one of the most undertakes to pull off as well Zent Critic. 4ONFENIENCI Barrios with a goodly number of startling events in the history of as to put on obeah.
Zent. Brd Nov. 1911.
passeugers whose names are as 14. ND FANCY STORE the Jamaica inissions, and showed have known some of these fillows: James Hennesey, Recar.
We keep a special assortinent of Ameri how deeply rooted the old heathen obeahmem ant very pleasant per du Monge, Dr. Mengis, Oscar can and Country marle Shes, Italian SW ism of their race still was among sons found thein. Quite intelli Big Sweepstake. Sittentold, Miss Lorna Bingham, Hats, Stetson and Von Gall felt is the negroes. There bad been gent and conversatioual. They Alfred Eulit, Juan Quiros, tiful Bites Silk Caps and a first class Ties, Unbrellas, and file suspenders. Best outbreaks of this Myalism in charge for the work they do, it Lovers of the turf will read the follow Mrs. Joan Quiros, Edwardo stoek of superior quality kouls the previous year, and on one es. is true, but the Revivalist or My ing which is taken from the Telegraph de Arce. For Barrios: Virginia Our prices are the lowest in Town!
and Guardian of 24tsalt Call on us at the premises for terly of tate a freuzy had seized op som alist also used to exact a stiff Mavares, Eiriqueta Vall, Laura pied The White Store Il món, F report gained currency that the greatof the people, who went about price for un doing the obeahman est racing sweepstake ever run for in this Socios, Conception Adeur, Maria crying that the estate was poison work; for it must not be thought island will come old on the Kingston Race Auaya, Aurora Sales Maria ed by obeah, and that many had that the Revivalists ever assisted Course on the ist of January next. Farrer, Alga Vancompe, Zolla been killed by it, That every his fellow creatures in a purely the present. It has, however leaked out The facts are being kept very private for Moya, Miguel Munos, Wenceslao Trade Notice thing bad on the property was missionary spirit. As to know that the contestants will be two importea Bueno, Julio sato, Jose Palacios attributed thereto; and the disci. how the obeahman works, that 18 horses and a native bred Arturo Barca, Jorge Plascencia ples of that belief set themselves very easily explained. you go to Viucente It is also stated, on what appears to be We are pleased to inform the Ferria, Julio Soloi, removal of the public of the to discover and purge out and tell hin you god authority, that the amount of the Rute Requese, Felix Chase.
British Pharmacy to more spapoison wherever it existed. Men want to make an enemy ill stake runs well into three figures.
and women thus quenes, Tuomas Alvares Faustina cious buildings where they will affected ran The services of two handicappers are he gite something belonging being requisitioned; and, from all we have saarelle, Eurque La ld, Frans continue to expose for sale their about the negro houses, as if de to the enemy, mixes it with the been able to gather, intensely interesting cisco Pique, Davel Quiros, Jose far famed delicacies and patent ranged, and even to the fields, blood of a forel, a few feathers, developments are likely to follow Alveres, Ma aris Segis(uue, medicines stoppiug the people from their some grava dirt, perhaps also a Aroue KJ. Bouchon Iu aduitiou to their already work, and calling them to prayers, buman bone. These lie throws braking into houses to dig out into the yard of the man to be inNative Labour.
arge stock they burejist added Recent Collision.
the obeah, which the devil had jured.
a splendid assortment of freeb or buries in front of set in them, and fighting in the the mau house, goods. They have made their or langs REPORT SENT TO GOVERNOR.
London. Th se of the White Sta, assortment of perfumery a specialDame of God all who were snp upon a tree. In any case the Sceamship Company against the Admiraltyr ty and they are prepared to posed to be guilty of the infernal thing is done. Lhat the Messrs. Puorly, Prytector of in CC for damages growing out art, Observe that these Myal. man attention may o dawu Einigrants and Istics, Secretary of of tie ramming of the mighter Oympic please the most fastidious.
ists we at about the servants of to it, and then terror is left to do the Malaria Comission, who were appoint b, te cruiser Hawke are made has The new plais imniediately ed by the Governor to enquire into the u fixed for trial on November 10, opposite thuir old stond God and the enemies of the devil.
its work. There are mor to day, present system of native labour in Jamaica The African terms and many of however, many casus of obeaning bave forwarded their report to His Excel LA GEISHA ready disappeared. The people sons. Apart from the fact that comments are made of the existing state of were now nomioally Christians, obeabmen are rigorously hunted the labour market nere; but the gentlemen.
rites mixed up cn Christian ice, the vast majority of the peas.
and were no performing African down and prosecuted by the pol have merely remurded the facts toey have ceremonies.
a are tonvinced that it is wrong bou the best assorted Bar Room in San José. Specialty in English and Then came 1842 with its wild an sinful to endeavour to tujare Smoke «La Nacional» cigarettes orgie of Mjal sm. The ministers a fellow creature by aceuit meaus The best, the cheapest in the oven were staggered by it. Membors while poisoning is not a thiug ery American drinks Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica Ycurs, the him


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